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1、Acetic: Tasting term indicating an undesirable vinegary smell. 醋酸的:一个用来表述不愉快酸味的品尝术语。Acidic: Used to describe wines whose total acid is so high that they taste tart or sour and have a sharp edge on the palate.酸的:用于形容葡萄酒的总酸度过高以至于尝起来具有辛辣或酸腐味且在口腔中具有锋利的边角感。Acids: Essential component of all wines. Several

2、 different acids are found in grapes and wine. Grapes are one of the few fruits to contain tartaric acid, the major wine acid and the most important source of acidity in wine. Smaller amounts of malic acid, citric acid and lactic acid can also be found, as can acetic acid. See also volatile acidity.

3、 酸:所有酒中的基本成分。在葡萄和葡萄酒中能找到几种不同的酸。葡萄是少数含有酒石酸的水果的一种,(酒石酸是酒中主要的酸性物质,同时也是酒的酸度的最重要来源)。除醋酸外,还有少量的苹果酸,柠檬酸和乳酸。也可参考volatile acidity挥发性酸.Acrid: Describes a harsh or bitter taste or pungent smell that is due to excess sulfur. 辛辣的:形容一个粗糙或苦的味道又或者是由于过量的硫磺而产生的刺激性气味。Aftertaste: Sensation left in the mouth after wine

4、is swallowed. A long aftertaste is a sign of a complex, high-quality wine. See also length. 后味:咽下葡萄酒后在口腔里留下的感觉。悠长的后味是复杂、高质量葡萄酒的标志。也可参考“length长度”。Age-Worthy: Describes the small number of top wines that have sufficient flavor, acidity, alcohol and tannin to gain additional complexity with time in the

5、 bottle. Most popular wines are meant to be enjoyed shortly after release and will only diminish with age. 值得陈年的: 形容少数具有充足风味,酸度,酒精和单宁的顶尖葡萄酒可随着在瓶中的陈年时间而增加其复杂度。大多数流行葡萄酒在上市后短期内就可以饮用且随着年岁的增大而逐渐衰退。 Aggressive: Tasting term, usually indicating a wine with high or excessive acidity or tannin. Wines that ar

6、e aggressive in their youth may improve with ageing. 凌厉的:品尝术语,通常指葡萄酒含有高的或过量酸度或单宁。年轻时凌厉的葡萄酒会随着陈酿而改良。Agreeable: Pleasant character of a well-balanced wine.惬意的:一款平衡良好的葡萄酒所包含的宜人特征。Alcoholic: Used to describe a wine that has too much alcohol for its body and weight, making it unbalanced. A wine with too

7、much alcohol will taste uncharacteristically heavy or hot as a result. This quality is noticeable in aroma and aftertaste. 含酒精的:用于形容一款葡萄酒由于相对于其酒体和重量而言含有过多的酒精,而出现不平衡的状态。过量的酒精会使葡萄酒出现非典型性地沉重或热(辣)的感觉。这种性质在香味或回味中相当明显。Appearance: Refers to a wines clarity, not color. Common descriptors refer to the reflec

8、tive quality of the wine; brilliant, clear, dull or cloudy for those wines with visible suspended particulates. 外观:指葡萄酒的澄清度,而非颜色。常用于描述葡萄酒的反射性质:闪耀、清晰,那些带有明显悬浮粒子的葡萄酒通常描述为阴暗、阴沉。Apple, appley: Tasting term used to indicate the lively fruity acidity of a young white. Bruised apple taste can indicate oxid

9、ation, in reds or whites. 苹果味:品尝术语,用来指年轻白葡萄酒中含有的活泼的果酸。带腐败气味的苹果味用在红白葡萄酒中暗指氧化的意思。Aroma: Tasting term used to indicate the smells of a wine, particularly those deriving from the grape and fermentation. See also bouquet. 香气:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的气味,尤其是指从葡萄和发酵中获得的气味。也可参考“bouquet芳香”。Aromatic: Tasting term used to i

10、ndicate a wine with a positive, agreeable smell. Also, a class of grapes (e.g. the Muscat family) which are particularly fragrant. 芬芳的:品尝术语,用来指酒中具有好的,使人愉悦的气味。同时也只具有特殊香味的葡萄种类(如麝香族葡萄品种)。Astringent: Tasting term used to indicate a sharp bitterness. Usually a fault, a wine may become less astringent wit

