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1、微观经济学chapter26习题答案Chapter 2 Thinking Like an Economists TRUE OR FALSE 1. Economists devise theories, collect data, and then analyze these data in an attempt to verify or refute their theories. (T) 2. While the scientific method is applicable to studying natural sciences, it is not applicable to stud

2、ying a nations economy. (F) 3. It is difficult for economists to make observations and develop theories, but it is easy for economists to run experiments to generate data to test their theories. (F) 4. Good assumptions simplify a problem without substantially affecting the answer. (T) 5. Assumptions

3、 can simplify the complex world and make it easier to understand. (T) 6. Economic models omit many details to allow us to see what is truly important. (T) 7. The circular-flow diagram explains, in general terms, how the economy is organized and how participants in the economy interact with one anoth

4、er. (T) 8. In the circular-flow diagram, households and firms are the decision makers. (T) 9. In the circular-flow diagram, factors of production are the goods and services produced by firms. (F) 10. In the circular-flow diagram, firms own the factors of production and use them to produce goods and

5、services. (F) 11. In the circular-flow diagram, one loop represents the flow of goods and services, and the other loop represents the flow of factors of production. (F) 12. The production possibilities frontier is a graph that shows the various combinations of outputs that the economy can possibly p

6、roduce given the available factors of production and the available production technology. (T) 13. Refer to Figure 2-1, if this economy uses all its resources in the dishwasher industry, it produces 35 dishwashers and no doghouses. (T) Figure 2-1 14. Refer to Figure 2-1, it is possible for this econo

7、my to produce 75 doghouses. (F) 15. Refer to Figure 2-1, it is possible for this economy to produce 30 doghouses and 20 dishwashers. (T) 16. Refer to Figure 2-1, it is possible for this economy to produce 45 doghouses and 30 dishwashers. (F) 17. Refer to Figure 2-1, unemployment could cause this eco

8、nomy to produce at point B. (T) 18. Refer to Figure 2-1, the opportunity cost of moving from point A to point D is 10 dishwashers. (T) 19. Refer to Figure 2-1, the opportunity cost of moving from point B to point D is 15 doghouses. (F) 20. Refer to Figure 2-1, the opportunity cost of an additional d

9、oghouse increases as more doghouses are produced. (T) 21. If an economy can produce more of one good without giving up any of another good, then the economys current production point is inefficient. (T) 22. When a production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, the opportunity cost of the first

10、good in terms of the second good increases as more of the second good is produced. (F) 23. A production possibilities frontier will be bowed outward if some of the economys resources are better suited to producing one good than another. (T) 24. While the production possibilities frontier is a useful

11、 model, it cannot be used to illustrate economic growth. (F) 25. Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in specific markets. (T) 26. Macroeconomics is the study of economy-wide phenomena. (T) 27. Economists acting as scientists make positive stat

12、ements, while economists acting as policy advisers make normative statements. (T) 28. Normative statements describe how the world is, while positive statements prescribe how the world should be. (F) 29. Other things equal, an increase in supply causes a decrease in price is a normative statement, no

13、t a positive statement. (F) 30. There is only one explanation for why economists give conflicting advice on policy issues, and it is that they have different values about what policy should try to accomplish. (F) 31. The slope of a line is equal to the change in the x-variable divided by the change

14、in the y-variable. (F) Chapter 3 Interdependence And The Gains From Trade TRUE OR FALSE 1. Interdependence among individuals and interdependence among nations are both based on the gains from trade. (T) 2. If a person chooses self-sufficiency, then she can only consume what she produces. (T) 3. If W

15、rex can produce more math problems per hour and more book reports per hour than Maxine can, then Wrex cannot gain from trading math problems and book reports with Maxine. (F) 4. Trade allows a country to consume outside its production possibilities frontier. (T) 5. Opportunity cost refers to how man

16、y inputs a producer requires to produce a good. (F) 6. Opportunity cost measures the trade-off between two goods that each producer faces. (T) 7. For a country producing two goods, the opportunity cost of one good will be the inverse of the opportunity cost of the other good. (T) 8. If one producer

