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1、郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,我的联系方式:B,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,雅思大作文(Task 2)questions types1 what are your opinions on this:你的意见是什么2 do you agree or disagree?你同不同意?3 discuss causes,effects and/or solutions?讨论结果,影响或者提出解决方法,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,1 what are your opinions on this:你的意见是什么The Internet has dramatically altered our lives over

2、the past few decades.Although some of these changes have been negative,the overall effect of this technology has been positive.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,1 what are your opinions on this:你的意见是什么Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular.Some feel that this is a

3、positive trend,while others do not.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,1 what are your opinions on this:你的意见是什么International tourism is now more common than ever before.Some feel that this is a positive trend,while others do not.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,2 do you agree or disagree?你同不同意?Nowadays,more and more people are migrating to

4、 other countries than ever before.In order to become integrated into society in their adopted countries,immigrants should abandon their old ways and adapt to local customs and codes of behaviour.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,2 do you agree or disagree?你同不同意?Men and women are different in terms of their characterist

5、ics and abilities.For this reason,some jobs are better done by men and others by women.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,2 do you agree or disagree?你同不同意?Trying to save endangered animals from extinction is a waste of valuable resources.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,3 discuss causes,effects and/or solutions?讨论结果,影响或者提出解决方法These days,i

6、t seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city.Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation(migration from the country to the city)and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,3 discuss causes,effects and/or solutions?讨论结果,影响

7、或者提出解决方法With divorce rates and family breakdown increasing globally,it is generally accepted that families today are not as close as they used to be.Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,3 discuss causes,effects and/or solutions?讨论结果,影响或者提出解决方法Many

8、people believe that educational standards have declined in recent times,particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy.Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it.,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,雅思大作文(Task 2)写作流程:提出观点 支持观点 反驳观点 分析原因 陈述利弊 提出建议,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,真题回放Exam Time:15-Jan-2011企业

9、雇员男女比例为1:1的利弊分析Exam Time:22-Jan-2011反社会行为的原因分析,并之处谁来承担责任,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,真题回放Exam Time:15-Jan-2011企业哪个部门负责人力资源男女比例的分配?有没有哪类企业的性别比例偏差非常大?你去星巴克或者KFC的时候,工作人员中男生比女生是否更多?银行职员呢?出租车司机呢?幼儿教师呢?,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,真题回放Exam Time:15-Jan-2011你觉得IT行业和机械制造行业的男性比例是否更大?性别比例会对群体行为产生什么影响?性别比例怎样影响群体中个体的心理和性格以及行为表现?在女生很多的时候,男生会有

10、怎样的表现?在男性很多的群体中,女性会有什么表现?如果你是公司的管理者,你会怎样关注公司员工性别比例?,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,Exam Time:22-Jan-2011反社会行为的原因分析,并之处谁来承担责任什么是反社会行为?什么是社会行为?什么是社会?(想起一个有趣的现象,在很多机构门口经常见到一个标语:”社会车辆禁止进入“)反社会行为的动机有可能是哪些?,郭瑞钢雅思强化写作讲义1,Exam Time:22-Jan-2011反社会行为的原因分析,并之处谁来承担责任反社会行为在你所在的国家和地区中国大陆是被防范还是被鼓励?为什么你周围大部分没有反社会行为?没有勇气?习惯了受气,只好忍耐 有


12、雅思强化写作讲义1,I=IntelligenceE=EnduranceL=LaboriousnessT=TactfulnessS=Success,分解句型模板-Opening,A recent newspaper article reveals thatMany people applaud/welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.Everyone wants to be,has become much more popular.The benefits of are n

13、umerous;it is especially beneficial for,分解句型模板-Opening,Nowadays,one phenomenon calls for peoples attention thatMost of us today recognize that,has been greatly serious problem.Therefore,In contemporary society,has become a serious problem in our country,and it is not extremely astonishing for us to,

14、分解句型模板-Opening,Under such circumstances,these phenomena have already aroused public concern.Nowadays,has becoming more and more popular in China.A growing number of people in China are immersed in,分解句型模板-Opening,With the reform and opening-up policy being carried out,thousands of are crowding intoIn

15、 China,more and more cases of are frequently reported in recent years.have founded their way into a wide area of every life.Obviously it is very convenient in peoples daily life.,分解句型模板-Opening,has long been a custom forHowever,these years the Chinese people have different opinions aboutEntering the

16、 21st century,is now in an age ofplays an increasingly important role and all people have to,分解句型模板-your thesis statement,To tackle these problems,would seem helpful.Deal with;cope with;solve;resolve;address;combat;tackle;handle:解决As our society has entered the information age and commercialization

