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1、2008.4,DEVELOPMENT OF CHINESE RAILWAYS,中国铁路发展回顾与展望,主要内容(Main points),1.改革开放以来中国铁路发展的回顾(Development of Chinese railway since the reform and opening up)2.中国铁路改革与发展中的主要问题(Main problems of Chinese railway)3.中国铁路运输组织改革与创新的主要思路和对策(Main thoughts and countermeasures of reforming Chinese railway organization

2、)4.新世纪铁路中长期发展规划(Programming of Chinese railway in the 21st century),1改革开放以来中国铁路发展回顾(Development of Chinese railway since the reform and opening up),中国经济增长(Chinas economic growth)铁路客运增长(Growth of railway passenger transport)客运量(volume of passenger traffic)旅客周转量(Turnover of passenger traffic),1.1经济和铁路

3、运量的增长及变化趋势(Growth and development trend of Chinese economy and railway traffic volume),旅客平均运距(Average journey per passenger transport)铁路货运增长(Growth of railway freight transport)货运量(Freight traffic volume)货运周转量(turnover of freight traffic)货运平均运距(Average haul of freight traffic),1.1经济和铁路运量的增长及变化趋势(Gro

4、wth and development trend of Chinese economy and railway traffic volume),客运方面(Passenger transport)客运量分担率(Proportion of passenger volume)旅客周转量分担率(Proportion of passenger turnover)货运方面(Freight transport)货运量分担率(Proportion of freight volume)货物周转量分担率(Proportion of freight turnover),1.2铁路在全社会运量中分担率的变化(Pro

5、portion of railway traffic volume),国铁和地方铁路营业里程(State-owned and local railway length in operation)铁路车辆保有量 铁路客车保有量(Quantity of railway passenger vehicles)铁路货车保有量(Quantity of railway freight vehicles)铁路机车总量(Quantity of railway locomotives),1.3 铁路网的扩张和机车车辆增长(Development of railway network and growth of

6、rolling stocks),1.4 路网技术含量提高(Modernization of railway),铁路复线率(Proportion of double line railway)铁路电气化率(Proportion of electrified railway)客货列车速度(Speeds of passenger and freight trains)铁路货车平均牵引重量(Average trains gross weight),1.5铁路面向市场的改革与发展(Railway reform and development)铁路提速(Railway speed-up):铁路六次提速(T

7、he sixth speed-up of railway)快速客运网络初步形成(Primary formation of express passenger transport network)铁路重载运输发展(development of heavy haul traffic):大秦线建设与重载单元列车开行(Construction of Datong-Qinhuangdao line and running heavy haul unit trains),繁忙干线开行5000吨重载列车(Running 5000t heavy haul trains on busy main line)铁路

8、集装箱与快运列车开行(Running container and express freight trains)青藏高原铁路建成通车(The opening to traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway)铁路管理体制改革(Railway management system reform)),2.中国铁路改革与发展中的主要问题(Main problems of Chinese railway),2.1 铁路管理体制改革和综合交通运输体系建设滞后(Management system reform of railway and development of comp

9、rehensive transport system)体制改革滞后于其他交通方式(Management system reform of railway lag behind other transportation modes)缺乏综合交通运输体系在规划、建设、运营宏观的系统管理(Lacking system management of programming,construction and operation),2.2铁路供需矛盾比较突出(Scarcity of transport capacity):主要干线能力紧张、部分地区进出通道不畅(Scarcity of main lines

10、transport capacity and congestion of railway passagers)季节运能紧张问题突出、路网规模总量明显不足(Scarcity of seasonal transport capacity and network scale),2.3铁路技术进步有待加强(Urgent requirements of improving railway technology)提高铁路高速、重载、信息化、安全技术水平和人力资源利用水平(Improve railway technology in the aspects of high speed,heavy load,i

11、nformatization,safety and human resource utilization),2.4路网和运能结构失衡(Unbalanced structure of network and transport capacity)客、货混行,造成客、货争能(Mixed passenger and freight railway result contention for transport capacity)运营与维修矛盾突出(Contradiction of operation and maintenance)运输质量不高(The transport quality is no

