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1、西南财经大学2011年通识选修课程目录(暂行)板块课程名称课程英文名称学分A.哲学智慧与批判性思维(14门)哲学导论Introduction to Philosophy2西方哲学史History of Western Philosophy2现代西方哲学Modern Western Philosophy2社会正义论the Theory of Social Justice1后现代文化景观the Cultures of Post-modernism1心灵哲学Philosophy of Mind1认知科学的哲学Philosophy of Cognitive Science1西学经典理想国导读Intro

2、duction to Western Classics 1西学经典实践理性批判导读Introduction to Western Classics1西学经典论人类不平等的起源导读Introduction to Western Classics 1西学经典政治学导读Introduction to Western Classics 1国学经典论语导读Introduction to Chinese Classic: Analects of Confucius1国学经典孟子导读Introduction toChinese Classic: Mencius1国学经典老子导读Introduction to

3、 Chinese Classics:Lao Tz1B.政治文明与法治精神(15门)社会主义核心价值观Core Values of Socialism1人类的政治视野Political Panorama of Humankind1西方政治哲学导论The Introduction to Western Political Philosophy 1中华民国政治制度史History of the Republic of China Political System1文化大革命简史History of the Great Cultural Revolution1美国政治与文明Politics and C

4、ivilization of the United States1现代民主政治的理论与实践The Theory and Practice of Modern democracy1政府改革与行政法The Government Reformang Administrative law1性别与法Gender and law1企业法律实务与企业法治精神建设Enterprise Legal practice ang Enterprise law Spirit Constuction1法律经典案例解析Appreciation of Classic Legal Cases1政务艺术Art of Leader

5、ship and Management1公司并购重组中的法律实务company law1法律思维与律师实务Legal Thinking and Bar Skills 1重大刑事案件解读Criminal Cases Analysis1C.文史经典与文明对话(32门)历史分析方法Historical Analysis2西方文明史History of Western Civilization2周易与中国传统文化 and Chinese Traditional Culture1古典诗词导读Introduction to Classical Poems1古典诗词的现代创作Creation Creatio

6、n of Classical Poetry 2国学经典“三礼”Chinese Classics and 1国学经典先秦两汉Chinese Classics 1国学经典宋元明清Chinese Classics 1中国现代文学名著与作家人生Modern Chinese Classics and the lives of Authors1中华历史人物评介Review of Chinese Historical Figures 1港台文学Literary of Hong Kong and Taiwan 1中国当代小说与社会变迁Modern Chinese literature and Social C

7、hanges1俄国历史与文化Russian history and Culture 2美国文化与社会American Culture and Society 2英国社会与文化British Culture & Society2跨文化交际Intercultural Commulication2环境变迁与中华文明Environmental Changes and Chinese Civilization 2道商文化与中国古代经济Taoist Business and Ancient Chinese Economy2中外商贾文学选读Selected Readings of Chinese and F

8、oreign Literature on Merchants1文艺复兴史the History of Renaissance1东亚文明的历史进程the Historic Development of East Asian Civilization1欧洲文明的现代历程the Modern Development of European Civilization1国际关系与东亚安全International Relations and East Asian Security1世界格局与21世纪大国关系World Pattern and Relations among Great Powers in

9、 21st Century1近现代的中外文化交流史the Cultural Communication between China and the World1文物精品与文化中国Cultural Treasures and Cultural China1敦煌学导论Introduction of Dunhuang Studies 1中国武侠文化Culture of Chinese chivalry1奥林匹克文化Olympic History1世界宗教史与宗教文化World Religions and Cultures2媒介与社会Media and Sociey1大众传媒文化Mass Media

10、Culture1D.社会科学思想与方法(11门)经济社会学Economics and Sociology2西方社会学理论Western Sociology Theories2社会研究方法Research methods of Sociology1企业社会责任Social Responsiblities of Coporations2当代中国社会问题Social Problems of Modern China1城市社会学City sociology1发展社会学Development Sociology1组织社会学Organizational Sociology1农村社会学Rural socio

11、logy 1应用伦理学导论Introduction to Applied Ethics1文化人类学Cultural Anthropology1E.文艺创作与审美体验(36门)艺术史the History of Art2语言美学与表达艺术Aesthetic of Language and the Art of Expression1影视文学Literature on Film and Television 1电视摄像Television Photography 1摄影与美术设计Photography and Art Design1影视制作技术概论Introduction to Televisio

