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1、市场营销 期末总结 超详细Chapter 1 Marketing: managing profitable customer relationships 营销:管理有价值的顾客关系 What is marketing? n A social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. n 广义上,营销是通过创造和交换产品及价值,从而使个人或群体
2、满足欲望和需要的社会和管理过程。 n 狭义上,营销是指和顾客建立有利可图、充满价值的交换关系。 n 总之,营销就是企业为了从顾客身上获得利益回报、创造顾客价值和建立牢固顾客关系的过程。 营销过程的五个步骤 1. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants 了解市场及顾客需求和欲望 2. Design a customer-driven marketing strategy 设计顾客驱动的营销战略 3. Construct a marketing program that delivers superior value 构建传递
3、卓越价值的营销方案 4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight 建立有利可图的关系,并使顾客满意 5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer quality 从顾客身上收获价值,从而创造利润和顾客资产 顾客驱动下的营销战略 l Selecting customers to serve 选择服务对象 What customers will we serve? Marketers select customers that can be
4、served profitably 通过把市场划分为不同的顾客和选择它将要针对的那部分顾客来实现。营销管理者必须决定目标顾客是谁,以及他们的需求水平、需求时间和性质 l Choosing a value proposition选择价值方案 How can we serve these customers best? Includes the set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs 公司承诺传递给顾客用来满足顾客需求的价值和利益的组合 Understan
5、ding the Marketplace n n n n n Needs, wants, and demands Marketing offers: including products, services and experiences Value and satisfaction Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets Definition should distinguish: Need, Want and Demand n Need: A state of felt deprivation. n Want: The form t
6、aken by a human need as shaped by culture and individual personality. n Demand: Human wants that are backed by buying power, or wants backed by ability and willingness to buy. 需要、欲望和需求 n 需要:人们感到缺乏的一种状态。 n 欲望:是由需要派生出的一种形式,它受社会文化和人们个性的限制。 n 需求:具有支付能力的欲望就是需求,人们依据他们的欲望和支付能力来选择并购买能最大限度满足其欲望的产品。 Marketing
7、 offer n Combination of products, services, information or experiences that satisfy a need or want. n Offer may include services, activities, people, places, information or ideas. 营销供给物产品、服务和体验 n 营销供给物是提供给某个市场来满足某种需要和欲望的产品、服务、信息和体验的组合。更广义上,还包括人员、地点、组织、信息和思想等。 n 如果过多地注重实物产品本身,而忽视产品所提供的利益,往往会导致错误,犯上“营
8、销近视症”。 Customer value and satisfaction n Customer value: the customers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers. n Customer satisfaction: the extent to which a products perceived performance matches a buyers ex
9、pectations. 顾客价值和顾客满意 n 顾客感知价值是指与其他竞争产品相比,顾客对拥有或使用某种产品的总利益和总成本进行衡量后的差额价值。 n 顾客满意取决于产品的感知使用效果,如果产品的感知使用效果低于顾客的期望,他们就不满意;如果产品的感知使用效果与顾客的期望一致,他们就满意;如果产品的感知使用效果高于顾客期望,他们会高度满意或非常高兴。 Exchange and relationship n Exchange: the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. n
10、 One exchange is not the goal, relationships with several exchanges are the goal. n Relationships are built through delivering value and satisfaction. 交换和关系 n 交换是指从他人那里取得想要的物品,同时以某种物品作为回报的行为。 n 营销包括与想要某种产品、服务、思想或其他事物的目标人群建立和保持合理交换关系的所有活动。 Market n The set of all actual and potential buyers of a prod
11、uct or service. 市场 n 市场是指某种产品的实际购买者和潜在购买者的集合。这些购买者都具有某种购买欲望和需要,并且能够通过交换得到满足。 Marketing management philosophies n Production concept n Product concept n Selling concept n Marketing concept n Societal marketing concept Production concept生产观念 n The philosophy that consumers will favor products that are
12、 available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. n 顾客会接受任何他能买到并且买得起的产品。因此,管理的主要任务就是提高生产和分销的效率,这种观念是最早的营销思想。 n 容易导致营销近视,因为公司过度集中于自身运作,而失去了对满足顾客需求和建立顾客关系的真正目标。 Product concept产品观念 n The idea that consumers will favor produ
