七级英语上册《Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic?Section A》教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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《七级英语上册《Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic?Section A》教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七级英语上册《Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic?Section A》教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic?Section AThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:free, be free, Sunday, up, go, West Hill, picnic, love, call, forget, bring, guitar, tomorrow, go fishing2. Learn to make teleph

2、one calls:Hello!Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.3. Learn to make appointments:Are you free this Sunday?Yes. Whats up?4. Learn to make invitations:Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic?Oh, Id love to.5. Learn the reminding:(1)Please tell Maria about it.(2)Dont forget to bring your guitar. Teac

3、hing aids 教具苹果/帽子/教学挂图/录音机/手机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:9分钟)利用实物和教学挂图,通过师生问答等形式,使学生身临其境,创设轻松的学习氛围,充分调动学生学习的积极性。1. (1)(教师出示两个苹果。)T:Boys and girls, what are these?Ss:They are apples.T:Would you like some apples?Ss:Yes.T:How many apples?Ss:Two.T:Yes, there are only two. T

4、hey are not enough(教师解释:“不够”。) for all of you.(学生笑)T:How much are they? Guess!Ss:They are 1/2/3 yuan.(2)(教师请一位学生到讲台,并出示一顶帽子。)T:S1, come to the front. Try on the cap, please.T:How do you like this cap?S1:It looks very nice.T:How much is it? Can you guess?S1:10 yuan.T:Oh, no. Its only 8 yuan. Now, its

5、 a little cold. Give it to you, OK?S1:Thank you very much, Mr./Miss 2. (师生对话,导入本课部分生词。) T:What does your father do, S2? S2:He is a teacher/a worker/an office worker T:I think he is free on Sunday, right? (板书并要求学生掌握。)freebe freeSunday S2:Yes./No. T:What does he often do on Sunday? S2:He often T:I oft

6、en go fishing on Sunday. But this Sunday I want to go for a picnic. Boys and girls, would you like to go with me? Ss:Yes, wed like to. (告诉学生也可以用wed love to回答。) (板书并要求学生掌握。)go fishingpicnicgo for a picniclove T:OK. You can ask your friends to go with you. Oh, do you have Mr. Chens telephone number? S

7、3:His telephone number is T:Ill call him and ask him to bring a guitar. (板书并要求学生掌握。)callbringguitar (出示1a教学挂图。) T:Now Kangkang is calling Jane. What are they talking about?Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)让学生两人一组练习并模仿,培养学生听说能力,使其熟练掌握电话约会的功能用语。1. (播放1a录音,让学生回答问题。)(1) Where would they like to go?(2)

8、 What do they want to do?(再听1a录音,核对答案。)(板书并要求学生理解。)West Hill2. (学生阅读1a,找出打电话用语和约会用语。要求学生观察打电话用语和日常用语的区别,师生共同总结归纳打电话和约会的句型。根据情境猜出Whats up?和forget的意思。) T: OK, boys and girls, please read 1a and find out the expressions of making telephone calls and making appointments. (教师解释:打电话时,表达“我是”,要用“This is ”而不

9、能用“I am ”。)(板书并要求学生掌握。)Making telephone calls:Hello!Hello, Jane! This is Making appointments:Are you free this Sunday?Yes. Whats up?(板书重点短语,解释并要求学生掌握。)forget to do 3. (让学生听1a录音并跟读,注意模仿语音语调。) T:Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.4. (让学生两人一组练习1a对话。)Step 3 Consol

10、idation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)通过大量分层次练习,巩固本课功能用语“电话会话”,使目标语言得到强化训练。1. (找两三组学生表演1a电话会话,并对出色表演者给予表扬。) T:Please act out the conversation in pairs.2. (让学生根据1a对话,独立完成1b。) T:Please complete the telephone conversation between Jane and Maria. (核对答案。)3. (让学生两人一组练习1b对话,然后找一两组同学上台表演。) T:Please practice 1b in pairs, th

11、en I will ask some groups to act it out in front of the class.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11分钟)拓展本课功能话题,在真实情境中运用目标语言,活跃课堂气氛。1. (教师要求学生在熟悉1a, 1b的基础上,独立完成1c,巩固本节课所学目标语言。核对答案。)2. (完成2。核对答案。然后学生之间模拟电话会话。)T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.(板书并要求学生掌握。)tomorrow3. (打电话表演。课前教师预先把一部手机交给一

12、位同学,叫他/她在做该练习的时候接老师的电话,并按安排好的内容与老师通话,要求该生对这次表演保密。)(1)(教师在讲台上拿出手机,拨打电话看到这,学生都很惊讶。)(2)(教室里一位同学口袋里有手机铃声在响,他/她掏出了手机)(3)(教师和学生进行如下对话。)T: Hello, S1. This is Dad/Mom.S1:Hello, Dad/Mom.T: S1, where are you?S1:Im at the toy shop. Id like a toy car.T: OK. Ill buy you one this afternoon. Dont forget to go to s

13、chool.S1:All right.(4)(教师鼓励其他学生给老师打电话,学生都活跃起来。)T: Boys and girls, who wants to call me? My telephone number is Anybody?(其他学生接过S1的手机,给教师打电话。师生通过手机再现通话真实情景,学生非常有兴致。此活动既活跃了课堂气氛,又巩固了本节课的目标语言。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)功能话题加深,由易到难,使学生对所学知识有新认识,在任务型教学中实现教学目标。1.(全班星期日早上要去野餐,让学生分组讨论或电话制定野餐计划,完成3。)Exa

14、mple:(Ring )S1:Hello!S2:Hello, S1. This is S2.S1:Hi, S2. Whats up?S2:Are you free this Sunday morning?S1:Yes.S2:Would you like to go for a picnic with me?S1:Yes, Id like to.(通过这个活动,既可以复习电话用语,又能巩固本课生词。)2. Homework:(1)熟读1a和1b对话。(2)根据野餐计划写一篇邀朋友去野餐的电话会话,巩固本课所学内容。板书设计:Would you like to go for a picnic?Section Abe freeThis is (电话用语)go for a picnicAre you free ?call sb.Whats up?Would you like to ?Dont forget to


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