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1、专业英语翻译技巧,Translation techniques of English for Special Purpose,科技英语翻译的基本技巧,1)词义引申,2)词量增减,3)词类转换,5)成分转换,6)成分分译,4)重复译法,7)被动语态的译法,8)长句翻译,注意:每个句子都应正确划分结构。,翻译技巧(一) 词义引申,词义引申是指改变原文字面意义的翻译方法。词义引申时,往往可以从词义转译、词义具体化、词义抽象化和词的搭配四个方面来考虑。,词义转译,词义具体化,词义抽象化,词的搭配,1. 词义转译 翻译时,遇到一些无法直译或不宜直译的词或词组,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引伸转译。,翻译技巧

2、(一) 词义引申,Solar energy seems to offer more hope than any other source of energy.,Like any precision machine, the lathe requires careful treatment.,2. 词义具体化 翻译时,根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼统的词引伸为词义较具体的词。以动词 cut(切割)为例:,A single-point cutting tool is to cut threads on engine lathes.,Hard metals can be easily cu

3、t with grinding wheels。,The milling machine is often employed to cut spur and helical gears。,翻译技巧(一) 词义引申,The purpose of a driller is to cut holes .,3. 词义抽象化 把原文中词义较具体的词引申为词义较抽象词,或把词义较形象的词引申为词义较一般的词。,翻译技巧(一) 词义引申,Steel and cast iron also differ in carbon。,High-speed grinding does not know this disad

4、vantage。,The design of the machine has been improved to answer the challenge of heavy duty climb milling(强力顺铣 )。,4. 词的搭配 遇到动词、形容词与名词搭配时,应根据汉语的搭配习惯,而不应受原文字面意义的束缚。 Draftsmen make an assembly drawing for the completed product and a detailed drawing for each part。 To be able to read machine drawing,ther

5、e are a few common terms and symbols with which you should be familiar。 Gear pumps may be classified into two broad categories,external and internal.,翻译技巧(一) 词义引申,翻译技巧(二) 词量增减,词量增加,词量减少,一、词量增加,在抽象名词后增加名词,翻译技巧(二) 词量增减,2. 在形容词前名词,3. 增加起语气连贯作用的词,4. 增加概括词,一、词量减少,1 .省略冠词,翻译技巧(二) 词量增减,2.省略代词,3.省略介词,一、词量减少

6、(续),翻译技巧(二) 词量增减,4.省略连接词,5.省略动词,6.省略名词,翻译技巧(三) 词类转换,翻译时可以适当地改变一下原文某些词的词类,以适应汉语的表达习惯,或达到一定的修饰目的。这种改变原文词类的译法叫做词类转换。,译成动词,译成名词,译成形容词,翻译技巧(三) 词类转换,1. 名词译成动词 Were there no friction,transmission of motion would be impossible.,3. 介词译成动词 As soon as the supply reverses,the voltage across the thyristor will b

7、ecome positive, turning it on.,2 形容词译成动词 When metals are cut, the shining surface is visible, but it turns grey almost immediately.,一、 译成汉语动词,1. 动词译成名词 Grinding is characterized by the rotating abrasive wheel which is employed as the cuttingtool.2. 形容词译成名词 The cutting tool must be strong, tough, har

8、d, and wear resistant. 3. 副词译成名词 Low cycle fatigue properties are affected adversely by abusive grinding.,翻译技巧(三) 词类转换,二、译成汉语名词,三、译成汉语形容词,名词译成形容词 The electrical conductivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials.,2. 副词译成形容词 The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its acc

9、urate and rapid computations.,翻译技巧(三) 词类转换,翻译技巧(四) 重复译法,重复译法是指翻译时重复原文中某些词,使译文表达明确具体。这是因为有些词在英语中是不必重复的,但在汉语中却必须重复,否则就会造成文理不通或逻辑混乱。,重复省略的部分,重复共同部分,重复共同修饰的名词,重复共同的动词,重复共用的宾语,重复共同的定语,一、重复共同部分 1.重复共同修饰的名词 The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic,heating, and chemical effects.,The charges o

