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1、,Welcome to Situation English:Viewing,Listening&Speaking!,1,2,Final score,1.Attendance 10%2.Homework 20%(Translation,Making dialogues,etc.)3.Final exam 70%,3,At the airport,4,Have you ever traveled by air?This unit has some Modern English expressions you can use at an airport or in an airplane.你坐飞机旅

2、行过吗?这一章将给你介绍一些你能在机场或飞机上用到的现代英语。,5,At the Airport,Traveling by air can be a lot of fun.It can also be very confusing dealing with travel agents and airline personnel.If traveling to a foreign country,a traveler has to interact with customs and immigration officials.There are several common expression

3、s that are used when dealing with airlines,travel agencies and customs.Look at the examples below.,6,7,Background(背景提示)and Culture(文化差异)Flying is still considered the safest way to travel!Airport functionality and airplane protocol is basically the same all over the world,so once you know your way a

4、round them,you dont have to learn anything new when you travel.Follow the rules,and you should have no problems.,8,Background(背景提示)and Culture(文化差异)空中旅行仍然被看作是最安全的旅行方式!全世界的机场和飞机的运作几乎都是一样的,所以你一旦了解了它们,在你旅游时你便不用担心有什么新的东西你不懂了。只要遵守那些条例,你就不会有什么麻烦了。,9,Many Westerners have taken up flying as a hobby.Although

5、 getting a private pilots license can be a little expensive,people love the experience of piloting a plane,and some go on to obtain commercial licenses for their business or career.很多西方人把飞行当作是一种爱好。虽然办一个私人飞行执照比较昂贵,但人们还是喜欢那种驾驶飞机的感觉。当然也有些人申请商业飞行执照,来用于自己的生意或事业。,10,Words and phrases,flight 航班airfare飞机票价格

6、 board 登机 ticket 机票passport 护照behind/on schedule 晚/准点到达 departure飞机离开,11,Words and phrases,captain 机长cabin crew 乘务人员stewardesses 空姐stewards 男乘务员fasten your seat belt 系好安全带terminal building 机场终点大楼 landing card 入境登记卡,12,The flight,captain,cabin crew,stewardesses,乘务人员,空姐,男乘务员,stewards,pilot,13,Words an

7、d phrases,check in(为登机)办理登记手续window seat 靠窗户的座位aisle/ail/seat 靠走道的座位luggage 行李=baggageboard 登机boarding card 登机证,14,Baggage compartment,Aisle seat,Window seat,central aisle,Folding table,Reclining seat,15,Words and phrases,booking-office 飞机售票处 schedule 时刻表one-way/single ticket单程票round-trip ticket 往返票

8、overweight 超重 scale 磅秤 belt(carousel)传送带first class/economy class 头等舱/经济舱direct/non-stop flight 直航 carry-on luggage/bags 随身携带的行李check 托运 checked luggage/bags 托运行李,16,Words and phrases,land 着陆get off the plane 下飞机 baggage reclaim 行李领取处go through customs 通过海关hire/rent a car 租车,17,landing card,18,Phras

9、es list,departure board 机场显示屏flight numbers 航班号departure times 起飞时间destinations 终点check-in desk 检入台weigh your luggage 称行李pay excess baggage 支付超量行李boarding card 登机牌passport control 护照检查处,check your passport 检查护照departure lounge 候机大厅duty free 免税区;免税店take off 起飞gate number 号码门get on the plane 上飞机board

10、the plane 上飞机hand luggage 手提行李overhead locker 头顶储物柜delay 延误runway 跑道,19,Departures,Arrive at the airport,Watch the departure board,Go to the check-in desk,Check your ticket,Weight your luggage,Go to passport control,Check your passport,Go to the departure loungeand wait there,Go to gate number,Get o

11、n the plane,draw a flowsheet(流程图),20,Arrival,the plane lands,get off the plane,walk through the terminal building,go to the baggage reclaim,draw a flowsheet(流程图),collect your luggage,go through customs,get out of the terminal airport,rent a car,21,Air France 法国航空公司Emirates mirts 阿联酋航空公司 British Airw