11、h ageing. 涩(味)的:用来表示一种尖锐苦涩之感的品尝术语。葡萄酒中出现涩味通常被认为是有缺点的,经过陈年之后葡萄酒的涩感会减弱。Austere: Tasting term, usually indicating a lack of richness or sweetness. 简朴的:品尝术语,通常指葡萄酒缺少丰富度和甜味。Awkward: Describes a wine that has poor structure, is clumsy or is out of balance. 笨拙的:形容葡萄酒的结构差,显得笨拙或不均衡。Backbone: Used to denote t

12、hose wines that are full-bodied, well-structured and balanced by a desirable level of acidity. 有主干的:用于指均衡的葡萄酒中具有醇厚感,良好结构和一个宜人酸度。Backward: Used to describe a young wine that is less developed than others of its type and class from the same vintage. 后进的:用于形容同类以及相同年份的一类葡萄酒中发展较慢的年轻葡萄酒。Balance: A wine is

13、 balanced when its elements are harmonious and no single element dominates. The hard components acidity and tannin balance the soft components sweetness, fruit and alcohol. 平衡:当一款葡萄酒的所有元素和谐共处且没有单一突出的元素就是平衡的。“硬”成分-酸度和单宁-平衡“软”成分-甜度,果味和酒精。Balanced: Tasting term, used to indicate a wine in which all the

14、 elements (fruit, acidity, tannin, etc.) are in harmony. 和谐的(均衡的):品尝术语,用来指一种葡萄酒中的所有成分(果味、酸度、单宁等)处于一种和谐的状态。Bead: The tiny bubbles found in sparkling wines; a small, persistent bead is an indicator of quality. 水珠:出现在香槟酒里面的微小气泡;小而持久的水珠是质量的象征。Beery: Tasting term indicating the malty smell or taste of be

15、er, usually considered a fault in wine. 啤酒味:品尝术语,指葡萄酒中含有啤酒的麦芽味或有啤酒味,出现在葡萄酒中通常被认为是个缺点。Berry: This term has two meanings. An individual grape is called a berry by grapegrowers. It also describes the set of fruit flavors found in many wines, which includes strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry. 浆果,浆果味:该

16、术语有双重意思。一个单独的葡萄被葡萄种植者称为浆果。它同时又是描述在大多数葡萄酒里面发现的一系列水果滋味,包括草莓,木莓和蓝莓等。Big: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful wine with plenty of fruit and structure and possibly high alcohol.宽厚的:品尝术语,用来形容一款具有丰厚果味和构造,且可能酒精含量高的强健的葡萄酒。Bite: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful initial sensation of acidity or tan

17、nin, which grabs attention immediately the wine is tasted.尖刺感:品尝术语,用来形容一种由酒酸或单宁引起的强烈的最初感觉,入口就能马上感受到。Bitter: One of the four basic flavors which can be detected by the tongue. Bitterness is a fault in excess, but is normally balanced by fruit and sweetness.苦的:舌头能够发现的四种基本味道之一。苦味过重是不正常的现象,但一般能被果味和甜度所平衡

18、。Blackcurrant: Tasting term used to indicate the often pungent aroma of blackcurrant fruit and leaf, particularly in wines of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc. 黑加仑子味:品尝术语,用以形容黑加仑子和叶子的刺激性味道,在赤霞珠和长相思葡萄酒中特别明显。Blind Tasting: A tasting in which the wines are not identified; often the bottles are di

19、sguised in paper bags. The goal is to reduce tasters expectations of specific wines, offering a more objective analysis of each wine. In a single-blind tasting, the taster may know which brand or types of wine are in the flight, but not the order. In a double-blind tasting, the taster has no informa

20、tion about the wines in the flight. 盲品:一次无法辨别葡萄酒的品尝;通常酒瓶是被纸袋包好的。目的是为了减少品酒者对特定葡萄酒的预料,提供了一个对每款葡萄酒更为客观的分析。在单一盲品中,品尝者可能知道所品葡萄酒的品牌或类型,但却不知道顺序。在双重盲品中,品尝者对葡萄酒的信息一无所知。Blunt: Strong in flavor and often alcoholic, but lacking in aromatic interest and development on the palate. 生硬的:风味强烈且通常酒精明显,但却缺乏果香影响且在味觉上缺乏发

