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1、目 录第二十一集2第二十二集12第二十三集24第二十四集36第二十五集47第二十六集60第二十七集72第二十八集86第二十九集99第三十集111第二十一集Ugh. That is disgusting. Hello!太恶心了 喂Put your gum in a trash can, people.难道你们就不能把口香糖扔到垃圾桶里吗Hey. -Go ahead, Gordo. Just say it.-嘿 -继续啊 戈多 你就说出来吧Just get it over with.脱口而出Fine, here it goes.好吧 我要说了I think that the Diamondback

2、s are overrated.我觉得亚利桑那响尾蛇队被高估了I mean, sure, they have the best pitching money can buy 我是说 的确 他们有着大笔的经费but other than that 但是除此之外theyre a bunch of banjo hitters and journeymen.他们不过是一群没劲的击球手和临时球员罢了I cant tell if Gordos putting me on 我不知道戈多是在跟我装傻or if hes genuinely clueless.还是真的完全没有头绪Either way, Im go

3、ing to smack him.无论如何 我都想给他一巴掌Gordo!戈多Oh, you mean about you looking like a total goober.如果你指的是你看起来是否像一个超级傻子You do.你确实像Its for Pep Club initiation.这是为了参加娱乐俱乐部Now theres an organization worth humiliating yourself for.原来你可以为了一个社团而丢自己的脸啊Gordo, its for the yearbook.戈多 这是为了年鉴Im going to do as many activi

4、ties as possible我要尽可能多地参加活动so I can have lots of different pictures.这样我就有足够多的照片可以选了I dont want a rerun of last year.我可不想再像去年一样Oh, thats right. 哦 对啊The only picture you made it in was the 4-H fair.去年你只有一张参加4-H义卖会的照片You could just see the side of your head 刚好可以在一只羊的身后sticking out from behind a goat.看见

5、你露出来的头Yeah, so this year, its promotional blitz.是的 所以今年 我要发起全面攻势I mean, the ice cream eating contest-我是指参加吃冰激凌大赛-the hula club-草裙舞俱乐部- and the shot put competition.铅球比赛Who cares about being in the yearbook?谁会介意年鉴里有没有自己呢Talk about pointless.那实在没什么意义Um, I seem to remember last year戈多 我记得去年你you tried t

6、o be most photographed student, Gordo.试着成为拥有最多照片的学生Oh, no, no. That was just to see if I could do it.哦 不 不 我只是想试试我能不能成功You know, like, uh staying up for 24 hours in a row就像是24小时不睡觉or making the worlds biggest meatball.或是做世界上最大的肉丸Speaking of the worlds biggest meatball-说到世界上最大的肉丸Oh, good you finally

7、found a look that works for you.太好了 你终于找到适合自己的形象了Kate, its for Pep Club. For the yearbook.凯特这是为了参加娱乐俱乐部 为了年鉴Oh, thats right, youre, like, in 11 great pictures.哦 没错 你好像有11张很棒的照片You know as editor of the yearbook知道吗 作为年鉴的编辑I think its safe to say that 我可以说youre in as many good pictures as anyone in sc

8、hool.你拥有和学校里的其他人一样多的好照片But since Im the yearbook editor但是见于我是年鉴的编辑and since I have to take the pictures to the printer tonight而且今天晚上在“蒙特卡罗之夜”结束后after Monte Carlo Night.我要把照片送去打印Im just going to use, hmm, this picture.我决定用 这张照片But-但是remember that time in the cafeteria when you found out你还记得你那次在食堂you

9、were allergic to the oyster sauce?发现你对蚝油过敏吗But- you- I-但是 你 我 Kate, that really isnt fair.凯特 这样真不公平No, it isnt, is it?是不公平 对吧Oh, well. Dont go near the biology lab.哦 好吧 离生物实验室远点They might try to experiment on you.他们可能会在你身上做实验呢Even I could think of a brilliant comeback即使我可以想出一个完美的回话Id still look like

