破产姐妹 第三季 1620集 2 Broke Girls英中字幕.doc

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1、目 录第15集2第16集14第17集26第18集47第19集68第20集89第15集Max, your boyfriend is naked and(第15集开始)Max 你男友光着身子waving from the dumpster he calls his apartment.在他所谓公寓的垃圾箱里冲你招手呢Make sure its Deke. Last time you said that, I went over,确定是Deke吗 上次你也是这么说的 我性冲冲地跑过去and it was just a naked meth head in a normal dumpster.结果只是

2、垃圾箱里嗑大了的裸男而已I mean, we had a blast, but still.没错 我们还是干柴烈火了一通Well, at least that meth head bought a bunch of cupcakes.那个裸男好歹还买了点儿纸杯蛋糕I mean, he thought they were alive, but he bought them.尽管他觉得蛋糕活了 不过掏钱买就好Hey, Im gonna cut out early.嘿 姐今天要早下班Youre sleeping over again?你又要去过夜Seriously, Max, sleeping in

3、 a dumpster?认真的的 Max 睡在那个垃圾箱里吗Are you trying to bring SARS back?你还想让非典再爆发一次吗Well, I did bring it in the first time,好吧 第一次是怨我and that is the last time I hook up with a bat in Thailand.但从那以后 我再也没在泰国泡过蝙蝠了Hey, Max.嘿 MaxMax is 45 minutes late.Max迟到45分钟了And she better not say she have a prostate exam别告诉我她

4、去做前列腺检查了cause Im not falling for that again.哥绝对不会再上当了Relax, shes just down the street at Dekes place.别发火 她就在街边 Deke家里You know how it is when you first start sleeping with somebody,你懂的 第一次和心爱的人共眠and you cant keep your hands off each other.肯定如胶似漆 难舍难分Yeah, just take my word for it.好吧 我说的可是大实话I know I

5、couldnt keep my hands off my first love.我的双手就无法从初恋身上移开Im talking, of course, about my penis.我当然是说 我在撸啊Ive had enough! You two girls walk all over me.受够了 你们两个女的真是欺人太甚啊A baby can walk all over you.一个小婴儿就够你受的了Hi, everybody.大家好啊Oh, I just heard two hobos getting freaky in the garbage.我刚刚听到两个流浪汉在垃圾堆里滚床单啊

6、Sophie, that was Max and Deke.Sophie 是Max和Deke啦Oh, I get it.明白了You gotta do crazy things to keep it fresh.想出名 就作死You know, I once had sex on a bus, and I was driving it.姐曾在大巴里亲热 而且姐还开着车呢Boy, were those kids late to school.结果 那些孩子上学都迟到了Thats it, I am marching over there and putting my foot down with

7、Max.就这么定了 我这就过去把Max拽回来No one has sex on my clock.绝不允许上班时间嘿咻Well, maybe your clocks not big enough.也许是因为你的JJ不够大Thats it. No more free jell-o.算你狠 别想再白吃果冻了Max Max!Max, open up. Im very upset.Max 开门 哥怒了More upset than that time you enrolled me in Little League.比你给我报名少棒联盟还火大Hey, it was your decision to p

8、lay the full season.嘿 是你自己要打完整个赛季的Oh, goody, I was hoping for some hecklers at this, my lowest moment.噢 好玩是吧 你们还真会落井下石Hey, if the dumpsters rockin, dont bother knockin, baby.我说 垃圾箱要震了 就别去捣乱了 宝贝儿Hey, man.嘿 伙计Hello, little girl.干嘛啊 妹子Ill take three boxes of Samoas and a thin mints.给我来三盒萨摩撒和一盒薄荷巧克力饼干Do

9、nt forget my tagalongs.别忘了我的花生酱夹心香草味饼干Theyre called peanut butter patties now.现在是叫花生奶油馅饼了Why must I be that person?为啥是我说出来啊- What up, fools? - Hey, girl.- 傻子们 啥事啊 - 好样儿的 妞儿Max, youre 48 minutes late for work.Max 你上班迟到已经48分钟了Look, little Debbie,听着 小黛比were in here preparing我们正在这儿准备for a big pastry sch