12、ays 英国航空公司Air China 中国国际航空公司China Southern 中国南方航空公司Qatark:t Airways 卡塔尔航空公司,Some airlines航空公司,22,Get ready,1.a passport 2.a ticket3.a visa 4.the hand luggage5.the luggage,23,Go to the check-in counter办理登机手续处Check in your luggage行李/baggage,take carry-on luggage with you(Pay an excess baggage charge)G

13、et the boarding pass登机卡Go through the security checkpoint安检处Go through passport control护照检查处,24,Check-in desk,weight your luggage,25,pay excess baggage,more than 20 kilos,26,At the check-in counter,May I see your ticket and your passport,please?Would you please put all your luggage on the scale/belt

14、?Ill have to charge you for overweight.How many pieces of luggage do you want to check,sir?Would you please put on the baggage label?贴上行李标签baggage claim tag 行李领取单Can I go and claim(领取)my luggage now?Here is your ticket and your boarding pass.You may go to Gate 7 and wait there for boarding.在7号门等候登机,

15、27,check your ticket,give you a boarding card,28,check your passport,passport control,29,Go to the departure lounge laund候机室Buy presents from duty-free shops免税店,30,departure lounge,duty free,31,Departure board机场显示屏 delay/on time,32,Go to the boarding gate登机口Show your boarding pass,33,go to gate numb

16、er,get on the plane,34,hand luggage,overhead locker,35,delayed,runway,take off,36,Delay can be used as a noun and a verb.It is a common word at the airports.1 Theres a two-hour delay on our flight.(n.)2 Whats the reason for the delay?(n.)3 Why is the flight delayed?(v.)4 We were delayed at the airpo

17、rt.(v.),take off&take-offThe plane will take off in half an hour.(v.)About half an hour before take-off,you go to a gate number.(n.),delay,take off,37,Fasten your seatbeltLife-vest救生衣,landing card/arrival card/entry card入境卡,38,Arrival,land,get off the plane,39,1.Where do I board my plane?我在那儿登机?boar

18、d 在这里是“登机”的意思。在机场,人们通常在不同的入口处等候不同的航班,所以在登机之前一定要问清楚,以免登上错误的飞机。在登机前,你一般先要去check in counter 登记处去换登机牌,托运自己的行李。,40,2.How long is this flight?这趟飞行有多长时间?乘飞机外出旅行或进行商务活动时,另一个重要事项是问清楚航班飞行的时间,“How long is this flight?”这样你就可以相应地制定自己的计划,算好自己可以在飞机上休息的时间。,41,3.Heres my ticket and seat assignment.这是我的机票和座位号。在登机时,有两

19、样东西是必不可少的,一个是机票,另一个就是你在登记处领的的座位号。所以在登机的时候,你要向机场服务人员出示这两样东西。,42,4.May I have headphones for the in-flight movie?我可以要一副耳机来欣赏飞机上的电影吗?In-flight movie 是指在飞机机舱内播放的电影。在长途飞行中一般都会有,在看这些电影时旅客们都得用耳机来听电影中的对话以免打扰正在睡觉的旅客。,43,5.What time will the plane land?飞机在什么时间降落?乘飞机旅行时还有一件是需要确定的,那就是飞机降落的时间。当飞行跨越时区时,这个问题更应该弄清楚

20、。,44,6.Stewardess,I feel sick.Wheres the bathroom?小姐,我觉得很难受。洗手间在哪里?乘飞机旅行会有各种意想不到的情况发生。最糟糕的莫过于晕机了。如果发生了这种情况,你应该赶快向空姐用这句话求救。Sick 在英语中做恶心,想呕吐讲。,45,7.May I have a pillow and blanket,please?能给我一个枕头和毛毯吗?在坐飞机旅行的时候,你可能想睡觉或者想舒舒服服地仰躺一会儿,那么你最好别忘了向空姐要个枕头或者一张毯子:“May I have a pillow and blanket,please?”,46,8.May

