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1、商务英语第一章 job-share:V. 分担工作 N.工作分担制弹性工作制,当老板的应充分予以考虑 embrace the benefits要欣然想到他所带来的好处 Always discuss the worst-case scenarios 要经常讨论,最坏的情况 We had been over-optimistic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but I was very lucky. 过去我们过分乐观了。我确实设法找到了一位适合我的人,但我只能说当时运气真是太好了。 Play to each o

2、thers different strengths发挥各人所长 Delegate the workload分配工作任务 Vocabulary summary Managing director Consultancy Open your mind Scenarios Over-optimistic Plan for disaster Play to Delegate Parental leave Useful expressions Set a timetable制定时间表 distraction Dress for work穿上班装 Peace and quiet Answer the do

3、or应门 Make social calls和朋友打电话聊天 Be strong 意志坚定 Network建立关系网络 Networking建立人际网,关系网 Means personal contacts or relationship building人脉或者关系构建 Life is all about 生活就是. Trade fair event 商品交易会 Coffee break工间咖啡休息时间 But nowadays networking has become an event in itself。但是时代发展到现今,建立人脉网络本身已经成为一项重要的活动 Pricewaterh

4、ouse Coopers 普华永道会计事务所 Drinks evenings 晚间酒会 Coaching evenings专项体验训练活动 Corporate world 商界 Useful contacts 有用的人脉关系 Co-chair联合总裁 第三章 We wanna hold your hand 我们要拉紧你的手或我们愿与你携手创业 Business sense 经营意识 Entrepreneurial spirit:企业家精神,进取精神,开拓精神 voila 那就是,瞧,可不是 A very clever move 一个明智之举 Run the show :主持演出,主持,操纵或自

5、己开店,大展身手 Short-lived 短暂的,昙花一现的,一时的 翻译:如果想自己开店但是却又缺乏经验,同时又不想在这个充满风险的昙花一现的独立法人世界中立足,那么开家连锁店可能是一个明智之举 It is running your own business, but it is taking away some of the risk and bringing in the support of other people。其实是由你来经营自己的公司,但是避免了一些风险,同时增加了别人的支持。 But being a franchisee is unlikely to satisfy the

6、 most entrepreneurial 尽管如此,成为特许经营商不可能使那些极具冒险精神的人感到满足 Follow the system 循规蹈矩 charge ones own prices 自行定价收费 Menu content 菜单内容 solicitor n. 律师 franchisee n. (公司的分店、零售店或联号商店的)特许经营者,加盟者 branch out使分支出来,拓展业务 launch vt. 开办 invest vt. 投资 venture n. 投机活动;商业冒险;风险公司 Initial fee 起步经费 Stretch entrepreneurial win

7、gs让企业家大展身手 Business sense经营意识 Entrepreneurial spirit企业家精神 第四章 Mailshots 邮寄广告 Spam 垃圾邮件 Banners 横幅,标语,大字标题 TV commercials电视广告 Word of mouth口头广告 Spam滥发邮件广告 Banners横幅 Newspaper adverts Brochures小手册 Sample样品 Pizza delivery firms披萨配送公司 Leaflet传单 Go online上网 Block any spam 阻止任何滥发邮件 Inbox收件箱 A web-business

8、 网络广告公司 Marketing managers 营销经理 作文句型: Rule number one第一条规则是 My second rule is that我的第二条规则是 Or perhaps through或许通过 My third tip is我的第三个建议是 Before we finish dont forget that结束之前不要忘记 What might be better is可能是更好的办法 I found this to be very effective and more positive than我发现这很有效,比更积极有效 Then there are此外还

9、有 Useful expressions One way would be to Drop from the sky Blow away Visit the site访问网站 Ways to overcome the impossible Search engines Get your links on other sites与其他网站链接 A. Tailor work to the individual 根据个人特长分配工作 B. Be positive C. Give incentives 给予鼓励 D. Define the expectations and objectives 明确期

