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1、Geographically isolated?,Its the smallest continent in the world and its the biggest island in the world.,Australia is an island,surrounded by water.It is located on the smallest continent in the world.It is the sixth largest country in the world.,Western Australia,Northern Territory,South Australia

2、,New SouthWales,Queensland,Victoria,Tasmania,Australia Capital,The People,Population:21,700,000(March 2009)Population growth rate:0.87%Ethnic groups:Caucasian 92%,Asian 7%,aboriginal and other 1%(2001)Languages:English 79.1%,Chinese 2.1%,Italian 1.9%,other 11.1%,unspecified 5.8%(2009),Official Name,

3、Commonwealth of Australia Queen Elizabeth II has been the head of state since 1973 The Queen is represented by a governor-general and by a governor in each state,National bird Emu 鸸鹋 National animal kangaroo,National Colours,Guess?gold and green Why?Long associated with Australian sporting achieveme

4、nts,the national colours have strong environmental connections.Gold indicates images of the countrys beaches,mineral wealth,grain harvests and wide desert.Green evokes the forests and pastures of the Australian landscape.Green and gold are the colours of Australias national floral emblem the golden

5、wattle,Canberra,Capital1908 site chosen for Australias capital,Famous Landmarks Federal Parliament House,The National Library,The High Court,TheAustralian War Memorial,The National Art Gallery,Sydney,Largest and oldest city in AustraliaHosted 2000 OlympicsFamous landmarks The Sydney Harbour BridgeTh

6、e Sydney Opera House,Bondi Beach,Not the capital but the biggest city in Australia,Australian Open Tennis Championships,Melbourne,The Commonwealth of Australia was created on January 1,1901-Federation Day-when six former British colonies-now the six States of Australia-agreed to form a union.,政府(Gov

7、ernment):澳大利亚国家政权和义务由联邦政府、州政府和地方政府三级分担。Federal or Central government State government Local government,Basic Structure of Australia Government,Basic Structure of Australia Government,Colonial Period,William Dampier was the first English sailor landed on the northwest coast of Australia in 1688James

8、Cook landed on the east coast of A ustralia in 1768.He named the land and claimed the land for the English King The English began to colonize Australia in order to compete with the French and establish a penal colny for the British convicts in the 1780s,Aboriginal Culture,1.The DreamtimeAll Aborigin

9、al people share a belief in the timeless,magical realm of the Dreamtime.According to Aboriginal myth,totemic(图腾)spirit ancestors forged all aspects of life during the Dreamtime of the worlds creation.These spirit ancestors continue to connect natural phenomena,as well as past,present and future thro

10、ugh every aspect of Aboriginal culture.,Aboriginal people,The greatest population density was to be found in the southern and eastern regions of the continent,the River Murray.At the time of European discovery and settlement,up to one million Aboriginal people lived across the continent as hunters a

11、nd gatherers.They were scattered in 300 clans and spoke 250 languages and 700 dialects.,The Dreamtime,梦幻,或梦幻时代(Dreamtime),是指导原住民生活的知识、信仰和习俗体系。它向人们展示他们该如何生活和如何行事。不遵守它的规则的人会受到惩罚。父母和长辈向儿童讲述梦幻的故事。这些故事告诉儿童他们的土地是怎样形成的和人们如何在这里繁衍生息,以及怎样行事和为什么要这样做,Aboriginal Rock ArtLongest continuously practiced artistic tr

12、adition in the world.,Impact of European settlement,By the 1940s almost all Aborigines were assimilated into rural and urban Australian society as low-paid labors with limited rights.Many Aboriginal children were taken from their natural parents by the government or church.These children were called

13、“The Stolen Generation”.,The Kangaroo is an Australian icon.Gray KangarooRed kangaroosTree KangarooMusky Rat-kangaroo(麝袋鼠),I am duckbill,people also call me platypus.,I am a dingo.The dingo is Australias native wild dog and its largest meat-eating mammal.In some pastoral areas,dingoes are also regar

14、ded as pests(害人之物)due to the threat they pose to sheep and other farm animals.,We are Emu.We are birds,but we cant fly.We can run very fast,(up to 50 kph),with a bouncy,swaying motion.,I am a bilby(兔耳袋狸).I am a small creature found mainly in Northern Territory.I have large ears like rabbits and eat

15、small insects and various plants.I like to go out at night.,I am a goanna.(巨蜥)I am a type of lizard(蜥蜴)found in various parts of Australia.I can grow to about 2 meters long,and can be aggressive,often making a loud hissing sound.,Australias Landscape,Australia is located inOceaniabetween the Indian

16、and South Pacific Oceans.Australia is called the“Land Down Under”Island country AND a continent located in the southern hemisphere,south of the equator,Australias Big Rock Uluru,Australia is ancient and it has some of the oldest geological features in the world.Our most famous rock of course is Ulur

17、u in the Northern Territory.,Australias Longest River,Australias longest single river is the River Murray at 2,375 kilometers.墨累河,Seasons in Australia are:,Summer:December to FebruaryAutumn:March to MayWinter:June to AugustSpring:September to November,New Years Eve Fireworks-National,Celebrate the n

18、ew year in Australia,where the festivities include huge outdoor parties and spectacular fireworks at Sydneys Harbour Bridge.,Sydney Festival悉尼狂欢节,Each year the Sydney Festival offers a rich and diverse program spanning all art forms including dance,theatre,music,visual arts,film,forums and large sca

19、le free outdoor events.悉尼节每年从1月8号开始到30号结束,通常吸引超过一百万的观众聚集到这个港口城市,观赏各种澳洲和全世界的各式各样的精彩表演、艺术展示、舞蹈和电影。,Australia Day,On 26 January each year,Australians celebrate Australia Day.Australia Day is a public holiday in every state and territory in Australia.On Australia Day,large and small communities across A

20、ustralia celebrate all that is great about Australia and being Australian.It is the biggest annual public event in Australia.,Anzac Day 4.25澳纽兵团日,Anzac Day is observed on 25 April each year.Anzac Day is named after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps,which landed at Gallipoli in Turkey during

21、World War I on 25 April 1915.Anzac Day is a solemn day when Australians remember the sacrifice of all Australians who served and died in wars,conflicts and peacekeeping operations.,Australias Music Festivals,Pick your musical bliss in Australia,where dance,blues,jazz,indie,rock,folk and classical music are all on offer in the jam-packed festival calendar.See international acts headline at huge national festivals,such as Big Day Out,Good Vibrations,V Festival and Parklife.,


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