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1、小学教案单元开始页备课内容:(Grade 6 上) Unit 1 How do you go there ?备课科目:English备课人:邹琴琴课时分配:6 classes for each Unit备课时间:Thursday 单元教材分析单元学情分析第一单元的题目是“How do you go there ?”,话题主要为“means of transportation and traffic rules”,这个话题与学生的日常生活紧密联系。本单元重点学习如何询问和回答人们日常出行的方式,描述出行方式的英语表达法多数是由“by+交通工具名称”构成,语法知识构成相对简单,生词量较少。本单元单

2、词和对话部分的内容相对比较简单,比较容易掌握。但阅读部分涉及面较广,有交通灯及交通规则等方面的内容,另外还要注意出行路线的描述。因此,在这方面学生比较难把握。单元教学目标:(1) 掌握A、B部分Lets learn, Lets talk中的四会短语和句子。(2) 能够听说认读A、B部分Lets learn的三会单词和Lets talk,Lets read中出现的三会句型。(3) 能够理解并会根据指令操作Lets play,Lets chant,Group work等部分的内容。(4) 了解音标/i:/, /I/, /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/的音和形;能够区分音标/i:/和/I/发音不

3、同。(5) 了解Story time, Good to know等部分的内容。课时教学设计课题:Unit 1 How do you go there?(1)上课时间:第二周教学目标:1 To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot, bike, bus, train, by plane,by ship,by subway 2 To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns:

4、 How do you go to school? Or How do you go to Canada?” and answer with “I go by”教学重点:To master the four skills phrases: by train ,by plane, by subway, by ship , by bike, on foot 教学难点:To differ “subway” from “train”教具学具课件准备:1. Word cards 2. Tape recorder and tape 3. Multi-media player 探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1

5、. (Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again. How are you? What day is it? What s the date? Whats the weather like today?2. Presentation: Show a picture of busT: Whats this? S: Its a bus. T: I go to school by bus. How do you go to school? (Show a picture of bike and help a stu

6、dent to answer with “I go to school by bike.”) (In the same ways )Teach “by subway” and “by train” “by ship” “by plane” “ on foot”. Subway: Its an underground railway in a cityIt travels very fastwe can see subway in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou (Explain the differences between subway and

7、 train / Pay attention to the pre. “ by”& “on”)3. Play games 1Ask one S to the front and stick the word cards next to the phrases written on the Bb when T read the new phrases quickly and the other Ss put up their cards. The one who reflect fastest and correctly is the winner.4. Listen to the tape o

8、f Part A Lets learn and follow it. Pay attention to the tone and pronunciation5. Practice: Lets playT offer many places (the USA. England Australia Hong Kong Shanghai Guangzhou )and traffic ways (by car/ taxi/ bus on foot). Ss practice with above places and ways in pairs: A: How do you go to school?

9、 B: I go to school on foot . Encourage the Ss to make up as many sentences as they can.6. Spelling competitionDivide the class into two groups. Show the pictures of traffic tools and ask Ss to spell the phrases. The first one who puts up hand gets the chance to spell. The group spell out more phrase

10、s are the winners.板书设计作业布置Unit 1 How do you go there How do you go to school/ Canada? I go to school on foot/ by subway/ bus/ train/ taxiHomeworkCopy the new words and phrases Finish Page1 of the AB课时教学设计课题:Unit 1 How do you go there?(2)上课时间:第二周教学目标:1. To master the four skills sentence: “How do you

11、 go to school? Usually I go to school on footSometimes I go by bike” 2. To enable the Ss to ask and answer about traffic ways and explain the simple reason why he or she chose this traffic way. I go to school on foot, because my home is near. 3. To make the Ss understand the listening material in “L

12、ets try”教学重点:To use and write the following key sentences: How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. 教学难点:To write the key sentences: How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. To use Adverbs of frequency: usually, sometime

13、s教具学具课件准备:1.Tape recorder 2.Teaching cards 3.a piece of paper探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1. (Warm-up) T: Good morning! How do you go to school today? What about you? Do you go by bus,too?” 2. Have a dictation Ask the Ss to dictate the new words learnt in the last lesson.3. Letstry 4. (Presentation) Lets talk prac

14、tice in pairs to make up the new dialogue according to each picture. Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue. 5.Group work Read the dialogue .Then practice in groups of four. They can expand their dialogue like the following: A:How do you go to school/ hometown? B:Usually I go by bus A:Can you go

15、by bike? B: Yes,I can,but its too far Sometimes I go by taxi, because its fast, but its expensive. What about you? A:I go to school on foot,because my home is near6.Play finding order games 板书设计作业布置Unit1 How do you go there How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot, because its near. S

16、ometimes I go by bike, because its fast.Finish AB and Page2课时教学设计课题:Unit 1 How do you go there?(3)上课时间:第二周教学目标:1. To improve reading skill 2. To consolidate the traffic ways 3. To improve understanding ability.教学重点:How do we go to the park? Its easy. How to finish answering the questions in the book