10、ool competition tomorrow.明天糕点学校的竞赛And having sex.和嘿咻And if you ever interrupt me while I am studying.要是你敢打扰姐研究And having sex.和嘿咻Again, I will dropkick your baby-powdered ass姐会踢爆你那的爽身粉小粉臀back to the Shire with the other hobbits.把你踢回夏尔 和其他霍比特人待一起I told her.我教训过她了Did you?真的嘛All flowers must be set on当我

11、说 时间到top of the cakes by the time we call Time.所有的花朵都要点缀在蛋糕上Everyone, final touches.注意了 最后一关了Thats what I used to say when I finished my shift at Hooters.我以前在猫头鹰餐厅下班时也这么说Hot. You still got that uniform?帅啊 那套制服还在吗Oh, not sure itd fit me anymore.不知道还合不合身I used to have really big boobs.姐以前可是豪乳哦Bebe, ho

12、w much time is there left?Bebe 还剩下多少时间For all of us?我们所有人Oh, oh, gosh, Id say two months, tops.哦 天呐 最多能活两个月No, no, for the cake competition.不 我说的是糕点制作比赛- Oh, 60 seconds. - Only 60 seconds? Come on!- 哦 一分钟 - 只有一分钟了 加把劲Im sorry, I cant handle this pressure.抱歉 这对我来说鸭梨山大Its only a matter of time我感觉befor

13、e I start eating my eyelashes again.我又要开始吃眼睫毛了The winning team will earn a free week of class.获胜队将免费上一周的课程And also. how do you say. Bragging rights.还有 你们怎么说的 炫耀一番Hurry! Move faster, Lindsay Slow-Hands.快点儿 动作快点吧 琳赛.手慢Forget about it, Big Mary. These competition is ours.别妄想了 玛丽哥 第一肯定是我们的了Deke and I ar

14、e broke. We need this more than you.我们两个穷光蛋 必须要赢15 seconds!还有15秒Oh, bonjour, Caroline. This is a real treat.Caroline 你好啊 有你在此真好Mm-mm, uh-uh, dont do that. Youre married.嗯嗯 呃呃 想都别想 你是有妇之夫Im only here in an official capacity.我来这儿是工作需要Bebes in an emotional ball in the hall.Bebe在大厅里哭成个球- Ten seconds! -

15、Come on, girl.- 还有10秒 - 快点儿 妞儿Bring it home, bring it home, bring it home, bring it home!拿奖回家 拿奖回家 拿奖回家 拿奖回家喽I am way too excited about this.我简直太兴奋了Okay, everybody. I see a clear favorite here.好了 同学们 答案已经揭晓了But, Caroline, in truth,Caroline 说真的if I were to pick the prettiest flower in the room, Id pi

16、ck you.如果要我说这里哪朵花最漂亮 我说是你That is. Incredibly obvious那是 显而易见and incredibly accurate.而又无可否认的Oh, come on! Get a stairwell!别装了 往楼梯去打炮吧- Your timer. - Merci.- 计时器还你 - 谢谢Just tell us who won.快点儿宣布结果吧The winners are, I am very happy to say.我很荣幸地宣布 获胜者是Max and Deke.Max和DekeYou were amazing! I love you.你太棒了

17、我爱你I love you too.我也爱你Wait, you do?等等 真的吗Do you.?你是真的吗Yeah. I do.是啊Yeah, well, I do too,我也是so suck on that.那就这样吧Okay, two important things.宣布两件事情One, Im the guy youve been talking to on OK-Cupid.首先 我就是和你在OK-Cupid上打得火热的那人And two, I need five minutes of girl talk第二 我需要谈五分钟的闺蜜话and not a minute more一会会都

18、不能多because Im worried itll turn me into a girl.我担心我会变性成女的Go. Tell me. Leave nothing out, leave everything in.来 快告诉我吧 统统说出来I said something today I never thought Id say.我从没想过我会说出那句话Thank you?是 谢谢 吗I said I love you To Deke.我对Deke说 我爱你He said, I love you, And I said it back.他对我说我爱你 我也对他说了Oh, cool. Goo

