电影复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元Avengers.Age of Ultron剧本中英文对照完整版.doc

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《电影复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元Avengers.Age of Ultron剧本中英文对照完整版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电影复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元Avengers.Age of Ultron剧本中英文对照完整版.doc(207页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、1立即向上面汇报你的情况Report to your stations immediately.2这不是演习this is not a drill.3我们遭到攻击We are under attack.4我们遭到攻击We are under attack.5日了狗了Shit.6注意言辞Language.7贾维斯 从上面看状况如何Jarvis whats the view from upstairs.8中央的建筑被某种能量盾保护了The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield.9斯特拉克的科技水平Struckers

2、technology is10远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地well beyond any other Hydra base weve taken.11洛基的权杖一定在这里Lokis scepter must be here.12没有它 斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统Strucker couldnt mount this defense without it.13终于要结束了At long last.14结束的过程还真有点长 男孩们At long last is lasting a little long, boys.15是呀 我想我们还少点惊喜呢Yeah, I think we l

3、ost the element of surprise.16等一下 就没人想要吐槽一下Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal17队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗with the fact that Cap just said Language?18我就知道I know.10019手滑而已Just slipped out.20谁让你们进攻的Who gave the order to attack?21斯特拉克先生 复仇者们Herr Strucker, its the Avengers.22他们降落在远处的树林里 那附近的警卫们惊慌失措They lande

4、d in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked.23他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的They have to be after the scepter.24- 我们能搞定他们吗 - 他们可是复仇者啊- Can we hold them? - Theyre the Avengers!25把其余的坦克都部署过去 集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones.26一次重创可以把他们集中起来A hit can make them close rank

5、s.27我们所有的努力Everything weve accomplished.28我们马上就要到突破口了Were on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.29那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害Then lets show them what weve accomplished.30派出双胞胎Send out the twins.31太草率了Its too soon.32让他们来就是干这个的Its what they signed up for.33我的人能拖住他们My men can hold them.34长官 城市受到攻击了Sir, the city

6、 is taking fire.35好吧 我们都了解斯特拉克Well, we know Strucker36他才不会关心平民的伤亡isnt gonna worry about civilian casualties.37派钢铁军团过去Send in the Iron Legion.38这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.39我们来这是为了帮忙的We are here to help.40这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.41请赶快撤离Please

7、 back away.42我们希望避免间接伤害We wish to avoid collateral damage43当冲突结束之后 我们会通知你们and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.44我们来这是为了帮忙的Were here to help.45我们不会屈服We will not yield.46美国人把他们的 马戏团小丑送过来考验我们The Americans send their. circus freaks to test us.47我们将会把他们的尸体送回去We will send them back

8、in bags.48- 决不投降 - 绝不投降- No surrender! - No surrender.49我要投降了Im going to surrender.50你把所有的东西都删了You delete everything.51如果我们把武器给复仇者们 他们也许就不会If we give the avengers the weapons they may not52- 深入调查我们在这这么久都在做些什么 - 双胞胎- look too far into what weve been doing. - The twins!53他们根本没有准备好Theyre not ready to t

9、ake on.54不 不 我的意思是No, no, I mean.55双胞胎已经不见了The twins.56你没料到这招吧You didnt see that coming?57克林特Clint.58我们这有变种人We have enhanced in the field.59克林特受伤了Clints hit.60得有人去搞定碉堡Someone wanna deal with that bunker.61谢了Thank you.62斯塔克Stark!63我们真的得进去了We really need to get inside.64我在关闭它Im closing in.65贾维斯 我怎么才能关

10、闭它Jarvis, am I. closing in?66你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗You see a power source for that shield?67在北边塔楼上的通道里Theres a passageway above the north tower.68太棒了 我想用什么东西远程击破它Great, I wanna poke it with something.69搞定了 伙计们Drawbridge is down, people.70变种人吗The enhanced?71我看不清楚他Hes a blur.72在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见All t

11、he new players weve faced, Ive never seen this.73事实上 我到现在也没见到In fact I still havent.74克林特伤的很重 伙计们 我们得撤了Clints hit pretty bad, guys, were gonna need evac.75我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇 撤退的越早越好I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner were gone the better.76你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来You and Stark secure the scepter.77知道了Copy that.78看起

