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1、专题四,出彩多样的句式:简单句、并列复合句和主从复合句,专题四出彩多样的句式:简单句、并列复合句和主从复合句,第3讲 主从复合句,第3讲 主从复合句 1命题点1 宾语从句2命题点,知识导图,知识导图,命题点1 宾语从句(必考:每年12道;单选、连词成句),中考试练,(20152020)1.(2020河北40题)My cousin will drive me to school today,but I dont know_A.what hell do B.where hell goC.when well leave D.why well go there,河北6年真题,C,命题点1 宾语从句中考

2、试练,2.(2018河北35题)Hi,Ken.Did Mrs.Zhang tell us _?Yes.She said we should meet there at nine.A.which was the way to the stationB.why we should meet at the stationC.when we should get to the stationD.who we should meet at the station,C,2.(2018河北35题)Hi,Ken.Did M,3.(2016河北40题)Im planning a trip to the beac

3、h tomorrow,but still cant decide _.A.where Im going B.how Im goingC.why Im planning D.when Im planning4.(2015河北39题)Its important for us to know _ all the subjects.Yeah,group work is my favorite.A.how to study B.when to studyC.which to study D.what to study,B,A,3.(2016河北40题)Im planning a,5.(2015河北40题

4、)Could you tell me_?Talking about festivals.A.how they are playing B.what they are doingC.where they are going D.why they are practicing6.(2019河北85题)win,I,the game,believe,theyll_.7.(2017河北85题)I,take a walk,think,after,we,supper,should_.,B,I believe theyll win the game,I think we should take a walk

5、after supper,5.(2015河北40题)Could you tell,8.Doris,do you know _?I cant remember the exact time.A.why Alice will leaveB.where Alice will goC.when Alice will arriveD.if Alice will attend the meeting,C,拓展提升,8.Doris,do you know _,9.Hi,Judy.Can you tell me _?I helped them sweep the floor.A.why you helped

6、the oldB.how you helped the oldC.why you went thereD.when you went there,B,9.Hi,Judy.Can you tell me,10.My father asked me _.I told him I really had fun.A.where I went with my friendsB.when I came back tonightC.how I played in the gameD.if I enjoyed myself at the party,D,10.My father asked me _,11.D

7、o you know _?I think Im lost.A.where the supermarket isB.when the supermarket opensC.what the supermarket isD.why the supermarket opens,A,11.Do you know _?I,12.Tom sent his grandmother a gift last week,but he didnt know _.A.whether she had enjoyed itB.where she had bought itC.why she had chosen itD.

8、how she had studied it,A,12.Tom sent his grandmother,13.Im not sure _.Its up to my friends.A.why we visited the Great WallB.why we will visit the Great WallC.when we visited the Great WallD.when we will visit the Great Wall14.Do you know _ yesterday?I want to know the reason.A.why he leaves B.why he

9、 leftC.how he leaves D.how he left,D,B,13.Im not sure _.It,15.I cant find the key to the car.I forget _.A.where I put it B.when I put itC.where I will put it D.when I will put it16.Did Alice tell you _ to the station?Ride a bike or take a bus?A.how to get B.what to get C.when to get D.where to get,A

10、,A,15.I cant find the key to t,17.We are planning to go for a picnic in the park.Lets discuss _.A.why to start B.what to start C.when to start D.which to start18.he,lie,I,to,guess,a,you,told_.,C,I guess he told a lie to you,17.We are planning to go for,19.cant,the exam,Im,pass,he,afraid_.20.returned

11、,on time,Im,book,sure,the,I_.21.parents,I,your,feelings,hurt,think,you_.22.would,you,Lisa,visit,said,come,she,to_.,Im afraid he cant pass the exam,Im sure I returned the book on time,I think you hurt your parents feelings,Lisa said she would come to visit you,19.cant,the exam,Im,pas,分析河北近6年中考真题可知,宾语

12、从句在单项选择、词语运用和连词成句中考查。在单项选择中侧重考查其引导词、语序和时态,一般都会涉及至少两个考查点:引导词语意(2020.40,2018.35,2016.40,2015.40);引导词(2018.76,2015.39)。针对单项选择,首先根据所给的四个选项判断是否考查宾语从句。若四个选项均为完整的句子或者“疑问词to do”形式,则判断其考查宾语从句;再从语境和时态两方面入手。,满分突破,分析河北近6年中考真题可知,宾语从句在单项选择、词语运用和连,宾语从句三大考点(6年7考),1.引导词(2018.76),1考向宾语从句三大考点(6年7考)1.引导词(2018.,最新人教版中考英

13、语知识点复习专题四-第3讲-主从复合句,2.语序从句中必须用陈述句语序,即“连接词主语谓语其他部分”。如:I dont know where he lives.连接词 主语 谓语,2.语序,3.时态(遵循三大原则)(1)需要性原则:主句是现在时(包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时),从句时态随句意。如:I hear Joe left for Beijing yesterday.我听说乔昨天去北京了。I hear Joe will leave for Beijing next week.我听说乔下周将去北京。,3.时态(遵循三大原则),(2)呼应性原则:主句是过去时(包括一般过去时、过去进行

14、时),从句相应地用过去的某种时态。如:Jane said she was shopping at this time yesterday.简说她昨天这个时候在购物。(3)特殊性原则:从句表示客观事实、真理或自然现象,无论主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。如:Our teacher said that light travels faster than sound.我们老师说光传播的速度比声音快。,(2)呼应性原则:主句是过去时(包括一般过去时、过去进行时),“疑问词动词不定式”结构中的疑问词,包括疑问代词what,which 和疑问副词how,when,where,why等。这些疑问词和不定