19、d for you.不错 干得好Wait, thats it?等等 就这样吗I finally decide to cave and be a girl for you,当我要跟你分享我的女生心事的时候and you hang me out to dry?你却把我晾在一边Ive seen movies. Youre supposed to jump around and say,我看过电影呀 你应该跳转圈圈然后大喊This calls for a Margarita!来杯玛格丽特庆祝一下吧This calls for a Margarita!来杯玛格丽特庆祝一下吧Too much, too l

20、ate.又假又不对时机Your first reaction said everything,你的第一反应代表了一切and your second one was just annoying.第二反应就是烦人了Im sorry, I just didnt think you were taking him so seriously.对不起 我没想到你和他玩真的He has no money. I mean, the man lives in a dumpster.他没钱 你看他都住在垃圾箱里面You are such a snob.你个势利小人It doesnt bother you he h

21、as to move his house每周二的10点到2点他都要搬家every Tuesday between 10:00 and 2:00?你不觉的很麻烦吗No, Ive always wanted to travel.不 姐可是热爱旅游的人Come on, you cant really be in love with him, right?我说 你不可能真的爱上他的吧 对吧I mean, you cant love Deke.你不能爱上DekeMax, youre in love with thatMax 你爱着那个cute mochaccino homeless guy with t

22、he Jew-fro?啡色皮肤 无家可归的爆炸头帅哥吗He is not homeless. He lives in a beautifully decorated dumpster.他才不是无家可归 他住在一个装修很棒的垃圾箱里面So homeless?所以是无家可归I get it.我知道了You know, I used to be engaged to a man who lived in the sewers.你知道吗 我曾经跟一个住在下水道的男人订婚了Yeah, the heart wants what it wants.没错 就是随心而动的Plus he told me he w

23、as friends with the Mutant Ninja Turtles,再加上他告诉我他是忍者神龟的朋友and they were a huge deal at the time.这在当时可是不得了的啊At the time?只是当时If he can introduce me to Donatello, get him back.如果他能把我介绍给多纳泰罗 快把他带回来吧How did you know you loved this. Sewer man?你什么时候发现你爱着这个 下水道男人的Well, he made me laugh.他能引我大笑He was very pass

24、ionate,他充满激情and I wanted to be with him constantly.我很想和他在一起Probably because he got me hooked on heroin.也许是因为他让我迷上了海洛因That was a crazy summer.那真是一个疯狂的夏天See? I feel the same way.看到没 我也有一样的感觉Minus the heroin part, unfortunately.很可惜没有海洛因那部分Hey, can I use your bathroom?我可以借用你们的厕所吗I have to tinkle, and th

25、eres a wasp in mine.我想尿尿 我那儿有一只黄蜂Go ahead, Sophie.去吧 SophieWhats that look? Is the wasp behind me?那是什么表情 有只黄蜂在追着我吗I cant believe you.简直不敢置信Even after three years of being friends with me,我们做了三年的朋友you still have a thing against poor people.你居然对穷人还有歧视Max, you love him, I can love him.Max 你爱他 我也可以爱他I j

26、ust have to get to know him better.但是我需要更了解他Invite me over to the garbage can for a wine and cheese party.请我去垃圾箱里面品品酒 吃吃奶酪吧Wait a minute. Wine and cheese party?等会儿 品酒吃奶酪吗Oh, Im gonna bring my new boy toy.我要带上我的新欢Hes the Caesar salad pepperer at the Olive Garden.他是Olive Garden餐厅里作胡椒凯撒沙拉的那位No dates, S

27、ophie.不携伴的 SophieThe place is so small,那儿太小了I once accidentally took it home in my purse.有次我不小心把它放钱包里面带回家了This camembert smells like feet, so you know its good.卡芒贝尔奶酪闻起来跟脚气一样 是好货色Look at you, Mayor McCheese. So fancy.看看你哟 芝士汉堡市长 真漂亮Its just the usual diner crew, you know.就普通的一顿饭We serve imitation im