10、 a rat searching for a contact lens.我看着还像是一只老鼠在地上找隐形眼镜If you believe如果你相信Weve got a picture-perfect plan我们事先就有一个绝妙的计划Weve got you fooled那你就错了 Cause we only do the best we can我们只是在尽力而为And sometimes we make it有时候我们会取得成功And sometimes we fake it有时候我们会把事情搞砸But we get one step closer each and every day但我们

11、离目标一天比一天近Well figure it out on the way.我们会在途中解决所有的难题Lizzie McGurie S02E21 Lizzies Eleven新成长的烦恼 第二季第二十一集Great Operas of 19th Century Germany.十九世纪德国著名歌剧作品Sound Effects for all Occasions- 适合于各种场合的音效 boings, footsteps and steam trains.有弹簧音 脚步声 还有火车鸣笛声Karl Malone Reads Carl Sandburg.卡尔马龙诗朗诵之卡尔山德伯格I guess

12、 Lizzie wont have much 我觉得利齐为今晚的DJ工作做准备 to work with when she DJs tonight.不会花太多时间的I thought it was Monte Carlo Night.我以为这里到晚上才是蒙特卡罗赌场之夜啊So why are we here during the day?那我们白天干嘛要来这儿呢I told you, we have to find the perfect spot我跟你说过了 我们要为年鉴的最后一张照片for the last yearbook picture-选个好背景you and me enjoying

13、 Monte Carlo Night together.展示你和我一起度过了美好的蒙特卡罗赌场之夜Once we have the perfect shot当我们照好照片之后 we take the yearbook CD straight to the printer.我们就把年鉴CD拿去印刷How about we take it by the wheel of fortune?我们站在财运舵轮前面拍照怎么样Itd be like were on that one game show.就好像我们在参加电视游戏节目一样You know, um, oh- Whats it called?就是那

14、个 呃 叫什么名字来着Its the one with the wheel of fortune in it.就是那个节目里有财运舵轮的Its called Wheel of Fortune.那个就叫“财运舵轮”I know that, but whats the show called?我知道 但是那个节目叫什么来着You better hope you never lose your hair.你最好盼望着你的头发不会掉光Oh, hi, Gordo. Is Lizzie still crying嗨 戈多 利齐还在为那些over the pictures that wont be in th

15、e yearbook?不会登入年鉴的照片哭泣吗You know, I do have one open page left你知道吗 我还有一整页空着呢and I could put her on it or I could put me on it.我可以把她的照片放上去 也可以放我的上去I choose me. 我选择放我的 But tell her it was very close.但是你可以告诉她 她只有一步之遥See you two tonight.晚上见-Hello? -Its me.-喂 -是我 You really got to put your yearbook dreams

16、 on hold.你不要在幻想年鉴的事了Why? What did Kate do now?为什么 凯特又干了什么What she always does-那些她经常干的事情ruin your life and then laugh about it.破坏你的生活 然后嘲笑你But seriously, just forget about it.但是说真的 你还是算了吧Who cares if you get a picture in the yearbook anyway?谁会在意年鉴上有没有你的照片呢Gordo, you did last year.戈多 你去年就很在意Well Ive g

17、rown as a person. You should, too.我成熟了 你也必须成熟起来But I want to be in the yearbook.但是我想登上年鉴Well dont. People are just going to look at it for two days别这样想了 人们只会看它两天write, Have a great summer, love ya在上面写下“祝你暑假愉快 爱你”and then itll get stuck in a box 之后就会把它放到堆满旧杂志的盒子里with old magazines out in the garage.扔

18、到车库里不管了And its just pictures. Whats important is that而且那只是些照片 重要的是you had the experiences that the pictures represent.你经历了照片上的那些事情Focus on that.重点在那儿Im going to need a plan.我需要一个计划Theres got to be some way that 一定有什么办法 I can get my pictures in that yearbook.可以让我的照片登上年鉴的Hey, how you doing?嘿 你怎么样啊Than