13、cts that offer the most quality, performance, and features and that the organization should therefore devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. n 认为顾客喜欢质量最好、操作性最强、创新功能最多的产品。因此,公司集中力量改进产品。 n 例如,一些制造商相信,如果他们能生产出更好的捕鼠器,就会顾客盈门。 n 导致营销近视。 Selling concept推销观念 n The idea that consumers w
14、ill not buy enough of the organizations products unless the organization undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. n 如果组织不进行大规模的促销和推销,顾客就不会购买足够多的产品,这种观念在非渴求类商品的厂商中尤为盛行。 n 所谓非渴求商品,是指在正常情况下,顾客不想购买的商品,例如保险。 Marketing concept营销观念 n The marketing management philosophy that holds that achievi
15、ng organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors do. n 实现组织目标的关键在于正确确定目标市场的欲望和需要,并不竞争者更有效地满足顾客的欲望和需要。 n 在营销观念下,得到顾客的关注和顾客价值才是销售和获利之路。 Societal marketing concept社会营销观念 n The
16、idea that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than do competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumers and societys well being. n 营销战略在给顾客传递价值时应该保持或发展消费者与社会的双方面的利益。 n 社
17、会营销观念要求营销人员在公司利润、顾客需要和社会利益三方面进行平衡。 Chapter 2 Company and marketing strategy: partnering to build customer relationships 企业战略和营销战略:协同构建客户关系 Strategic Planning n The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opport
18、unities. n 在组织的目标和能力与组织不断变化的营销机会之间建立和保持战略配适的过程。 Steps in strategic planning战略计划的阶段和步骤 Corporate level公司层级 1. Defining the company mission定义公司使命 2. Setting company objectives and goals 设定公司目标 3. Designing the business portfolio, business unit, product, and market level规划业务,业务单位、产品和市场层级 4. Planning ma
19、rketing and other functional strategies 计划营销和其他职能战略 The Business Portfolio业务组合 A business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company 业务组合就是构成公司的业务和产品的集合。 Business portfolio planning involves two steps: 1. Analyzing the current business portfolio 2. Shaping the fu
20、ture portfolio by developing strategies 1. 必须分析当前的业务组合,对其进行优化; 2. 制定成长战略,塑造未来的业务组合 Strategic business unit (SBU)战略业务单位 n A unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from other company businesses. An SBU can be a company division, a product l
21、ine within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand. n SBU就是在公司中有独立的使命和目标,独立于公司其他业务之外制定计划的一个单元。一个SBU可以是公司的一个分部,可以是分部内的一条产品线,有时也可以是一个单独的产品或品牌。 Business portfolio analysis业务组合分析 u 即评估各个SBU的吸引力,决定各项业务应当给予多大的支持。业务组合分析的原则是坚持紧密结合的原则,专注于增加与本公司核心哲学和竞争力密切匹配的产品和业务。 u 大多数标准的分析方法从两个维度来评价:SBU所在的市场或产业的吸
22、引力以及SBU在该市场或产业中的地位。 The BCG Growth-Share MatrixBCG矩阵 n n n n n 纵轴上,市场增长率度量市场的吸引力;横轴上,相对市场份额衡量公司在市场中的实力和地位,将SBU分为四种类型: 明星业务:需要大量资金投入以支持其快速增长。 现金牛业务:产生大量现金,支持其他业务。 问题业务:需要大量现金保持或增加其市场份额。 廋狗业务:可能产生足够现金来满足自身的需要,但是不足以成为大量现金的源泉。 四种战略 n 投资:增加对业务的投入,发展其市场份额; n 维持:保持当前的投入水平,维持SBU的市场份额; n 收获:不考虑长期效果而是榨取短期现金流;
23、 n 撤资:通过出售、淘汰或转为他用来放弃某个SBU。 Developing Growth Strategies:Product-market expansion grid产品市场扩展方格 Developing Growth Strategies:Product-market expansion gridProductsPresentProductsMarketsPresentCustomersNewCustomersMarketPenetrationMarketDevelopmentNewProductsProductDevelopmentDiversificationn n n n 市场渗
24、透:提高现有产品对现有顾客的销售额。 市场开发:为现有产品识别、开发新的市场。 产品开发:向现有市场提供改良的产品或新产品。 多元化:新产品、新市场。 4Ps vs 4Cs Product Price Place Promotion Customer solution Customer cost Convenience Communication n 4P是站在卖方的角度来看市场,4C是从买方来看。顾客感兴趣的远不只是价格,而是包括取得、使用、处置一个产品在内的全部成本,而且尽可能方便的获得产品或服务,希望得到双方的沟通和交流。 n 营销人员首先通过4C来思考,然后用4P来实施。 Managi