10、望和目标 E. Delegate complete tasks 移交整体项目 F. Let go 放手放权 G. Avoid misunderstanding 避免误解 商务报告 构成: 1、 Introduction Aim Why you have been asked to write it What you will have done by the end 2、 Findings:Describe the facts and information 3、 Recommendations:Make recommendations and propose useful phrases f

11、or report writing: 1、Introduction This report sets out to; The purpose/aim of this report is to ;This report aims to 2、Findings In addition to;Alternatively/Secondly ;As a result of/This means 3、Recommendations In conclusion/it was concluded/agreed; I would suggest /recommend that; The findings clea

12、rly show that we should; It is suggested that/ proposed that More phrases: 1、 Adding ideas:Further more/moreover/in addition 2、 Contrasting ideas:However/although/despite/in spite of; While/whereas 3、 Making comparisons:Both/neither/like/unlike 4、 Linking cause and effect: Because of/as a result of/

13、due to/ owing to;This means;Leads to/results in 商务报告的写作 Title :The subject ;Short Structure:Introduction(Why you write this report) Findings(Describe the facts and information) Recommendations(Make recommendations and propose action) Phrases for introduction This report sets out to The purpose/aim o

14、f this report is to Phrases for findings It was found that In addition to Alternatively Secondly As a result of This means Phrases for recommendation I would propose/suggest that In conclusion The findings clearly show that we would 写作步骤 Plan your report l Sections l Give each section a heading phra

15、se and vocabulary to include in each section Check that your plan covers all the points. Then write your report Check your answer l Does it fully complete the task? l Is the information clearly organized? l Are the grammar, vocabulary and style appropriate? Make any necessary changes. Make sure you

16、keep within12-140words. Writing n Write a 120-140 word report comparing the two companies and recommending the most suitable investment. Before you write, think carefully about the following. n How many parts will the report have? n What heading will each part have? n What information will each part

17、 contain? n 写一份120-140字的报告,对上述两家公司进行比较,并推荐最适合投资的一家公司。写之前,先考虑以下各点。 n 报告应该又几个部分组成 n 各个部分的标题是什么 n 各个部分应该包含那些信息 参考例文 Ramsden Breweries and Bute Chemicals: investment potential. Introduction This report aims to assess which company, either Ramsden Breweries or Bute Chemicals, this company should invest i

18、n. Ramsden The company had mixed results last year, although turnover increased by approximately 25%, net profit rose by less than 4%, however, restructuring may be to eliminate these inefficiencies and expected growth in the drinks industry suggests opportunities for increased profits. Bute Results

19、 were disappointed, with turnover and profit both falling slightly. Nevertheless, the company managed to increase its dividend to shareholders. The rumoured merger seems likely to push up the share price considerably. Conclusion Despite the merger rumours, any investment in Bute Chemicals would invo

20、lve a risk. Ramsden, on the other hand, despite its present inefficiency, is still profitable and has definite potentials for further growth. Recommendation We would recommend investment in Ramsden Breweries. n Report on maintaining business success of the Sales Department n Introduction n This repo

21、rt aims to clarify/explain the reason for budget expansion in Sales Department. n Findings n In order to make the current business success continue, we would like to request extra budget for the following reasons. n Firstly, two more staffs are needed as our daily routine work has increased due to t

22、he growing sales targets. They are supposed to process import-export orders and arrange warehouse for the incoming as well as outgoing cargos. n Secondly, the office space is much too limited for our everyday work. At least 6 sets of desk chair are needed in the office. However, there is no where to

23、 put them. The laser printer is also broken, which makes numerous orders lag behind. n Furthermore, aside from the above points, we have made a decision to purchase professional software, which will maximally simplify the routine work and free the staff from trivial details and repeat work. In that