19、ks for swinging by. Youre looking good.感谢你来参加晚会 你看起来真不错Are you trying to borrow money from me, Dad?爸爸 你是想向我借钱吗Im practicing for Lizzies Monte Carlo Night.我在为利齐的蒙特卡罗赌场之夜排练Your mom and I are on the chaperone committee for parents你妈妈和我参加了监护人委员会and Im assigned to be a greeter.我被任命为迎宾员Hey, let me know if

20、 you need anything. 嘿 你需要什么就告诉我President Bush, if you dont settle down 布什总统 如果你不坐下来Im going to have to ask you to leave.我就只能请你离开了Uh, cause hes really very nice.呃 只因为他人真的不错So, uh- what are you going to be, Mom?那么 妈妈 你要干什么呢Well I wanted to be a blackjack dealer.我原来想当发牌手You know, I put myself through g

21、rad school 知道吗 我读研的时候working on a riverboat.一直都呆在渡船上Wow.哇But, no. They want me to be a waitress.但是 不行 他们只让我当个服务员So I will be carrying the sodas to the card tables all evening.所以 整晚我都将端着苏打水送到牌桌上In that case, bring me an ice tea, would you, toots?那样的话 给我来一杯冰茶 亲爱的Thats my girl.这才是我的好女孩吗-Or- I could jus

22、t get that myself. -Yeah.-或者我可以自己拿 -是的Matt, I need to talk to you about something.马特 我要和你谈谈Mirandas out of town visiting her aunt so-米兰达出城看她的姑妈了 所以Dont bother pussyfooting around, sister.别说那些废话了 姐姐 Youve got Kate problems and youre looking for a fixer.你又被凯特找麻烦了 现在你想找人帮你收拾她How did you know that?你是怎么知

23、道的Trust me, nothing goes on in this town相信我 这个小镇上发生的事that Matt Maguire doesnt- sniff out.没有我马特迈奎尔察觉不到的So, uh whats your play? Short grift or long con?那么 你的计划是什么 小把戏还是大骗局I guess all this gobbledygook that 我想你说这么多废话 youre talking about means that youre going to help me.意味着你会帮我 是吧My demands. Not negoti

24、able.我的条件 不允许讨价还价$35.00 for your Christmas present?要给你买一个35美元的圣诞礼物$35.00 minimum 最少35美元and it cant be anything you ever want to borrow.而且必须是你永远不会来找我借的东西I dont want to do your chores for a whole month.我可不想替你做一个月的家务Well then, I guess you dont want Matt Maguire.那么我想你也不需要马特迈奎尔帮你了吧Maybe youll get your 11

25、 pictures in the yearbook next year.那么也许明年你的11张照片就可以登入年鉴了Sometimes, with younger siblings有时候处理和弟妹有关的问题时you just have to be patient and diplomatic.你必须要有耐心和手段Hey, what are you doing?嘿 你想干什么No! No! Dont do that- oh!不 不 别这样 哦Oh- wedgie!哦 勒死我了Okay, Ill do it.好吧 我帮你But yanking their draws up to their bell

26、ybuttons把他们的内裤拉到肚子上面勒住他们can be a big time saver.有时可以解决很多问题For this thing to work were going to need some help.如果想让事情顺利进行 我们需要些帮助It goes down tonight, at Monte Carlo Night.我们将在今晚蒙特卡罗赌场之夜实施行动And were going to need somebody 我们需要一些whos just as shifty just as cunning.既狡诈又圆滑的人Yo, yo, yo! Busting some mons

27、ter jams.哟 哟 哟 让我们热闹起来Sorry. Im still trying to figure out this whole sound system.对不起 我还在试着适应这套音效系统Kick it up, big baby.舞动起来吧 亲爱的The fox is in the hen house.黄鼠狼来给鸡拜年The fox is in the hen house.黄鼠狼来给鸡拜年Phase one complete.第一阶段完成You know, I still dont see 你知道吗 我还是不明白why we had to get you into the clas

