In Movie Theaters, Suspense Literally Hangs in the Air.docx

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1、In Movie Theaters, Suspense Literally Hangs in the AirIn Movie Theaters, Suspense Literally Hangs in the Air 在影院,悬念确实是心悬在空中 When someone says “suspense is in the air,” theyre being more literal than they realize. 当有人说“心在空中悬着”,实际上,他们会比感觉更强烈。 A new study from German researchers shows that we exhale a

2、unique mix of chemicals when experiencing certain strong emotions, such as fear or excitement, and that these invisible signatures can be monitored to track how an individual or crowd of people is responding. To test their theory, they went to the theater, where suspense, terror and laughter abound.

3、 德国研究人员的一项新研究表明,当我们体验一些特定的强烈情感时,如害怕或兴奋,会呼出一种独特的化学混合气体,并且通过监控这些不明显的特征就可得知一个人或一组人是如何反应的。为了检测这一理论,他们去了剧院,那里不乏悬疑,恐怖和大笑。 That our bodies emit different chemicals depending on our physiology was known its how a Breathalyzer works, for example but it had never been well-studied in the context of emotions.

4、Strong emotions, such as fear, produce aromatic signatures revealed by chemicals seeping through our sweat glands its what gave rise to the notion of “smelling fear.” Getting a glimpse at the full range of emotions as documented by our exhalations hadnt been successfully tested, however. 众所周知,我们的生理机

5、能决定了身体释放不同的化学气体,这就是体内酒量测定器的工作原理,但是我们从未深入研究过各种情感出现时的情况。许多强烈的情感,如害怕会使人产生体香,这是由我们的汗腺释放出来的,随之就有了“闻之丧胆”的说法。可是,这些呼出气体所承载的各种情感的观察状况尚未得到成功测试。 Exhaling Suspense 呼出的悬念 A previous attempt to gather a whiff of collective emotions at a soccer match fell flat, as the match ended in a 0-0 tie, stymieing their effo

6、rts to measure the chemical signatures of jubilation on our breath. But in the more controlled environment of a movie theater, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany were guaranteed some thrills. 早先想要收集在足球比赛中各种情感呼出的气体会令人感觉十分单调,当

7、比赛结局是0比0平局时,就不会测出他们呼出的气体有喜悦的化学气体特征。但是在电影院,更多是被一些刺激所笼罩,据普朗克化学研究所和德国美因兹古腾堡大学的科学家们说。 In total, they gathered data from 9,500 people watching 108 screenings of 16 different movies at a movie theater in Mainz. They hooked a mass spectrometer up to an outgoing air duct and took measurements of the chemica

8、ls in the air every 30 seconds. The movies they used included The Hunger Games 2, The Hobbit, Carrie, Buddy and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. They wanted to look at a range of film types to measure reactions to different kinds of stimuli, from humor to fright. 他们总共收集了9500人的数据,这些人在美的兹影院观影,欣赏了16种不同

9、类型的影片,共有108部。然后他们挂起了一个大型分光仪,连接一个室外空气导管,并且每隔30秒测量一下空气中的化学气体。放映的影片包括:饥饿游戏2、霍比特人、魔女嘉莉、巴迪和白日梦想家。他们想要观看各种不同的电影类型,从喜剧片到惊悚片,以测量针对不同刺激源人们的反应。 They primarily focused on CO2 in their analysis, as a higher rate of exhalation, a result of fear or laughter, will produce more of the molecule. They also noticed th

10、at levels of another chemical, isoprene, spiked during exciting situations. Isoprene is the most abundant hydrocarbon in our breath, and is thought to be the product of cholesterol synthesis in our bodies. While they are not sure if specific bodily processes related to arousal create isoprene, or if

11、 its just a function of heavier breathing, they were able to predict when an exciting event was occurring just by looking at sharp increases in the concentration of the chemical. They published their findingsthis week in the journal Scientific Reports. Discovers Neuroskeptic raises a few questions a

12、bout whether the teams stats hold up to closer scrutiny. 起初他们的分析集中在二氧化碳上,作为一种呼出率更高的气体,害怕或大笑都会导致其更多分子的产生。他们也注意到另一种化学气体异戊二烯的出现程度,它在兴奋状态下会得到抑制。在我们的呼出气体中异戊二烯是最丰富的碳氢化合物,被认为是人体中胆固醇的合成产品。然而他们并不确定这些特定的人体新陈代谢是否与兴奋产生的异戊二烯有关,或者是否这只是起着呼吸加重的作用,他们能够通过观察化学气体聚合物的急剧增加程度来预测兴奋事件的发生时刻。这周他们在期刊科学报告中发表了这一研究成果。这一发现的神经怀疑论者提

13、出了一些问题,即是否这一团队的研究发现能够经受得住进一步检验。 Breath Tells Tales 呼吸会撒谎 Across four separate screenings of the Hunger Games, the scene where Katniss dress bursts into flames caused spikes in levels of telltale chemicals. While they found that both suspense and humor gave clear signals, other emotions were more mud

14、dled. Researchers believe this is because both suspense and humor produce physiological responses that alter the chemistry of exhaled air. Suspenseful scenes, for example, will cause our hearts to beat faster and speed up our metabolism, both responses that quicken breathing and set off unique chemi

15、cal reactions in our bodies. 在饥饿游戏的四个独立放映片段中,当画面出现了凯妮丝的衣服上扑满了火苗,观影人就不会呼出具有假象的化学气体。当他们发现悬念和幽默都有明确的特征,其他情感更易夹杂在一起了。研究人员相信这是因为悬念和幽默都会使人产生生理反应,这种反应会改变呼出气体的化学成分。如有悬疑的画面会使我们心跳加快,新陈代谢加速。这些反应会使我们的呼吸加快,并释放出体内独特的化学反应气体。 Researchers say that their work will help increase the accuracy of future studies examinin

16、g clues in our exhalations. There are currently studies examining whether cancer in the body can be detected by analyzing patients breath, for example, and the data could be skewed if a subject is feeling nervous or afraid. The work could also be important for focus groups and other studies where me

17、asuring peoples responses is important. We really have very little control over how our breath looks, as its tied to physical processes within our bodies that result from emotional states, so it serves as a powerful indicator of how we really feel. 研究人员称在检测我们呼出气体的线索方面,他们的努力有助于提升未来研究的精准度。最近有一些研究在检测是否

18、人体癌症可通过分析病人的呼吸而发现,比如,如果受试者感觉紧张或害怕,数据就会不正常。这一努力同时对焦点团体和其他测试人体反应的研究也具有重要意义。当它与人体新陈代谢相关,并产生不同的情感状态时,我们确实控制不了我们的呼吸方式,因此它能够有力地反映我们的真实感受。 You may be able to lie, but your breath will always tell the truth. 可能你会撒谎,但是你的呼吸永远在说真话。 评语:这篇译文,逻辑清晰,选词得当,表达流畅。翻译手法灵活,易于中文读者接受。汉语重意合,英语重形合,如在翻译第一段时,对句子的拆分处理的特别到位。但是要注意的是,在后边多处句子的处理上,可以适当切分汉语长句为若干短句,使译文更加简洁明了。


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