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1、托福独立写作论证素材使用方法 托福独立写作从*题材上来说属于议论文中的立论文,考生需要根据题目给出自己的观点进行论证,这其中有个很重要的步骤就是使用论证素材来举例提升自己观点的说服力。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作论证素材使用方法注意要点介绍,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作论证素材使用方法注意要点介绍托福独立写作评分中论证举例很重要吗?首先要为大家解决一个问题,那就是托福独立写作评分中对于论据的使用到底有没有要求?答案是有,而且很重要。总所周知托福两篇作文的评分SCALE都是0-5分,然后再换算成30分里的成绩,独立写作的评分要求中2-5分的标准里都有明确的关于exemplification也就是论

2、证举例的要求,2-3分要求有举例,而4-5分则要求appropriate和sufficient的论据。换句话说,如果你独立写作想拿到理想成绩,那么论据可以说是相当重要的一个部分,是绝对要引起大家重视的写作部分。托福独立写作论据可以用名人名言吗?写作文用名人名言来当论据很多同学应该都有用过,中文里古人云或者某人的名言这样的写法相信大家都用过。而托福独立写作里其实也完全可以用上这样的素材来作为论据。这种论据如果和自己的观点结合到位能够发挥很好的论述效果。但想要用好名人名言也需要注意几个问题:1. 完整性既然要引用名人名言,那么先要确保的就是名人名言的完整性,不要断章取义的截取别人说过的话,也不要自

3、己发挥paraphrase大幅改动名言的结构内容。完整正确的引用才能发挥其价值。2. 真实性绝对不能编造名人名言。人家明明没有说过的话被你自己杜撰以后强行塞到嘴里,这种做法千万不要在托福写作中出现,如果被发现是假的名言,要么暴露出你的无知,也有可能涉及到不诚信学术欺诈等问题,那么作文成绩就可想而知了。3. 泛滥度这一点其实就是常说的名人名言有没有被用滥,比如knowledge is power这样的名言就实在是有点烂大街了,特定的作文话题之下可以想见肯定会有很多人去使用,所以引用名人名言也要注意其泛滥程度,尽量避免和大部队撞车以致*没有特色拿不到高分。托福独立写作能否以自己为例?有很多人平时写

4、议论文的时候喜欢拿自己来举例,把自己所经历过的一些事情当成案例来证明观点。这种写法一定程度上可以拉近考官和自己的距离让*更有真实性,但自身例子缺乏普遍性也有可能会出现缺乏说服力的问题。所以在看来以自己为例并不是拿作文高分的稳妥写法。个人经历没有代表性,同时哪怕是自己编造的考官也无从真伪,所以可信度也有一定问题。虽然有些托福高分范文中的确有以自己为例的写法,但还是认为这种方式的风险是比较高的,建议大家还是谨慎使用为好。托福备考之独立写作满分范文task:Some people believe that university students should be required to atten

5、d classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.托福备考之独立写作满分范文:Class Attendance Should Not Be CompulsoryIt is undoubtedly true that students should take their studies seriou

6、sly. This means not only doing the required work, but also actively pursuing every opportunity to learn. So of course they should attend their classes to receive the maximum benefit. However, I do not believe that there is a need to make class attendance mandatory at the university level.By the time

7、 they reach university, students are no longer children. They are young adults and should be able to take responsibility for their actions. Attending their classes is of benefit to them, and while it may be tempting to skip them once in a while, it is not the responsible choice. Adults must be able

8、to manage their time on their own and to make their own decisions. If a student misses too many classes and so does poorly in a course, he will have to accept the consequences and learn from his mistake. Finally, non-compulsory class attendance may not only lead to improvements in the students, but

9、also in the teaching. Of course, every professor likes to see full attendance at his classes. If students are not coming to class, the professor should ask himself why. Perhaps the students do not understand the relevance of the material to their studies.In conclusion, I believe that class attendanc

10、e should not be required for university students. They should learn to make the right decisions for themselves, and this is one way to encourage the development of independence and responsibility.托福备考之独立写作满分范文task:Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money f

11、or some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.托福备考之独立写作满分范文:The Advantages of Saving MoneyEveryone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. What should they do with this extra income? While it is te

12、mpting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future.By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings

13、 can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to

14、buy a house with their savings. Finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. In this way they are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives.Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. However, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future. We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now.英语写作


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