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1、写作A节(约100words 答题纸上10行左右 15分钟左右)五种题型:Letter(近来都考书信其他了解一下结构和写法就好现场发挥) Notice Summary Memo Report1,或者,)正文(一般分三段 +写作目的 +原因或情况 +期待回信) 落款(Yours sincerely, LiMing)2 分类的经典句型:(最后三种个人认为考的可能性比较小随便看看吧)(1)道歉信 a. Please accept my sincere apology for b. I must beg your forgiveness for c. You have every right to b

2、e annoyed / irritated with d. I regret that my carelessness has caused you so much inconvenience.e. I would like to express my apologies for not being able to a. The fact is thatb. My behavior yesterday was inexcusable, and I must tell how a. I hope this situation can be amended to everyones satisfa

3、ction.b. I will as soon as (2) 求职信 a. Im writing to apply for the post of b. In answer to your advertisement in for the post of , I would like to apply for c. Ive learned from of your opening / vacancy for, and am therefore writing to apply for the post.a. Over the last X years, I b. Enclosed is tes

4、timonial from my university teacher.c. If these meet your requirement, please grant me an interview. (3) 辞职信 a. With regret, I submit this letter of resignation.b. I never imagined that I would have to leave , but due to , I have to make the decision to c. I have decided to further my education in p

5、ursuit of d. Ive decided to change the course of my current career goals and will pursue a new direction in a. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for all the support I have received over the last Xyears, and for the enjoyable experience of having worked your company.b. I hope yo

6、u will consider my request, and I apologize again for any inconveniences I might have caused. c. May I take this opportunity to wish all of you the very best for the future.d. If I may be of any assistance in the hiring process or training of my replacement, I would gladly make myselfavailable to th

7、is effort during the next four weeks. (4) 工作接受信 a. It is with great pleasure that I accept your offer to join as b. Im pleased to take your offer at the salary of annuallyc. As we agreed ,my starting date will be d. Thank you again, Mr. / Ms. X, for offering me this wonderful opportunity, and do let

8、 me know if I cando anything in advance, or if there are any aspects youd like me to prepare for. (5) 感谢信 a. I appreciate your taking the time to do b. I appreciate the time and effort you expended on c. Id like to convey my deepest admiration to you for a. As a direct result of your efforts, I have

9、 been able to that will prove invaluable to b. could not exist / happen without the generous and heartfelt support from you.c. Im most appreciative of everything you did for me.d. I would not have managed it without your help.e. You were there to meet my needs in sensitive and considerate ways. a. I

10、 hope I can return the favor someday.b. Do call me if I can ever return the favor. (6) 询问信 a. Would you please spend a few minutes answering some questions about ?b. As we particularly interested in , we should be grateful if you would kindly a. I appreciate your taking the time to answer these ques

11、tions.b. I would appreciate receiving your answer by (时间) (7) 投诉信 a. It is with great reluctance that I must inform you that b. I must complain that a. Im disappointed because the product / service b. This has put us into great inconvenience.c. Therefore, I am returning and would greatly appreciate

12、it if you could replace it. a. I would be grateful if this matter would have your immediate attention.b. With admiration for your excellent reputation, Im sure you will do everything possible to c. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until before seeking help f

13、roma consumer protection agency. (8) 祝贺信 a. Im so pleased / delighted / glad / thrilled to hear the splendid news that b. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on a. I really think you deserve the position after years of experience you have had in a. May you enjoy many more successes like this

14、one.b. May your future be as successful as you have always been. (9) 慰问信 a. It was with great dismay that I learned of b. May I express my sympathy for you in the loss of a. I hardly like to intrude upon you in your great sorrow, but I cannot resist telling you how much that b. Were looking forward

15、to your early return to (10) 申请信 a. Im a student in , expecting to graduate with a Bachelors degree this summer.b. Im writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in a. Enclosed please find a copy of records of all subjects I have completed at the university. Attached you

16、 willalso find three letters of recommendation by three of my supervisors.b. Your favorable consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated. (11) 推荐信 a. In reply to Xs request for a letter of recommendation, I have great pleasure to write this letter in his favor. b. In response to your req

17、uest for information about , I would be happy to a. I first became acquainted with X in , when b. She is always punctual and willing to take on new assignments.c. Her ability to interact with customers and resolve the complaints in a pleasant manner gave us a significantadvantage. a. We are reluctan

18、t to let him go, but we recognize that this position would be an excellent professionalopportunity for him.b. I gave her my highest recommendations, without conservation.c. Please call me if you have further questions.d. Im sure you will find him honest, intelligent, hardworking in the best sense of

19、 the words, as I found him here.1标题(必须写标题!一般为短语 e.g. Contributions Wanted Announcement)2日期(一般需要注明!标题下一行右对齐 January 15, 2011)3正文(一般写三段采用现在进行时or 将来时)4署名(个人or单位 后者的署名中实词首字母大写)P.S.经典开头句型: Your attention, please.It has been decided that is request to note that Under the auspices of , a report / lecture /