17、is sweeping across the world,thus,分解句型模板-your thesis statement,It is commonly recognized that play a large role in advancement of our society.In principle,however,I side withTo seek a better way out of the present straits困境,many proposals have been put forward to solve this problem.,分解句型模板-your thes

18、is statement,Different people hold different ideas on this practice.Personally,I think there are some valid reasons in this argument.Nowadays,are thorny棘手的 issues in every major city all around the world,therefore,Nevertheless,I am thoroughly in support of above statement and will endeavor to exempl

19、ify my opinion on this matter throughout the following discussion.,分解句型模板-your thesis statement,A prevailing phenomenon nowadays is that.Which are becoming more and more assimilated 同化.,五段论反驳式开头模板,It seems certain that many people have formed an unrealistic picture of and they have been(regarding as

20、).However,the information I have collected over the past several years makes me believe that nothing is further from the truth than this opinion.,真题回放,e.g.1 Advertising is having a bigger influence on our daily lives.Some people believe the negative effects of advertising outweigh the positive effec

21、ts.Whats your opinion?,真题回放,e.g.2 Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success.Others argue that happiness depends on completely other factors.What is your own opinion?,Report 式原因及解决措施题型开头模板,As we all know,is a pressing problem confronting us in the contemporary

22、society and exerts baneful impacts on the development of the society.Thus,as far as I am concerned,it is of importance for people to find out its causes and ascertain some possible solutions to address it.,Report 式原因及解决措施题型开头模板(2),At present,never is the issue concerning juvenile delinquency failing

23、 to attract our eyes.Many educators and parents present their opinions from different angles.As I see it,there are the three following factors contributing to this risk and also,three solutions can be outlined respectively.,3 五段论完全赞同开头模板,Living in this world,we are,it seems,often fascinated by which

24、 is now penetrating every corner of the society and finding its way deep into peoples heart.If asked whether,I would say,真题回放,e.g.1 Children who are brought up in families which have not amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problem of adult life than children who are brought up by we

25、althy parents.Do you agree or disagree?,四段平衡式开头模板,As we all know,angels and devils are two poles apart,but something combines them perfectly.On the one hand,However,on the other hand,As far as I am concerned,there is an element of truth in both views.,真题回放,1 There are many problems associated with m

26、obile phones today.What are these problems and to what extent do the advantages of mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages?,真题回放,e.g.2 The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world.To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?e.g.3 Discuss the advantages an

27、d disadvantages of unisexual schools,四段论利大于弊 或者 弊大于利 开头模板,There is a heated discussion nowadays as to the issue of something.Those who conclude that,while people who hold that.Personally,I think the latter is more reasonable and rational.,真题回放,e.g.3 Some people think that the use of animal for exper

28、imentation is cruel.Other think it is good for the development of science.Discuss the two sides and give your opinion.,综合式开头模板,e.g.1 Schools are of no use in the Computer Age.Do you agree or disagree?综合式开头模板1 st sentence:陈述背景:As the pace of digital technology speeds up,computers are now widely appli

29、ed in education and winning tremendous popularity.2nd sentence:引述主题,改写主题However,there is no yet absolute agreement on the question whether schools are of no use in the Computer Age.3rd sentence:表明写作目的As I see it,although computers employed in education enjoy a host of benefits such as high speed,eas

30、y accessibility and great efficiency,schools are still of significance.,Paragraph Coherence,A paragraph is coherent when it flows smoothly in a clear direction and when all the sentences are logically arranged.There are several ways to undermine 破坏 paragraph coherence:-Using too many short,choppy 断断

31、续续 sentences.-Organizing your sentences in an illogical sequence.-Using weak transitions that fail to suit 满足 your purposes,or not using transitions at all,Bad example,Canadian software companies face several tough challenges in the new millennium 千禧年 because of brain drain 人才外流,the weak Canadian do

32、llar,and the monopoly 垄断 held by their American counterparts.However,the Canadian dollar continues its downward spiral 盘旋 even today.Brain drain is a bad thing.Our greatest resources are leaving.Microsoft is squeezing out 排挤 its competitors.In comparison,if the brain drain continues,Canadian compani

33、es will find it difficult to produce innovative 创新 software.The weak dollar will hurt us.It will help the Americans.,Good example,Canadian software companies face several tough challenges in the new millennium because of brain drain,the weak Canadian dollar,and the monopoly held by American corporat

