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1、九年级词汇汇总Content: Aloud Frustrate Add Spoken Mistake Matter Afraid Trouble Unless Regard Terrify On Chat Cause Attention Experience Reply Succeed Importance Million Permission Offer Confident Belong Drop Catch Escape Pretend Attempt Picnic Neighbor Unhappy Prefer Dislike Interest Miss Suggest Suit Exp

2、ect Sweet Taste Consider Provide Continue Dream Convenient Willing Including Homeless Cheer Sign Major Fix Repair Similar Fill Pleasure Imagine Shut Carry Specially Fetch Support Appreciate Donate Invent Sprinkle Remain Notice Throw Knock Divide Develop Rise Salt Pleasant Below Marry thrill 1. aloud

3、 adv. 出声的,大声的 重点用法:表示“出声地”,常与read,call等动词连用。指使人能听见而发声,声音不一定很大。 经典例子:1) Read (the letter) aloud, please.请大声念. 2) The television is too loud; turn the volume down. 电视声音太响了,把音量调低点儿。 3) Shout loudly to other people is impolite. 对别人大喊大叫是不礼貌的 易混词汇:loud & loudly 1) loud即可做形容词,有可做副词。作副词是表示“高声的、大声的”常与too, so

4、, very 等词连用。 2) loudly是副词,“高声地;喧闹地”,强调声音高、喧闹。 考点结合: 1) Tom, its your turn to read the words . 2) Lots of people spoke in the street. It was too noisy. 3) She laughs too . Answers: aloud, loudly, loud. 中考链接: 1) (05安徽) Remember not to speak when we are in the reading room. A. fast B. slowly C. politel

5、y D. Loudly Answers: D 2. frustrate v. 使失望 重点用法: 经典例子:1) The terrible weather frustrated our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气使我们外出的愿望无法实现。 2) That is a very frustrating experience for you. 对你们而言那是一个非常挫败的经验 拓展词汇:frustrating, frustrated 1)He was by repeated failures. 2)That is a very experience for you. 3)Wh

6、en I get and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 1)frustrated 2)frustrating 3)frustrated 3. add 补充,继续说 经典例子: 1) If you add 4 to 5, you get 9.四加五等于九 2) They add up all the figures.他们把所有的数字都加起来。 4. spoken adj. 口语的,口头的 重点用法:spoken 是speak的过去分词,作形容词,以为“口头的”,可以直接修饰名词。 经典例子: 1) You should take ever

7、y chance to improve your spoken English. 你应该抓紧一切机会提高英语口语能力。 2) You should continue to improve your spoken English. 你们应该继续提高英语口语能力。 易混词汇:speaking,是spoke的现在分词变化而来的形容词,常与某种语言一起组成一个形容词,其形式是“某种语言+连字符+speaking”。 考点结合: 1) I find it hard to understand English. A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. spoke 2) Watc

8、hing English-language videos can improve my skills. A. speak B. spoken C. speaking D. spoken 3) He has lived in Japan for 6 year. So his Japanese is very good. 4) He likes living in an (说英语的) country. Answers: C, C, spoken, English-speaking 中考链接: 1)(06宁波) Chinese is by the largest number of people i

9、n the world. Answer:spoken 5. mistake n. 错误,果实 常用词组:1) make mistakes/make a mistake 常与介词in连用 2) by mistake 3) v. mistake sb. for 经典例子:1) It was a mistake to tell him. 告诉他是个错误。 2) She took your umbrella by mistake. 我因弄错拿了你的雨伞。 考点结合: 1) 他在考试中出了许多错。 He in the exam. 2) 你曾经在语法方面犯过错吗? Do you ever ? 3) I m

10、ade a few m in the final math exam yesterday. 4) Dont in your homework next time. A. make any mistakes B. make some mistakes C. make lots of mistake D. make a lot of mistake Answers: make lots of mistakes, make mistakes in grammar, mistakes, A 中考链接: 1) (06山西) And he (make) many mistakes in the last