12、n Production Technology 2舞台制作与灯光设计Design of Stage and Lighting1朗读与演讲the Art of Reading and Giving Speeches1普通话语音形象提升与训练Pu Tong Hua and the Advancement of Self-image1行政商务礼仪规范与训练Social and Business Etiquette for Executives1中国古代礼仪文明Etiquette of Ancient China 2公关礼仪与面试技巧Etiquette for Public Relations and

13、 Interview Skills 1中西美术精讲the Art of China and the West2书法的艺术哲学the Artistic Philosophy of Calligraphy2中外音乐审美Chinese and World Music 1中国画理论与技法the Theory and Aesthetics of Chinese Classical Painting1中国历史文化古迹鉴赏Chinas Historical and Cultural Sites 1中外建筑艺术赏析Chinese and World Architecture1大学生音乐修养Music Cult

14、ivation for University Students1审美教育导论Education of Aesthetics 1影视剧艺术the Art of TV Dramas1欧美电影思想解读Introduction into European1古希腊神话与悲剧Mythology and Tragedies of Ancient Greek 1绘画与欣赏Painting and appreciation2国画鉴赏与花鸟画技法Appreciation of Tradition Chinese Painting and skills of nectaromycetes 1艺术与人生Art and

15、 life 1小说的艺术Art of Novels 1语言修辞艺术Rhetorical art of language 1音乐鉴赏Appreciation of Music 1硬笔书法速成Pen Calligraphy1西方音乐史简介Brief Introduction of Western Music History 1影视鉴赏与评论Appreciation and Comment of Film Television中国旅游Chinas Tourism 1电影文化与电影史Film Culture and Film History1戏剧艺术与文化Drama and Iife1京剧艺术与传统文

16、化Peking Opera and Traditional Culture1F.科技进步与科学精神(24门)科学技术方法论Scientific Methodology 2科学技术与现代社会Science and Technology and Modern Society2系统科学与现代管理systematic science and Modern Management1博弈与社会Game Theory and Society2博弈论及其应用Theory of Game and Application1数学文化Mathematical Culture2数学建模与数学实验Mathematical

17、modeling and experiments 1近代数学与物理学专题Modern Mathematics and Physics1近代化学与生物学专题Modern Chemistry and Biology1中国军事地理Chinas Military Geography 1近代天文学与地质学专题Modern Astronomy and Geology1当代基础科学专题Modern Basic Science1当代高新技术专题Modern Advanced Technology1科学方法的哲学基础The Basics of Science Philosophy1信息科技与信息化思维Infor

18、mation Technology and Informational Minds1办公自动化软件应用Application of Microsoft Office Software 1网络信息检索方法Network Information Retrieval Methods 1网络信息资源管理Network Information Resources Management 1多媒体技术Multimedia Technology 1最优控制与决策Optimal Control and Decision Making1动态经济数学基础Basics of Dynamic Economic Math

19、ematics1动态经济学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods in Dynamic Economics1金融学中的数学Mathematics in Finance1网络虚拟环境与计算机应用Virtual Environment and Computational Applications1G.心理学分析与生命关怀(21门)大学生心理训练与潜能开发University Students Pshycology and Development of Potential1社会心理学Social Psychology1人际心理学Communicational Psychology1压力

20、与情绪管理Stress and Emotion Control1生命教育Life Education1经济心理学Economics Psychology1管理心理学Management Psychology1消费心理学Consumer Psychology1健康心理学Health Psychology 1心理、行为和礼仪Mind, Behavior, and Courtesy 1大学生求职技能Undergraduates Job-seeking Skills 1生活教育成功人生的基础Education about Life-the Basis of a Successful Life 1大学生

21、幸福生活与人生发展College students Happy Life and Career Development 1生理与健康Physiology and Health 1中医养生与健康Tradition Chinese Medical Science and Health 1营养与健康Nutrition and Health 1人力资源开发Human Resources Development1领导力训练Ieadership Training1生态环境与人类发展Environment and Human Development1环境与人群健康Environment and Human Health1生命科学概要Introduction to Life Sciences1注:合计153门


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