12、t high),2.5 信息化和现代化管理水平不高(The level of informatization and modernization is not high)先进技术装备运营效率低(The operational efficiency of advanced technology equipments is low),3.我国铁路运输组织改革与创新的主要思路和对策(Main thoughts and countermeasures of reforming Chinese railway organization),3.1立足于建立和完善我国综合交通运输体系,加快铁路发展和运输组织

13、改革,大力建设社会化交通运输服务体系,大力发展旅客联程运输和货物多式联运,发挥铁路在综合交通运输体系中的骨干和主导作用。Establish and improve the comprehensive transport system,accelerate railway development and operational reform,construct the social transport service system,develop intermodal transportation,exert the leading role of railway.,3.2充分发挥铁路的比较优势

14、和可持续发展特征,努力发展高速铁路、重载运输、节能运输和清洁运输。Exert comparative advantages and sustainable development characteristics of railway and develop high speed railway,heavy load transport,energy saving and clean transport.,3.3加快客运专线建设,形成区域、城际、城市一体化快速轨道交通体系,尽快实现主要繁忙干线客货分线运行,改善铁路运能结构。Accelerate construction of special r

15、ailway passenger transport lines,form regional,inter-city and urban integration rapid rail transit system,separate passenger and freight transport on busy main lines as soon as possible.,3.4调整铁路生产力布局,减少技术站数量,封闭运量小的中间站,实行集中化运输,改革设备修程修制,调整机务段、车辆段布局和工务、电务维修养护体系。Adjust distribution of railway productive

16、 forces,reduce technical service stations,close small volume intermediate stations,implement centralized transportation,reform equipment repair system,adjust and merge locomotive depots,car depots and maintenance system of engineering and electricity.,3.5加快信息化建设,发展以先进信息技术为支撑的运输过程和安全监控系统、运输计划编制与调度指挥系

17、统,运输管理与市场营销决策系统,电子商务系统等。Accelerate informatization development,develop advanced information technology supporting for monitoring system of transport process and safety,transport planning and scheduling system,decision-making system of transport management and marketing,e-commerce systems.,4.新世纪中国铁路发

18、展规划(Programming of Chinese railway in the 21st century),4.1 铁路客货运量预测与路网规模需求(Forecast of railway passenger and freight volume and demand of network scale),全社会旅客发送量(Total passenger traffic volume),铁路客运量(Railway passenger volume),国家发展计划(National development planning),GDP平均增长速度(Average growth speed of G

19、DP),铁路旅客周转量(Railway passenger turnover),Unit,Year,4.1 铁路客货运量预测与路网规模需求(Forecast of railway passenger and freight volume and demand of network scale),全社会货物发送量(Total freight traffic volume),铁路货运量(Railway freightvolume),国家发展计划(National development planning),GDP平均增长速度(Average growth speed of GDP),铁路货运周转量

20、(Railway freight turnover),Unit,Year,合理布局(Reasonable distribution),2020年规模(Scale in 2020),13万公里(ten thousand km),12万公里(ten thousand km),1113 万公里(ten thousand km),12万公里左右(about 0.1 million km),路网规模影响因素(Factors Affecting railway network scale):国土面积(national area),人口(population),生产力布局(productive forces

21、 distribution),国家运输政策(national transport policy),合理结构(Reasonable structure),合理运输负荷(Reasonable load),4.1 铁路客货运量预测与路网规模需求(Forecast of railway passenger and freight volume and demand of network scale),电气化铁路建设(Electrified railway development),可持续发展sustainable development,燃油节省savingfuel,环境保护environmentpr

22、otection,2020年规模为6万km占总里程的50%.Scale in 2020 will be 50000km,which is 50%of total scale,电气化铁路electrified railway,4.1 铁路客货运量预测与路网规模需求(Forecast of railway passenger and freight volume and demand of network scale),建成在我国交通运输中起骨干作用的大能力铁路通道,形成快速客运网络、重载煤炭运输网络、快速集装箱运输网络,主要技术装备达到国际先进水平,运输能力适应国民经济发展需要。Build th

23、e railway passages with a great capacity,form express passenger network,heavy load coal transport network and express container transport network,develop the international advanced level technology equipments.Railway transport capacity meets the needs of economy and society development.,4.2铁路发展目标(Ra

