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1、广州小学英语新四年级上U2教案一、读Unit 2 Theyre near the window内容 读、跟读情况: 二、Unit 2 单词 长达(时间) 合上,闭上 错的 打开;睁开 地板 分钟 对的 现在 钟 沙发 三、Unit 2 词组 玩游戏 a game 在桌上 the desk 在窗户上 the 在门后面 the door 在床下面 the bed 睁开你的眼睛 your eyes 在盒子里 the box 在旁边 在墙上 the wall 在地板上 the 在两扇窗户之间 two windows 闭上你的眼镜 your 看 at 一只兔子在盒里a in the box 四、Unit

2、 2 句型 根据中文提示把句子补充完整。 1. play a game. 2. my bedroom one (看我的卧室一分钟) close your . (现在闭上你的眼睛) 3. a computer my room? Yes, there . 4. is your computer? (什么颜色) 5. Are there balls?( 任何) Yes, (它们是)under the desk. 6. !(哦不), near the window. 五、知识考点 句子:Lets play a game. 结构:Let+第一人称或者第三人称宾格+动词原形+其他 Lets = Let型祈

3、使句主要有两种含义: 表示“建议;劝导”: Lets take the bus. -Lets sing a song, OK? - OK 表示“请求;命令”: Let her go home. 句子:Look at my bedroom for one minute. Look at 强调看的动作,不强调结果。当表示具体看某物时,要在look后加at. 如: Look! The children are playing baseball. Look at the blackboard. 其他的“看”: see:“看见”,强调看的结果,后面接看到的事物, 如:I can see a man un

4、der the tree. watch: “看;注视”,指集中注意力地看,常用于看电视,看比赛等。 read: “阅读;看”,常用于看书、看报等。如: I like reading books. 关于“看”的口诀: 看场电影多用see,看书看报多用read。 电视、戏剧和比赛,凡是表演用watch。 What is it ? It s a chair, its next to the desk. What is it? What are they? It is ; They are . (它是;,它们是;) 如: What is it? It is a bird, it is in the t

5、ree. What are they? They are apples, they are on the tree. 常见的表示方位的介词及短语 1. on 表示“在上面” 如: I put my book the desk. 2. in 表示“在里面” 如: The ball is the box. 3. near 表示“在附近” He lives the river. 4. in front of: 表示“在前面” There is a big tree the house. 5. in the middle of 表示“在中间” He is sitting the room. 6. be

6、hind: 表示“在后面” There is a river the house. 7. on the right / left of: 表示“在右边/左边”。 The shop is the road. OK. 好的。 Right. 对了。 Wrong. 错了。 There be 的一般疑问句以及相应的答复。 单数句型结构: -Is there a/an +可数名词单数+其他? -Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. 如: Is there table in the room? 肯定回答: Yes, . 否定回答: No, . 复数句型结构:-Are there

7、any +可数名词复数+其他?-Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 如: there any bags on the floor? 肯定回答: , are. 否定回答: No, there . 课堂训练: 1) 判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。 ( ) 1. she shop ( ) 2. game hat ( ) 3. shark park ( ) 4 . may play ( ) 5. black face 2) 给下列单词选择合适的图片。(连线) ( ) 1. window ( ) 2. clock ( ) 3. b

8、ed ( ) 4. flower ( ) 5. computer 3)英汉互译。 在旁边 在你的卧室里 open your eyes under the sofa between two windows 4)单项选择。 1. I want you my room. A. to draw B. draw C. draws 2. Look at my books. on my desk. A. They B. Its C. Theyre 3. a map on the wall A. Theres B. There C. There are 4. Are there flowers? Yes,th

9、ere are. A. some B. any C. a 5. There two cats behind the door, A. is B. are C. be 5)连词成句。 1. your, eyes, open(.) 2. are, they, the, near, window (.) 3. lets, a, game, play(.) 4. pink, they, are(.) 5. at, look, my, bedroom(.) 6)给下列问句选择相应的答语。 ( ( ( ( ( )1. Whats in the room? )2. Whats it? )3. What co

10、lour is the floor? )4. Wheres my bag? )5. Lets close our eyes. OK. Its on the chair. There is a bed. Its a computer. pink 7)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 I have a new room. Its big and nice. There are two windows in my room. There is a bed and a desk. My chair is near the window. I like my room. ( )1. I have a n

11、ew room. ( )2.The room is small. ( )3. There is a window. ( )4. My chair is near the door. ( )5. I like my room. 课后作业: 1)单项选择题 1. three some cups on the table? A. Is B. Are C. Am 2. -Are there students in the classroom? Yes, there are ten students in it. A. any B. some 3. - in the desk? - Some pens and pencils. A. Whats B. Where is C. What are 4. - is the ball? -It is red and white. A. What B. Where C. What colour 5. Boys and girls, I want you the playground. A. to clean B. cleaning C. clean 6. -What s in your room? - . A. It is black B. Yes, it is. C. a desk and a chair 2)根据图片写自己学过的单词。


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