17、has the absolute advantage in the production of all goods, then that same producer will have the comparative advantage in the production of all goods as well. (F) 9. If a country has the comparative advantage in producing a product, then that country must also have the absolute advantage in producin

18、g that product. (F) 10. If one producer is able to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than some other producer, then the producer with the lower opportunity cost is said to have an absolute advantage in the production of that good. (F) 11. Unless two people who are producing two goods have e

19、xactly the same opportunity costs, then one person will have a comparative advantage in one good, and the other person will have a comparative advantage in the other good. (T) 12. The principle of comparative advantage states that, regardless of the price at which trade takes place, everyone will be

20、nefit from trade if they specialize in the production of the good for which they have a comparative advantage. (F) 13. Trade can benefit everyone in society because it allows people to specialize in activities in which they have a comparative advantage. (T) 14. Two countries can achieve gains from t

21、rade even if one country has an absolute advantage in the production of both goods. (T) 15. As long as two people have different opportunity costs, each can gain from trade with the other, since trade allows each person to obtain a good at a price lower than his or her opportunity cost. (T) 16. When

22、 each person specializes in producing the good in which he or she has a comparative advantage, each person can gain from trade but total production in the economy is unchanged. (F) 17. For both parties to gain from trade, the price at which they trade must lie exactly in the middle of the two opport

23、unity costs. (F) 18. David Ricardo was the author of the 1817 book Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. (T) 19. International trade may make some individuals in a nation better off, while other individuals are made worse off. (T) 20. Trade can make some individuals worse off, even as it mak

24、es the country as a whole better off. (T) SHORT ANSWER 1. Explain the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. Which is more important in determining trade patterns, absolute advantage or comparative advantage? Why? Absolute advantage refers to productivity, as in the produce

25、r who can produce a product at a lower cost in terms of the resources used in production. Comparative advantage refers to the producer who can produce a product at a lower opportunity cost. Comparative advantage is the principle upon which trade patterns are based. Comparative advantage is based on

26、opportunity cost, and opportunity cost measures the real cost to an individual or country of producing a particular product. Opportunity cost is therefore the information necessary for an individual or nation to determine whether to produce a good or buy it from someone else.2. The only two countrie

27、s in the world, Alpha and Omega, face the following production possibilities frontiers. Alphas Production Possibilities Frontier Omegas Production Possibilities Frontier a. b. c. d. Assume that each country decides to use half of its resources in the production of each good. Show these points on the

28、 graphs for each country as point A. If these countries choose not to trade, what would be the total world production of popcorn and peanuts? Now suppose that each country decides to specialize in the good in which each has a comparative advantage. By specializing, what is the total world production

29、 of each product now? If each country decides to trade 100 units of popcorn for 100 units of peanuts, show on the graphs the gain each country would receive from trade. Label these points B. Alphas Production Possibilities Frontier Omegas Production Possibilities Frontier a. Alpha would be producing

30、 125 units of peanuts and 75 units of popcorn (point A on its production possibilities frontier) and Omega would be producing 50 units of peanuts and 150 units of popcorn (point A on its production possibilities frontier). b. The total world production of peanuts would be 175 units and the total wor

31、ld production of popcorn would be 225 units. c. The total world production of peanuts would now be 250 units and the total world production of popcorn would now be 300 units. d. Alpha would be producing 250 units of peanuts and would trade 100 of them to Omega, leaving Alpha with 150 units of peanut

32、s. Alpha would then receive 100 units of popcorn from Omega. Omega would be producing 300 units of popcorn and would trade 100 of them to Alpha, leaving Omega with 200 units of popcorn. Omega would then receive 100 units of peanuts from Alpha. Choice 1. People who provide you with goods and services

33、 (b) a. are acting out of generosity. b. do so because they get something in return. c. have chosen not to become interdependent. d. are required to do so by the government. 2. When an economist points out that you and millions of other people are interdependent, he or she is referring to the fact t