34、ions.Brain drain is a catchy 费解的 new term for the practice of American companies enticing引诱brilliant Canadian doctors,scientists,researchers,programmers,and business people to cross over the border into the United States.The U.S.firms lure 引诱 the Canadian talent with the strong American dollar and t

35、he competitive research and business edge that many such companies have as a result of industry monopolies.Simply put 简而言之,Canadian companies are being soundly beaten because they find themselves on a playing field that is no longer level.,Transition words,To Give Examples:for example specifically f

36、or instance thus to illustrate namely,Transition words,To Give Additional InformationAlso further in additionMoreover andFurthermoreAfter thatWhats more,Transition words,To Show How Things Are Related in SpaceAbove(as above)below(as below)here there opposite,Transition words,To Show How Things Are R

37、elated in TimeAfterBeforeMeanwhilein the past later,Transition words,To Show ContrastButHoweverin contraston the other handeven sonevertheless虽然nonetheless尽管如此In spite of尽管Admittedly 诚然,Transition words,To Show ComparisonSimilarlyAlsoin the same wayLikewise同样in the same manneralternatively,Transitio

38、n words,To Show ResultsThusTherefore as a resultConsequentlyto this endFinallyTo sum it upIn conclusion,Transition words,To Show Summaryin summaryHencein conclusionFinallyall in allIn a nutshell,BODY WRITING Model,There are a variety of aspects contributing to this trend.First,For example,Second,wit

39、h the development of economy,Some people maintain that Some people maintain thatMeanwhile,as is well-known,a persons energy is limited.Thus,BODY WRITING Model,.From above,we can find that the reasons whyare as follows,the primary reason,I think,For example,.However,.Second,The third reason actually

40、is the result of,BODY WRITING Model,Serious as the problem seems,we can come up with some measures to deal with it.But in the process of opening the outside,some negative factors will inevitably occur.Therefore,The solutions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion.To create more job op

41、portunities,moreover,last but no mean the least,BODY WRITING Model,It should be paid attention to thatOn one hand,On the other hand,Therefore,it is high time thatMany people applaud it and argue that they thinkPersonally,I am in favor of the former opinion.,BODY WRITING Model,In my opinion,I think t

42、his question should be probed in depth.On one hand,the first group is not totally correct because On the other hand,the second group seemsbecause,BODY WRITING Model,A number of factors could account for/occupy the development inAmong the most convincing reasons given,one should be mentionedHowever,h

43、ave terrible side effects.Whats worse,BODY WRITING Model,On the contrary,.come up with many novel ideas countering the opinions mentioned above.The most immediate reason for it being difficult for us toSome people hold that the principle reason for these problems lies with,BODY WRITING Model,Propone

44、nts of the former view believe thatOpponents of this view argue thatHowever,everything has two sidesgives rise to a number of problems.However,the choice varies from person to person.,BODY WRITING Model,In my opinion,this serious issue is as indication ofAs different people have different understand

45、ing on the there are bound to be perennial discussions of the pros and cons,BODY WRITING Model,By way of forming my own opinion to the assigned statement,I will discuss the many virtue ofDifferent reasons can be identified as contributing to this situation.The following reasons are my view on,PRESEN

46、TING ARGUMENT,Structure:Topic sentence+analysis1+analysis2+analysis3=1+1+1,PRESENTING ARGUMENT,In the first place,the juvenile delinquency can be attributable to the rising divorce rate and family violence.It is reported that the juvenile delinquency is proportional to 成正比 the high divorce rate.In s

47、uch families,children are usually not properly taken care of and to make things worse,their psychology may probably be distorted.,PRESENTING ARGUMENT,Also,living in a family full of violence,children take it for granted 授予 that violence is the best way to resolve problems and they are likely to adop

48、t the measure of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,并以牙还牙.Thus,it is likely that such children may easily be led astray 误入歧途 and even worse,they may embark从事 on the criminal road.,PRESENTING ARGUMENT,Structure:Topic sentence+analysis1+analysis2+get back to main idea=1+2+1,PRESENTING ARGU

49、MENT,To begin with,advertisements do add spice to our daily lives.For one thing,with advertisements,we are now blessed with a great deal of the latest information,thus making it possible for us to compare and contrast the qualities of different products supplied in the market and to purchase the bes

50、t ones at reasonable prices.,PRESENTING ARGUMENT,For another,many advertisements are full of highly artistic values 艺术价值,witty 机智的 slogans and wonderful pictures.By watching them,not only can we get relaxed and entertained,but also we can get educated.Therefore,our lives will be made more colourful,


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