15、式一起构成了不定式短语,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等。如:I asked him when to leave for China.我问他什么时候去中国。“疑问词不定式”作宾语时可以转化为宾语从句。如:Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?Could you please tell me how I can get to the post office?你能告诉我邮局怎么走吗?人教九(全)Unit 3 P19,疑问词动词不定式(2015.39),“疑问词动词不定式”结构中的疑问词,包括疑问代词what,(20152020)

16、23.(2018河北29题)Bob,dinner is ready.Please wash your hands _ you eat.A.until B.after C.while D.before,D,命题点2 状语从句(必考:每年1道;单选、完形),中考试练,河北6年真题,24.(2017河北34题)Mom wont let Dick go out _ he promises to be back by 10:00 tonight.A.if B.when C.since D.unless,D,24.(2017河北34题)Mom wont let,25.I still remember my

17、 first teacher _ we havent seen each other for many years.A.before B.because C.since D.though26._ our parents will come to our graduating party next week,well be very happy.A.Since B.If C.Until D.Unless,D,拓展提升,B,25.I still remember my first,27.A car suddenly appeared around the corner _ the lights w

18、ere changing to red.A.after B.before C.while D.until28.Nick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.A.before B.as C.becauseD.since29._ my grandpa is over 80 years old,he still looks strong and healthy.A.Although B.Because C.Unless D.Since,C,D,A,27.A car suddenly appeared a,30.We a

19、re all proud of little Mary _ she won the first prize in the dance competition.A.unless B.until C.because D.before31.My neighbor always feels lonely _ his children moved to another city.32.We are supposed to share some housework with our parents _ we have free time.,C,after,when,30.We are all proud

20、of littl,分析河北近6年中考真题可知,状语从句会在单项选择和完形填空中与从属连词结合起来去考查。选项设置是常见的不同类的从属连词的用法辨析。考生在解答此类试题时,首先应分析语境,弄清前后句之间的逻辑关系,再根据每个选项的用法确定答案。,满分突破,分析河北近6年中考真题可知,状语从句会在单项选择和完形填空中,引导时间状语从句(6年4考),1考向引导时间状语从句(6年4考),最新人教版中考英语知识点复习专题四-第3讲-主从复合句,最新人教版中考英语知识点复习专题四-第3讲-主从复合句,引导条件状语从句(2020.44,2017.34),2考向引导条件状语从句(2020.44,2017.34


22、致问题一般有三种情况:(1)主将从现:主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。常见的使用“主将从现”的连词(组)有:表时间:when,until,till,after,before,whenever,as soon as等。表条件:if,unless,as long as等。如:You wont experience the beautiful things around you unless you keep your heart open.如果你不敞开心扉,你就不会体验到周围美丽的事物。,【注意】在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句和从句的时态一致,(2)“主祈/情从现”:若主句是祈使句或主句

23、中有情态动词时,那么从句用一般现在时表示将来。如:If you keep trying,you can make progress quickly and find a lot of fun in learning it.如果你继续尝试,你可以很快取得进步,并在学习中找到很多乐趣。(3)since引导的时间状语从句,主句一般用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时。如:My brother has learned more about teamwork since he joined the school soccer team.自从我弟弟加入学校足球队以来,他学到了更多关于团队合作的东西。,(2)“主

24、祈/情从现”:若主句是祈使句或主句中有情态动词时,,命题点3 定语从句(近6年未考查),分析河北近6年中考真题可知,河北中考近6年并未对定语从句进行考查,但初中阶段仍需了解定语从句的相关知识。,命题点3 定语从句分析河北近6年中考真题可知,河北中考近,1.定语从句的关系词及其在句中所作的成分,1.定语从句的关系词及其在句中所作的成分,例1She is a girl who/that has glasses and long hair.外研九(上)Module 11 P93(先行词a girl指人,关系词在从句中作主语,用关系代词who/that引导,此时关系代词不可省略)例2This is t

25、he gift that/which I bought for my brother as his birthday gift.(先行词the gift指物,关系词在从句中作宾语,用关系代词that/which引导,也可省略关系代词),例1She is a girl who/that has,例3He doesnt seem to be the man that he was ten years ago.(先行词the man指人,关系词在从句中作表语,用关系代词that引导)例4I like the building whose roof is white.(先行词building指物,关系

26、词在从句中作定语,用关系代词whose引导),例3He doesnt seem to be the m,2.只能用that而不用which的情况:(1)当先行词是不定代词all,little,much,none,few,something,everything,anything,nothing等时。如:As we all know,all that can be done should be done.众所周知,所有能做的都应该被做。(2)当先行词被the only,the very,the right,the last等修饰时。如:This is the right book that I

27、am looking for.这正是我要找的书。(3)当有序数词或形容词最高级修饰先行词时。如:This is the most interesting movie that I have ever seen.这是我看过最有趣的电影。,2.只能用that而不用which的情况:,(4)当先行词既有人又有物时。如:I have never heard of the people and things that you talked about just now.我从没听说过你刚才说的人和事。(5)当先行词有all,any,no等限定词时。如:All the gifts that you rece

28、ived yesterday should be put away.你昨天收到的所有礼物都应该被收起来。(6)当主句是以who或which开头的特殊疑问句时。如:Who is the woman that is standing by the wall?站在墙边的那位女士是谁?,(4)当先行词既有人又有物时。如:I have never,3.指物时,只能用关系代词which的情况:(1)关系代词放在介词之后。如:This is the place in which I grew up.这就是我长大的地方。(2)当that或those作主语时。如:Those which are on the desk are English books.桌子上的那些东西是英语书。,3.指物时,只能用关系代词which的情况:,


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