12、来他们还是排着队过来的It look like theyre lining up!79嗯 他们很激动呢Well, theyre excited.80找到权杖Find the scepter.81看在上帝的份上 注意点你的言辞And for gosh sake watch your language.82这一时半会是改不了了Thats not going away any time soon.83伙计们 停下来 我们来谈谈Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.84谈话很愉快It was a good talk.85不 一点也不愉快No it wasnt.8

13、6哨兵模式Sentry mode.87好吧 贾维斯Okay, Jarvis.88你知道的 我想要所有的数据You know, I want it all.10089确保你会把所有的数据传到总部Make sure you copy whole to HQ.90我们把这里封锁了Were locked down out here.91该去找班纳了 摇篮曲时间到Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.92我知道你在藏匿的不只是这些文件I know youre hiding more than files.93嘿 贾维斯 快给我用红外线扫描这个房间Hey J, gi

14、ve me an IR scan of the room real quick.94你左边的那堵墙The wall to your left.95我在检测钢筋Im reading steel reinforcement,96和气流and an air current.97拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.98拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.99耶Yay.100嘿 大家伙Hey, big guy.101太阳快下山了Suns getting real low.102斯特拉克男爵Baron Strucker.103九头蛇的头号暴徒Hydr

15、as number one thug.104严格说来 我是神盾局的暴徒Technically, Im a thug for Shield.105好吧 严格说来 你被解雇了Well then technically youre unemployed.106洛基的权杖在哪儿Wheres Lokis scepter?10107别着急 我知道我一旦被打败Dont worry, I know when Im beat.10108你会提到我是怎么配合你的 希望我没错Youll mention how I cooperated, I hope.10109前提是你跟我说说那些非法的人体实验Ill put it

16、 right under illegal human experimentation.110有多少人How many are there?10111我们又多了一个变种人We have a second enhanced.112女人 别开火Female, do not engage.113你得比这个速度更快Youll have to be faster than.114兄弟们 我抓到斯特拉克了Guys, I got Strucker.115嗯 我这有Yeah, I got.116重要的事情.something bigger.117索尔Thor.118我的眼睛都被战利品吸引住了I got eyes

17、 on the prize.119你本来可以救我们的You. couldve. saved. us.120你为什么没有 再多做一点Why didnt you. do more?121你就这样让他们把它带走吗Youre just gonna let them take it?!122嘿 摇篮曲比以往更管用啊Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever.10123只是没有想到会变身Just wasnt expecting the code green.124如果没有你 那就会两败俱伤了You hadnt been there, there wouldve bee

18、n double the casualties.125我最好的朋友将会成为一段珍贵的回忆。My best friend would have been a treasured memory.126你知道的 有时候 我想听的You know, sometimes exactly what I wanna hear,127并不是我想听的isnt exactly what I wanna hear.128要多久你才会相信我How long before you trust me?129我才不会相信I dont trust.130索尔 告诉浩克他都干了些什么Thor, report on the hu

19、lk.131地狱的大门充满了牺牲品的尖叫声The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims.132但肯定不是死人的叫声But not the screams of the dead of course.133受伤者的尖叫声 也许还有呜咽声 很大的怨气Wounded screams, maybe whimpering, great deal of complaining134还有扭伤的三角肌的故事和痛风and tales of sprained deltoids and gout.135嘿 班纳Hey Banner,1013

20、6赵博士正从首尔赶过来Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul,137她在你的实验室里开工你没意见吧is it okay if she sets up in your lab?138- 啊 好 她认识路 - 谢谢了- Ah yeah, she knows her way around. - Thanks.139告诉她准备好所有东西Tell her to prep everything,140巴顿需要充分的治疗Barton is gonna need the full treatment.141太好了 头儿Very good, sir.142贾维斯 你来开Jarvi