20、 seminar on will be given by on in Under the auspices of , will organize / hold a match / competition / contest between and 1标题(必须写标题!大小写规则:a.实词首字母大写,虚词小写 b.首尾两词首字母均需大写)2时态(第三人称表达一般现在时&现在完成时&一般过去时结合使用)3句型(不分段!先写啥后写啥要有逻辑顺序尽量用短句慎用长句)4重视短段落(中文原文中出现的一至二句短段落,应引起高度重视,可能是总结、过渡、转折,一般需要翻译一般无需通读全文,只需读

21、懂每段前两句和尾句即可)1 写作格式:Date:To:(All Faculty)From:(LiMing)Subject:(Faculty Meeting)2 写作特点:下面空一行开始写正文;不写称呼、正文结尾、结束语、签名。1写作格式:To: From: Date: Subject: 正文(类似memo)2写作内容:提出问题、解释&分析、结论&建议3采取信函形式 写作B节(约160-200words答题纸上20行左右45分钟左右可适当多留点时间构思作文阅读快点做)通常写成三段:一、图画或图表描述段(3句其中可适当议论一句)二、意义阐释段(5句分析图画的意义or原因or表现)三

22、、建议措施段(4句发表自己的议论或看法)下面分别分析:1 General description总体描述(人物/动物/事物+动作+环境)句型E.g. 被动 As is vividly revealed / illustrated / reflected /depicted in the cartoon / drawing / picture / photo, It is vividly described in the picture that 主动 The cartoon / drawing / picture / photo vividly reveals /illustrates / r

23、eflects / depicts 2 Details挖掘细节句型E.g. In one picture, On the contrary, In the first drawing, By contrast, The caption reads,”1Topic sentence(一句文章中心symbolic meaning)句型E.g. The symbolic meaning / implication is to show us that (意义)The purpose of the drawing is to show us that (目的)The picture illustrat

24、es / conveys the meaning that The drawing has subtly revealed / reflected a problem that (现象)The fact that indicates that 2Argument(三句论证原因or解释or例证)从五大角度考虑:Background(政、经、文、社 With , )Facts(There is no denying the fact that )Other opinions(欲扬先抑)What the picture conveys goes far beyond Instead, it carr

25、ies meaningsTo begin with, the purpose of is to show us that , yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriouslyReasons Consequences(小结Briefly speaking,)总结提出建议展望未来 好词好句积累Give an impetus to = play a pushing role = driving forces Shaping factorsFew would dispute that A faithful

26、/ loyal customerCall on the public to do Strengthen the regulations and lawsA thought-provoking phenomenon/problem Promote moral educationSpiritual nourishment makes up a growing percentage of s populationHappiness is more than pleasure without pain. Whats more worrisome is that.A prevailing trend C

27、o-existence and integrationThe things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest Though itself gives little cause for criticism, should potential for loss and disappointment. do in a proper way.Capture the hearts and minds Curb the current evil phenomenon= reverse this disturbing is the best pol

28、icy 为上策 trend Appeal to the authorities to; Cultivate the awareness of the people thatMoral = ethical道德的话题资源问题Almost incomprehensively, the man is He dose not seem to realize what a valuable he will lose whenThis picture may provoke deep thoughts on environmental issues.A healthy environment has bee

29、n essential to humankind for social and economical development, but humans seem to have forgotten this basic rule.Wrong utilization of the earth and natural resources will even result in a threat to our existence.We human beings must rethink our relations with nature and come up with effective ways

30、to preserve the environment.全球变暖The glaciers in the polar region are rapidly melting owing to global warming.Global warming leads to the rise of sea levels, so the coastal areas will be affected severely. increases the possibilities and intensity of extreme weather such as hurricanes and snowstorms.

31、Taking into account the devastating effects of global warming, we can draw the conclusion thatFacing the growing menace of global warming, we should in a large scale to turn the present situation around.Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomen

32、a lag disorder. 千里之行始于足下The beginning seems to be hard and painstaking, but it is an indispensible step. No matter what we are going to do, we start with our action.Though planning and dreaming is important, action is essential for our success.The most accomplished people in the world have always ma

33、de perseverant efforts before they succeed, as Madam Curie and Edison did as scientists, and Beethoven and Bach did as musicians.有关环境的词汇Wildlife species Promote/advocate low-carbon living.The extinction of wildlife inhabitable areasPopulation explosion extinct=vanishThe destruction of ecological bal

34、ance glaciers meltingDesertification coastal citiesDeforestation the impact of carbon dioxide 阅读A!(用时1小时每篇15分钟自己适当调整这部分最多可延长10分钟)一解题四步骤(如遇难题可以采用看一题、读一段、做一题的方式)1扫描题干,划出关键词2通读全文(重点:首段、其余各段的段首段尾、转折句 思考:中心是啥?核心概念是啥?作者态度是啥?)3仔细审题,返回原文(两大定位原则:关键词定位&自然段定位)4重叠选项,得出答案 二宏观阅读法1灵活使用三种不同的阅读方法:A. skimming略读(可

