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1、短文改错,Error Correction,Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Learn from mistakes.,短文改错的纠正格式和考查方式,Unnecessary word,1. I can go to home now.2. I like playing piano.3. I am fond at English.,Missing word,Wrong word,the,of,注意: 每句中最多两处错误。 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词, 正确使用修改符号。 多词、缺词、错词比例通常为: 1 : 1 : 8,动词形,名词数;还要注意形和副;代词格,细

2、领悟;介词短语须关注;习惯用法要记住;冠词连词常光顾。,短文改错内功心法之移花接木,请先念一遍“咒语”吧!,细心观察,找出规律,学会应用,.Up to now, he has become a member of our family and everyone had enjoyed his company.Looked at the cute, happy dog today, I.,has,.so yesterday my mother didnt feel well and I took her to the hospital. The doctor suggest that .,Loo

3、king,suggested,动词形,动词的时态错误,动词的时态错误,非谓语动词错误,一、动词形,1. 动词的时态和语态错误,Yesterday I go to see a film.,went,The thief was catch by a policeman.,caught,Mydreamschoollooklikeabiggarden.,looks,2. 主谓不一致的错误,非谓语动词,doingdoneto do,3.非谓语动词 错误,主动、正在进行被动、已完成目的、将来,IreallywantsharewithyousomeoftheproblemsIhavebeenexperien

4、cing.,to,Swim is good for our health.,Swimming,Afterthinkforsometime,Ilethercopymyanswers.,thinking,I was really disappointing at the result of the game.,disappointed,人感到的令人的,adj.,-ed-ing,practice,1.She was scared and begin to cry.2.I am looking forward to see you soon.3.I found the game excited.4.D

5、o sports is good for our health.5.He went home with all the work finish.,began,seeing,exciting,Doing,finished,6.Water pollution often bring on disease.7.So far, he has make a living by fishing.,brings,made,动词形的小结,1.动词的时态和语态错误,2.主谓不一致的错误,3.非谓语动词错误,I have to look after her in the hospital for a few da

6、y.,days,名词单、复数形式的用法错误。,二、名词数,指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。,二、名词数,Imadethreenewfriendhere.,friends,I need some more informations.,information,常考的不可数名词有:information, advice, knowledge, progress(进步), furniture, news, fun, experience(经验), equipment, luggage, baggage,1.Dont lose hearts, youll be successful one day.2.I

7、 need some more informations. 3.These machines look the same,but they are of different kind.,exercises,heart,information,kinds,【名词数】小结:,注意名词的单、复数是否正确,.After the bath he looked energy and refreshed.,Dear Jack, I am terrible sorry that I wont be able to go to your birthday party this Saturday afternoo

8、n.,energetic,terribly,还要注意形和副:词性转换,Air pollutionhasalreadybecomeaveryseriouslyproblem.,serious,DadandIwereextremeworried.,extremely,三、还要注意形和副,1. 形容词和副词的误用。,2. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的混用或误用。,Tom is tallest than John.,taller,adj.的用法:,作定语(修饰名词), 作表语(放在be动词、感官动词、连系动词等后), 或者做宾补,adv.的用法:,作状语(修饰v./ adj./adv./整个句子),

9、1.Theteachersarekindandhelpfully.2.It is still hardly for me to write in English. 3.He asked angry who had broken the bottle.,helpful,Practice,hard,angrily,4.The patient is recovering fast than expected.,faster,5.Unfortunate, all the people on the car were hurt.,Unfortunately,6.He found it hardly to

10、 study Chinese well.,hard,【还要注意形和副】小结,注意形容词和副词在句子中充当的成分或者修饰的成分,注意词性转换及其比较级、最高级的转化。,I offered him a shelter but he has brought ourselves great happiness.,us,观察,代词格,细领悟,四、 代词格,细领悟,1.人称代词,物主代词,反身代词oneself的使用 (指代的人或事物前后不一致的错误)。2.人称代词的主格和宾格。3.it作形式主语、形式宾语或指代时有缺漏。 4.不定代词both, all, either, neither,none等的使用

11、。,1. Wemustfindwaystoprotectyourenvironment.,our,/the,2. Fiveminuteslater, Tonysawhim parents.,his,3. He found difficult to learn math well.,it,4.Knowing is one thing; doing is other.5.I also enjoyed the days when we spent together. 6.He drove too fast, and the police stopped her and handed him a ti

12、cket.,another,that/which,him,Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy.,with,What a lovely dog! When my parents got home, I asked whether I could keep the dog. To my surprised and joy, they agreed. .,surprise,Two examples:,介词短语须关注,习惯用法要记住。,五、介词短语须关注,习惯用法要记住。,主要考查固定短语,固定介词的搭配。,eg:Unfortunate

13、ly,onthedevelopmentofindustry,theenvironmenthasbeenpolluted.,with,1. Today,Iamgoingtotalkwithwhat youshoulddowhenafirealarmgoesoff.,about,2. He visited his grandfather on last Sunday.,3. Ifwecouldshowconcerntoothersonneed, theworldwouldbeabetterplacetolivein.,in,1. What a lovely dog! When my parents

14、 got home, I asked that I could keep the dog.,if/whether,2. I wont be able to go to your birthday party , so yesterday my mother didnt feel well and I took her to the hospital.,because,连词的用法,3. The doctor suggested that she should have a operation immediately .I have to look after her in the hospita

15、l for a few day.,an,4. Up to now, he has become member of our family and everyone had enjoyed his company.,a,冠词的用法,六、冠词连词常光顾,English is important language in communication.,an,Theteacherwasangrybecausewehada sameanswersinthetest.,the,1. 冠词a, an和the的用法错误。,2. 连词but, and, or, so和although的逻辑性用法错误。,There

16、theairiscleanorthemountainsaregreen.,and,I like the coat so I cant afford it.,but,This is my cousin Tom, that is a doctor.,who,Yesterday we discussed when we can do to keep fit.,what,3. 状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句(主从、 宾从、表从、同位语从句)引导词的使用。,practice,1.Soonthefirefighterscameandputoutafire. 2.English is the widely

17、used language in the world.3. Wewerewarnednottocheatagainsoshewould needtoseeourparents. 4. Though I tried hard, but I failed.,the,a,or,动词形,名词数;还要注意形和副;代词格,细领悟;介词短语须关注;习惯用法要记住;冠词连词常光顾。,改错口诀,一起背一遍“咒语”吧!,1.通读全文,掌握大意。2.细读理解,逐句分析。3.复读全文,验证答案。,四不改原则,1.单词拼写不改 2.大小写不改 3.词序不改 4.标点符号不改,做题步骤,Yesterdaywehadach

18、emistrytest.Ifoundthetestdifficulty,butItriedhardlytodoit.SuddenlyMary,mybestfriend,askingmetolethertocopymyanswers.Afterthink forsometime,Ilethercopymyanswers.Butafterthetest,allofuswerecalledto theteachersoffice.,课后实战演练,difficult,hard,asked,thinking,both,Theteacherwasangrybecausewehadsameanswersinthetests.Wewerewarnednottocheatagainsoshewouldneedtoseeourparents.Iwasveryupset.Ididntcheat.Iwasjusthelpingafriend.Whydoesshepunishme?,the,test,or,did,Practice makes perfect.,Homework,1. Review the content learned today.2. Review the error correction exercise .,


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