24、ilway development goal),本世纪头20年铁路网建设的总体目标(Railway network development goal until 2020),4.2铁路发展目标(Railway development goal),具体要求(Specific requirements),路网规模迅速扩大(Enlarging railway network scale rapidly)路网结构更加合理(More reasonable railway network structure)路网质量极大提高(Great improvements of railway network qu

25、ality)技术水平快速提升(Lifting technology rapidly),4.3 铁路网发展规划方案的基本框架(Framework of railway network development programming),2020年铁路网规划(Railway network Programming in 2020),快速客运网 建设以京沪、京广、京哈(含哈大)、沪厦深及徐州兰州、上海长沙、青岛太原、沪汉蓉“四纵四横”客运通道为骨架,包括珠三角、长三角和环渤海3个经济区的城际客运专线,总长1.6万km的快速客运网。Construct the four vertical and the

26、four horizontal including Jing-Hu,Jing-Guang,Jing-Ha,Hu-Xia-Shen,Xuzhou-Lanzhou,Shanghai-Changsha,Qingdao-Taiyuan,Hu-Han-Rong and intercity special passenger transport lines in Pearl River Delta,Yangtze Delta and around Bohai.The total length of express passenger transport network will be 16000km.,国

27、土开发性新线(Land development new lines)以扩大西部路网规模为主,增加铁路路网密度,形成西部铁路网骨架,完善中东部铁路网骨架,全面提高对地区经济发展的适应能力。Extend the western railway network scale mainly,increase railway network density,form the western railway network framework,develop the structural frame of railway networks in central and eastern China,impro

28、ve the overall adaptability of economic development.,2020年铁路网规划(Railway network Programming in 2020),路网既有线(Existing Railway Lines)大力提高煤运通道能力,积极加强路网通道能力,适当提高一般通道能力,配套安排主要枢纽建设。规划既有线增建二线1.3万公里,既有线电气化1.6万公里。Increase transport capacity of coal passages,develop passage transport capacity actively,improve

29、transport capacity of common passages properly,arrange construction of main hubs.The additional construction length of the second lines will be 13000km.The electrified length of existing railway lines will be 16000km.,2020年铁路网规划(Railway network Programming in 2020),联系方式(Affiliation):Tel:010-51687133

30、(O)E-mail:,返回,Thank You!,主要年度GDP增长情况(GDP in main years),Return,thousand billion Yuan,主要年份客运量(passenger volume in main years),Return,hundred million person-time,railway,road,sum,主要年份旅客周转量(passenger turnover in main years),Return,hundred million passenger km,sum,railway,road,civil aviation,主要年份旅客运输平均运

31、距统计(Average haul distance of passenger transport in main years),Return,km,civil aviation,road,railway,sum,主要年份货运量(Freight volume in main years),Return,hundred million ton,sum,road,railway,主要年份货物周转量(Freight turnover in main years),Return,hundred million ton km,sum,waterway,railway,road,主要年份各运输方式的货物平均

32、运距(Average haul distance of freight transport in main years),Return,km,sum,civil aviation,railway,road,主要年份客运量分担率(Proportion of passenger volume in main years),Return,railway,road,主要年份旅客周转量分担率(Proportion of passenger turnover in main years),Return,road,railway,主要年份货运量分担率(Proportion of freight volume

33、 in main years),Return,railway,road,主要年份货物周转量分担率(Proportion of freight turnover in main years),Return,railway,road,主要年份铁路营业里程(Railway operating length in main years),Return,ten thousand km,total railway length,stated-owned railway,主要年份客车保有量(Passenger vehicles quantity in main years),return,sleeper p

34、ercent,passenger cars,主要年份货车保有量(Freight vehicles quantity in main years),Return,ten thousand,freight cars,gondola cars,主要年份铁路机车总量(Quantity of locomotives in main years),Return,steam locomotives,diesel locomotives,electric locomotives,主要年度铁路复线率(Proportion of double line railway),Return,nationwide len

35、gth of double line railway,proportion of double line railway,主要年份电气化率(Proportion of electrified railway),Return,nationwide length of electrified railway,proportion of electrified railway,铁路客运列车速度(Speeds of passenger trains),technical speed,traveling speed,铁路货运列车速度(Speeds of freight trains),Return,te