11、exam. 2) (08无锡) I am sorry to take your umbrella. I it for mine. A. misunderstood B. looked C. mistook D. took Answers: made ,C 6. matter vi. 要紧,有关系 经典例子: 1) Her attendance does not matter to us. 她是否参加我们的活动无关紧要。 2) It doesnt matter to me what you do. 你做什么都跟我毫无关系。 中考链接: 1) (08临邑)The radio doesnt soun

12、d clear. There must be something with it. A. matter B. the matter C. wrongly D. not right Answers:B 7. afraid adj. 害怕的,犯愁的 重点用法:1) be afraid to do sth. 2) be afraid of sb. / sth. / doing sth. 3) be afraid that + clause 4) Im afraid so/not. so和not 用来代替上文说的内容。 经典例子:1) We love peace , but we are not af

13、raid of war . 我们爱和平,可是我们不害怕战争的 2) Im afraid we cant come. 很抱歉, 我们不能来. 3) A loser is afraid to try new things. 失败者害怕去尝试新的事物。 考点结合: 1) Im afraid speak English with an American. A. of B. that C. in D. to 2) correction: Dont be afraid with the dog. Its tied to the tree. 3) He was afraid of (miss) the bu

14、s so he got up very early. 4) The girl was afraid to (go) out at night. Answers: D, 改with为of,missing,go 中考链接: 1) (04南昌) -I havent seen Jack for three days. Is he ill? - . His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I dont expect D. I am afraid not 2) (08勋阳) Classes

15、 will begin in five minutes. that Arthur will be late. Answers:1) A 2) C 8. trouble n. 困难苦恼 重点用法:1) n. 困难,麻烦。不可数,have trouble (in) doing sth. 2) n. 疾病,烦恼 3) v. 使苦恼 经典例子:1) Dont trouble trouble unless trouble troubles you. 别自寻烦恼,除非烦恼找上门。 同类词汇:have difficulty/fun/problems (in) doing sth. 考点结合: 1) -How

16、 is everything going, Ms Lee? -Very well. But I still have some trouble in the south. A. live B. to live C. living D. lived Answer: C 9. unless conj. 如果不,除非 重点用法:引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,主将从现。 经典例子: 1) I wont go to the party unless Im invited. 除非我被邀请,否则我不会去参加晚会的。 中考链接: 1) (06沈阳)I usually sleep with the windo

17、w open its very cold. A. until B. unless C. as D. if 2) (07广东) You wont pass your exams you work harder. A. when B. if C. unless D. after 3) (05潍坊) Nothing can stop the sandstorm more and more trees are planted. A. unless B. if C. when D. while Answers:B C A 10. regard v. 讲视为 重点用法:regardas 经典例子: 1)

18、I never regard myself as an expert. 我从来不认为我自己是专家。 类似短语:treat sb. as have sb. as look on sb. as 考点结合: 1) We regarded the visitors our guests. Answers: as 中考链接: 1) (09安徽模拟) Dont be afraid of your teacher. Youd better have him your friend. A. as B. for C. with D. at Answers: A 11. terrify v. 使害怕 重点用法:b

19、e terrified of sth./doing sth. 经典例子:1) Dont worry. I wont let him terrify me. 别担心。我不会让他吓到我的。 2) He is terrified of losing her and cries for hours. 他深怕失去她,常常痛哭数小时。 同义词汇:be afraid of 但be terrified of 更强烈 考点结合: 1) The little girl is of dogs. A. terrified B. terrify C. terrifying D. terrifies 2) I was o

20、f snakes when I was a little boy. 3) Im afraid of the dark. That means Im the dark. A. worried B. nervous C. terrified of D. bored of Answers: 1) A 2) terrified 3) C 12. on adj. 开着的,接通的,工作着的 重点用法:1) adj. 开着的,接通的,工作着的 Is the TV on? 2) prep. 是中之一员。 Im on the swimming team. 我是游泳队的一员。 3) adv. 表示继续活动的状态。

21、 He talked on for two hours without stopping. 他不停地讲了两个小时。 考点结合: 1) -Who is talking upstairs? -Nobody. Your radio . A. on B. was on C. is on D. is saying 2) Its dark in the room because the light is . A. broke B. on C. off D. turn off 3) Paul likes soccer and he is the city team. A. in B. on C. if D.

