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1、杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶

2、窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im going to Scotland the next day. She sang beautifully,

3、and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. Chinese So its not like hello or thank you, that ordinary stuff. It means green onion for free. Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle - a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, who loves

4、singing Western opera, but she didnt understand any English or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dorma that she was singing in the stadium was green onion for free. So as Susan Boyle was saying that, 80

5、,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球

6、狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖来苏格兰(做TED讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是“送你葱”。为什么?这句话其实来源于中国版的“苏珊大妈”一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不

7、懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧图兰朵的最后一句便是“Song Ni Cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”图兰朵时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽。杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Gues

8、s who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖So I guess both Susan Boyle and this vegetable vendor in Shanghai belonged to otherness. They were the least expected to be successful in the business called entertainme

9、nt, yet their courage and talent brought them through. And a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams. Well, being different is not that difficult. We are all different from different perspectives. But I think being different is good, because you present a different point of v

10、iew. You may have the chance to make a difference.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬

11、苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖我想Susan Boyle和这位上海的买菜农妇的确属于人群中的少数。她们是最不可能在演艺界成功的,而她们的勇气和才华让她们成功了,这个节目和舞台给予了她们一个实现个人梦想的机会。这样看来,与众不同好像没有那么难。从不同的方面审视,我们每个人都是不同的。但是我想,与众不同是一件好事,因为你代表了不一样的观点,你拥有了做改变的机会。杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to

12、 host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖My generation has been very fortunate to witness and participate

13、in the historic transformation of China that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years. I remember that in the year of 1990, when I was graduating from college, I was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in Beijing, Great Wall Sheraton - its still there. So

14、 after being interrogated by this Japanese manager for a half an hour, he finally said, So, Miss Yang, do you have any questions to ask me? I summoned my courage and poise and said, Yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell? I didnt have a clue what a sales department was about in a

15、five-star hotel. That was the first day I set my foot in a five-star hotel.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. A

16、nd I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖我这一代中国人很幸运的目睹并且参与了中国在过去二三十年中经历的巨变。我记得1990年,当我刚大学毕业时,我申请了当时北京的第一家五星级酒店长城喜来登酒店的销售部门的工作。这家酒店现在仍在北京。当我被一位日本籍经理面试了一个半小时之后,他问到,“杨小姐,你有什么想问我的吗?”,我屏住呼吸,问道“是的,你能告诉我,具体我需要销售些什么吗?” 当时的我,对五星级酒店的销售部门没有任何概念,事实上,那是我第一次进到一家五星级酒店。杨澜

17、TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇

18、闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖Around the same time, I was going through an audition - the first ever open audition by national television in China - with another thousand college girls. The producer told us they were looking for some sweet, innocent and beautiful fresh face. So when it was my turn, I stood up and said, W

19、hy do womens personalities on television always have to be beautiful, sweet, innocent and, you know, supportive? Why cant they have their own ideas and their own voice? I thought I kind of offended them. But actually, they were impressed by my words. And so I was in the second round of competition,

20、and then the third and the fourth. After seven rounds of competition, I was the last one to survive it. So I was on a national television prime-time show. And believe it or not, that was the first show on Chinese television that allowed its hosts to speak out of their own minds without reading an ap

21、proved script. (Applause) And my weekly audience at that time was between 200 to 300 million people.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the perform

22、ing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖我当时也在参加另一场“面试”,中国国家电视台的首次公开试镜,与我一起参与选拔的还有另外1000名大学女毕业生。节目制作人说,他们希望找到一位甜美,无辜(LOL),漂亮的新鲜面孔。轮到我的时候,我问道“为什么在电视屏幕上,女性总应该表现出甜美漂亮,甚至是服从性的一面?为什么她们不能有她们自己的想法和声音?“我觉得我的问题甚至有点冒犯到了他。但实际上,他们对我的表现印象深刻。我进入

23、了第二轮选拔,第三轮,第四轮,直至最后的第七场选拔,我是唯一一个走到最后的试镜者。我从此走上了国家电视台黄金时段的荧幕。你可能不相信,但在当时,我所主持的电视节目是中国第一个,不让主持人念已经审核过的稿件的节目(掌声)。我每周需要面对两亿到三亿左右的电视观众。杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stad

24、ium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖Well after a few years, I decided to go to the U.S. and Columbia University to pursue my postgraduate studies, and then started my own media company, which was

25、unthought of during the years that I started my career. So we do a lot of things. Ive interviewed more than a thousand people in the past. And sometimes I have young people approaching me say, Lan, you changed my life, and I feel proud of that. But then we are also so fortunate to witness the transf

26、ormation of the whole country. I was in Beijings bidding for the Olympic Games. I was representing the Shanghai Expo. I saw China embracing the world and vice versa. But then sometimes Im thinking, what are todays young generation up to? How are they different, and what are the differences they are

27、going to make to shape the future of China, or at large, the world?杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I tol

28、d her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖几年以后,我决定来美国哥伦比亚大学继续深造,之后也开始运营自己的媒体公司,这也是我在职业生涯初始时所没有预料到的。我的公司做很多不同的业务,在过去这些年里,我访谈过一千多人。经常有年轻人对我说,“杨澜,你改变了我的人生”,我对此感到非常自豪。我也幸运的目睹了整个国家的转变:我参与了北京申奥和上海世博会。我看到中国在拥抱这个世界,而世界也进一步的接受中国。但有时我也在想,今天的年轻人的生活是什么样的?他们(与我们相比)有什么不同?他们将带给中国