17、 . 教学难点:How to express the different ways to a place教具学具课件准备:1.Tape recorder 2.a piece of paper 3. masks of Zhang Peng and Sarah探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1. Review : Free talk 2.Dictation How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. What about you? 3. Review different places

18、T: This is a very nice place. There are many students and teachers. There are many rooms, such as classroom, art room, music room Whats it? Its a beautiful place. Many people like to play in it. There are nice flowers, trees and grass. There are toys. What is it? Its a park. 4. Presentation T: Where

19、 is my home? Do you want to know? Describe with different traffic ways and use “first” “next” “then” . (Explain “then” )5T ask individual : Where is your home? Is it near the park? Which floor? In pairs practice above questions 6Play the tape and students follow it. 7. Practice 8. Make up new dialog

20、ues 5 板书设计作业布置Unit 1 How do you go there ?How do we go to the park? Its easy. Which floor? The fifth floor, Room 5A1.Do Page 5 in AB 2.Make a survey and fill in the following form Name 3.Destination :What can you see there? How do you go there?课时教学设计课题:Unit 1 How do you go there?(4)上课时间:第三周教学目标:1.To

21、 master the phrases: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 2. To know some traffic rules about traffic lights教学重点:To understand the traffic lights commands and do the action: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 教学难点:The meaning of the three t

22、raffic lights and do the correct action of the commands 教具学具课件准备:1.Tape recorder 2. a flash card of traffic lights word cards探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1. Free talk 2. Warm-up Ask Ss to do actions when they hear the order Stand up , touch your ears, turn Left, right, go , turn around 3. Review: How do you go ? S

23、s should make a ture answer and give the reason. 4. Revise the words of colours 5. T: ( show traffic lights) What are they? They are traffic lights. (Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.) 6. Play the tape and Ss follow it. Explain “remember” by doing gesture. 7. Lets pla

24、y Ask ten students to the front to do actions of traffic lights commands .Five girls are Group A. The other boys are Group B. When T show the yellow light they must wait. If not the one who disobeys Should get back to the seat. 8. Consolidation and extension I go to school by bikeCan you tell me any

25、 traffic rules? (Dont go too fast Never go into the sideways)板书设计作业布置Unit 1 How do you go there ?Traffic lights : Red light Yellow light Green light Traffic rules : Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light . Go at a green light.1.Copy the traffic rules written on the Bb 2.Finish AB and Page4课时教学设

26、计课题:Unit 1 How do you go there?(5)上课时间:第三周教学目标:1. To improve reading skill 2. To consolidate the traffic rules and know different countries have different traffic rules. 3. To improve understanding ability and make Ss get right information from the reading material. 教学重点:Understanding the the meanin

27、g of the text and finishing the “tick or cross” 教学难点:To improve the reading skills To understanding the following sentences: In Chinathe US,drivers drive on the right side Of the road In England and Australia,however,drivers drive On the 1eft side Of the road 教具学具课件准备:1.Tape recorder 2.flash card of

28、 traffic lights 3. A photo of Singapore street 探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1. Free talk 2. Review: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Let the Ss do the actions, Dictate the above sentences. 3. T: (put up the right hand) Do actions as I tell you: Turn left. Turn right. Turn back. Tou

29、ch your left ear4. Discuss traffic rules T: Red means “stop” .if the light is red ,you must stop. Yellow means_ ,if the light is yellow you must _. Green means _, if the light is green you can _. 5. Show a photo of Singapore street and ask the Ss to find out the differences. 6. Read Ask the Ss to re

30、ad the passage and do the exercises. Check the answer together. 板书设计作业布置Unit 1 How do you go there ?Red means Yellow means Green means Ask Ss to find more traffic rules课时教学设计课题:Unit 1 How do you go there?(6)上课时间:第三周教学目标:1 To enable the students to master the four skills sentences: “How Can I get to

31、Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No15 bus 2 To enable the students to use polite words in dialogue: Excuse me. Thank you. Youre welcome. 3.To Review the names of places: post office , supermarket, cinema, bank, hospital, fast food shop教学重点:How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bu

32、s. 教学难点:How to use “how can I get to ?”you can go by”correctly The meaning of “If you like” 教具学具课件准备:1.Tape recorder and tape 2.Multi-media player 3.A map of Dongguan city. 探索流程个性添加(教学反思)1 Free talk 2 What day is it today? How many students are there in your class? Who is No.1/2?3 Go over the traffi

33、c rules: Its a yellow light,You must wait Now the light is green,you can go Dont go at a red light. A car may hit you. 4 Go over the numbers from 1-100.Pay attention to 30, 13 40, 14, 50, 15, 16, 60 ,70, 17, 18, 80 ,90 ,19 5 Lets try (1)Play the tape of this part and students listen and tick. (2)Pla