24、case, their efficiency would be dramatically enhanced, and they could concentrate more on exploring potential customers. n Finally, if we have achieved the above stated aspects, our sales could be expected to increase by 20% and also our staff would work in a more comfortable environment, which woul

25、d largely enhance their loyalty to the company. n Conclusion n The extra budget would increase both sales revenue and staff loyalty to the company. 第五章 There are more expressions which can be used in a meeting.: Give your opinion: It seems to me that/ I think/ In my opinion Suggest new idea: Id like

26、 to suggest that we/ Lets / Why dont we ? Disagree with last opinion: Im sorry, but I just cant agree with you there./ I disagree./ No, because Ask for opinion: How do you feel about that idea?/ What do you think?/ How do you feel about that? Agree with last opinion: Id go along with you there. / I

27、agree./ Sure. Move to next item on the agenda: I suggest we move on to the next item/ Lets move on/ Moving on the point two You dont understand the last point: Sorry, but I dont quite follow you./ sorry, I dont understand. / Can you explain what you mean exactly? Ask for more explanation: Would you

28、mind telling us a little more about?/ Id like to know more about/ Tell us a little more about Ask if everyone agrees: Have we reached agreement on this? / Do we all agree?/ Is that OK with everyone? 第六章 Text message短信 Cell phone手机 Migraine偏头痛 Body Piercing(人体穿环) Voicemail 语音信箱 Automated messages自动信息

29、 Call center Car plant 汽车工厂,汽车制造厂 Lottery彩票 Pay off付清 Mortgage 抵押,按揭贷款 Email address 电子邮件地址 Stay online 保持在线状态 Incoming messages 发来的邮件 Have email relationships with sb与某人保持电子邮件联系 You have never met in person 从未谋面 Inbox 收件箱 CC转发,名抄 In case 以防万一 Save 保存 file 归档 delete 删除 A. This is where we first find

30、 out about decisions that have been made, deals struck and the direction being taken. B. In the past few months, 290 employees at a government department have been sacked via their office intranet, while a car equipment firm laid off the workforce by email. C. Then suddenly you send an email to the

31、wrong person. D. They are typical of the average employee who sends 34 emails a day. E. Sending mail CC has only made it worse. F. Two letters were attached, one saying her contract had been cancelled, the other that she should return any work items. 句子翻译: A、我们可以在这里发现新做出的决定,新达成的协议,以及确定的方向 B、在过去的几个月中

32、,*部门的290员工通过办公内联网得知被裁员的信息,而一家汽车配件公司则通过电子邮件来解聘员工 C、 然后你突然发现邮件发错对象了 D、他们是每天发送34封邮件的普通员工的典型代表 E、抄送邮件只是把事情弄糟 F、附件里有两封信,一封说的是与他的合同取消了,另一封说她应该把工作项目还给公司 Kick the habit戒掉习惯,戒除嗜好 Click the habit 电子邮件点击癖 Making someone redundant In the case of 就而言,对于,至于 Check the inbox 检查收件箱 Subject line 主题行 Project developme

33、nt officer 项目开发执行官 Charity 慈善机构 Tribunal 法庭,裁判机关 Log on to 登陆,进入 Fire off 发送 第七章 Shake off its unglamorous image 摆脱其乏味的形象 Association with 与的联系 Dishonest A job in sales cannot quite shake off its unglamorous image or associations with something rather dishonest。在销售部门工作总是摆脱不了乏味的形象,并与无商不奸的概念紧紧相联 Retai

34、n an air of glamour显得很风光 Retain an air of带着的样子 Jolly 痛快,刺激 Door-to-door 挨家挨户的 Cold calling 不期而至的电话 Outnumberby.数量上超过 Fall into 从事. Gamble 赌博 Pay off (非正)还清,获得成功,使得意 Dynamic 活力的,充满生机的 In the buzz of Target-driven Commercial direct 销售总监 Incredibly rewarding 回报率令人难以想象 Pitch程度,水平 Sales pitch推销口才 另外一些有关销