10、f nucleus and electrons are equal so that the atom is electrically neutral.,翻译技巧(四) 重复译法,2. 重复共同的动词 Alternating current flows first in one direction and then in the other, the reversals taking place many times a second. Machining is suited to either brittle or ductile materials preferably the former

11、 .,3. 重复共用的宾语 Engineers have to analyze and solve design problems.,翻译技巧(四) 重复译法,4. 重复共同的定语 Metals are the best conductors and gases the poorest conductors of heat. The law of conservation and transformation of energy is the chief basis of engineering practice.,翻译技巧(四) 重复译法,二、重复省略的部分 Water has the pr

12、operty of dissolving sugar, sugar the property of being dissolved by water. High voltage is necessary for long transmission line while low voltage for safe use.,翻译技巧(四) 重复译法,翻译技巧(五) 成分转换,转译成宾语,转译成定语,转译成谓语,转译成主语,一、转译成主语,翻译技巧(五) 成分转换,1. 介词宾语转译成主语,(1)介词in的宾语译成主语,A motor is similar to a generator in con

13、struction.,(2)被动句的介词宾语译成主语,(a).Two factors,force and distance,are included in unit of work.,(b).Very little pressure is required in the grinding process.,2. 表语转译成主语,Of all the metals the best conductors are silver,gold and copper.,3. 状语转译成主语,(a).In our workshop the new technological process of produ

14、ction finds application.,(b).There are a great number of modernized machine building plants in our country.,一、转译成主语(续),翻译技巧(五) 成分转换,二、转译成谓语 1. 主语转译成谓语The statement of the conservation and transformation of energy is as follows.2. 表语转译成谓语We are on the supposition that nothing in the world moves faste

15、r than light.3. 定语转译成谓语Much strenuous study of liquid hydrogen as a marine fuel is needed before a determination of its value can be made.,翻译技巧(四) 成分转换,三、转译成定语主语转译成定语,(1).当形容词译成名词,并移作主语时,原来的主语通常都需要译成定语。,Medium carbon steel is much stronger than low carbon steel.,(2)当动词译成名词,并移作主语时,原来的主语一般需要译成定语。,The

16、vertical spindle drilling machine is characterized by a single vertical spindle rotating in a fixed position.,翻译技巧(五) 成分转换,四、转译成宾语1. 主语转译成宾语 The maintenance of machines must be paid attention to.2. 谓语转译成宾语 The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man.,翻译技巧(五) 成分转换,翻译技巧(六) 成分分译,所谓成分分译

17、就是改变原文句子结构的一种译法。这种译法的要领是:把原文中较长的句子成分,或不易安排的句子成分分出来另作处理,一般译成汉语短句或独立语。分译得当可以使译文层次分明,简练明确,合乎汉语规范。,一、主语分译,二、谓语分译,三、定语分译,四、状语分译,一、主语分译 1.An unusually wide feed range adapts the machine to the greatest variety of job。,2.In welding too much current will make it virtually impossible to stay the deposited me

18、tal in the right place.,翻译技巧(六) 成分分译,二、谓语分译,1.主语从句的谓语分译,(1)It is obvious that a greater force should be applied to start a motor-car than a motor-cycle。,(2)It is common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth。,2.被动句的谓语分译,(1)In industry certain mixtures of metals or alloys a

19、re said to have been considerably developed.,(2) The temperature at which the melting of a substancetakes place is known to be the melting point of thesubstance.,翻译技巧(六) 成分分译,Semiconductors are a group of materials with their conductivity lying between that of conductors and that of insulators. The

20、flexibility and versatility of numerical control have led to the development of a new type of machine tool called the machining center。,三、定语分译,翻译技巧(六) 成分分译,四、状语分译 Petroleum was formed at a later time than coal from plants and animals that lived in shallow seas.,翻译技巧(六) 成分分译,翻译技巧(七) 被动语态的译法,英语中被动语态使用