21、I have a tour of the cockpit,please?我能参观一下驾驶舱吗?如果你对飞机的驾驶舱非常感兴趣,你可以问机务人员:“May I have a tour of the cockpit,please?”如果你语气婉转,态度温和的话,他们可能会同意你的要求。,47,9.Do you have any magazines I can read during the flight?你们机上有杂志给我看吗?在旅行过程中,你既不想看电影,也不想睡觉,那么你还有另外一种选择:“Do you have any magazines I can read during the flig

22、ht?”在飞机上它们一般都提供各式各样的报刊杂志,让旅客可以通过阅读来 kill time(打发时间)。,48,10.Are we scheduled to leave on time?飞机准时起飞吗?因为种种原因,飞机起飞时间可能会有所拖延。那么这种情况下,你就应该向机务人员询问:“Are we scheduled to leave on time?”,49,Learn it sentence by sentence,A:Good morning,madam.Can I see your ticket and your passport,please?B:Yeah.Ticket therea

23、nd passporthold onthere you gopassport.A:Thank you very much.B:Thanks.passport 1护照:a British passport,an American passport 英国/美国护照 2获得某事物的手段/保障 things that enables one to achieve something.The only passport to success is hard work.通往成功的唯一途径是努力奋斗。,50,A:Would you like a window seat or aisle seat?B:Ahe

24、rwellwindow if there is one.A:Yes,theres a window seat.B:Ahgreat.window seat 靠窗边的座位 He prefers to travel in a seat near the window.他坐飞机喜欢坐靠窗边的座位fly/go out of the window=be no longer considered;disappear 不再被考虑 消失 With the failure of the peace talks all hopes of a swift end to the war have flown out o

25、f the window.和谈失败后,迅速结束战争的希望都已化为乌有,51,A:And is that all your luggage?B:Yes,Im afraid it isIm afraid.A:One piece of hand luggage?B:Yeah,just one.luggage 行李=baggage six pieces of luggage 六件行李 clear ones luggage through customs 把行李交海关检查通过 have you any hand-luggage 你有手提的行李吗luggage van/cart 或者 baggage ca

26、r 行李车luggage check 行李票 旅客:Excuse me,are there any luggage carts around here?请问,这里有行李车吗 工作人员:Yes,there are over there.有,在那儿。,52,A:And did you pack the bag yourself?B:I did,yes!A:Great!Heres your ticket back,and your passport,and theres your boarding cardleaving Gate 15 in 25 minutes.boarding card 登机证

27、board 登机/登船 Please board the plane immediately.请立刻上飞机 Flight BA193 for Paris is now boarding,i.e.is ready for passengers to board.乘飞往巴黎的BA193班机的旅客现在可以登机.Gate 15 十五号口 The flight is now boarding at gate 16.本班机现在在十六号入口检票登机。,53,B:Sorry,Gate what?A:Gate 15.Boarding in 25 minutes.B:Fifteen.Ok.Thanks.Thank

28、s a lot.A:Ok.Bye-bye.B:ByeA:Enjoy your flight!B:Thanks!board 木板 棋盘 董事会(be)above board(esp.of a business transaction)honest and open 光明正大的 This deal is completely above board.这笔交易是完全光明正大的。across the board 所有成员,组织 或阶层;全面的 This firm needs radical changes across the board.这家公司需要全面彻底大改组。,54,A:Good mornin

29、g.Can I have your ticket,please?B:Here you are.A:Thank you.Would you like smoking or non-smoking?B:Non-smoking,please.A:Would you like a window or an aisle seat?B:An aisle seat,please.smoking/non-smoking section 吸烟区/非吸烟区 smoking-jacket 吸烟服(旧时在家中穿的)男用舒适的外衣 smoke sb/sth out 将某人某物熏出 smoke out snakes fr

