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1、听说考试PartB提问句英语听说考试Part B提问句精选 一、提问基础知识 1语音语调 特殊疑问句:般用降调,句首的疑问词般重读。 般疑问句:一般用升调 选择疑问句:一般前面的选择事项用升调,最后的一项用降调。 2.句子结构 疑问句在句首,一般使用倒装结构。注意各种时态、语态、人称、主谓一致、单复数。如: What do/did /will you want? What does he want? What have you done? What has he done? What have (has)been done? What was (were) done? What will be

2、 done? What is he doing now? What are they doing now? What is/was/will be needed for the plan? 二、特殊疑问句提问 1) How 1她儿子上大学多长时间了? 2王教授关于网瘾的研究进展怎么样? 3有多少人参加了上周日举行的马拉松赛? 4十六路公共汽车多长时间到那里去一次? 5你们通常如何处理顾客投诉? 6在市中心租一间公寓要多少钱? 7李老师对于他学生们的离开感觉怎么样? 8Peter将多久返回学校? 9今天Bob怎么样了? 10你家乡的人们是怎样庆祝春节的? 11你想用哪种方式支付书款,现金还是信用

3、卡? 1)How 1. How long has her son been in college?/ How long has her son been studying in college? 2. How is Professor Wangs research on Internet addiction going? 3. How many people took part in/ participated in Marathon(which was)held last Sunday? 4. How often does Bus No.16/the No. 16 Bus go there?

4、 5. How do you usually deal with the customers complaints?/ What do you usually do with the customers complaints? 6. How much does it cost to rent an apartment/a flat in the downtown area?/How much is the rent for an apartment in the downtown area? 7. How does Mr. Li feel about his students leaving?

5、/How does Mr. Li feel when his students leave? 8. How soon will Peter come back to / return to school? 9. How is Bob today? 10. How do people in your hometown celebrate Spring Festival? 11. How would you like to pay for the books, in cash or by credit card? 2) What 1你觉得这里的食物怎样? 2是什么让你下决心戒烟的? 3你的妻子是哪

6、国国籍? 4你在伦敦旅行的时候天气怎样? 5你哥哥当作家之前是从事什么职业的? 6Jiaozi是什么意思? 7你认为学英语最好的方法是什么? 8你的高三生活对你产生了什么影响? 9你参加开幕式的时候是几月几号? 10我们上个月开始放假的时候是周几? 11你从这次事故中得到了什么教训? 12住在乡下给你带来了什么好处? 13昨天你听音乐的时候你妈妈在干什么? 14要是明天有暴风雨该怎么办呢? 15这些年你的家乡发生了怎样的变化? 2) What 1. What do you think of the food here?/How do you like the food here? /How d

7、o you find the food here?/What is your opinion/view about the food here? 2. What has made you determined to give up smoking/quit smoking/stop smoking?/ What is it that has made you determined to.? 3. What nationality is your wife? 4. What was the weather like when you traveled in London? 5. What did

8、 your elder brother do before he became a writer? 6. What does Jiaozi mean?/What is the meaning of Jiaozi? 7. What do you think the best way to learn English is? 8. What influence does your Senior 3 life have on you?/How does your Senior 3 life influence you? 9. What was the date when you attended t

9、he opening ceremony ? 10. What day was it when we started the holiday last month?/ What day was it when our holiday started last month? 11. What lesson have you learnt from this accident? 12. What benefit(s) has living in the countryside brought you?/How does living in the countryside benefit you? /

10、What benefits have you got from living in the countryside?/ 13. What was your mother doing while you were listening to music yesterday? 14. What if there is a storm tomorrow?/What shall we do if there is a storm tomorrow? 15. What changes have taken place in your hometown these years/in recent years

11、? 3)Why 1为什么史密斯夫人不能说服她的儿子写数学作业? 2为什么这位女士改变了她原来的计划? 3为什么迈克认为发电子邮件比使用电话更好? 4为什么这位先生不想买这本书? 5为什么最近这么多人感冒? 6为什么你对学习一门新的外语感兴趣? 7他为什么没有参加6月份举行的世界杯? 8为什么不请你的父母参加会议? 3) Why 1. Why cant Mrs. Smith persuade her son into doing his math homework?/Why cant Mrs.Smith persuade her son to do his math homework? 2. W

12、hy did the woman change her original plan? 3. Why does Mike think sending an email is better than using the phone? 4. Why doesnt the man want to buy this book? 5. Why have so many people been getting colds recently?/Why have so many people got colds these days? 6. Why are you so interested in learni

