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1、搭乘飞机,Boarding an Airplane,搭乘飞机Boarding an Airplane,How to board an airplane?,How to board an airplane?,1 procedure,Book Air Ticket,1 procedureBook Air Ticket,CA Air China HU Hainan Airlines Co.,Ltd.MU China Eastern AirlinesCZ China Southern Airlines FM Shanghai Airlines SC Shandong Airlines SZ China

2、 Southwest Airlines XO Xinjiang Airlines MF Xiamen Airlines Co.,Ltd.KA Dragonair 3U Sichuan Airlines,THE AIRLINES IN CHINA,CA Air China,Arrive at the Airport Beforehand,2 procedure,Arrive at the Airport Beforeha,Passengers should arrive at the airport 90 minutes(1 hour and 30 minutes)prior to depart

3、ure for domestic flight 2 hours for international flight.,Tips,Passengers should arrive at th,3 procedure,Check-in,3 procedureCheck-in,check incheck-in counterbaggage/luggagesuitcasebaggage tag,baggage claimbaggage claim tagpieceoverweighthand-carry,Vocabulary,check inbaggage claimVocabular,Photo id

4、entification Required for all passengers boarding may be denied and ticket confiscated if passengers identification does not match the name on the ticket.Free luggage allowance 2 checked and 1 carry-on are allowed for either domestic of international flight.Maximum size and weight per checked is 158

5、cm and 20kg(length+width+height)Carry on luggage must fit under the seat or in an overhead compartment with maximum size 115cm and maximum weight 18kg.,Tips,Tips,如何用英语表达小数,分数和百分数,小数:,小数点:point,0.4/0.128/0.305;5.02/8.004/33.33,分数:,1/2,1/4,3/4,1/3,5/6,8 3/5,51/80,百分数:,百分号:percent(per cent),6%,0.58%,20

6、0%,如何用英语表达小数,分数和百分数小数:小数点:point0,Useful expressions,小姐,请问XX航班会准时到吗?Excuse me,Miss,will flight No.XXXX arrive on time?飞机晚点了。It has been delayed.飞机正点到达。It arrived on time.我会举个牌子在入口.号大门处等你。I will hold up a sign(banner牌子,横幅)and wait for you atthe Arrival Gate No.(牌子上写着什么,用read/say),Useful expressions小姐,

7、请问XX航班会准时,Useful expressions,我是.,我代表公司来接你的。My name is.,on behalf of our company,I pick you up.第一次见面打招呼。见到你很高兴。Its my pleasure to meet you.问候人家坐飞机的旅程如何(很关键)。How was your flight?我们先上车去我们的公司吧。Lets get into the car to go to our office.,Useful expressions我是.,我代表公司来,Useful expressions,你觉得大连怎么样?What do you

8、 think of Dalian?机场到我们公司的路程很长,你可以稍休息一下。Its very long distance the airport to our company,you can have a rest slightly.我们的目的地到了。Our destination arrived./Its our destination./Here we are.送某人离开。See sb.off,Useful expressions你觉得大连怎么样?,Useful expressions,passengers请问搭乘前往纽约的CA610班机是在这里办理报到手续吗?Excuse me,sho

9、uld I check in here for taking flight CA610 to New York?什么时候开始办理登机手续?When should I check in?,airline clerks是的,先生。请给我您的护照及机票。Yes,sir.May I have your passport and flight ticket,please?六点办理登记手续。The check-in time is at six.,Useful expressions passen,可以给我一个靠走道/靠窗的位置吗?Can I have an aisle seat/a window sea

10、t?请给我一个靠走道/靠窗的位置。Please give me an aisle seat/a window seat.我想要一个看风景的座位。Id like a seat with a good view.,让我帮您查一下.有了,没问题。Let me see.OK.No problem.,可以给我一个靠走道/靠窗的位置吗?让我帮您查一下.有了,,我们有四件行李要托运。We have four pieces of luggage to check in.只有一个皮箱,这两个袋子是手提行李。Just one suitcase.Ill keep two small bags as hand-bag

11、gage.我将随身带着这个袋子。Im going to carry this bag with me.,请问您有行李要托运吗?Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?,我们有四件行李要托运。请问您有行李要托运吗?,好的。没有超重吧?Of course.They are not overweight,are they?超重的行李如何计费?Whats the charge for excess baggage?请问免费行李有什么规定?Whats the luggage allowance,please?,麻烦您将它们放到磅秤上。Would you

12、 please put them on the scale?很抱歉,超重了3公斤。Im sorry.Its 3 kilograms over.头等舱允许携带30公斤免费行李,经济舱允许携带20公斤免费行李。30 kilograms free luggage allowance for first class and 20 kilograms for economy class.,好的。没有超重吧?麻烦您将它们放到磅秤上。,4 procedure,Go through The security checkpoint,4 procedureGo through,Inflammable and ex

13、plosive substances,Knife,corrosive substances.,Toxic substances,Inflammable and explosive subs,5 procedure,Boarding,5 procedureBoarding,机场常用英语单词及语句机场 airport/airfield 候机大楼 terminalbuilding 候机室 waitingroom 机场办事处 airportoffice 登机走廊 jet-way/pier 登机口号码 gatenumber 登机手续 boardingprocedure 航班号 flightnumber

14、手提行李 handbaggage 随身行李 carriedbaggage 行李传送带 carousel 航班时间表 flightschedule 飞机票 flightticket 航空票价 airfare 单程机票 one-wayticket 来回机票 roundtripticket 头等舱 firstclass 经济舱 economyclass 订票 book 退票手续费 cancellationcharge行李领取处 luggage claim;baggage claim 起飞时间 departure time延误 delayed,办理值机时常用英语对话S Good morning P G

15、ood morning.Can I check in here for CA941 to New York?S Yes,may I have your ticket and passport,please?P Here you are.S Do you have any baggage to check in?P Yes,I have 2 pieces.S Please put your two pieces of baggage on the conveyor belt one by one.P OK,Could I take this briefcase as my hand baggag

16、e?S Thats all right.What kind of seat do you prefer?P Please give me a first row,aisle seat.S Im sorry.No more aisle seats are available.Will the window seat be all right?P Thats okay.S Here are your ticket and passport,and here are your boarding pass and baggage checks.P Thank you very much.S Have

17、a nice trip.,Airport/Airplane1、Where do I board my plane?2、How long is this flight?3、Heres my ticket and seat assignment.4、May I have headphones for the in-flight movie?5、What time will the plane land?6、Stewardess,I feel sick.Wheres the bathroom?7、May I have a pillow and blanket,please?8、Do you have any magazines I can read during the flight?9、May I have a tour of the cockpit,please?10、Are you scheduled to leave on time?,Airport/Airplane,


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