34、hat we all (b) a. rely upon the government to provide us with the basic necessities of life. b. rely upon one another for the goods and services we consume. c. have similar tastes and abilities. d. are concerned about one anothers well-being. 3. When can two countries gain from trading two goods? (d

35、) a. when the first country can only produce the first good and the second country can only produce the second good b. when the first country can produce both goods, but can only produce the second good at great cost, and the second country can produce both goods, but can only produce the first good

36、 at great cost c. when the first country is better at producing both goods and the second country is worse at producing both goods d. Two countries could gain from trading two goods under all of the above conditions. 4. Shannon bakes cookies and Justin grows vegetables. In which of the following cas

37、es is it impossible for both Shannon and Justin to benefit from trade? (a) a. Shannon does not like vegetables and Justin does not like cookies. b. Shannon is better than Justin at baking cookies and Justin is better than Shannon at growing vegetables. c. Justin is better than Shannon at baking cook

38、ies and at growing vegetables. d. Both Shannon and Justin can benefit from trade in all of the above cases. 5. A production possibilities frontier is bowed outward when (d) a. the more resources the economy uses to produce one good, the fewer resources it has available to produce the other good. b.

39、an economy is self-sufficient instead of interdependent and engaged in trade. c. the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being produced is constant. d. the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being produced depends on how much of each good is being produced. 6. The following table contains som

40、e production possibilities for an economy for a given month. (d) Sweaters Gloves 4 300 6 ? 8 100 If the production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, then “?” could be a. 100. b. 150. c. 200. d. 250. 7. Assume for the United States that the opportunity cost of each airplane is 100 cars. Then w

41、hich of these pairs of points could be on the United States production possibilities frontier? (c) a. (200 airplanes, 5,000 cars) and (150 airplanes, 4,000 cars) b. (200 airplanes, 10,000 cars) and (150 airplanes, 20,000 cars) c. (300 airplanes, 15,000 cars) and (200 airplanes, 25,000 cars) d. (300

42、airplanes, 25,000 cars) and (200 airplanes, 40,000 cars) 8. What must be given up to obtain an item is called (c) a. out-of-pocket cost. b. comparative worth. c. opportunity cost. d. absolute value. 9. A farmer has the ability to grow either corn or cotton or some combination of the two. Given no ot

43、her information, it follows that the farmers opportunity cost of a bushel of corn multiplied by his opportunity cost of a bushel of cotton (c) a. is equal to 0. b. is between 0 and 1. c. is equal to 1. d. is greater than 1. 10. If Korea is capable of producing either shoes or soccer balls or some co

44、mbination of the two, then (d) a. Korea should specialize in the product in which it has an absolute advantage. b. it would be impossible for Korea to have an absolute advantage over another country in both products. c. it would be difficult for Korea to benefit from trade with another country if Ko

45、rea is efficient in the production of both goods. d. Koreas opportunity cost of shoes is the inverse of its opportunity cost of soccer balls. 11. Mike and Sandy are two woodworkers who both make tables and chairs. In one month, Mike can make 4 tables or 20 chairs, where Sandy can make 6 tables or 18

46、 chairs. Given this, we know that the opportunity cost of 1 chair is (a) a. 1/5 table for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy. b. 1/5 table for Mike and 3 tables for Sandy. c. 5 tables for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy. d. 5 tables for Mike and 3 tables for Sandy. 12. If Shawn can produce more donuts in one

47、 day than Sue can produce in one day, then (c) a. Shawn has a comparative advantage in the production of donuts. b. Sue has a comparative advantage in the production of donuts. c. Shawn has an absolute advantage in the production of donuts. d. Sue has an absolute advantage in the production of donut

48、s. 13. Kelly and David are both capable of repairing cars and cooking meals. Which of the following scenarios is not possible? (c) a. Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing cars and David has a comparative advantage in cooking meals. b. Kelly has an absolute advantage in repairing cars and D

49、avid has an absolute advantage in cooking meals. c. Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing cars and in cooking meals. d. David has an absolute advantage in repairing cars and in cooking meals. 14. Comparative advantage is related most closely to which of the following? (b) a. output per hour b. opportunity cost c. efficiency


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