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1、Professor Jianmin Jia,Service-Profit Chain服务利润链,如何把一个企业做强?员工和顾客应该成为管理层考虑问题的核心所在。In the new economics of service,frontline workers and customers need to be the center of management concern.既强调市场也强调运营的组织几乎是战无不胜的。Organizations that achieve both market and operating focus are nearly unbeatable.Powerful

2、service firms employ a quantifiable set of relationships that directly links profit and growth to not only customer satisfaction and loyalty,but to employee satisfaction,loyalty,productivity.,Customer&Employee Focus以顾客和员工为中心,The Performance Trinity 绩效三位一体,领导和管理Leadership and management,价值和文化Values a

3、nd culture,愿景和战略VisionandStrategy,“We expect that good-to-great leaders would begin by setting a new vision and strategy.We found instead that they first got the right people on the bus,the wrong people off the bus,and the right people in the right seats and then they figured out where to drive it.”

4、(Jim Collins),In recent years,physical assets accounting for most of the book value of corporations have fallen to around one-third of market value.大多数公司的有形资产占它们市场价值的/3.These intangibles comprise such factors as brands,information,technology,customer relationships,the quality of employees,and qualit

5、y of an organizations leadership and administration.无形资产包括品牌、信息、技术、客户关系、员工质量、组织领导和管理的质量.,Intangible Assets 无形资产,Service-Profit Chain 服务利润链,向顾客提供的服务价值 Value of ServicesProvided toCustomers,顾客满意CustomerSatisfaction,利润和增长Profit andGrowth,高质量支持服务和政策 High-QualitySupport Servicesand Policies,满意、忠诚及生产率高的员工

6、Satisfied,Loyaland ProductiveEmployees,Customers顾客Employees员工,顾客忠诚CustomerLoyalty,Customer loyalty and commitment are the primary drivers of growth and profitability.Customer loyalty and commitment emanate from customer satisfaction compared to competition.Customer satisfaction results from the real

7、ization of high levels of value compared to competition.Value is created by satisfied,committed,loyal,and productive employees.Employee satisfaction results from several factors:the“fairness”of management,the quality of ones peers in the workplace,the opportunity for personal growth on the job,capab

8、ility,the latitude within limits to deliver results to customers,levels of customer satisfaction achieved in customer-facing job,andmonetary compensation.,Drivers of Service-Profit Chain服务利润链的驱动力,Links in the Service Profit Chain服务利润链链接,顾客满意CustomerSatisfaction,顾客忠诚CustomerLoyalty,收入增长RevenueGrowth,

9、盈利能力Profitability,内部服务质量InternalService Quality,员工满意EmployeeSatisfaction,员工保留EmployeeRetention,员工生产率EmployeeProductivity,外部服务价值ExternalService Value,运营战略与服务传送系统Operating Strategy and Service Delivery System,workplace designjob designemployee selection and developmentemployee rewards and recognitiont

10、ools for serving customers,service concept:results for customers,service designed and delivered to meet targeted customers needs,RetentionRepeat businessreferral,Case 1:Southwest Airlines 西南航空,Started by concentrating on serving intrastate,no-frills commuters in Texas.Now expanded to serve 58 cities

11、Experienced 30 straight years of profitsYielded an average 35%annual return to investors The nations fourth-largest domestic carrier“Less-for-much-less”positioningAverage flight time=1 hour&one-way fare=$84only major short haul,low-fare,high-frequency,point-to-point carrierLow prices by not serving

12、meals(just peanuts),not assigning seats(first come,first served),and not using travel agents.Customer value and employee satisfactionDependable,frequent,and friendly service at a low priceIts e-mail-based click n save program has 2.7 million subscribers for receiving special fare offersIts easier to

13、 get into Harvard than to be hired by SWA(4%acceptance rate)Awards for best on-time service,best baggage handling,and best customer serviceCheerful employees go out of their way to amuse,surprise,or entertain passengers(e.g.,introducing themselves to one another,then hug,then kiss,then propose marri

14、age)ProfitSharing and Stock Purchase Plan for SWA Employees“Southwest Airlines gives security to its employees,and security breeds loyalty”,“Fun loving,casual airline”,Rankings of Eight Largest US Airlines for Revenue,Profit,On-Time Arrival,and Customer Service Complaints(1995),SW=25 minute turnarou

15、ndOthers=55 minutes,Case 2:American Express 美国运通,American Express is a global travel,financial and network services provideremploying over 75,000 people worldwide,and offering products and services in more than 200 countries.Personal serviceCards,financial services,travel and entertainmentBusiness s

16、erviceSmall businesses,corporations,and merchantsSegmentation of Cards:Green,gold,platinum,and corporate cardsAE Charge Cards:Paid in full each monthOptima Credit Cards:Paid over time or paid in full each monthCash Rewards Cards,Airline Rewards Cards(Delta),Hotel Rewards Cards(Hilton)Student and Sen

