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1、Module 2,外研版2020七年级英语上册优质课件,Unit1 Unit3,Unit1,目 录,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Unit 2,Unit 3,外研七年级上册,Unit 1 Is this your mum?,Module 2 My family,Enjoy a song,Listening and vocabulary,Look at the picture.Talk about Tony s family.,1,aunt brother cousin daughter family father grandfather grandmother g

2、randparent mother parent sister son uncle,Say the Chinese of the English words.,aunt brother cousin daughter family,n.姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母n.兄弟n.堂兄弟;表兄弟;堂姐妹;表姐妹n.女儿n.家;家庭,father grandfather grandmother grandparentmother,n.父亲,爸爸n.(外)祖父n.(外)祖母n.(外)祖父;(外)祖母n.母亲,妈妈,parent sister son unclemumdad,n.母亲;父亲n.姐;妹n.儿

3、子n.叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨父n.妈妈n.爸爸,grandmother,grandfather,grandmother,grandfather,father,mother,aunt,uncle,uncle,cousin,cousin,Tony,sister,This is a photo of Tonys family.This is Tonys.,1,2,3,Freetalk,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Tony,Lets say,1.Myfatherandmotheraremy _.2.Mygrandfatherandgrandmotheraremy _.3.Mypare

4、ntsparentsaremy _.4.Myfathersfatherismy _.,parents,grandparents,grandparents,grandfather,5.Myfathersmotherismy_.6.Myfathersbrotherismy_.7.Myfatherssister ismy _.8.Mymothersbrotherismy_.9.My aunts daughter is my _.,grandmother,uncle,aunt,uncle,cousin,Listen and check()in Activity 1 the people Tony me

5、ntions.,2,aunt brother cousin daughter family father grandfather grandmother grandparent mother parent sister son uncle,Daming:Isyourfamilybig,Tony?Tony:Yes,itis.Look!Thisisaphotoof my family.These are my grandparents.Thesearemytwograndfathersand my twograndmothers.My mums parents areontheleft,andmy

6、dadsparentsare,Tapescripts:,ontheright.Theseare mytwouncles andthisismyaunt.Daming:Isthisyoursister?Tony:Yes,thisis mysisteratthefront.Her namesLinda.,Listen and read.,3,Lingling:Is this your family?Tony:Yes,it is.Lingling:What a big family!Is this your sister?Tony:Yes,it is.Her name is Linda.Lingli

7、ng:Are these your grandparents?,Tony:Yes,they are.My mums parents are on the left,and my dads parents are on the right.Lingling:I see.Whos this?Tony:Thats my dad.Lingling:Is this your mum?Tony:Yes.The woman next to her is my dads sister,my aunt Liz.,Lingling:Is this her husband?Tony:No,thats her bro

8、ther,my uncle Paul.Lingling:Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul?Tony:Those are Pauls son and daughter,my cousins,Mike and Helen.,Everyday English,on the lefton the rightnext toin front of,在左边,在左侧,在右边,在右侧,在旁边,紧挨着,在的前面,on the left,on the right,next to,in front of,Watch the cartoon.,Now choos

9、e the correct answer.,1 Linda is Tonys sister/cousin.2 Liz is Tonys mother/aunt.3 Paul is Tonys dad/uncle.4 Mike is Tonys cousin/brother.,_ is a bird._ are birds.,_ is a book._ are books.,That,Those,This,These,远,近,Underline the correct words.,4,Tony has a big family.In the photo his fathers parents

10、are on the(1)left/right and his mothers parents are on the(2)left/right.Mike and Helen are Tonys cousins and theyre(3)in front of/next to Paul.Paul is Lizs(4)husband/brother.,Complete the passage.,Tony has a big family.In the photo,his fathers parents are _ and his mothers parents are _.Mike and Hel

11、en are Tonys cousins,theyre _ Paul.Paul is Lizs _.,on the right,on the left,in front of,brother,Listen and repeat.,5,Pronunciation and speaking,/h/Helen her husband/b/boy brother/p/parent Paul,Work in pairs.Show each other your family photo.Ask and answer questions about your family.,6,Is this your

12、dad?No,it isnt.Thats my uncle.,Are these your grandparents?Yes,they are./No,they arent.,Free talk,Is this your.?,Yes.it is./No,it isnt.,Are these your.?,Yes,they are./No,they arent.,Exercises,一、单项选择。,1.Whats _ on your fathers desk?Its a clock.A.these B.they C.that D.those,2.There are my parents and