21、s, take the wheel.143好的 老大Yes, sir.144航线已经锁定Approach vector is locked.145感觉还不错 对不It feels good, yeah?146从神盾局垮了之后我们就一直在找这个东西Weve been after this thing since Shield collapsed.147并非是我不喜欢我们的小突击队Not that I havent enjoyed our little raiding parties.148不 但是这个 这个东西让我们的小突击队很快就可以解散了No, but this, this brings i

22、t to a close.149只要我们查出这个东西还被用来干过什么As soon as we find out what else this has been used for.150我不只是指武器一类的I dont just mean weapons.151斯特拉克已经有能力强化人类了Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement.152班纳和我会对权杖做一些检测Banner and I will give it153在它被送回阿斯加德之前the once-over before it goes back to Asgard.154你

23、同意吗Is that cool with you?155离欢送会只有几天了Its just a few days till the fair-well party.156你会留下 对吗Youre staying right?157嗯 胜利当然应该荣耀的狂欢咯Yes, yes of course victory should be honored with revels.158是啊 有谁不喜欢狂欢呢 对吧队长Yeah, who doesnt love revels. Captain?159八九不离十 这东西能终结奇瑞塔和九头蛇 所以Hopefully this puts an end to th

24、e Chitauri and Hydra. So.160是的 狂欢吧Yes, revels.161实验室都准备好了 老大Labs all set up boss.162哦 事实上他才是老大 我只是个Oh actually hes the boss. I just.163为一切买单还有设计一切事务pay for everything and design everything,164并且让每个人看起来都更酷的一个角色and make everyone look cooler.165斯特拉克怎么说的Whats the word on Strucker?166北约已经找到他了NATO has got

25、 him.10167那两个变种人呢The two enhanced?168是旺达和皮特罗马克西莫夫 他们是双胞胎Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins.169十岁时因炮弹轰塌了他们的公寓大楼而变成了孤儿Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building.10170斯科维亚有一段崎岖坎坷的历史Sokovia has had a rough history.171它没什么特别的 但是它即将变得相当特别Its nowhere special but its on the way to everywhe

26、re special.172他们的能力Their abilities?173他的新陈代谢加快了人体热平衡也得到了改良Hes got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis.174她的能力是精神干扰和心灵感应Her thing is neuro-electric interfacing, telekinesis175还有控制and manipulation.176说白了就是他很快 她很古怪Hes fast and shes weird.177- 好吧 他们会再次出现 - 我同意- Well, theyre gonna show

27、up again. - Agreed.178文件上说 他们是斯特拉克实验的志愿者File says they volunteered for Struckers experiments.10179简直是疯了Its nuts.180对 什么样的怪物才会让一个德国Right, what kind of monster would let a German181科学家在他们身上做实验来保家卫国啊scientist experiment on them to protect their country.182我们不是在打仗 队长Were not at war, Captain.183但他们在But t

28、hey are.184他怎么样了Hows he doing?185不幸的是 他还是那个巴顿Unfortunately, he is still Barton.186那真是太糟糕了Thats terrible.187他还好 就是有点渴Hes fine, just thirsty.188好吧 打起精神贾维斯 娱乐时间到Alright, look alive Jarvis its play time.189我没有有几天时间I only got a couple of days190来研究权杖 所以让我们充分利用时间吧with this joystick so lets make the most o

29、f it.191告诉我结构和成分分析的结果Update me on the structural and compositional analysis.192权杖是外星的东西The scepter is alien.193都是我不能定量分析的元素there are elements I cant quantify.194那你可以分析组成部分So theres elements you can.195宝石似乎The jewel appears to be196是一个保护壳 用来保护里面的东西a protective housing for something inside.197- 一种强大的力

30、量 - 就像反应堆吗- Something powerful. - Like a reactor?198像是个电脑 我觉得我破解了它的代码Like a computer, I believe I decipher the code.199你确定他会没事吗You sure hes gonna be OK?200假装我们不能没有这个人 还真的让我们团队团结了不少Pretending we need this guy really brings the team together.201没有退化的可能Theres no possibility of deterioration.202纳米分子瞬间就结

