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1、Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,Situation:Youre going to hold a banquet for your client after signing the contract of the recent order.Now you should prepare a welcoming speech at the banquet;while the client,preparing a response speech.Deliver a speech for 2-3 minutes.Performance.,How many parts does a

2、 welcoming speech usually consist of?What are they?-1.A welcome-2.A brief introduction of the guests or the purpose of the visit-3.Expressing the excitement for signing of the new contract and the anticipation for the further cooperations-4.A sincere hope for a successful visit and better future-5.P

3、roposing a toast,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,The opening word,addressing to the VIP and the audience.-Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen(尊敬的嘉宾,女士们,先生们)-Mr.President,Mr.XX,Ladies and gentlemen(总裁先生,XX先生,女士们,先生们)-Dear Mr.XX and my dear colleagues(亲爱的xx先生,我亲爱的同事们),Pro

4、ject 9 Ceremonial Adress,1.A welcome-我想对从。来的。先生表示热烈的欢迎。I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr.form.-请允许我诚挚地欢迎各位来本公司。Let me cordially welcome you to our company.-对于诸位的到来我非常高兴。It is a great pleasure having you here.-请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候 Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greet

5、ings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.-我代表我所有同事,并以我个人的名义,热烈欢迎。并希望你们在广州过得愉快。On behalf of my colleagues here present and in my own name I extend my warm welcome to Mr.and wish them a happy stay in Guangzhou.,We are very happy to have Mr.Jones and his party here with us tonight.Confucius on

6、ce said,“What a joy it is to have friends coming from afar!”Mr.Jones is a new friend of ours.He and his party come from the other side of the earth,so our joy tonight is beyond expression.,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,2.A brief introduction of the guests or the purpose of the visit-琼斯先生是太平洋贸易公司的总裁,是我

7、们的新朋友。他这次来参观我们公司并和我们商谈签订一个新合同。Mr.Jones is the president of Pacific Trade Company and a new friend of ours./He has come here this time to visit our company and negotiate a contract with us.,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,3.Expressing the excitement for signing of the new contract and the anticipation fo

8、r the further cooperationsI am extraordinarily happy to have witness the signing ceremony today,because it symbolizes a type of cooperation for us.And I believe through our mutual efforts,it will bring in more investments and lead to more cooperation.,4.A sincere hope for a successful visit and bett

9、er future我们会尽一切努力使你们的访问舒适而富有成果。我相信你们此次访问一定会推动我们的商务合作并加深我们的友谊。We will do our best to make your visit a comfortable and fruitful one.I believe your visit will surely promote our business relations and our friendship.,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,除了贸易以外,你们的来访肯定会加强我们彼此之间的友谊和合作

10、。俗话说:良好的开端是成功的一半.我相信,你们的这次访问将会带来更多的交流和合作。Apart from business contracts,your visit will surely help to enhance the cooperation and friendship between us.Well begun is half done,as we said.I am sure that this visit will lead to many more in the future.,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,5.Proposing a toast-I

11、d like to invite you to join me in a toast to./-Id like to propose a toast to.I propose a toast,to the health of Mr.And Mrs.Black,to the further development of the trade relations between our two countries,and to the health of all the friends and comrades here present!,How many parts does a response

12、 speech usually consist of?What are they?-1.Expressing thanks to the host-2.The good impression for the Chinese people and the company-3.Expressing the excitement for signing of the new contract and the anticipation for the further cooperations-4.A sincere hope for a successful visit and better future-5.Proposing a toast,Project 9 Ceremonial Adress,


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