25、ng the Marketing Effort Managing the Marketing EffortMarketing FunctionsManaging the Marketing EffortMarketingFunctionsMarketing plans include: Executive summaryAnalysis of current situationObjectivesTargets and positioningMarketing mixBudgetControlsAnalysisPlanningImplementationControlFinding oppor
26、tunitiesAvoiding threatsUnderstanding strengthsAnalyzing weaknessesAnalysisPlanningImplementationControlManaging the Marketing EffortMarketing FunctionsManaging the Marketing EffortMarketing FunctionsAnalysisPlanningImplementationControlPlans are turned into action with day-to-day activities Good im
27、plementation is a challengeAnalysisPlanningImplementationControlEvaluation of the results of marketing strategiesChecks for differences between goals and performanceChapter 4 Marketing information system 营销信息系统 Marketing information system (MIS) n People, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, a
28、nalyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. n 指能够为营销决策及时、准确地收集、整理、分析和评估并分送转达所需信息的人员、设备和程序。 Internal databases n Computerized collections of information obtained from data sources within the company. Internal databases provide information on
29、 the companys own sales, costs, inventories, cash flows, and accounts receivable and payable. n 内部数据库:即以电子形式从公司内部数据来源收集的信息。营销管理者可以随时获得数据库中的信息,并由此识别市场机会和问题,制定计划,评价绩效。 Marketing intelligence n Everyday information about developments in the marketing environment that helps managers prepare and adjust m
30、arketing plans. n 营销情报是对竞争对手和市场营销环境发展的公开可得信息的系统收集和分析。其目标是制定更好的战略决策、评价并掌握竞争者的行动,获得早期预报。 Marketing research n The systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. n 营销调研是系统地设计、收集、分析和报告与某个组织面临的特定营销问题有关的各种数据。 Three types of
31、 research objectives n Exploratory Research探索性调研 n Descriptive Research描述性调研 n Causal Research因果性调研 Exploratory research n Marketing research to gather preliminary information that will help define problems and suggest hypotheses. n 探索性调研的目标是收集初步信息,确定问题并提出假设。 Descriptive research n Marketing researc
32、h to better describe marketing problems, situations, or markets, such as the market potential for a product or the demographics and attitudes of consumers. n 描述性调研的目标是描述情况,例如产品的市场潜力以及购买顾客的特征和态度等。 Causal research n Marketing research to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships. n 因果性调研的目标
33、是检验因果关系的假设。 Developing the research plan n Secondary data: Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. It includes commercial data services, online database services, and Internet data sources. n Primary data: Information collected for the specific purpose a
34、t hand. 制定调研计划 n 二手信息指已经存在的为其他目的而收集的信息,包括商业数据服务机构和*机构。 n 原始信息指为当前具体目标而专门收集的信息。 Secondary Data: Advantages & Disadvantages + Quick to collect + Inexpensive - Sometimes obsolete - Of uncertain quality -May not be sufficiently detailed -May be irrelevant to current study 二手信息的优缺点 n n n n n n 比较迅速地获得 成本
35、较低 有时信息过时 质量不可靠 不够详细 与当前的研究不相关 Evaluation of secondary information n n n n Relevant: fits research project needs Accurate: reliably collected and reported Current: up-to-date enough for current decisions Impartial: objectively collected and reported 二手信息的评估 n n n n 相关性:是否适合调研的需要 准确性:是否是可靠的收集和报告 及时性:
36、数据是否新,适合目前决策需要 公正性:是否是客观的收集和报告 调研目标的种类 Exploratory research/探索性调研 Descriptive research/描述性调研 Causal research/因果性调研 描述情况 检验因果关系的假设 目标 收集初步信息,确定问题并提出假设 信息的分类 二手信息 优点 比较迅速地获得 成本较低 与上缺点相反 缺点 有时信息过时 质量不可靠 不够详细 与当前的研究不相关 与上优点相反 Relevant Accurate Current Impartial 评估 一手信息/原始信息 一手信息 Research approaches Obse