21、展。Blush: Also known as rose, this term describes a pink or salmon-colored wine made from red grapes. The wine may be dry or sweet. 粉红:同时也被称作玫瑰红,该术语描述了由红葡萄所酿成的粉红或鲜肉色,可能是干型或甜型的葡萄酒Body: Tasting term used to indicate the weight of the wine in the mouth. 酒体:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒在口中的重量。Bottle Sickness: A temporary

22、condition characterized by muted or disjointed fruit flavors. It often occurs immediately after bottling or when wines (usually fragile wines) are shaken in travel. Also called bottle shock. A few days of rest is the cure. 瓶伤:葡萄酒出现的暂时性状况如无生气或果味混乱。通常在装瓶后或者经旅行震荡(特别是脆弱的葡萄酒)后会马上出现。同时也叫做“瓶中休克”。让其休息几天后就会痊

23、愈。Brawny: Used to describe wines that are hard, intense, tannic and that have raw, woody flavors. The opposite of elegant. 强壮的:用于形容葡萄酒坚硬,强烈,单宁明鲜且具有生的,木头风味。与优雅相对。Briary: Describes young wines with an earthy or stemmy wild berry character. 似石南的:形容年轻的葡萄酒带有的泥土味或带茎的野生浆果特征。Bright: Used for fresh, ripe, ze

24、sty, lively young wines with vivid, focused flavors. 明亮的、欢快的:用于形容新鲜,成熟,有风味,活泼的年轻葡萄酒所带有的鲜明集中的滋味。Brilliant: Term applied to wines, particularly white wines, which are free of any visible suspended matter and have a sparkling clarity.闪亮的:用于描述葡萄酒尤其是白葡萄酒中没有任何肉眼可见的悬浮物质,表面闪闪发亮的澄清特征。Bouquet: Tasting term us

25、ed to indicate the smells that develop with ageing. 陈香、酒香:品尝术语,用来指随着葡萄酒的陈酿而发展出来的香味。Browning: Describes a wines color, and is a sign that a wine is mature and may be faded. A bad sign in young red (or white) wines, but less significant in older wines. Wines 20 to 30 years old may have a brownish edge

26、 yet still be enjoyable. 成褐色的:形容一款葡萄酒的颜色,并且是一款酒成熟且可能是衰退的迹象。 在年轻的红(或白)葡萄酒中这是一个不好的迹象,但在较老的葡萄酒中则显得不是那么重要。20至30年的葡萄酒可能会出现褐色色调但却仍然可以享受。Burnt: Describes wines that have an overdone, smoky, toasty or singed edge. Also used to describe overripe grapes. 燃烧味:形容葡萄酒具有过度的烟熏,烤面包或者是烧焦的尖锐味道。同时也用于形容过熟的葡萄。Buttery: Ta

27、sting term used to indicate a rich taste or smell of butter, usually in white wine. Often an indicator that the wine has undergone malolactic fermentation. 黄油般的:品尝术语,用语指黄油的香浓口感或气味,常出现在白葡萄酒中。这种味道通常暗示了这款酒曾经进行过苹果乳酸发酵。Butyric: Rancid odour of some spoiled wines.坏奶油味的:描述一些破败葡萄酒所散发出的腐臭味。 Casky taste: Tast

28、e imparted to wines during storage in new or badly kept casks, by substances extracted from the wood of the containers.橡木桶味:当葡萄酒在新橡木桶或保存不好的橡木桶中存放时,由容器木料中溶解出的物质赋予葡萄酒的味道。Cats pee: Pungent, even aggressive, aroma found particularly in some Sauvignon Blanc wines. 猫尿味:刺激性的甚至侵略性的气味,特别是出现在一些长相思葡萄酒。Cedar, c

29、edary: Tasting term used to indicate the spicy smell of cedar wood, particularly in Cabernet Sauvignon wines. 雪松味,雪松似的:品尝术语,用来指雪松木的香料味道,尤其出现在赤霞珠葡萄酒中。Chewy: Describes rich, heavy, tannic wines that are full-bodied. 耐嚼的:形容丰富,沉重,单宁明显的浓郁型葡萄酒。Cigar Box: Another descriptor for a cedary aroma. 雪茄盒味:对雪松味的另一