17、ior CardsPrepaid CardsThe Centurion Card:“The Black Card”-$150,000 in annual spending and$2,500 annual fee room upgrade,first class seats,and bonus miles AE is one of the first companies implementing privacy principles on the Internet.http:/,Relationships between Custo

18、mer Satisfaction and Office Profitability,Comparison of Top and Bottom 10%of American Expresss Business Travel Offices,Ranked by Return on Sales,1995美国运通销售收入最高的10%和最低的10%的商务旅行办公室比较,Return on Sales销售收入,Gets Through Quickly服务迅速,Tickets Right订票准确,Profit 利润,Customer Ratings 顾客评分(5 Point Scale 5分制),4.14,

19、3.37,4.69,4.52,(r=0.51),(r=0.65),Relationship between Employee Satisfaction and Office Profitability,Profit 利润,Comparison of Top and Bottom 10%of American Expresss Business Travel Offices,Ranked by Return on Sales美国运通销售收入最高的10%和最低的10%的商务旅行办公室比较,Employee Ratings 员工评分(5 Point Scale 5分制),3.69,4.04,3.14

20、,2.85,2.99,3.52,2.85,2.7,Return on Sales,销售收入,PhysicalSurroundings,环境设施,Safety of Workplace,工作场所的安全性,Way ThingsGet Done,做事的方式,Focus onShort-Term,注重短期,Case 3:Wal-Mart Stores沃尔玛百货公司,Industry Wal-Mart Industry Wal-MartMedian,Managers Median,EmployeesManagers Employees行业一般 沃尔玛 行业一般 沃尔玛管理者 管理者 员工 员工,High

21、,Low,Relative Turnover相对流失率,Employee andManagement Turnover,员工和管理层流失率 1994Discount Department Stores折扣百货公司,“Niceness”as the primary criterion for choosing associatesWell trained,recognition,commitmentStock purchase plan 15%discount 50%of all associates do soIncentive-bonus plan&profit sharing,Custom

22、er Value Equation 顾客价值等式,Cases:Federal ExpressSingapore Airlines,Outcome quality and process qualityFive dimensions of service process quality可靠性DependabilityDid the service provider do what was promised?“When it absolutely,positively,has to get there.”(FedEx)反应性ResponsivenessWas the service provide

23、d in a timely manner?权威性AuthorityDid the service provider elicit a feeling of confidence in the customer during the service delivery process?体贴性EmpathyWas the service provider able to take the customers point of view?有形证据 Tangible evidenceWas evidence left that the service was indeed performed?“Our

24、new business class seats may cause drowsiness.”(UA),Service positioning,#1,Customers views of service process quality depend primarily on the relationship between what was actually delivered in relation to what was expected by the customers.Service quality is relative,not absolute(reference effect).

25、服务质量是相对而非绝对的(参考性)。It is determined by the customer,not by the service provider(perception).它被顾客而不是服务供应商决定(感知性)。It varies from one customer to another(variation).它随不同的顾客而异(变化性)。Service quality can be enhanced by meeting or exceeding customers expectations or taking steps to control such expectations“

26、under promise and over deliver”(satisfaction).提高服务质量可以通过满足或超额满足顾客的期望或者采取措施来控制顾客期望“低许诺和高提供”。Criteria of good perceived service quality 1)Professionalism 8)Consistency.,Service Quality 服务质量,ExpectedQuality期望质量,Communication 沟通Sales 销售Perceptions 感知Word of mouth 口碑Past experience 经验Needs&wants 需求,Custo

27、merSatisfaction顾客满意,Perceivedqualityof Competitors感知的竞争者的质量,Perception感知,Result:What结果:是什么,Process:How过程:如何实现,Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意,Total perceivedQuality全面感知的质量,ExperiencedQuality体验的质量,Satisfaction-Loyalty Relationship 满意忠诚关系,Customer Loyalty 顾客忠诚Drives Profitability and Growth 驱动利润和增长,A 5%inc

28、rease in customer loyalty can produce profit increases from 25%to 85%.顾客忠诚度5%的增长可导致利润增长25%-85%,Customer Lifetime Value 顾客终身价值,*Figures in parentheses denote losses,Customer Profit Patterns over Time,Customer Lifetime Value:Industries顾客终身价值:行业,Customer and Employee 顾客与员工,CRM 顾客关系管理Customer Satisfacti

29、onCustomer RetentionCustomer Lifetime ValueKey Customers,ERM 员工关系管理Employee SatisfactionEmployee RetentionEmployee Lifetime ValueKey Employees,Treat customers like employees and employees like customers,CRM(ERM)是通过提供高的顾客(员工)价值和满意来建立并维持有利可图的顾客(员工)关系的整个过程。,The Satisfaction“Mirror”“满意镜”,More Familiarit