34、y again and Ss repeat. (3)Presentation (4)Lets talk 板书设计作业布置Unit 1 How do you go there ?How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus. If you like.Do Exercise 3& 4 of AB Page5明珠小学教案单元开始页备课内容:(Grade 6 上)Unit 2 Where is the science museum ?备课科目:English备课人:邹琴琴课时分配:6 classes for each Unit

35、备课时间:Thursday 单元教材分析单元学情分析本单元的教学重点是“问路”以及“指点方向”。涉及到“问路”的主要句型有:“Where is ?How can I go to /get to?本单元的难点还有A、B部分的Lets read .涉及到“指点方向”的句型较多。本单元所学知识主要涉及问路和方向的问题,对于小学生来说,他们的方向感还不是很强。因此,教师应多设置生活情境,让学生参与实践,并作口语练习,以加强巩固。其次,教师也应注意以旧引新,这样既能相应地降低教学难度,又能自然地引出新的教学内容。单元教学目标:1、能够简单描述城市、城镇或社区内公共设施的大致位置。如: Where is

36、the library? Its near the post office 并进行关键词的替换操练。 2、能够询问路线并简单回答。3、能够理解并会吟唱 Lets chant 的歌谣。 4、能够听懂并基本会唱歌曲 Where are you going? 5、能够了解音标/e/ /ae / /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/的音与形, 能够读出例词并选择音标与单词和配图正确连线。6、简单了解国外地图的主要知识。课时教学设计课题:Unit 2 Where is the science museum ? (1)上课时间:第四周教学目标:1. To enable the students to m

37、aster the four skills words : library ,post office ,hospital ,cinema, bookstore ,and three skills for science museum. 2. To enable the students to ask for the ways and give the direction ,use the following sentences; Excuse me ,where is the library? Its near the post office .教学重点: To master the four

38、 skills words :library, post office , hospital, cinema, science museum, bookstore and three skills words教学难点:To master the four skills words: library ,post office, hospital ,cinema, bookstore 教具学具课件准备:1. some word cards 2. A recorder 3. Multi-media player 探索流程个性添加(教学反思)Step1. Review1. T The teacher

39、and the whole class greet each other as usual talk about the day ,the date and the weather 2. Ask the Ss : How do you go to school ? I go to school by plane/by bus /on foot Where is your home? Its near the post office /hospital Step 2.Lets learn 1. Tell the students : I want to read some books :Wher

40、e can I go ?(use the multi-media player) tell the Ss :I can go here ,then show the picture of library . Ask :Where is it ? Its library. (word card) 2. The teacher says:I have a new book. I bought o tom Xinhua bookstore . You can buy all kinds of books ther . Show “bookstore” 3. The teacher takes out

41、 a letter and says : I want to post the letter .Can I go to the bookstore ?Where can I go ? 204. We want to see a film ,Where can we go ? Teach :post office5. The teacher pretend to have a bad cold and says “I m not well today .Where can I go ? Teach “hospital” At last ,the teacher plays show the pi

42、cture of science museum ,bank ,school ,zoo ,store ,supermarket Step 3. Drill Use the multi-media player to ask and answer :Teacher and students , student and student. Where is the -? Its near the -? 板书设计作业布置Unit Two Where is the Science Museum? Where is the library /post office -? Its near -. 1. Cop

43、y the new words on the EB 2. Complete the AB课时教学设计课题:Unit 2 Where is the science museum ? (2)上课时间:第四周教学目标:1.To straighten the places: library post office hospital cinema bank science museum school supermarket etc. 2.To master the sentences : Where is the museum? Its in front of /near /next to/behind

44、/far from-教学重点:Ss can ask for the ways and give direction. Where is the -? Its -. 教学难点:The use of preposition : near, in front of ,next to, behind ,far from 教具学具课件准备:A recorder ,computer 探索流程个性添加(教学反思)Step one: Review 1. Revise the places what we have learnt yesterday. 2. Dictation : library post of

45、fice hospital museum . 3. ask and answer. Where is the library ? Its the post office. cinema bookstore science Step Two: Presentation 1.lead in : in front of behind next to far from . Say: I stand in front of the blackboard. Or I stand in front of somebody. Somebody stands behind of me .S1 sit next

46、to S2 .point to the other student ; I am far farm S3. 2Encourage the Ss say: Where is the library? Its near /in front of /behind/next to/far from-. Step Three: Drill Ask and answer several times 板书设计作业布置Unit Two Where is the Science Museum? Where is the museum? Its in front of/behind/next to/far from-.Finish the AB课时教学设计课题:Unit 2 Where is the science museum ? (3)上课时间:第四周教学目标1. To enable the Ss to master the four skills sentences Where is the cinema, please ? Its next to the hospital. 2. To improve the Ss listening ability.教学重点:To master the sentences of


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