30、om a hole 将蛇从洞中熏出,55,A:Do you have any baggage?B:Yes,this suitcase and this carry-on bag.A:Heres your boarding pass.Have a nice flight.B:Thank you.carry-on bag 随身携带的包suitcase 衣箱briefcase 公事包handbag 手提包(US)purse(wallet)rucksack 背包(US)backpack-以上都可以称为luggage,56,2023/1/16,57,Inquiry询问票务,A:What flights

31、n.航班 do you have from New York to London tomorrow?B:One moment,please.And Ill find out whats available a.可利用的,有空的.A:Id like to travel 1first-class.B:OK.We have a non-stop a.不停留的,直飞的 flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25.A:When should I get to the airport?B:Please be there 2by 8:45 3at the latest.,58,Inquir

32、y询问票务,Notes:1.first-class是头等舱的意思。经济舱是economic class,coach也有经济舱的意思。2.by在这个句子里表示的是“在之前”的意思,它后面接的必须是表示时间点的数字,而不能是时间段(如two months,a week等)。英语中如果要表达在某个时间段内完成某事情,前面应该接介词in,例如:Please return to Guangzhou in two weeks.请在两周内返穗。The E-mail will reach you in 2 seconds.两秒钟内你就能收到电子邮件了。3.at the latest表示的是一种时间要求的极限,

33、即“最迟不要晚于”的意思。,59,Making a reservation订票,Dan:Id like to make a reservation for two for a flight to New York City on March 3rd.Caroline:Its our 1anniversaryn.周年纪念.Gerry:Oh!Congratulations!May I have your names,please?Dan:Daniel and Caroline McLean.Gerry:I need your address and a daytime n.白天,日间 phone.

34、Dan:2205 Pine Street,San Francisco,California,98008.Our phone number is,area code电话区号 415,555-8080Caroline:Does it cost a lot more to fly first-class?,60,Making a reservation订票,Gerry:Yeah,but you can 2have all the champagne n.香槟 you want.Dan:I guess coach is OK,but my wife wants a window seat.Oh,I a

35、lmost forgotmy frequent flyer miles累计飞行里程数.Gerry:Hey,I could bump one of you up to first class.Dan:Ill take it,my wife doesnt drink.,61,Making a reservation订票,Notes:1.除了结婚周年纪念,anniversary还可以用于指某个名人的诞辰周年纪念、国家成立、集体成立的周年纪念。要表达“X周年纪念”,在anniversary前面加上一个序数词即可,比如the 25th anniversary.百年纪念可以说the 100th anniv

36、ersary,也可以说centennial.2.You can have all the.you want的意思是“你可以任意(吃、喝等)”。自助餐上,我们可以随意选择自己想要的食物,这时你可以说“You can have all the food and drink you want at a buffet dinner”。,62,Making a reservation订票,Similar Expressions 相同表达1 那是我们的结婚周年纪念日。Its our anniversary.Its the anniversary of our wedding.We are celebrat

37、ing our anniversary.This is a second honeymoon.2 请告诉我你们的名字。May I have your names,please?What are your names,please?Could I have the names of the passengers,please?,63,Making a reservation订票,3 头等舱会贵很多吗?Does it cost a lot to fly first class?Is it much more expensive to fly first-class?Is there a great

38、 difference in the price of coach and first-class tickets?Are first class tickets much more costly?4 我差点忘了。I almost forgot.It completely slipped my mind.I didnt think of it earlier.I should have thought of it sooner.(slip/5slip/(v.)溜走),64,Making a reservation订票,5 您可以升级到头等舱。I could bump you up to fir

39、st class.You could upgrade to first class.I could upgrade you to first class.,5 您可以升级到头等舱。,I could bump you up to first class.,You could upgrade to first class.,I could upgrade you to first class.(upgrade(v.)(n.)/Qp5greid/升级),65,exercise,Hello.This is United Airlines.联合航空,您好。_.我想要再确认班机。_?请说您的大名与班机号码