22、 for Answers: C C B 中考链接: 1) (05北京) Dont the radio. The baby is sleeping. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over D. turn down 2) (06贵阳) When I arrived at the office, the meeting for ten minutes. A. has begun B. had been on C. began Answers: 1) B 2) B 13. chat v. 聊天 重点用法:1) 过去分词,现在分词双写t 2) chat with/to

23、sb. 与某人聊天 3) 还可以做名词,have a chat with/to sb. 经典例子:1) Do you often chat with each other at lunch? 你们经常在午饭时间互相聊天吗? 2) Shall we arrange a time to chat? 我们必须约定一个聊天时间吗? 考点结合: 1) My grandfather often his friends in the sun. 2) The man often comes to chat to me. A. talk B. speak C. say D. have a chat with A

24、nswers: chat with, D 中考链接: 1) (06苏州) They (聊天) until Amy came up the stairs. 2) (06南京) After class, I like playing computer games and chatting my friends the Internet. A. to; by B. with; on C. for; in D. about; through Answers: chatted 2) B 14. cause v. 造成 重点用法:v. 产生 n. 原因 经典例子: 1) What caused his i

25、llness? 是什么使他生病? 2) What was the cause of the accident? 造成这一事故的原因是什么? 中考链接: 1) (08浙江金华) What was the of the accident? A. because B. excuse C. cause D. reason Answer: C 15. attention n. 注意,专心 重点用法:1) pay attention to 2) to 为介词,后接名词,代词,动名词。 经典例子:1) You should focus your attention on your work. 你应该把注意力

26、放到工作上。 2) May I have your attention please? 请大家注意一下。 考点结合: 1) We must (注意) the mistakes that we have ever made. 2) Please pay attention to (listen) to your teacher. Answers: pay attention to , listening 中考链接: 1) (06潍坊) Boys and girls, please pay a to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly.(据意

27、填词) Answers: attention 16. experience v. 经历,体验 重点用法:经验:不可数 经历:可数 经典例子: 1) Mr. Smith is an officer with experience, who has many interesting experiences. 史密斯先生是个有经验的长官,他有着很多有趣的经历。 考点结合: 1) Our English teacher teaches English for over ten years. She has rich teaching . 2) 帮助山区里的孩子对我们来说是一个很好的经历。 - chil

28、dren in the mountain would be . Answers: experience, To help/helping, a good/great experience. 中考链接: 1) (06潍坊) Mr. Kennard is a teacher of much e . He has taught in several countries.(首字母填空) Answers: experience 17. reply v. 回答,答复 重点用法:reply 后接名词或代词时,应在名词或代词前加介词to,但间接引语时不用介词to。 易混词汇:answer: 后面直接加名词、代

29、词等作宾语。 经典例子:1) I want an immediate reply.我要求立即答覆我. 中考链接: 1) (09黄冈模拟) They did not our new proposal. A. reply B. reply to C. answer for D. answer to Answers: B 18. succeed v. 成功 重点用法:1) 不及物 succeed in doing sth. 2) n. success 3) adj. successful 4) adv. successfully 经典例子: 1) If you work hard you will

30、succeed. 如果你努力工作,你就会成功。 2) We succeed in work out the problem. 我们成功地解决了问题。 考点结合: 1) He in solving the problem. 2) His new work was a great . 3) That was a experiment. 4) He landed his plane in such bad weather. Answers: 1) succeeded 2)success 3) successful 4) successfully 中考链接: (06哈尔滨)-Im sorry to h