21、范围很广,凡是在不必或不愿说出或无从说出施动者以及为了便于连贯上下文或者为了强调动作的承受者等场合,往往都用被动语态。英语被动句的翻译主要有以下几种情况:,译成汉语被动句,译成汉语主动句,一、译成汉语被动句,(1)The first stage of a rocket is thrown away only minutes after the rocket takes off . (2)The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure if the temperature is held constant.,翻译技巧(七

22、) 被动语态的译法,(3)The moon, as well as the stars and the sun, is made use of by the mariner to find his latitude and longitude at sea. Only a small part of suns energy reaching the earth is used by us. (4)Many casting defects are caused by expansion properties of sand.,翻译技巧(七) 被动语态的译法,二、译成汉语主动句,1. 译成有主语的

23、主动句,(1)To explore the moons surface. Rockets were launched again and again.,(2) Casting quality is influenced by a number of factors such as the nature of metal or alloy cast, properties of mould materials used and the casting process.,翻译技巧(七) 被动语态的译法,When work is done against friction, heat is prod

24、uced. By using this new process the loss of metal was reduced to 20 percent. Care should be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and damp.,2. 译成无主语的主动句,翻译技巧(七) 被动语态的译法,翻译技巧(八) 长句的译法,英语习惯于用长的句子表达比较复杂的概念, 而汉语则不同,常常使用若干短句, 作层次分明的叙述。因此, 在进行英译汉时, 要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异, 将英语的长句分解, 翻译成汉语的短句。,1.

25、顺序法,2.逆序法,3.分句法,4.综合法,Although there is reason to hope that superconductivity may one day be found to exist in some material at room temperature, for the moment it is a phenomenon of the utterly cold.,1. 顺序法 当英语长句的内容的叙述层次与汉语基本一致时, 可以按照英语原文的顺序翻译成汉语。 Moving around the nucleus are extremely tiny partic

26、les, called electrons, which revolve around the nucleus in much the same way as the nine planets do around the sun.,翻译技巧(八) 长句的译法,2.逆序法 英语有些长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同, 甚至完全相反, 这时必须从原文后面开始翻译。,To obtain close tolerances in milling, it is important that the machine be in good mechanical condition, that the workp

27、iece be of suitable structure and composition, that the cutter be properly selected, and that feed and speed be appropriate to the particular application.,翻译技巧(八) 长句的译法,3.分句法 有时英语长句中主语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切, 翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯, 把长句的从句或短语化成句子, 分开来叙述,为了使语意连贯, 有时需要适当增加词语。,It is very important that a machine el

28、ement be made of a material that has properties suitable for the condition of service as it is for the loads and stresses to be accurately determined.,翻译技巧(八) 长句的译法,4.综合法 在翻译一个英语长句时, 并不只是单纯地使用一种翻译方法, 而是要求我们把各种方法综合使用。,Neither the direct transformation of heat into electric energy, nor the direct tran

29、sformation of mechanical friction of pressure into electric energy, can as yet be considered practical for quantity and for economical generation of electric energy for our everyday use .,翻译技巧(八) 长句的译法,科技英语翻译的基本技巧,1)词义引申,2)词量增减,3)词类转换,4)成分转换,5)成分分译,6)重复译法,7)被动语态的译法,8)长句翻译,注意:每个句子都应正确划分结构。,总结词汇,总结词汇,

30、machine /milling machine /machining centerthe vertical spindle drilling machinelathe /engine lathe/ piston enginea single-point cutting toolthread/ cut threadgear/ Gear pump / spur and helical gearscrankshaftinstrument drill/drillergrind/grinding /grinding wheel /abrasive wheel / abusive grindingcas

31、t / cast iron/ casting/ casting process/casting qualityheat-treatmen/anneal,总结词汇,fabricationnumerical control contaminationlongitudegeneratorelectric current/charge/voltagenucleus/ neutral/ electron/neutronconductor /conductivity / electrical conductivity semiconductors/superconductivity/insulatormagneticfrictionmould materialbrittle or ductile/ flexibility and versatility/ wear resistantconservationdissolving sugarloadsassembly drawing,


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