13、_ are my grandparents over there.A.this B.that C.these D.those3.Look!Whats _ in the sky?It looks like a kite.A.this B.that C.those D.these,1.I have a big _.There are eight people in it.2.This is a _ of my sister.She is very beautiful.,二、用方框中所给的单词填空。,Who to Those photo family,family,photo,3._ is that

14、 boy?He is Bob.4.These are English books._ are Chinese books.5.The shop is next _ our school.,Who to Those photo family,Who,Those,to,外研七年级上册,Unit 2 These are my parents.,Module 2 My family,Review,Talk about the family members.,Its me!,_ my _.,_ my _.,_ my _.,These are,parents,This is,mother,This is,

15、father,_ my _.,_ my _.,_ my _.,These are,grandparents,This is,grandfather,This is,grandmother,_ my _.,This is,sister,Reading and vocabulary,Label the places in the pictures with the words and expressions from the box.,1,bus station hospital hotel police station school theatre,医院,公交站,剧院,学校,警察局,饭店;宾馆,

16、hospital,bus station,theatre,school,police station,hotel,Label the people in Activity 1 with the words and expression from the box.,2,actor bus driver manager nurses policeman teacher,(男)演员,公交司机,经理,护士,男警察,教师,hospital,bus station,theatre,nurses,bus driver,actor,school,police station,hotel,teacher,pol

17、iceman,manager,Lets match,jobs,work places,nurse/doctorpolicemanteachermanageractorbus driver,theatrehotelschoolhospitalbus stationpolice station,Look and say,Their job are _.They are _.,at a hospital,nurses,He is _.,a bus driver,Their job are _.They are _.,at a theatre,actors,Her job is _.She is _.

18、,at a school,a teacher,His job is _.He is _.,at a police station,a policeman,His job is _.He is _.,at a hotel,a hotel manager,Read the passage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1.,3,1.These are Bettys parents._2.These are Linglings mother and Damings mother._3.This is Tonys father._4

19、.This is Tonys mother._5.This is Damings father._6.This is Linglings father._,c,a,f,d,e,b,name is Betty King.These are my parents.Were American.My father is an actor,and my mother is the manager of a theatre.,MynameisLiDaming.Theseare myparents.WereChinese.Myfathers jobisatapolicestation.Heisapolice

20、man,and mymotherisanurse.,My name is Tony Smith and Im English.This is my mother.Shes an English teacher at a school.This is my father.Hes a hotel manager.,My name is Wang Lingling.Im Chinese.My mother is a nurse.She and Damings mother are at the same hospital.My father is a bus driver in Beijing.,T

21、rue or false,()1.Betty Kings family is from China.()2.Li Damings father is a policeman.()3.Tony Smith is American.()4.Wang Linglings father is a bus driver in Shanghai.,F,T,F,F,America,English,Beijing,Complete the table.,4,manager,theatre,policeman,police station,hospital,manager,teacher,driver,nurs

22、e,hotel,bus station,school,hospital,Writing,Look at this sentence.,5,My name is Tony Smith and Im English.,capital letter,full stop,The full stop in English is different from that in Chinese.Make notes of the differences when you find them.,Learning to learn,提示:英语句子的首字母;姓名的首字母;第一人称 I 以及国家名称的首字母都需要 大

23、写。英语中句号用实心小圆点表示。,My name is Tony Smith and Im English.,Now underline capital letters and full stops.,1 These American teachers are in China.,2 Im Betty and Im thirteen years old.,2 Im Betty and Im thirteen years old.,capital letter,full stop,capital letter,full stop,1 These American teachers are in

24、China.,3 This is a photo of Ms Li.,3 This is a photo of Ms Li.,capital letter,full stop,Answer the questions.Write sentences.,6,1 Whats your fathers name?_2 Whats your fathers job?_3 Whats your mothers name?_4 Whats your mothers job?_,My fathers name is,My fathers job is,My mothers name is,My mother

25、s job is,Free talk,Whats your _s name?Whats your _s job?,Now check capital letters and full stops.,Exercises,1._ is your fathers job?Hes a driver.A.Can B.What C.Where D.How2.These are some _ of my family.A.photoes B.photos C.photo,一、单项选择。,3.What is your brother?_.A.Hes a student B.He is at work C.My

26、 friend D.Hes my brother4.Is your mother a teacher?_.She teaches English.A.Yes,she can B.No,she cant C.Yes,she is D.No,she isnt,1.我姐姐是医院的一名护士。My sister is _ _ at the _.2.李明是一名旅馆经理。Li Ming is _ _ _.,二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。,a nurse,hospital,a hotel manager,3.格林先生是托尼的父亲。Mr Green is _ _.4.这是一张我的全家福。This is