28、sroom this way.你为什么要这样子进入教室No reason. I just always wanted to do it没原因 我只是一直想这样做and it seemed like the perfect opportunity.而现在看起来是一个很棒的尝试机会Operation Lizzies 11 is underway.利齐11号任务准备就绪 Lets roll.让我们开始吧Im okay.我没事Hey, great to see you. Thanks for coming in.嘿 很高兴见到你 感谢你的到来Glad you could make it tonight

29、.感谢你今天抽空过来Hey, listen, how bout a photo for the folks back home?嘿 能和我合张影吗 你可以带回家给家人看There you go, kid.给你 孩子What a weirdo.疯子一个Hi. Who had the ginger ale?嗨 谁点了姜汁酒Right here, doll face.我点的 娃娃脸Excuse me? How about Mrs. McGuire?打扰一下 你难道就不能称呼我迈奎尔夫人吗I like our sense of humor, cupcake.我喜欢我们之间的小幽默 甜心This is

30、for you. Buy yourself something pretty.给你钱 给你自己买点漂亮的东西Sorry about that.抱歉Amateur.真业余I dont understand why 22 doesnt beat 21.我不明白为什么22赢不了21呢Kate, look. I think you still have time 凯特 我觉得你还有时间to be fair about this whole yearbook thing.公正地处理年鉴的事Why should I?我为什么要那样做呢Because I really, really want to be

31、in it.因为我真的很想登入年鉴Ill do anything, Kate, please.叫我干什么都行 凯特 求你了You can borrow any of my clothes你可以借我的任何一件衣服and Ill do your homework for a whole entire month.我可以帮你做一个月的作业What do you say?你觉得怎么样I say go away.我觉得你还是一边呆着去吧Ill tell you what I want.我要告诉你我想要的I want you to stop making我想让你停下such a big deal abou

32、t this stupid yearbook stuff.别再把那白痴年鉴当回事了Its making me sick.你都让我恶心了Gordo, if I want to be in the yearbook戈多 我想登入年鉴why is that any of your business?关你什么事Its my business because maybe I dont want to hang out当然和我有关 因为也许我不想和with someone who gets hung up on such stupid things.某些总是执着于这种傻事的人做朋友Then dont ha

33、ng out with me.那就别再当我朋友了Maybe I wont.也许我再也不会了Maybe you shouldnt.也许你就不应该Wow, I didnt mean for this whole yearbook thing 我原来没想到这年鉴的事to break up such a great friendship.竟然可以破坏这么好的友情This is such a great bonus.真是个意外之喜呀Fine, Gordo, if you dont want to hang out with me then dont,好吧 戈多 你不想和我继续做朋友那就算了and tak

34、e your stupid CDs.拿着你的白痴CDHeres your Celtic Fusion 这是你的凯尔特融合音乐 and your South African Techno Reggae和你的南非电子雷鬼乐and just go home, okay?然后回家吧 行吗Beats hanging around here.谁愿意和这里的怪物在一起啊So far, Im not wild about 目前为止 我很高兴how Operation Lizzies 11 is working out.利齐11号任务进行得很好Well, he doesnt want his chips.他不要

35、他的筹码了Whoa, look at all these chips!哇 这而有好多筹码呀Hey, scram! These chips are mine.嘿 走开 这是我的筹码Oh. I totally want you to get yours.哦 我非常想让你拿到你的筹码Did you find the key yet?你找到钥匙了吗No. I just started looking.没有 我才刚开始找Theres kind of a lot of stuff in here.这里面东西太多了I think Kate tortures people.我估计凯特用这玩意儿折磨人No. T

36、hats for eyelashes.不 那是夹睫毛用的-Bingo. Got it. -Yes.-找到了 -就是这个This is the Farmer. The goose is in the pot.我是农夫 鹅已经到手了Roger that, Farmer.收到 农夫Uh, deliver to the kitchen. The chef is waiting.请送到厨房去 厨师正等着呢Raise the roof, raise the roof.大家热闹起来 热闹起来High on a hill theres a lonely goatherd.山上有一位孤独的牧羊人The swit