30、ywith CustomerNeeds and Waysof Meeting Them更熟悉顾客的需要及满足顾客的方式,Greater Opportunityfor Recoveryfrom Errors更多的补救失误的机会,HigherEmployeeSatisfaction更高的员工满意度,Higher Productivity更高的生产率,Improved Quality of Service更佳的服务质量,MoreRepeatPurchases更多的重复购买,StrongerTendency toComplain aboutService Errors更愿意抱怨服务失误,HigherC

31、ustomerSatisfaction更高的服务满意度,Lower Costs更低的成本,Better Results更好的结果,Customer顾客,Employee员工,Comparison to Performance Measures,Fortunes 100 Best Places to Work versus Companies in the Standard&Poors 500,1998-2001财富评选的100个最适合工作的地方对比标准普尔的500个公司,Employee Value Equation 员工价值等式,Opportunity to solve problems f

32、or customers为顾客解决问题的机会,Opportunities for personaldevelopment个人发展的机遇,Degree to which workgets recognized工作得到认可的程度,The“fairness”of myManager上司的“公正性”,Working with winners与成功者一起工作,Appropriate compensation适当的补偿,Jobcontinuity工作的连续性,Cycle of Employee Capability,精心设计的支持体系信息;设施Well-DesignedSupport Systems,满足

33、顾客需求的较高标准Greater Latitude to MeetCustomers Needs,对员工的明确限制和期望Clear Limits on,and Expectationsof,Employees,适当奖励和经常认可Appropriate Rewardsand FrequentRecognition,员工推荐潜在求职者Employee Referrals of Potential JobCandidates,Is attitude emphasized?Are job previews utilized?Are customers screened?,Is training for

34、 job and life?Is it and important element of quality of work life?,Do they reflect needs of the service encounter?Are they designed to foster relationships?,Does it reflect top management“talk”?Is it enough to allow delivery of results to customers?,Are employees encouraged to refer friends?Are refe

35、rrals from the“best”employees given priority?,Is satisfaction measured periodically?Are measurements linked to other functions on the Cycle?,Are they linked to service objectives?Are they balanced between monetary and non-monetary?,从优秀到卓越,任何从优秀到卓越公司的最终飞跃,靠的不是市场,不是技术,不是竞争,也不是产品。有一件事比其他任何事都举足轻重:那就是招聘并

36、留住好的员工。在你确定将汽车开向何处之前,首先必须有合适的人在车上(不合适的人被请下车)。补偿机制不是为了让不合适的雇员作出正确的举动,而是要让合适的雇员能上车,并保证他们能留在那儿。-Jim Collins,永远不断地寻找优秀并且志同道合的员工,Complaint Escalation Pyramid抱怨升级金字塔,VicePresident副总裁,Middle Management中层管理人员,Frontline Service Providers一线服务人员,One in two of thesestill dissatisfiedcomplain的不满者仍抱怨,25%of compla

37、inantsstill dissatisfied25%的抱怨者仍不满,One in five complain1/5 抱怨,25%of these customersstill dissatisfied这些顾客25%仍不满,40%Complain40%抱怨,100%ofdissatisfied customers100%不满的顾客,1 Complaint=一次抱怨=,2 customers dissatisfied at middle management level=中层抱怨者的2个不满客户=,10 who complain to middle management=10个向中层抱怨的人=,

38、50 customers who remain dissatisfied after frontline effort=50个经第一线努力后仍不满的顾客=,200 who complain To frontline=200个向一线人员抱怨的人=,500 who are dissatisfied=500个不满的顾客=,THE COMPLAINTPROCESS STATED INPERCETAGES百分比表示的抱怨过程,THE PYRAMIDDESCRIBED INNUMBERS以数量表示的金字塔,Dissatisfied Customers RepurchaseIntentions under

39、Various Conditions不同条件下不满顾客的重购意图,你的组织的“业务”是什么?它是由价值和结果定义而非产品和服务定义的吗?What is your organizations“business”?Is it defined in terms of value and results versus products and services?你的组织很明确地界定了顾客和非顾客了吗?How carefully has your organization defined who it will serve and who not?你的组织是通过什么方法政策、实践、过程还是组织为中意的顾

40、客和员工提供较高的价值成本均衡的?By what means policies,practices,processes,organization is value leveraged over costs for preferred customers and employees?在多大程度上你的组织的价值传送系统使经营战略达到良好的价值成本均衡?To what degree does your organizations value delivery system enable its operating strategy to leverage value over costs?你们在多大

41、的程度上度量并追踪服务利润链中的元素的?To what extent do you measure and track elements of the service profit chain?在多大程度上,你们的管理者和员工是基于获得经营绩效而得到认可和奖励的?To what extent are managers and employees recognized and rewarded on the basis of achieving performance measures?在各种价值等式维度中你的顾客和员工寻求的是什么?你是如何知道的?What do customers and employees seek on various value equation dimensions?How do you know?,Questions for Managers管理者需要思考的问题,


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