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1、两脚踏中西文化,一心评宇宙文章,林语堂,林语堂的翻译观,“翻译是一门艺术”,第一个提出应把现代语言学和心理学纳入翻译研究视角,翻译的标准:,第一是忠实标准,第二是通顺标准,第三是美的标准,“忠实”的程度大致可以分为四等:直译、死译、意译、胡译。,译者以句为单位,详细体会其意义,再将其翻译成有意义的中国话。,浮生六记Six Chapters of a Floating Life-翻译赏析,浮生六记中翻译补偿,1)芸谓华夫人日:“今日真如渔父入桃源矣。”“Now I really feel like the fishman who went up to the Peach Blossom Spri

2、ng,”said Yn to Mrs.Hua.Reference to an idyllic retreat mentioned in an essay by Tao Yanming.(Lin Yutang),文外补偿(注释),即文化缺省部分在文内直译,同时以注释的方式对其进行说明。,2)清明日,先生春祭扫墓,挈余同游。On the Chingming festival,my tutor was going to visit his ancestral grave and brought me along.A festival which falls on any unfixed date s

3、omewhere round the middle part of the spring months.On this day people are accustomed to pay their visit to their ancestral tombs in the country.,3)腐不敢强,瓜可掩鼻略尝,入咽知其美;此犹无盐貌丑而德美也。I wont compel you to eat stinking bean-curd,but cucumberis really very nice,if you hold your breath while eating.You willse

4、e when you have tasted it yourself.It is like WuYien,an ugly but virtuous woman of old.(Lin Yutang),文内补偿:即文内意译,或直译与意译相结合,不借助注释。,“无盐”,无盐为中国古代相传的贤良淑德的女子,虽其容貌丑陋,4)是时风和日丽,遍地黄金,青衫红袖,越迁度陌,蝶蜂乱飞,令人不饮自醉。The sun was beautiful and the breeze was gentle.While the yellow rape flowers in the field looked like a s

5、tretch of gold,with gaily dressed young men and women passing by the ricefields and bees and butterflies flitting to and fro-a sight which could make one drunk without any liquor.(Lin Yutang),“黄金”指的是微风吹落的花瓣“青衫”:古时学子所穿之服,借指学子、书生。“红袖”:女子,女人,侍女;侍读的女子子所穿之服 例中“青衫”和“红袖”是一种转喻,5)(芸)于腰间折而缝之,外加马褂。She tucked i

6、t round the waist and put on a makua on top.(Lin Yutang)She stitched a tack around the waist and covered it with a short jacket(Shirley MD2Black),异化:即主张译文以源语或源语作者为归宿,放弃寻找异语中的对等文化,马褂是清代满人穿着的一种无袖外衣,它和西式夹克毫无相似之处,6)余虽恋其卧而德其正,因亦随之早起。Although I wanted her to lie in bed longer,I could not help admiring her

7、 virtue,and so got up myself,too,at the same time with her.(Lin Yutang)I wanted to make love to her again;to hold her in my arms a little longer;yet I had such respect for her strength of character that I made myself get out of bed,as soon as she did.(Shirley MD2Black),中国社会经历了两千多年的封建主义的约束,人们意识敏感、保守。有关性的话题长期以来被当作禁忌。“卧”是委婉语,林语堂用lie in bed 恰如其分,而布莱克的译文就过于西化了,Thank you,


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