30、种表达。Clarity: Referring to suspended particulate matter in a wine, clarity is described in terms of the wines reflective quality; brilliant, clear, dull or hazy. A pronounced haziness may signify spoilage, while brilliant, clear or dull wines are generally sound. 澄清度:指在葡萄酒里出现的悬浮粒子物质,澄清度用在形容葡萄酒的反射性质方面

31、:闪耀,清晰,阴暗或模糊。显著的模糊状态可能意味着葡萄酒变坏了,而闪耀,清晰或阴暗的葡萄酒通常都是健康的。Clean: Fresh on the palate and free of any off-taste. Does not necessarily imply good quality. 干净的:口感新鲜且没有任何不好的味道。不一定意味着优质。Cleared: Term applied to a wine which was deposited it is suspended material and become clear.澄清过的:用于描述沉淀出其中的悬浮物质后变得澄清的葡萄酒。C

32、hocolate, chocolatey: Tasting term used to indicate a rich, warm chocolate-like aroma and taste, particularly in red wine. 巧克力味:品尝术语,用来指一种丰富的、温暖的像巧克力一样的香味和味道,尤其用于红葡萄酒中。Closed: Describes wines that are concentrated and have character, yet are shy in aroma or flavor. 封闭的:形容葡萄酒浓郁且有个性,但香气或滋味却还没开放出来。Clou

33、diness: Lack of clarity to the eye. Fine for old wines with sediment, but it can be a warning signal of protein instability, yeast spoilage or re-fermentation in the bottle in younger wines. 朦胧:看起来不够透明。对于带沉淀物的老龄葡萄酒而言无伤大雅,但是对于年轻葡萄酒而言则可能是蛋白质不稳定,酵母坏死或者瓶中再次发酵的警告信号。Cloudy: An evident lack of visual clari

34、ty. Fine for old wines with sediment, but in younger wines cloudiness can be a warning signal. 阴沉:看起来显著缺乏澄清度。对于带沉淀物的老龄葡萄酒而言无伤大雅,但在年轻的葡萄酒当中阴暗朦胧可能是一个警告信息。Cloying: Describes ultra-sweet or sugary wines that lack the balance provided by acid, alcohol, bitterness or intense flavor. 反胃的:形容超甜或甜葡萄酒缺乏由酸,酒精,苦

35、味或者强烈香料味所提供的均衡度。Coarse: Usually refers to texture, and in particular, excessive tannin or oak. Also used to describe harsh bubbles in sparkling wines. 粗糙的:通常指葡萄酒的质地,特别是指过多的单宁或橡木所产生的质感。同时也用于形容气泡酒所产生的粗糙的气泡。Complex: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with many different layers of flavours and sensati

36、ons. Complexity is one of the hallmarks of a great wine, as opposed to the one-dimensional simplicity of an easy-drinking wine. 复杂的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有很多层次的味道和感觉,复杂感是优质葡萄酒的特点之一,与入口简单朴素的易饮葡萄酒相对。Complexity: An element in all great wines and many very good ones; a combination of richness, depth, flavor intens

37、ity, focus, balance, harmony and finesse. 复杂度:所有佳酿以及许多十分好的葡萄酒里面的一个因素;结合丰富度,深度,风味强度,集中,均衡,和谐且精细。Cooked: Describes a dull, stewed flavor associated with wines adversely affected by excessive heat during shipping or storage. 煮熟的:形容一种呆滞,受热的风味,常与葡萄酒在运输或存储过程受热过度相关联。Corked, corky: Fault in wine caused by a

38、 contaminated cork. Corked wine is easier to recognise than to describe: it is woody, mouldy, stale and mouth-puckering. 带木塞味的:受污染的木塞所引起的葡萄酒中的不愉快感。酒中的软木塞味虽难以描述但很容易被辨别出来:带有木材,霉朽和陈腐的味道,且口感粗涩。Crisp: Tasting term used to describe a wine with a lively, refreshing acidity. 清脆的:品尝术语,用于描述葡萄酒具有着活跃的、提神的酸度。 De

39、canting: Process of separating a wine from any sediment that may have formed. This is essential for Vintage Port and for older reds (which naturally throw a deposit). Aeration is a by-product of decanting, though wine is most efficiently aerated (allowed to breathe) by swirling in the glass. 滗析、醒酒:一