35、跳读的信息有:例子、引用、数据、实验过程、冒号后的补充说明部分)B. scanning快速扫描 C. Close reading细读2首先看清文章有几个自然段?每段之间是并列还是转折关系?3把握五种结构:A总分总:把握首末段呼应就等于确定中心B开门见山型:第一段直接亮出中心C花开两朵型:把握两个核心概念的区别和联系D问题答案型:一般来说问题是中心,阅读的目的是寻找答案E抛砖引玉型:第一段是引子,第二段亮出中心 三微观阅读法(标点符号的作用) 1.两个逗号之间是补充说明成分时,可以先不读。 2.分号表并列:语义上并列or结构上并列。3.冒号后面进一步补充说明前面的信息,冒号的前后有一个从抽象到具

36、体的过程。4.两个破折号之间是补充说明的成分,可以先不读。 5.引号:引用or反讽、讽刺 6.括号:补充说明or解释生词四具体题型1.例证题(抓出论点)标志:题干中出现example/illustrate这些词时返回原位找到该例证所在位置,80%向上20%向下搜索周围区域,寻找例证支持的观点(例子周围概括性抽象表达) 与四选项比较,得出选项中与该论点最一致的答案(错误答案设置经常是:就事论事混淆论点论据) 注意:举例的目的是支持论点,例子读不懂没关系2.主旨题(串线、摘帽)标志:The best title/ mainly about/ mainly discuss串线法:抓首段和其余各段首句

37、,把它们的意思连结成一个整体,注意总结性提示词和转折词错误答案设置特征经常是:局部信息(选项范围过宽(选项 B作者有意识反复重复的观点C首段出现疑问句时一般就是中心 D提出中心时的文字提示有:转折、总结、最重要的3.态度题(感情色彩+论述主线)一般来说作者整体态度的答案是 客观、乐观、积极向上的选项,而biased、puzzling、indifferent、detached通常不是 一般来说,含有过分强烈的或绝对化的表达通常不选,而持保留态度的比较客观的选项通常是正确答案。 要注意看清是作者的态度,而非作者引用别人的态度!4.判断题(选项聚焦)解题的关键是把四个选项聚焦到文中一两个点中做题时先

38、扫描四个选项,寻找选项中相同的词或容易定位的词5.词汇题(搜索代入)原则:A不论该词多超纲,根据上下文都能得出其含义 B不论该词多熟悉,都必须通过上下文得其特定含义 答案经常蕴藏在原文该词出现的附近,搜索时应注意:同位语、特殊标点、定语从句、前后缀6.推理题(意相近,形相远)注意:不能想太多,推太远标志:infer、suggest、imply、learn看可否通过题干或选项返回原文某一两个点进行推理先不要进行推理,若有选项和原文意思完全相同,则该选项必然正确。正确答案有以下两种类型:原文复述型(决不是照抄) 文中未直接提出但意思由推想可以得出且含义紧贴原文上网查关于环境方面的词汇!Protec

39、t the environment and conserve energy are every ones responsibility.The earth is the only home for our human beings. we all have a responsibility to take care it, not only for us, but for our offspring. Since the beginning of the industrial age, we people speed up the pace to ask for more resources

40、and energy from the earth. Just like the fossil fuels, we almost exploit them up just in about 200 years in contrast their formation is about millions of years.Fortunately, more and more people recognize the importance of protecting the earth. Measures have been taken by many governments and laws hv

41、e been made to save our home from destroying.In order to Protect Enviroment and Conserve Energy, we people can do many things. For example, we can use clean energy, such as solar power、wind power、nuclear energy、hydroelectric power to substitute traditional energyAfter so much effort made by us, I ho

42、pe that the earth,our home will be better and better. Save the Energy ResourcesAnother round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 2004, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly. As for China, it was reported that many tr

43、aditional mineral cities in northeastern China had run into predicament, with their economy collapsed and workers unemployed, only because coal had been mined out.Fossil energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, are unlike sunlight, water power and wind power which are generated consistently. T

44、heyre not practically reproductive during human history. Once consumed, theyre gone forever. If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient reproductive resources to replace them with, wed have to live in entire blackout again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. Thats

45、of course not what anyone would want to see.Due to technical limitations, people still have to utilize these resources now.As a result, we must economize them most cleverly. New techniques should be developed and applied to reduce energy cost in industry and daily life. Alternative energy should be

46、employed wherever possible. Eradicate any practice that wastes energy. Humans have overcome so many crises in history, and were sure to win this time also. Can we find a way to get out of the awkward situation? I presume it of vital importance for man to realize that he is an integral part of nature, the destruction of which means the perishing of himself. I also have confidence in modern techno


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