13、ng a new foreign language? 7. Why didnt he participate in the World Cup (which was) held in June? 8. Why not ask your parents to attend the meeting? 4) Where 1他们决定今年去哪里度假? 2广州的天然气来自哪里? 3你今晚想在哪里吃饭,家里还是饭店? 4下一届奥运会将在哪里举行? 5你认为一对新婚夫妇应该住在哪里,与父母同住还是他们单独居住? 4) Where 1. Where did they decide (have they deci

14、ded) to spend their holiday this year? 2. Where does the natural gas in Guangzhou come from? /Where is the natural gas in Guangzhou from? 3. Where do you prefer to have dinner tonight, at home or in a restaurant? 4. Where will the next Olympic Games be held? 5. Where do you think a newly-married cou

15、ple should live,living with their parents or on their own? 5) When 1这位老人想让他的儿子什么时候搬进个新的公寓? 2学生们被要求什么时候付款? 3你什么时候参加你同学的生日晚会,星期六还是星期天? 4你什么时候方便过来? 5究竟是在什么时候这位老人被公共汽车撞倒了? 5) When 1. When does the old man want his son to move into a new apartment? 2. When are students required to pay? 3. When are you go

16、ing to attend your classmates birthday party, on Saturday or Sunday? 4. When is it convenient for you to come? / What time will be convenient for you to come? 5. When was it that the old man was run over by the bus? 6) Which 1你父亲更喜欢哪一种类型的音乐,爵士还是轻音乐? 2哪一种运动更适合老年人,太极拳还是慢跑? 3你决定带我们去哪一个旅游景点? 4你上次去东京的时候乘

17、坐的是哪一个航班? 6) Which 1. Which type of music does your father like more/prefer, jazz music or light music? 2. Which sport is more suitable for old people, Taijiquan or jogging? 3. Which scenic spot have you decided to take us to? 4. Which flight did you take when you went to Tokyo last time? Which flig

18、ht did you take last time you went to Tokyo? 7) Who 1下个学期谁会教我们化学? 2谁主要为代沟负责任,孩子还是他们的父母? 3谁发明了第一台电脑? 4你认为谁是你班上个子最高的学生? 7) Who 1. Who will teach us chemistry next term? 2. Who is mostly responsible for the generation gap, the children or their parents? 3.Who invented the first computer? 4.Who do you t

19、hink is the tallest student in your class? 三、一般疑问句 1我能试穿一下架子上的那对黑色鞋子吗? 2我能不能请三天假? 3难道你就不能早点告诉我你不回家吃饭吗? 4你的同学们下个月要去美国度假吗? 5他是不是和我一样对解决这个问题有信心? 6你赞成克隆吗? 7你出生于x月x日还是x月x日? 8你尝试过了解绿色食品吗? 9中美家庭抚养宠物的方式有不同吗? 10你知道我们什么时候可以从学校图书馆借书吗? 11你妈妈每天乘公共汽车上班吗? 12他在昨晚的生日聚会上玩得开心吗? 13这次旅游你们提前订宾馆了吗? 14你最好的朋友看过京剧没有? 15如果香烟的

20、生产停止了,会影响国家经济吗? 三、一般疑问句 1. Can I try on the pair of black shoes on the shelf? 2. May I take three days off?/May I ask for a three days leave?/May I ask for a leave for three days? 3. Couldnt you have told me earlier that you wouldnt come home for dinner? 4. Are your classmates going to America for v

21、acation next month? 5. Is he as confident as I am in solving the problem?/Is he as confident as I am about the solution to the problem? 6. Are you in favor of cloning? /Do you agree with (support) cloning? 7. Were you born on May 6th or June 5th? 8. Have you ever tried to know more about green food?

22、 9. Are there any differences between how Chinese and American families raise pets?/ Are there any differences between the way Chinese and American families raise pets? 10. Do you know when we can borrow books from the library in our school? 11. Does your mother go to work by bus every day? 12. Did

23、he have a good time (enjoy himself) at the birthday party last night? 13. Have you booked a hotel in advance for the trip this time? 14. Has your best friend seen Beijing Opera before? 15. If the production of cigarettes is stopped, will it affect the national economy? 四、反义疑问旬 1去年夏天广州很热,是吗? 2费用里面已经包

24、含机票以及就餐,是吗? 3你爸爸经常在周末和你妹妹去看电影,是吗? 4地震导致了巨大的损失,是吗? 5中国有56个民族,是吗? 四、反义疑问句 1. It was very hot in Guangzhou last summer, wasnt it? 2. The air fare and meals are included in the cost, arent they? 3. Your father often goes to the movies with your sister on weekends, doesnt he? 4. The earthquake has led to great losses, hasnt it? 5. There are 56 nationalities in China, arent there?


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