40、个把葡萄酒从已经形成的沉淀物中分离出来的过程。这对陈年砵酒或较老的红葡萄酒尤为重要(通常都形成了沉淀物)。虽然通风是附带着滗析过程而产生的,但葡萄酒通过在酒杯中旋转能最有效地通风(可以呼吸)。Deep: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with intense color (and/or flavor). 深厚的:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒有着强烈的颜色(或风味)。Delicate: Used to describe light- to medium-weight wines with good flavors. A desirable quality i

41、n wines such as Pinot Noir or Riesling. 精雅的:用于形容具有很好风味的轻度到中等酒体的葡萄酒。这是黑品诺或雷司令葡萄酒中一种渴望得到的性质。Dense: Describes a wine that has concentrated aromas on the nose and palate. A good sign in young wines. 浓厚的:形容一款酒在嗅觉和味觉上具有浓郁的果香(芳香)味。这是好的年轻葡萄酒的标志。Depth: Describes the complexity and concentration of flavors in

42、 a wine, as in a wine with excellent or uncommon depth. Opposite of shallow. 深度:形容葡萄酒中风味的复杂度和浓郁度,如一款具有出色或非比寻常深度的葡萄酒。与“浅薄”相对。Developed: Tasting term indicating a wine with some aged character and maturity. 已发展的:品尝术语,指一款葡萄酒有着陈年的特性且成熟。Dirty: Tasting term used to indicate a wine with an unattractive sme

43、ll, often caused by hydrogen sulphide. 肮脏的:品尝术语,用于指有着不愉快的味道,通常是由硫化氢所致。Disjointed: Describes wine with components that are not well-knit, harmonious or balanced. The timing of the components may be off; upon tasting, a disjointed wine might first reveal big fruit, followed by a blast of screeching ac

44、idity and finishing off with a dose of tannins. 脱节的:形容葡萄酒的成分结合不紧密,和谐或平衡。成分可能会适时消失,在品尝的时候,一款脱节的葡萄酒可能首先展现出大量的果味,接着是一股尖锐的酸度且收尾时带到一定量的单宁。Dry: Tasting term used to indicate an absence of detectable sweetness. Many wines contain a little residual sugar, while still tasting dry. 干的:品尝术语,用来指酒中没有明显的的甜味。很多葡萄酒

45、含有少量残余糖分,但尝起来仍然是干的。Drying Out: Losing fruit (or sweetness in sweet wines) to the extent that acid, alcohol or tannin dominate the taste. At this stage the wine will not improve. 过干:葡萄酒失去果味(或者甜酒失去甜味),以致酸,酒精或单宁在味觉上过于突出。处于这一阶段的葡萄酒将无法得到改善。Dull: Term applied to wines which have a distinct colloidal haze,

46、 but which are free of visible suspended material. 暗淡的,沉滞的:葡萄酒中含有明显的胶状薄雾,但不存在肉眼可见的悬浮物质。 Dumb: Describes a phase young wines undergo when their flavors and aromas are undeveloped. A synonym of closed. 晦哑的:形容年轻葡萄酒处于滋味或芳香还没发展出来的阶段。与“封闭的”同义。Early Harvest: Denotes a wine made from early-harvested grapes,

47、 usually lower than average in alcoholic content or sweetness. 早收的:指一款由早收的葡萄所酿成的葡萄酒,在酒精含量或甜度方面通常会比一般的葡萄酒低。Earthy: Describes wines with aromas or flavors of soil or earth. In small amounts the aromas or flavors can add complexity and be positive characteristics, but become negative as the intensity i

48、ncreases. Frequently associated with Pinot Noir. 土味的:形容葡萄酒带有土壤或泥土的芳香和滋味。量少的时候能够增加葡萄酒的复杂性且是正面特征,但随着强度的增加则会变成负面的。常常与黑品诺联系在一起。Elegant: Used to describe wines of grace, balance and beauty. 优雅:用于形容葡萄酒的优雅,均衡且美好。Empty: Similar to hollow; devoid of flavor and interest. 空的:近似于“空虚的”,缺乏(全无)风味或能够吸引人的东西。Esters: The fragrant chemical compounds responsible for the aromas and flavors; found in food and wine. 酯:形成芳香和滋味的芳香化学成分;出现在食物和葡萄酒里面


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