英汉对比 静态与动态课件.ppt

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1、英汉语言对比,静态与动态,英语静or动?,1.Admittance Free免票入场2.Out of Bounds游客止步3.No Admittance Except on Business 闲人免进4.Danger of Death High Voltage!高压危险!,英语-静态Stative,because the surface of the retina is sphericalbecause of the sphericity of the retinal surfacesomething is near the nucleussomething occupies a juxtan

2、uclear position,1.静态-Nominalization,名词化主要指用名词(短语)来表达原来属于动词(短语)所表达的信息,如用抽象名词来表达动作、行为、变化、状态等。医生迅速到达,并非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully;the result was that he recovered very speedily.The doctors extremely quick arrival and uncommonl

3、y careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.,2.静态-To use Agentive Nouns in place of Verbs,使用施事名词代替动词1)他能吃能睡He is a good eater and a good sleeper2)他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler.3)他失业以后,就很不合群了。Since he lost his job,hes been a loner.,4)The computer is a

4、far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings.计算机比人检查的更细心、更勤快。5)I used to be a bit of a fancier myself.过去我常常胡思乱想。,3.静态-Preparation-prominent,英语常用介词短语代替动词短语,即“以静代动”1)他们立刻出动去追击敌人。They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.2)有人给他撑腰。He has someone behind him.3)他在读书。He is at his book

5、s.4)机器正在运行。The machine is in operation5)说完这些话,她便走开了。With these words,she went away.,3.静态-Preparation-prominent,ArouseMeetDecideFinishStudyConsiderallow,give rise tomake contact witharrive at a decisionbring to a conclusionundertake a study oftake into considerationafford an opportunity to,动词/形容词/副词,

6、3.静态-Preparation-prominent,carry out experiments conduct an investigation into of a kindly nature of an unusual character beyond the shadow of a doubt due to the fact that on two separate occasions in view of the foregoing circumstances,ExperimentInvestigateKindUnusualCertainBecauseTwicetherefore,动词

7、/形容词/副词,4.静态-Verb-weaken,动词的弱化:使用动词意味最弱的to be,包括it be,there be,must be,maybe,should have been一场热带风暴袭击了佛罗里达东海岸A tropical storm lashed the east coast of Florida.There was a tropical storm off the east coast of Florida,4.静态-Verb-weaken,动词虚化:把动词转化或派生成名词,置于虚化动词(have,make,take,do)之后做其宾语,如have a look,take

8、a walk,make attempts,pay visits,do some damages,put up a proposal杰克和老板吵了一架就辞职了After he quarreled with his boss,Jack quit.After he had a quarrel with his boss,Jack quit.,5.静态-Adj&Adv.in place of Verbs,使用动词的同源形容词与弱化动词相结合的方式表达动词的意义我怀疑他是否还活着I am doubtful whether he is still alive(doubt,live)医生同情他的病人The

9、doctor felt sympathetic with his patients(sympathize),5.静态-Adj&Adv.in place of Verbs,用副词来表达动词的意义恐怕布朗先生出去了,但是他很快会回来的Im afraid Mr.Brown is out,but hell be in soon他将在半小时内到家Hell be home in half an hour昨天报纸六点钟付印The newspaper was down at six yesterday破旧立新Down with the old and up with the new.,静态Stative-英语

10、,1.名词化Nominalization2.施事名词Agentive nouns in place of verbs.3.介词Preparation-Prominent4.动词弱化Verbs-weaken5.形容词与副词Ajectives and adverbs in place of verbs,动化静练习,1)走开!2)别管我!3)他吃素,不吃荤4)她们飞上了蓝天(报纸标题)5)周阿斗寻父记(文章标题)6)你老是看钟等着下课啊!,Stay away!Leave me alone!He is a vegetarianWomen Pilots in ChinaA Reunion of Fath

11、er and SonOh!Youre a clock-watcher!,汉语-静or动?,他到了火车站发现火车已经开走了打得赢就打,打不赢就走,不怕没办法理论联系实际是我们党的优良传统鲁迅主张打落水狗讨论的问题很重要一定要批判地继承我国的文学艺术遗产小溪旁那些女人们听得笑起来了,连动连动主语宾语定语状语补语,Dynamic-Chinese,1.动词连用是汉语常见现象:连动式、兼语式、把字式、被动式1)He thought his way out of the dilemma.他想办法摆脱了困境(连动式)2)We asked her to sing我们请他唱歌(兼语式)3)Go to the c

12、lassroom and call him back你去教室把他叫回来(把字式)4)I was called to the office by the teacher to make a self-criticism我被老师叫到办公室去做检讨(被字式),Dynamic-Chinese,2.动词(词组)可充当汉语句子的各种成分Hes come to borrow books他来借书了(助动词)Sunflowers turn towards the sun葵花朵朵向太阳(介词)to wage a battle against nature向自然开战(介词)People are coming and

13、 going人们来来往往(介词)He went in an eastward direction他往东走去(介词),Dynamic-Chinese,3.汉语动词常常重复或重叠1)I waited with growing impatience to get on my way,not for one minute but for quite a considerable time.我等着要上路,越等越不耐烦,哪里是等一会儿,一等就是老半天。,Dynamic-Chinese,2)You will have enough to eat and enough to wear.要吃有吃,要穿有穿。3)

14、Some come,and others leave.来的来,去的去。4)Acquistion of knowledge entails learning and seeking for explanation学问,学问,要学要问,边学边问,才有学问。,Dynamic-汉语,1.动词连用是汉语常见现象2.动词(词组)可充当汉语句子的各种成分3.汉语动词常常重复或重叠,静化动练习,1.Party officials worked long hour on meagre food,in old caves,by dim lamps.党的干部吃着粗茶淡饭,住着寒冷的窑洞,点着昏暗的油灯,长时间地工作。2.What film will be on this evening?今晚放映什么影片?3.He walked around the house with a gun.他拿着枪,绕着屋子走。4.A study of that letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it.研究一下那封信,就使我们毫不怀疑该信是别有用心的。5.The very first sight of her made him fall in love with her.他对她一见钟情。,


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