31、ear that Bill failed the exam again. - Dont worry about him. Im sure that he will never give up until he . A. succeed B. succeeds C. succeeded Answers: B 19. importance n. 重要性 重点用法:adj. important be (very) important = be of (great) importance 经典例子: 1) He is a man of great importance. 他是一位非常重要的人物 考点结

32、合: 1) Its very to teach the children about road safety. 2) Knowledge is of great . 3) The meeting is very important. The meeting is . Answers: 1) important 2) importance 3) of great importance 中考链接: 1) (05上海) More people are getting to know the (important) of environmental protection.(词的适当形式填空) Answ

33、ers: 1) importance 20. million n. 百万 重点用法:1) 前面有具体数字时,本身为单数, 后接复数名词 2) millions of ,后接复数名词,但不与具体数字连用 经典例子: 1) There were millions of people in the square. 广场上有好多好多人 2) You are one in a million. 你真是万里挑一的大好人! 3) The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died. 那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。 同类词汇:bil

34、lion,thousand,hundred。 中考链接: 1) (05青岛) There are (上百万的)of books in the city library. 2) (06吉林) people will visit China for the 2008 Olympic Games. A. Million B. Millions C. Million of D. Millions of 3) (07南京)-How much does it cost to build the school library? -Four yuan. A. million B. millions C. mi

35、llion of 4) (08长沙)How many does it cost to build the school library? -About six . A. million B. millions C. million of 5) (08山东) you live without your parents with you? So you should learn to serve yourself. A. What B. What if C. How D. How if Answers: 1) millions 2) D 3) A 4) A 5) B 21. permission

36、n. 允许,许可 重点用法:1) 不可数 2) with sbs permission 3) without permission 4) ask for permission 经典例子:1) No reprinting without my permission! 未经允许,请勿转载! 2) Give yourself permission to dream. 给自己梦想的权限. 考点结合: 1) I will tell him to ask for my (permit) before he borrows something next time. Answers: permission 中

37、考链接: 1) (05吉林) your help, I cant get the information about Hawaii easily. A. With B. Without C. Under D. Below 2) (05长春) Sam was in a hurry. He left home saying goodbye to us. 3) (05四川) The bride and groom are usually over eight-teen, but people can get married at sixteen with their parents (permit)

38、. Answers: 1) B 2) without 3) permission 22. offer v. 提供 重点用法:作动词时:1)后面常跟双宾语offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. 2) 还可跟名词或不定式。 经典例子: 1) He offered his seat to me. 他把座位让给了我。 2) He came towards me, smiled and offered his hand. 他向我走来,微笑著伸出手来和我握手。 考点结合: 1) The boy often o me cigarettes at the party. 2) Wh

39、en I was in trouble, he offered me. A. helping B. helped C. to help D. helps Answers: 1)offers 2) C 中考链接: 1) (05太原) Our teacher offered us many chances to practice English. A. should B. lent C. gave Answers: C 23. confident adj. 自信心的 重点用法:1) be confident of sth./ doing sth. /that 2) confidence n. 不可

40、数 have confidence in sb./sth. 经典例子: 1) How to keep confident smile? 如何保持自信的微笑? 2) I am confident of his coming. 我相信他会来。 3) She has great confidence in her success. 她充分自信自己能成功 考点结合: 1) I have studied enough for this test. Im feeling really (confidence). 2) When Andy nearly reached the end of the 10,0

41、00-metre race, she felt because all the other runners were far behind her. A. unhappy B. nervous C. confident D. unlucky 3) We should have in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try. A. success B. confidence C. progress D. knowledge 4) He is quite of victory. 5) Maybe this time they have no in themselves. Answers: 1) confident 2)C 3) B 4) confident 5) confidence 中考链接: 1) (06大连) Our teacher wants us to be when we talk with the foreigners. A. comfortable B. unusual C. grateful D. confident Answers: D 24. belong v. 属于 重点用法:1) 后接代词,用宾格 This classroom belongs to us.


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