35、售的表达法: sales quota 销售定额sales figure 销售数字sales representative 销售代表 substantial financial rewards 切实的经济问题 help buyers satisfy their wants and needs 帮助顾客满足他们的需要 communicate knowledge face to face 面对面地传播知识 Boring Call center电话服务中心 Responsibility Booking people in with the same three conversations进行同样的三分

36、钟对话,为他们预约时间 repetitive 重复的, responsible 负责的,责任重大的 boring 单调的,乏味的 frustrating 令人沮丧的 varied 不同的,有变化的 challenging 具挑战性的,困难的 well-paid报酬高的 可能用于提建议的表达法: Thank you for your order Further to your request Id like to mention that I can also Please note As an interesting alternative, you might wish to conside

37、r It has the following features Please consider this possibility and note I would suggest a prompt decision I look forward to hearing from you 范文: Dear Mr. Burr, Further to you enquiry about the warehousing at the W1 site, I am delighted to say this space is still available. However , with regard to

38、 your additional requirements please note that you would have to rent two separate spaces of 50 square meters and the warehouse has limited parking for five cars only and limited access.As an alternative, you might wish to consider a new storage option Called Circular Storage that has recently becom

39、e available to Spacesaver. While It is a little further from the centre of the city than W1, it has the following features: -easy access for lorries and adequate parking for twenty -security with CCTV -space availability of 100 square meters( and more if required) Please also note that it would be t

40、wo-thirds the price of W1, and the 10% discount for a two-year booking would still apply. A visit to these premises can be arranged, although I would like to suggest a prompt decision on this second option. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Yours sincerely 第八章 Online course

41、 Achieve results 取得成效 VAT:Value-added tax增值税 Take joint responsibility责任共担 Organisation 企业,组织,机构 语法小结要点解释: 1) 在动词+介词后使用-ing形式: eg. Shes working on fixing the problem. Have you thought of moving into sales? Im interested in seeing your plan for this. 2) 在一些固定动词后使用-ing形式,这些动词包括consider, delay, dislike

42、, enjoy, mind, postpone, practise, recommend, suggest等。 eg. Have you considered changing the color? Would you mind waiting? Lets postpone training everyone until next month. 3) 一些动词只跟不定时,这些动词包括afford, arrange, decide, manage, want等。 eg. We cant afford to do this. Shall we arrange to meet again in an

43、 hour? Do you want to take this course? 4) 一些动词既可跟-ing也可跟不定式,这些动词包括advise, propose, begin, continue, like, prefer等。 eg. We advise you to take two weeks off. / We advise taking two weeks off. 5) 一些动词跟-ing和跟不定式意思会有很大不同。 eg. I stopped working there years ago. I stopped to work on this new project. 另外一些

44、动词则没有什么区别。 eg. We prefer to stay at home during the week. / We prefer staying at home during the week. 范文: Write a letter to the hotel manager. Write 120-140 words using appropriate linking words or expressions. Swap letters with your partner. Now you are the manager. Write a reply to the letter. Re

45、spond to each complaint, again using appropriate linking words or phrases. Dear Sir or Madam, Following my recent experience of your hotel, I have decided to send you some feedback in the hope that you can improve your service. I arrived at reception at 6am on 7th November to find there was no recor

46、d of my booking. As a result of this I waited 45 minutes. The following day, my two clients and I were delayed due to the meeting room being doubled-booked. Eventually we were given another smaller room. Finally, towels were not changed overnight. Room service explained that this was because of the

47、hotels “environmentally friendly” policy. While I agree with the sentiment of this policy, I dont think that changing at least one towel is unreasonable.Despite having been very satisfied with your service in the past I may have to reconsider using your hotel in the future. I would be grateful to hear any comments you have to make in writing. Yours faithfully Dear M Thank you for your recent letter regarding your stay at our hotel. I regret that the experience did not achieve your normal expectations. I ha


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