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1、PEP人教小学英语六年级上册PEP人教版小学英语六年级上册 Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Lets learn 教材分析 本单元的话题是谈论笔友,用一般现在时来谈论笔友的业余爱好和生活学习情况。而本课主要学习有关业余爱好的英语表达,重点学习有关爱好的动词短语以及ing 形式:dancing ,singing,reading stories,playing football主要句型是:what are your hobbies?和I likeI also like. 教材通过Peter和张鹏进行网上聊天的情景呈现了单词或词组的的词形和意义。这些动词词组在五年级上册

2、已经出现过,因此在教学中应注意激活学生的记忆,以旧引新,引导学生熟练掌握,并且进行思维的拓展,并让学生在感知、实践、参与、合作中实现任务的目标,体验成功的喜悦。 教学目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写有关爱好的单词和词组: dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu 2. 能够正确使用上述单词和词组运用句型I like I also like 谈论或描述自 己的兴趣爱好。 3. 能运用句型What are your hobbies? I like I also like 。 完成对班级同学爱好的调查活动。 4

3、.能了解并知道动词的现在分词的变化规律。 本节课旨在让学生掌握有关业余爱好的单词或词组,并运用句型What are your hobbies? I like I also like 。进行交流的技能。所以本节课以交笔友为主情景,通过图片欣赏,视频欣赏,多种替换练习和各种多媒体教学手段,激发学生已有的生活经验和重点词汇的学习。并利用参加俱乐部和交笔友等多种形式拓宽学生的思维。此外以口头评价和竞赛评价,激发学生英语学习兴趣。利用动感的图片组合鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养乐于与人交往的性格。总之,让学生在玩玩、做做、说说中学习英语,并注重知识的应用,使学生能有效的和生活相联系,培养学生综合语言

4、运用能力。 鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养乐于与人交往的性格。 教学重难点分析 1.单词和词组dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu 的听、说、认读。 2. 句型What are your hobbies?I like I also like 的运用 现在分词的变化规律 课前准备 学生准备:查询关于业余爱好的英语词汇 教师准备:课件、词卡、四线三格磁条,俱乐部图片 教学过程设计 教学 设计 欣赏艺术节的图片,设置情景。 Step-one、 1. T:Art festivel is Warm up

5、 cool! Say the words quickly. 将全班分成音乐、体育和阅读俱乐部,既可以与所学知识联系,又可以通过招募学员使孩子们进行预设教师导学 预计学生活动 设计意图 They want to have Sing,dance,play football,do kung new members.Do fu,draw the pipa. you want to join them?Now I will devide you to three clubs: music club,P.E. club and reading clu

6、b. Come on. 2.Say the words quickly. 学习hobbies There are so many hobbies. 激烈的竞争,激发学生的集体荣誉感。 通过说单词,复习了一些关于爱好的动词,以及动词的ing 形式,为后面的拓展做铺垫。 通过复习引入爱好的话题。 学习hobby-hobbies 人的爱好很多,所以我们用hobbies。 . T: Do Singing,sing, I like singing. I like singing English songs. /Chinese songs. 通过自己的爱好学习singing与dancing。 通过让生自己

7、总结唱什么样的歌曲,哪些单词最you want to know Step two my hobbies? I like singing. Presentation 师唱一段歌曲。 找生边唱边说。 /pop songs. Which songs do you like to sing? 2.I also like dancing, 强调dance去e加ing Dancing,dancing,I like dancing. 后一个字母是“e”发散孩子们的思维。 Make,take Do you know other 利用多媒体words have 技术,使一张张笔友的图letter”e” at t

8、he 片运动起来,Playing football,playing football, I 既增强直觉last? 美感,又能让生了解like playing football. I like singing and dancing.So I can join music club. See the video,and know the word penpal 的意思。 通过笔友的爱好学习doing kung fu 与 playing football.。 . T:I have a penpal.Her penpal. name is Lucy.Whats penpal?Lets see a D

9、oing kung fu, Doing kung fu,I like video. doing kung fu. Whats her hobbies? Lets listen. Shaolin boxing, Taiji boxing, snake boxing, mantis. nunchukus. 进行武术文化的拓展,拓宽学生的知识面 让生总结拓展playing的I like singing and doing kung fu.I also like playing football. Playing basketball. Playing ping-pong 学习doing kung f

10、u. Playing the pipa. Playing the erhu. Playing the violin. We are penpal. T:I like playing football.What T:Kung fu is famous in our 词组,并进行分类。 进行情感教育:有共同的爱好就可以做笔友了。 China.Do you know others? T:She also likes playing football. 学习playing football。 about you ?Which balls do you like playing? Do you know

11、 other phrases about playing? 4. My penpal likes I like reading stories. I also like singing and doing kung fu. singing.So we have the same hobbies.We are penpal.She also likes doing kung fu and playing football Reading a comic book. ,so she can join PE club. 5. Lucy has a penpal,too.His name is Zha

12、ng Peng.What are Reading a word book. Zhang Peng likes reading stories,he can join reading club. Reading a book. 通过张鹏 的爱好引出单词reading stories并进行拓展。 Zhang Pengs hobbies?Listen. 板书并领读 学习 reading stories. T:He likes reading stories.What about you?Which books do you like reading? Lets listen.跟读句子。 1.List

13、en and repeat. Step three 2.Game:Read the Practice 现在分词规律: words quickly. 1. 一般情况直接ing 3.Look at the .Game:Read the words quickly. Listen and repeat. 通过微视频将难点知识一步步呈现,words.What do 2. 以不发音结尾的去ing 。 you find? 微视频总结现在分词的变化规律。 增强趣味性。 See the action and say the words. Listen to the words and do the 小小的游戏

14、和chant设4Game:I do the action. action,you say the Chant:Singing,singing. words. I like singing.Lalala. I say the wordsyou do the Dancing,dancing.I like action. 5.Lets chant. Playing,playing.I like dancing.Qiaqiaqia. Reading,reading.I like reading stories.Hahaha. 计,不仅练习了重点句子,又活跃 了课堂气氛,激发了学生的兴趣, 培养了学生的

15、集体荣誉感。 playingfootball.Go,go,goDoing,doing.l like doing kung fu.Houhouha 对重点句型的运用和拓展,体现英语6.T: I like singing and dancing ,so I Group work: can join the music club.What about 学以致用的目的。 此设计是让you ?What are your hobbies?让生A:What are your hobbies? 生带着情感对重点句型的反复练习 B:I like. 说说自己的爱好。 C:I like. 6.T:Clubs wan

16、t to have new members. BCD: What are your hobbies? Lets make a survey and find A: I like. the new members. 7.Lets see the numbers.What a pity.Its not Dear . D: I like. 调查后将知识以语篇的形式呈现,不enough.We should Hello!Im . Im a boy/girl.I 仅巩固了重也拓have more.Lets like.and.I also like.What are 点知识,展了一些活动,锻炼了学write

17、 a letter and your hobbies?Do you want to be my 生捕捉信息的能力。 make a penpal. penpal and join us? 8.T:Lets put the Welcome! letters to the box and post them.I Yours. 对学生进行交友的情感教育,使学生发自内心的想交笔友。 think you may have Have more hobbies. more members . Make more penpal. We should have more hobbies and we may have more penpals.Lets see the video. Have more hobbies. Make more penpal. Step Four Hobbies,penpal. What do you learn today? Summary 利用板书,总结所学知识,加深学生的记忆,以形成更系统的知识体系。 1.Listen the talk for 3 times. Homework 2.Interview your classmates and then give a report


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