31、合完毕了The nano molecular functionality is instantaneous.203结合完成后就连他的细胞也辨别不出来His cells dont know theyre bonding with simulacrum.204她正在培育组织Shes creating tissue.205如果你把他带到我的实验室If you brought him to my lab.206再生的装置用不了20分钟就能搞定the regeneration cradle could do this in 20 minutes.207哦 他不行了 到时间去见阎王了是吗Oh, hes f

32、lat-lining, call it, time?208不 不 不 我会永远活着的No, no, no, Im gonna live forever.209- 我要变成塑料做的咯 - 这是你的饮料- Im gonna be made of plastic. - Heres your beverage.210你还是你 巴顿先生Youll be made of you, Mr. Barton.211就连你的女朋友也不会发现有什么不同Your own girlfriend wont be able to tell the difference.212我没有女朋友哦I dont have a gir

33、lfriend.213那我可搞不定哦That, I cant fix.214下一件事是这样的 托尼This is the next thing, Tony.215你笨重的金属盔甲会被留在沙漠里Your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust.216计划正是这样的That is exactly the plan.217还有 希尔和我期待在周六的派对上见到你And Hill and I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.218不像你 我没有时间去参加派对Unlike you, I dont

34、 have a lot of time for parties.219索尔会在那儿吗Will Thor be there?220有什么事Whats the rumpus?221嗯 权杖Well, the scepter.222你知道我们正纳闷为什么斯特拉克能发明这么多东西you see we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive.223所以 我正分析宝石的内部So, Ive been analyzing the gem inside224你也许能认得出来you may recognize.225- 贾维斯 - 博士- Jarvis? - Do

35、ctor.226开始的时候 贾维斯只是个自然语言交互界面Started out, Jarvis was just a natural language UI.227现在他却经营着一家钢铁军团Now he runs an Iron Legion.228除了佩珀 就数他经营的业务最多了He runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper.229最高级别Top of the line230我想不会太久I suspect not for long.231贾维斯就会有竞争对手了Meet the competition.232这真美Its beau

36、tiful.233如果你必须去猜 你觉得它像是在做什么If you had to guess, whats it look like its doing?234像是在思考Like its thinking.235你的意思是说这会是一个You mean this could be a.236这不是人脑Its not a human mind.237我是说看着这个I mean look at this.238他们像是神经元放电Theyre like neurons firing.239在斯特拉克的实验室里 我看到一些相当先进的机器人工程Down at Struckers lab I saw som

37、e fairly advanced robotics work.240他们清空了数据 但是They deep sixed the data but.241我猜他在研究一样非常特别的东西I got to guess he was knocking on a very particular door.242人工智能Artificial intelligence.243这可能就是我们要找的 布鲁斯This could be it Bruce,244这会成为制造奥创的关键this could be the key to creating Ultron.245我认为奥创只是一个幻想罢了I thought

38、 Ultron was a fantasy.246过去是Yesterday it was.247如果我们能够驾驭这种能量If we can harness this power,248申请进入我的钢铁军团协定apply it to my Iron Legion protocol.249这个假设未免太大了Thats a man-sized if.250我们的工作就是假设Our job is if.251如果你在一个阳光普照的沙滩 喝着玛格丽塔鸡尾酒What if you were sipping margaritas on a sun drenched beach252从日出到迟暮turning

39、 brown instead of green.253不用去想什么维罗妮卡Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica. 245别恨我 我帮忙设计的维罗妮卡Dont hate, I helped design Veronica.254作为一个最坏的一个措施 是吗 那最好的呢As a worse case measure, right? How about a best case.255如果这世界是安全的会怎么样What if the world was safe?256如果下一次外星人再次大举进攻 而且他们会那样做What if next time a

40、liens roll up to the club, and they will,257他们不能通过防卫的they couldnt get past the bouncer.258能威胁到地球的群体就只会是人类The only people threatening the planet would be people.259我想把这个申请入奥创计划I wanna apply this to the Ultron program,260但是贾维斯不能下载密度这么大的数据示意图but Jarvis cant download a data schematic this dense.261只有权杖在这里我们才能做到We can only do it while we have the scepter here,262三天后 给我三天时间thats three days, give me three days.263所以 你像开始研究人工智能 但你并不想告诉这个团队是吗So, youre going for artificial intelligence and you dont want to tell t


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