36、chnical speed,traveling speed,铁路货运列车平均牵引总重(Average traction weight of freight trains),Return,Average traction weight of freight trains,大秦线建设与重载单元列车开行(Construction of Daqin line and running trains with heavy load elements),20世纪80年代中期我国自行设计和修建了大秦双线电气化重载运煤专线。该线开行单元式重载列车和组合式重载列车。2002年实现运煤突破1亿吨,2005年实现年运

37、量2亿吨,2007年实现运量3亿吨。大秦线通过实施配套扩能改造和新建工程,大量开行2万吨列车,远期煤炭运输能力将提升到4亿吨。Daqin line was designed and built up by China in the middle of 1980s,which was the double line and electrified railway and runs element and combined heavy haul trains.The coal carried by this line exceeded one hundred million tons in 200

38、2,exceeded two hundred million tons in 2005 and realized three hundred million tons in 2007.This line implements capacity expansion revamping and newly built engineering and mainly runs of 20000t trains.The long-term coal transport capacity of this line will be four hundred million tons.,Return,五定班列

39、与行包专列(Five sets regular trains and parcel trains),1997年4月1日,我国在28个主要城市和港口间的铁路干线上组织开行以集装箱和高附加值货物为主要货源的远程直达快运列车。China runs long distance non-stop trains on arterial railway lines among 28 cities and ports which mainly carry containers and high additional value goods.在行包运输领域以路外物流企业承包经营的方式组织开行行包快运列车。200

40、5年推出行包专列的升级产品行邮专列,其中3个特快专列,在京沪穗哈间开行,最高时速160km/h。China railway operates parcel trains in other logistics enterprises contract management manner and runs parcel special trains in 2005 including three express special parcel trains among Jing-Hu-Sui-Ha at a maximum running speed of 160km/h.,Return,铁路管理体

41、制改革(Railway management system reform),1999年,铁道部在铁路局全面实行资产经营责任制,建立企业扭亏增盈的机制,提前实现了三年扭亏目标。Ministry of railways carried out assets operation responsibility system in 1999 and established the reversing losses into profits mechanism.The reversing losses target was realized three years ahead.2004年实施主辅分离,铁路

42、附属的工业公司、勘测设计院、施工企业、物资公司、通信公司移交国资委,所属中小学、医院全部移交地方政府。The separation of main and supplement was carried out in 2004.Industrial companies,survey and design institutes,construct enterprises,material companies,communications companies,schools and hospitals affiliated to the ministry of railways were trans

43、ferred to local governments.,调整生产力布局,延长机车运行交路,撤并站段,站段数量减少30,按照集中化原则加强作业量大的客货运站能力,优化技术站作业分工。Adjust productive forces distribution,extent the locomotive working system,cancel and combine stations and depots,reduce 30%number of stations and depots,strengthen the operational capacity of passenger and fr

44、eight stations in accordance with centralization principle,optimize the division of technical station.撤销全路所有铁路分局,实行铁路局直管站段体制。Cancel railway sub-administrations,carry out the new system of railway administrations directly controlling stations and depots.,Return,铁路提速(Railway speed-up),从1997年开始至2004年进行

45、5次提速。列车最高速度普遍达到160km/h。提速线路涉及17个省市,延伸里程增加到1.3万km,覆盖了全国主要大、中城市。From 1997 to 2004,five speed-up projects had been implemented in the railway department.The maximum speeds were commonly up to 160km/h.Speed-up lines benefit 17 provinces and municipalities extending 13000 km and covering all major large

46、and medium-sized cities.,2007年4月18日,实施第6次大面积提速。在主要城市间首次开行时速 200km以上动车组。The sixth speed-up was implemented in April 18th 2007 with trains running on trunk lines at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.,Return,Return,return,青藏高原铁路建成通车(The opening to traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway),青藏铁路(格尔木拉萨段,全长11

47、49km)2001年开工,克服多年冻土、高寒缺氧和生态脆弱三大难题,建成了世界上平均海拔最高、线路长度最长的高原铁路,2006年7月正式通车。Qinghai-Tibet Railway(Golmud-Lhasa,the total length of 1149km)is the worlds highest and longest plateau railway.The construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway was started in 2001,overcoming three major difficulties including frozen tundra,alpine hypoxia and fragile ecology,and officially opened to traffic in July 2006.,The migration of the Tibetan antelope is not influenced.,The oxygen intubation,Rubbish disposing system,Return,


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