27、 a _ of my _.5.我的父母来自英国。他们都是老师。_ _ are from England.They are both _.,teachers,My parents,photo,family,Tonys father,外研七年级上册,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 2 My family,Language practice,Is this your family?Yes,it is.Are these your grandparents?Yes,they are.,Whos this?Thats my dad.Those are Pauls son an

28、d daughter.My dads parents are on the right.,指示代词,this,these,that,those,请用this,that,these或 those 填空。,1._(这个)is my mother.2._(那个)is my dad.3._(这些是)are my parents.4._(那些是)are Pauls son and daughter.,This,That,These,Those,1.指示代词 定义:用来指示或表示人或事物的this,that,these,those这四个词称为指示代词。其中,this和that为单数指示代词,these和t

29、hose为复数指示代词。,2.用法 我们谈论离自己近的人或物时用this/these,离自己远的人或物时用that/those.,人称代词和物主代词,上面一行是人称代词的主格,在句中作主语。e.g.We are Chinese.,下面一行是形容词性物主代词,一般放在名词前作定语。e.g.That is my classroom.,名词所有格“s”的用法,1.单数名词词尾加s 如:Kates father 凯特的父亲2.以s、es结尾的复数名词只加“”,如:the twins parents 双胞胎的父母,3.两人所共同拥有的,只在最后一个名词上加s 如:Lucy and Lilys bedro

30、om 露西和莉莉的卧室4.两者分别拥有的,两个名词后都加s 如:Jims and Bills schoolbags 吉姆和比尔的书包,【拓展】表示没有生命的名词所有关系用 of 如:the map of China 中国地图 a photo of my family 我的家庭照片 to引导的所有格,如:the answer to the question 问题的答案 the key to the door 门的钥匙,Look at the pictures and talk about the families.,1,Lilys familyFather:doctorMother:nurseG

31、randfather:farm worker,Jacks familyFather:farm workerMother:teacherUncle:bus driver,Li Mings familyFather:actorMother:managerAunt:nurse,Now write sentences about them.,This is Lilys family.Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse.Her grandfather is a farm worker.,This/That is Jacks family.Hi

32、s fathers a farm worker and his mothers a teacher.His uncles a bus driver.,This/That is Li Mings family.His fathers an actor and his mothers a manager.His aunts a nurse.,Look at the picture and complete the sentences with this,that,these,or those.,2,1 _ are my sons,Tom and Alex._ is our dog.2 _ is m

33、y uncle.Hes a bus driver.,These,That,This,3 Is _ man a doctor?Yes,he is.4 Are _ girls students?Yes,they are.,that,those,Write sentences.,3,His father is a hotel manager.(Tony),Tonys father is a hotel manager.(Tony),1 Her parents are teachers.(Sarah),2 His parents are shop workers.(Wang Hui),Sarahs p

34、arents are teachers.,Wang Huis parents are shop workers.,3 His mother is a nurse.(Daming),4 Her father is a bus driver.(Lingling),Damings mother is a nurse.,Linglings father is a bus driver.,Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B.,4,he I it she they we you,A,B,her his its my your their our

35、,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,5,he her his my we our she their,Hello!My name is Amy.These are _ friends._ names are Jack,Lily and Mike.Jack is American._ father is a doctor.,my,Their,His,He is _ family doctor.Lily isnt American._ family is Chinese.Mike isnt C

36、hinese._ is English.Mikes mother is a teacher._ is our English teacher._ are herstudents.,he her his my we our she their,our,Her,He,She,We,Around the world,FamiliesIn America,many people have grandparents from different countries.For example,their parents are American and they are American,but their

37、 grandparents are from Asia,Europe,or Africa.,Module task:Writing about your family,Draw your family tree.Work in pairs.Talk about each others family.,6,Grandmother,Grandfather,Grandmother,Grandfather,Father,Mother,Aunt,Me,Free talk,A:Whats your fathers name?B:My fathers namesA:Is he?,Whats your _s

38、name?,My _s names,Is he.?,Write about your family.,7,My father is a(n).at.My mother is a(n).My brother is.and he.,MyfamilyMynameisWangDongandlm13yearsold.Thisismyfamily.MyfathersnameisWang Kuiandheisateacher.Mymothersname is Li Mei and she is a nurse.My uncle is a doctorandmyauntisanactor.Mycousins nameisWangQianandsheistenyearsold.Ourgrandparentsarefarmworkers.Weare fromBeijing.,Possibleanswer,


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