37、rvational research Survey research Experimental research Contact method Mail/Fax Telephone Personal interview Online interview Sampling plan Sampling unit Sample size Sampling procedure Research instruments Questionnaire 问卷 Mechanical devices 仪器 Sample: A segment of the population selected for marke
38、ting research to represent the population as a whole. probability sample Simple random sample 简单随机抽样 Stratified random sample 分层随机抽样 Cluster (area) sample 分群随机抽样 Non-probability sample Convenience sample 任意抽样 Judgment sample 判断抽样 Quota sample 配额抽样 Planning primary data collection Research approaches
39、: n Observational research 观察 n Survey research 调查 n Experimental research 实验 Observational research n Observational research is the gathering of primary data by observing relevant people, actions, and situations. n It is best suited for exploratory research. n Observational research can be used to
40、obtain information that people are unwilling or unable to provide. Survey research n The gathering of primary data by asking people questions about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behavior. It is the approach best suited for gathering descriptive information. Experimental researc
41、h n The gathering of primary data by selecting matched groups of subjects, giving them different treatments, controlling related factors, and checking for differences in group responses. It is best suited for causal research. 原始数据收集 n 观察法是通过观察相关的人、行为和情况来收集原始数据。 n 调查法是收集原始数据的最常用方法,最适合于收集描述性数据。 n 实验法适
42、于收集因果信息。首先要选择合适的被实验者分组,给予他们不同的处理方式,并控制不相关的因素,从而查看不同组间被实验者的反应有何差异。 Planning primary data collection Contact methods: n n n n Mail/Fax Telephone Personal interview Online interview Mail/Fax questionnaires n Mail questionnaires can be used to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per respo
43、ndent. Telephone interviewing n Telephone interviewing is one of the best methods for gathering information quickly, and it provides greater flexibility than mail questionnaires. Personal interviewing n Personal interviewing takes two forms-individual and group interviewing. n Focus group interviewi
44、ng: Personal interviewing that involves inviting six to ten people to gather for a few hours with a trained interviewer to talk about a product, service, or organization. Online Marketing research n Online (Internet) marketing research: collecting primary data through Internet surveys and online foc
45、us groups. 访问方法 n n n n n 邮寄问卷:信息量较大时,每份问卷的花费较低。时间长,回收率低。 电话采访:速度快,灵活,样本控制好。 个人访谈:灵活,根据情况调整问话方式,花费高昂。 小组访谈:召集6-10人,由训练有素的主持人讲解,鼓励自由讨论。 网上调研:即时,速度快,费用较低,不受时间和地点的限制。 Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 消费者市场与消费者购买行为 Consumer buyer behavior The buying behavior of final consumers-indi
46、viduals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption Consumer market All the individuals and households who buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption Model of consumer behavior 刺激反应模型 Characteristics affecting consumer behavior Characteristics affecting consume
47、r behavior Cultural Culture Subculture Social class Social Groups (Opinion leader) Family Roles and Status Personal Age and life-cycle stage Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle Personality and self-concept psychological Motivation Perception Learning Belief and attitude Cultural factors文化因素 n Culture: The set of basic values, perceptions, wants