28、itation crab.我们餐馆还端上假的假蟹肉呢Well, I just wanted to class the place up for you.我只是想让你的待遇提个档次You know, get some wine, get some cheese, flush.一点点酒 一点点奶酪 高大上了You did not need to do that. I love that you live here.你不需要这样做 我爱你住的地方And if a dumpster was good enough for me as a baby,如果我觉得出世时被丢在垃圾箱里还不错it is sti

29、ll good enough for me as an adult.那我成年之后也没问题Oh, you love that I live here. Do you love anything else?你爱我住的地方 你还有其他爱的东西吗Well, I loved The Karate Kid movies until Will Smiths kid ruined them.我爱看小子难缠 直到Will Smith的那熊孩子毁了系列Okay, can we please be serious for a minute?我们可以来个认真的聊聊吗Did you just say I love yo

30、u because I said it first?是不是因为我先说的我爱你 你才对我说我爱你Look, honestly, yes. But I definitely meant it, I think.说真的 是的 但是我也是认真的 我是这样觉得Look, I suck at this stuff.我对这些不在行This and not laughing when kids fall.就像我对小鬼跌倒的笑点不在行Just know that if/when I say it again, I will mean it.但当我再说这样的话的时候 我是认真的I can totally wait

31、. I love you, Max.我可以等你 我爱你 MaxNice try, sneaky.真狡猾Oh, hi. Come on in.嗨 进来吧And be nice. Remember, you barely have a bed.友好点 记得 你有张床不容易Dont worry. I love this area.别担心 我喜欢这个地方I met your neighbor, the mattress.我见过你的邻居 那床垫Oh, that queen?噢 Queen Size那个是吧So would you like a cabernet or a Shiraz?你想来杯赤霞珠还是

32、穗乐仙Shiraz.穗乐仙Oh, thats a real name?真的有这个名字吗Some interesting pairings here.这儿有一些有趣的搭配In fact, Im looking at one as we speak.其实 我正盯着一对呢Please, someone else come right now.天啊 还是再进来个人吧Hi, everyone! Im here.大家好 我来咯Please, someone else come right now.天啊 还是在进来个 人 吧I brought some homemade kimchi bin dae duk

33、.我带了些自家制的泡菜煎饼来Would you like to try it,要不要尝尝or should I just throw it right into the garbage?还是我把这东西扔垃圾箱算了It took me a year to get当初哥可是足足花了一年时间this kind of smell out of here, but thanks, Han.才除味成功的 不过还是谢了 HanOh, what a dump.这是啥垃圾地方啊I thought of that on the way over.过来的路上我想出这段子呢All right, lets do thi

34、s.好咯 开整吧Im ready to rage all night, baby.我是要嗨上整晚啊Oh, hell no. I am too old for this.才不要 我都过了这岁数了Sophie, watch your head. You might wanna take your heels off.Sophie 看着点头 要不你把高跟鞋脱了吧Take my heels off?脱掉高跟鞋Communist Russia couldnt get me to take my heels off.苏联都没能让老娘我脱高跟鞋Hey, Earl, you wanna go get drun

35、k somewhere嗨 Earl 你想找个除非我自愿弯的we dont have to bend over till we want to?否则不用弯腰的地方 然后痛饮一番吗Indeed, I do.必须的 我去Not to brag, but Im the only one who can stand up in here.没吹牛 我可是在这地方唯一能伸直腰的人Cool brag, Han.吹的好 HanSo, Deke, tell me about yourself.Deke 说说你的事儿吧Hey, stop Guantanamo Bay-ing him.嗨 别威逼利诱了Well, I

36、go to pastry school, I live in a dumpster,嗯 我学做糕点 住在垃圾箱里and I was thrown out of One Direction for being too handsome.我是因为太帅才被一世代踢走的- Thats about it. - There must be more to you than that.- 就这些 - 还能说点啥吗I mean, Im surprised to see我是说 在个垃圾箱里开派对a Roquefort cheese paired with a 2001 Syrah居然能看见罗恩河地区的法国西拉f