29、,甚至整个世界的未来一些怎样的变化?杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟

30、舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖So today I want to talk about young people through the platform of social media. First of all, who are they? What do they look like? Well this is a girl called Guo Meimei - 20 years old, beautiful. She showed off her expensive bags, clothes and car on her microblog, which

31、 is the Chinese version of Twitter. And she claimed to be the general manager of Red Cross at the Chamber of Commerce. She didnt realize that she stepped on a sensitive nerve and aroused national questioning, almost a turmoil, against the credibility of Red Cross. The controversy was so heated that

32、the Red Cross had to open a press conference to clarify it, and the investigation is going on.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing gu

33、est? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖我想通过社交媒体来谈一谈中国的年轻人们。首先,他们是谁,他们是什么样子?这是一位叫郭美美的女孩儿,20岁,年轻漂亮。她在中国版的Twitter上新浪微博上,炫耀她所拥有的奢侈品,衣服,包和车。她甚至宣称她是中国红十字会的工作人员。她没有意识到她的行为触及了中国民众极为敏感的神经,这引发了一场全民大讨论,民众开始质疑红十字会的公信力。中国红十字会为了平息这场争议甚至举办了一场记者会来澄清,直

34、至今日,对于”郭美美事件“的调查仍在继续。杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动

35、绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖So far, as of today, we know that she herself made up that title - probably because she feels proud to be associated with charity. All those expensive items were given to her as gifts by her boyfriend, who used to be a board member in a subdivision of Red Cross at Cham

36、ber of Commerce. Its very complicated to explain. But anyway, the public still doesnt buy it. It is still boiling. It shows us a general mistrust of government or government-backed institutions, which lacked transparency in the past. And also it showed us the power and the impact of social media as

37、microblog.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘

38、衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖时至今日,我们所知道的事实是,她谎报了她的头衔,可能是因为她的虚荣心,希望把自己和慈善机构联系起来。所有那些奢侈品都是她的男朋友给她买的,而那位”男朋友 “的确曾经是红十字会的工作人员。这解释起来很复杂,总之,公众对他们的解释仍然不满意,这仍然是在风口浪尖的一件事。这件事体现出(中国社会)对长期不 透明的政府机关的不信任,同时也表现出社交媒体(微博)巨大的社会影响力。杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of C

39、hinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖Microblog boomed in the year of 2010, with visitors doubled and time spent on it trip

40、led. S, a major news portal, alone has more than 140 million microbloggers. On Tencent, 200 million. The most popular blogger - its not me - its a movie star, and she has more than 9.5 million followers, or fans. About 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people, under 30 years old. And becau

41、se, as you know, the traditional media is still heavily controlled by the government, social media offers an opening to let the steam out a little bit. But because you dont have many other openings, the heat coming out of this opening is sometimes very strong, active and even violent.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲T

42、he night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖微博在20

43、10年得到了爆炸性的增长,微博的访问用户增长了一倍,用户的访问时间是09年的三倍。新浪(S),一个最主要的微博平台,拥有 1.4亿的微博用户,而腾讯拥有两亿用户。(在中国)最有名的微博主不是我是一位电影明星,她拥有近九百五十万”粉丝“。接近80的微博用户是 年轻人,三十岁以下。因为传统媒体还在政府的强力控制之下,社交媒体提供了一个开放的平台进行了一些(民众观点的)分流。因为这样分流的渠道并不多,从这 个平台上爆发出的能量往往非常强烈,有时候甚至过于强烈。杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invite

44、d to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖So through microblogging, we are able to understand Chinese y

45、outh even better. So how are they different? First of all, most of them were born in the 80s and 90s, under the one-child policy. And because of selected abortion by families who favored boys to girls, now we have ended up with 30 million more young men than women. That could pose a potential danger

46、 to the society, but who knows; were in a globalized world, so they can look for girlfriends from other countries. Most of them have fairly good education. The illiteracy rate in China among this generation is under one percent. In cities, 80 percent of kids go to college. But they are facing an agi

47、ng China with a population above 65 years old coming up with seven-point-some percent this year, and about to be 15 percent by the year of 2030. And you know we have the tradition that younger generations support the elders financially, and taking care of them when theyre sick. So it means young cou

48、ples will have to support four parents who have a life expectancy of 73 years old.杨澜TED演讲杨澜TED演讲The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of Chinas Got Talent show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan B

49、oyle. And I told her, Im goi球狈印檬苫膊岩棘咐师议倦佛疟闸钓除忿蘸骏样畜桔达闹慈御淀梅菠陆蜜动绸竭氟舟各治抡弯誓糟隘衙躲噶窃脸滩欧灭堪潞投摇闲绘涩淌爹包耐挖通过微博,我们可以更好的了解到中国的年轻一代。首先,他们中的大多数都出生在八零九零年代,在独生子女的生育政策的大背景下长大。因为偏好男孩的家庭会选择性的堕胎,现在(中国)的年轻男性的数量多过年轻女性三千万,这可能带来社会的不稳定(危险),但是我们知道,在这个全球化的社会中,他们可能可以去其他国家找女朋友。大多数人都拥有良好的教育。这一代中国人中的文盲率已经低于1。在城市中,80的孩子可以上大学,但他们将要面对的是一个,有接近7的人口都是老年人的社会,这个数字在2030年会增长到15%。在这个国家,传统是让年轻人来从经济上和医疗上来支持老年人,这意味着,一对年轻的夫妻将需


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