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1、广州小学英语新四年级上U8教案一、听力训练 二、Unit 8 单词 学科 最好 故事 所有事情/每样事情 数字 歌曲 科学 了解;懂得 最喜欢的 写 关于;大约 学习 唱歌 体育运动 世界 三、Unit 8 词组 呢? about? 你呢? And ? 多少门学科 How many ? 我最喜欢的学科 my subject 写故事 stories 使用数字 number 做运动 play . 学校活动 activities 读英语书 English books 唱歌s s . 了解世界understand the . 运动会 meeting. 四、Unit 8 句型 根据中文提示把句子补充完整

2、。 1. subjects you have ? 2. We seven . (我们有7门学科。) 3. What is your subject? 4. favourite subject is . (我最喜欢的学科是语文。) 5. I English . (我最喜欢英语。) 1 五、知识考点 my favourite 我最喜欢的 用于介绍自己最喜欢的某种事物。 我最喜欢的学科 my subject 我最喜欢的运动 my sport 我最喜欢的食物my food 我最喜欢的地方my place 同义句转换: my favourite is = I like best. 如: My favou

3、rite food is fish. = I like fish best. Like doing something 和 like to do something. Like doing something 表示习惯性的动作,也就是一直喜欢做某事。 like to do something 表示喜欢去做某事,想要去做某事。 她喜欢游泳。 She . 她今天下午想游泳。She this afternoon.Like 可以用love 换用。 come on 快点;来 (1)进展,改进,改善,发展,完善 How are things coming on? (情况怎么样?) (2)快;加油;加把劲

4、!We dont have much time。( 快点!我们时间不多了。) (3) 得了吧,拜托 Oh, come onyou know that isnt true! (4) 开始 I can feel a cold coming on. 我觉得要感冒了。 What is your favourite? My favourite. Which do you like best? I like best. -Whats your favourite seasons? 你最喜欢什么季节? -My favourite season is winter. 我最喜欢冬天 也上对话也可以这样表达: -

5、Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节? - I like winter best. 我最喜欢冬天。 2 What about? 呢? 如: A: My father is tall and handsome. 我父亲高大而英俊。 B: What about your mother? 你母亲呢? What about? = How about? And you? 你呢?如: How are you? - I am fine, and you? And you? = What about you? 课堂训练: 1) 用英文写出这些加法的得数。 Eleven

6、 and sixty-seven is . Seventy and thirteen is . Fifty-two and forty-seven is . Seventy and twenty-two is . Three and eighty-seven is . Thirty-one and fifty-four is . 2) 选择题 1. How many do you have? A. subject B. subjects C. subjectes D. subjecting 2. I like football this afternoon. A. play B. plays

7、C. to play D. playing 3. I like English very much. about you? A. What B. Where C.Why D. And 4. I like Music . A. good B.well C. better D. best 5.-Whats your favourite ? Blue. A. teacher B. subject C. colour D.food 6. Ms White will give gifts to pupils. A. the good B.the well C.the best D. best 3 3)

8、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1 I like to write (story). 2 Whats (you) favourite food? 3I like the English book (well). 4Sam (have) 78 stars. 5Ben is the pupil with the (many) stars. 6Lets ask (he) about the class. 4) 给句子写上数字编号,使它们成为一段对话。 I have a picture of a room. Lets colour it. What about the desk? I like yello

9、w best. Lets color it yellow. OK, I like blue, too. OK. Now the room looks very beautiful. Great! Lets colour the walls first(首先). What color do you like? My favourite colour is blue. Lets color the walls blue, OK? 5) 根据实际情况回答问题 1) What is your favourite fruit? . 2) Do you like to draw pictures? . 3

10、) In what lessons do you use mumber? . 4) Who is your English teacher? . 5) Is English your favourite subject? . 6) How many good friends do you have ? . 4 6) 根据上下文补全对话。每空只填一个单词。 -Do you like your school, Lily? -Yes, I . -How (2) subjects do you have? -six. -What subject do you like (3) ? -My favour

11、ite subject is Chinese. -Why? -I like(4) write stories in Chinese lessons. -Do you like your Chinese teacher? -Yes. She is a very nice lady. We all(5) her very much. 7) 读对话,根据对话内容选择问题的答案。 -Whos that young man next to the car, Amy? -Thats Mr Liu, our English teacher. -He looks funny. -Hes a very nice

12、 man. Hes my favourite teacher. -What is your favourite subject? Is it English? -No, my favourite subject is music. I like to play(演奏) music. What do you like, Tina? -I love to dance. -Then I play music and you dance, OK? -Great! ( ) (1) Where is Mr Liu? A. In a car B. Beside a car ( ) (2)Mr Liu is

13、teacher. A.an English B. a music ( ) (3) Whats Amys favourite subject? A.English B. music ( ) (4) What doses Tina like to do? A.Sing B. Dance ( ) (5) Amy wants to for Tina. A.write songs B. play music 5 课后作业: 1)单项选择 1. Let see. A. me B. I 2. What is favourite food? A. your B. you 3. My favourite is

14、science. A. subject B. subjects 4. How many do you have? A. stars B.star 5.Group 1 is the . A. winer B. winner2) 给下列问句选择相应的答语。 1. What is your favourite colour? 2. How many short rulers are there? 3.Who is your favourite teacher? 4. What about you? 5. Wheres the teachers room? A. It is over there. B. I like English, too. C.Pink DTwelve EMr Liu 6


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