40、?My name is Jerry Cheng,and _ for Los Angeles.我的名字是杰瑞?陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉机的 联合航空003班机。,66,Hello.This is United Airlines.联合航空,您好。Id like to reconfirm my flight.我想要再确认班机。Whats your name and flight number?请说您的大名与班机号码?My name is Jerry Cheng,and the flight number is UA 003 for Los Angeles.我的名字是杰瑞?陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉机的 联

41、合航空003班机。,67,When is it?June 10th.行程是那一天?6月10日。_ it leaves.我想要确认班机时间没有改变。I cant find your name.Really?我找不到您的大名。真的?May I have your name again?请再告诉我一次您的大名?,68,I still cant find your name on the _ list.我仍然无法在订位名单中找到您的名字。Anyway,we have seats for new bookings on this flight.No problem.别担心,这班班机仍有空位提供新的订位者

42、。,69,When is it?June 10th.行程是那一天?6月10日。Id like to make sure of the time it leaves.我想要确认班机时间没有改变。I cant find your name.Really?我找不到您的大名。真的?May I have your name again?请再告诉我一次您的大名?I still cant find your name on the reservation list.我仍然无法在订位名单中找到您的名字。Anyway,we have seats for new bookings on this flight.N

43、o problem.别担心,这班班机仍有空位提供新的订位者。,70,_,is that right?一个经济舱座位,对吗?Now you have been booked.没问题,您已完成订位。Thanks a lot._?谢谢。你们何时开始办理登机?_.起飞前2小时。You must _.你必须在至少1小时前办理登机。,71,One economy class seat,is that right?一个经济舱座位,对吗?Now you have been booked.没问题,您已完成订位。Thanks a lot.What time do you start check-in?谢谢。你们何

44、时开始办理登机?Two hours before departure time.起飞前2小时。You must check-in at least one hour before.你必须在至少1小时前办理登机。,72,Then,please _.那么,请帮我重新订位。Sorry,this flight is full.抱歉,这班飞机已客满。What is the possibility of my getting a seat if I wait?若是我在此等候,有机位的机率有多大?When will _?下一班飞往洛杉机的班机何时起飞?_,Friday.后天,星期五。That will be

45、 fine.Whats the _?太好了。请告诉我班机号码与起飞时间?What is the fare?费用多少?,73,Then,please give me a new reservation.那么,请帮我重新订位。Sorry,this flight is full.抱歉,这班飞机已客满。What is the possibility of my getting a seat if I wait?若是我在此等候,有机位的机率有多大?When will the next flight to Los Angeles leave?下一班飞往洛杉机的班机何时起飞?The day after to

46、morrow,Friday.后天,星期五。That will be fine.Whats the flight number and departure time?太好了。请告诉我班机号码与起飞时间?What is the fare?费用多少?,74,Complete the words or phrases below using words from the box.,1 boarding 2 excess 3 check-in _ 4 flight 5 overhead 6 departure _ 7 passport 8 hand _,card,baggage,desk,number,

47、locker,lounge,control,luggage,75,What do you call these?1 The place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage.2 The card they give you with the seat number on it.3 What you have to pay if your luggage is very heavy.4 The bags you carry onto the plane with you.5 The place above yo

48、ur head where you can put these bags.6 The part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off.7 The people who look after you on the plane.8 Another verb used to say“rent”a car.,Check the vocabulary,check-in desk,boarding card,pay excess baggage,hand luggage,overhead locker,runway,cabin c

49、rew,hire,76,Complete these sentences with a suitable word.1 There was a mechanical problem,and we ended up with a two-hour_2 Several passengers had to fill in landing _3 I went through passport control and sat in the departure _4 If you have nothing to declare,you follow the green sign when you go t

50、hrough _5 A woman at the check-in desk weighed my _6 I look for our flight number on the departures _,delay,card,lounge,customs,luggage,board,77,Part Four Exercises,Translation.,商务舱的旅客请现在登机。(2)最好把这些识别标签贴在行李上。(3)能要个非吸烟区的座位吗?(4)请出示机票及您的健康证明书。(5)我想把行李直接托运到西雅图。(6)超重行李怎么收费?,All business class passengers


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