37、ch worked perfectly.偷天换日进行得很顺利Your little fight was very convincing.你们的小争吵感觉很真实Great. Now, give me the key.太棒了 把钥匙给我吧Whoa there. Ha. You got to give us the countersign first.哇 等等 你必须先告诉我们暗号I am not giving the countersign. Its goofy.我才不说那个暗号呢 傻极了No countersign, no key.没有暗号 就没有钥匙High on a hill was a l

38、onely goatherd.山上有一位孤独的牧羊人Yodel ay hee. Yodel ay hee. Yodel ay hee hoo.呦嘞嘿 呦嘞嘿 呦嘞嘿吼That was so worth it.太值了Were in.我们进来了Notebook?笔记本Got it.在这里Her passwords Beautiful Kate.她的密码是 美丽的凯特Shes a freak but shes got style.她是个怪胎 但是挺有个性的Hi. This is the Chef.嗨 我是厨师 Im loading and formatting your pictures now.我

39、正在读取和上传你的照片Itll take a while.这要花费一段时间Roger that. Matt, commence operation.收到 马特 开始行动Ruin all of Kates pictures破坏凯特所有的拍照机会until Gordos finished with whatever he needs to do.直到戈多完成他需要做的工作Wait a minute. I had to say, Yodel ay hee hoo.等等 我必须要说 呦嘞嘿吼That was your code phrase. Thats bogus.而那就是你的暗号 你们耍我-Tud

40、geman? -Here Im ready.-塔奇曼 -我在这儿 我准备好了Finally. Keep dancing.终于啊 继续跳你的Its about time. 是时候了 I have to get this picture to the printer by midnight.我必须在午夜之前把照片拿去印刷Ethan!伊桑Thats it, baby. You and me making magic.就是这样 宝贝 你和我将产生魔法效应Im at your feet 我臣服于你的脚下Whenever- 无论何时Whenever, wherever 无论何时 无论何处Were mean

41、t to be together 我们命中注定在一起Ill be there, and youll be near 我会在那里 而你就在我身边And thats the deal, my dear 就是这样 我的宝贝Excuse me, Lizzie.抱歉 利齐Oh! Ill just take the picture myself.算了 我还是自己拍照片吧Ill get my purse, fix my makeup让我去拿我的手包 然后补妆and then Ill get this stupid picture taken.之后把这张白痴照片搞定Gordo, the purse. Shes

42、 going to find out戈多 手包 她要去找她的手包了that we switched the purse.但是我们已经掉包了Dont-dont worry. I just need, like, 30 more seconds别急 我还需要 三十秒左右and Melinas on her way with the purse.梅林娜已经拿着手包过去了 Keep dancing, everyone.大家继续跳吧Matt, did you see that?马特 你看见了吗Did you see what I just did?你看见我刚才做的事了吗No, I didnt see a

43、nything.没 我什么都没看见Next time I perform I want an announcer,下回我再表演时 我需要有人报幕a spotlight and someone to catch me!还有灯光 以及有人来接着我Kates getting her picture.凯特拍到她的照片了Beautiful. Used a faster shutter speed. 真漂亮 高速快门拍摄 Stopped down a bit to get that whole Avedonesque look.稍稍慢一点就能得到更好的效果Just give me the memory c

44、ard.把记忆卡给我就好了I have to load it and get it to the printer by midnight.我必须把它上传了 然后在午夜前拿去印刷I have a deadline.我有截止时间的Nobody cares about art.没人关心艺术啊Is she going to the yearbook office?她是要去年鉴办公室吗Looks like it.看起来像Gordo, Kates coming. Hurry up with the yearbook.戈多 凯特要过来了 快点搞定年鉴That was just a song that I was going to play next.这正是我将要播的下一首歌but instead, I think Ill just play Oom Bop.但是 我想我要换成“哦彭”Do you guys remember Oom Bop?你们还记得这首歌吗There, that was a good cover.这是个不错的掩饰吧-What was that supposed to mean? -What?-你那话是什么意思 -什么


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