37、rom the Rhone region of France at a dumpster party.配罗克福干酪Whered you learn about wine?你怎么学着品酒的Well, I wanted to impress you,我想给你留个好印象and I keep my adult grape juice game on point.而且我对大人果汁有点认知So where are you from originally?那你老家是哪的Did you grow up in a storage facility or.你是在仓库区长大的还是.Will you stop?少白话

38、两句行不行He looks nervous like the fat guy at a birthday party when he finds out theres a pool.他看上去就像是个肥仔在生日会上发现了游泳池一样紧张Coming, coming.来了 来了Good. We have the right dumpster.好啊 我们找对垃圾箱了I brought some wine. Bebe brought cheese.我买了酒 Bebe带了奶酪Kind of.算是吧Hey, guys, thanks for inviting me. Happy to be included

39、.嗨 大家伙儿 感谢邀请 在一起真不错All right, another babe.好吧 又一个姑娘Throw your keys in the bowl.钥匙放在碗里吧Right now, its just me and Han, and.现在只有我和Han的That aint happening.歪想了What is Nicolas doing here? Hide me.Nicolas来这里干嘛 帮我躲躲I think youre gonna run into him.我以为你对他有意思呢- Sorry, I thought you were into him. - Im not in

40、to him.- 不好意思 我还以为你对他有意思 - 我才没有Please, Caroline, relax. Its just a party. Im here as a friend.Caroline 放松点 派对而已 我以朋友身份来的- Then where is your hand? - On your beautiful bottom.- 那你手放哪了 - 你的美臀上Sorry, its crowded. It was either there or in the sink.不好意思 太挤了 不放这就只能放洗碗池里- Please remove it. - I-I did.- 手拿开

41、啦 -我拿开了啊That ones mine, baby.是我的手 妞儿Come on, its 8:45, and nobodys got their tops off.得了吧 都8点45了 还没人嗨的脱光膀子Somebodys gotta do something.倒是给点力啊Oh, one time I played Seven Minutes in Heaven.有一回 我玩7分天堂的时候Well, I got hit by a bus, and I was dead for seven minutes.我被公车撞了 死过去7分钟Bebe, do you want some wine?

42、Bebe 你要来点酒么Sure, why not? I dont have anything to do tomorrow except move to Canada.好啊 除了要搬去加拿大 我明早还真没事可做What?啥Yeah, no biggie. Long story short, they found me.是啊 没吹牛噢 长话短说 他们找到我了Caroline, looks like its gonna be just you and me in the office.Caroline 看来只有咱俩要呆在办公室咯Nicolas, please. What did I tell yo

43、u about your hand?Nicolas 求你了 你就不能把手拿开吗Thats me!是我I was trying to push my way to the cheese.我要清路去吃奶酪啊Hey, Bebe Gun, if youre ever in Alberta,嗨 Babe Gun 你要是去了亚伯达hit the Fairmont at Banff. super fun.去看看班夫的费尔蒙酒店 超赞的I got wasted and cannonballed into the lake there once.我喝多了 用深水炸弹式跳进了湖里It was frozen. Sh

44、attered my pelvis.湖面结冰了 摔裂了哥的骨盆Good times.不错的时光啊Hey, I know that place. Fairmont Chateau on Lake Louise?嗨 我知道那地方 费尔蒙露易丝湖城堡酒店吗We used to winter there. Thats a really exclusive resort.我们常去过冬天 超高级的度假胜地I once saw them tell Barbra Streisand to take it to the holiday inn.有一次我还看见他们职员让芭芭拉.史翠珊往假日酒店呢Caroline,

45、 you want some of my triple creme?Caroline 尝尝我的富强干酪吗I dont want any of your creme.我才不吃You know what, its getting a little crowded in here.要我说 这地方人有点多了Im just gonna slip out without anyone noticing.我还是趁没人看见就溜了吧Oh, excuse me.借过Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.借过 借过 借过Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.等等 等等 等等So.又怎么了Deke. what do you think? Do you like him now?Deke.你觉得如何 现在喜欢他了没Well, before tonight, I thought he was the guy who walks around singing,今晚之前 我还觉得这货还是个唱着When your


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