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1、新概念第二册教案Lesson 27 A wet night 雨夜 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷。 in the middle of表示“在当中”、“在中间”,既可以用于表示地理位置,又可以用于表示时间或在某个过程当中: He heard someone shouting in the middle of the night.午夜前后,他听到有人大声叫喊。 Mary was in the middle of reading when

2、her aunt arrived.玛丽的姑妈到达时,玛丽正在读书。 in the centre of则一般用于表示地理位置: Alice Spring is a small town in the centre of Australia.艾利斯斯普林斯是澳大利亚中部的一个小镇。 2they cooked a meal over an open fire他们就在篝火上烧起了饭。 open fire指无遮盖的、没有围起来的火,如篝火、盆火等。 3they told stories and sang songs by the campfire就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌。 介词by表示“在旁边”

3、、“靠近”,通常指距离非常近:Come and sit by me.过来靠我坐。 There are many trees by the river.河边有许多树。 4But some time later it began to rain.但过了一阵子,天下起雨来。 副词 later表示“后来”、“以后”、“过后”:He told me he would come again later (on).他告诉我他以后会再来的。 I met her again a few days later.几天以后我又遇见了她。 5The stream wound its way across the fie

4、ld and then flowed right under their tent! 那小溪弯弯曲曲穿过田野,然后正好从他们的帐篷底下流过去! wind表示“曲折而行”时,既可以是及物动词,又可以是不及物动词: The car wound through the village.汽车曲曲折折地穿过村子。 The river winds its way through this district.这条河弯弯曲曲地流经这个地区。 right在此处表示强调,意为“正好”、“恰恰”、“就”。这种用法多见于口语中: I met him right here.我就是在这里见到他的。 He hit the

5、man right on the nose.他正好打中那人的鼻子。 语法 Grammar in use 一般过去时 在并列句中,各分句在时态上通常要保持一致。在叙述过去发生的事件时,动词基本上都用一般过去时,但有时也会出现过去完成时和过去进行时,它们的同时使用并不违反动词的“一致原则”: They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. 他们全都跳出睡袋,跑到外面。雨

6、下得很大,他们发现地上已经形成了一条小溪。 由于一般过去时常常表示过去某个特定的时间发生的事件,因此,它常与when,where等疑问词连用。除了时间状语可以表示特定的时间之外,地点状语也可以暗示或包括特定的时间: Where did you last see her? 你最近在什么地方见过她? 一般过去时与一般现在时在上下文中同时使用可以表示对比: 词汇学习 Word study 1smell vt嗅,闻:I love to smell flowers.我喜欢闻花。 Im smelling the fish to see if its all right.我正在闻这条鱼,看看它是否还新鲜。

7、I (can) smell something burning.我闻到什么东西烧焦的气味。 vi闻起来有气味,散发气味: This fish smells bad.这鱼馊了。 You smell of soap.你身上有肥皂味。 n气味: I cant stand the smell in this room. 我受不了这房间里的气味。 There is a sweet smell in the air. 空气中有种芳香味。 2form vi形成,产生: During the conversation, an idea formed in his mind. 在谈话的过程中,他有了一个主意。

8、Ice forms when it is cold enough.如果冷到一定的程度,冰就会形成。 n形状,外形: The ice cream is made in the form of a ball. 冰淇淋做成球形。 I dont like the form of the cake. 我不喜欢这蛋糕的形状。 n表格: If you want to enter for the competition, you must fill in these forms. 如果你想报名参加比赛,你必须填写这些表格。 3与put有关的短语动词 在第6课和第7课的语法中,我们学习了短语动词。与put有关的

9、短语动词我们学过 put on和 put out: Im putting on my coat. 我正在穿衣服。 they put out the fire and crept into their tent. 他们扑灭了篝火,钻进了帐篷。 与put有关的动词短语还有put up, put down, put off, put away等: put up可以有“建造”、“搭建”、“为提供膳宿”、“夜宿”等含义,而put up with则表示“容忍”、“忍受”: They put up their tent in the middle of a field. 他们在田野中央搭起了帐篷。 Its

10、raining heavily. We must put them up tonight. 雨下得很大。我们今晚必须为他们安排住宿。 I cant believe that he can put up with this. 我无法相信他能容忍这件事。 put down有“写下”、“记录下”的含义: put off可以表示“推迟”、“拖延”: Do your exercises now. Dont put them off until tomorrow. 现在就做作业。别拖到明天。 The meeting has been put off. 会议推迟了。 put away可以表示“把收起”、“放

11、好”: Put these books away, please. 请把这些书收起来。 I have put away all my clothes. 我把我所有的衣服都放好了。 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1关键句型练习答案 A put up(1.1); was donecooked (1.2);smelled (1.3);toldsang(1.4);began(1.5);felt(1.5);put outcrept(11.5-6);slept(1.7);woke up(1.8);began shouting(1.8);was(1.8);leapt out(1

12、.9);hurried(1.9);found(1.10);wound(1.10);flowed(1.10) 2难点练习答案 1 put their toys away 2 put you up 3 put my shoes on 4 put down 5 putting out 6 put up 7 put off 8 put up with 3多项选择题答案 1d 2c 3d 4d 5d 6b 7a 8d 9d 10c 11c 12c smell vt.闻 smell sth. Lesson 27 New words and expressions smell vi.闻起来 作半联系动词,接

13、表语,接形容词, The food smelt good. field n.田地,田野 感官动词 look, smell, taste, sound, feel airfield n.飞机场 on the airfield look v.看起来 in the field You look fine/better/beautiful. in ones field 在.领域 taste v.尝起来 He is an expert in his field. The food smelt good, and it tasted better. football field 足球场地 sound v.

14、听起来 feel v. smell v.闻起来(smelled or smelt) 1.感到 I feel ill. 2.用手的感觉 The blackboard felt cold. wonderful adj.极好的 Great! Excellent! outstanding brilliant fantastic campfire n.营火 fire 可数也不可数 creep v.爬行(蹑手蹑脚的)(crept; crept) creep out 爬出去了 climb 爬 climb the tree climb up or down 爬上爬下 crawl 爬 The baby is c

15、rawling on the floor. sleeping bag n.睡袋 passing plane 正在路过的飞机 动词加ing变成形容词作定语有两个意思: 1.正在. 2.用来做. sleeping bag/sleeping dog listening material 用来听的材料 walking stick (用来) soundly adv.香甜的 sleep soundly go to bed 上床睡觉 go to sleep 睡着了 fall asleep 坠入梦乡 sleep well 睡得好 sleep deeply 睡得很沉 sleep soundly 睡得很香 fas

16、t / fall fast asleep 坠入沉沉的梦乡 leap v.跳跃,跳起(leapt; leapt) jump v.跳 jump up and down skip v.跳过去 Let us skip it. 让我们跳过这一课 Look before you leap 三思而后行 leap year/month 闰年/月 heavily adv.大量的 rain/snow heavily smoke heavily He smoke heavily 他烟瘾大。 wind v.蜿蜒(wound; wound) wind ones way 蜿蜒而行 The road winds its w

17、ay. 这条路曲折而行伸向远方 right adv.正好 起强调作用 作副词时,强调后面的形容词,副词,介词短语,不强调动词。 可以用just来替换 just like 正如 just as 正当 后面加代词时,只能用just。 just you 就你了 Right here waiting for you 在此等候 I found my lost watch right in the garden. Text wet 反义词是dry wet 湿淋淋的 英文中表示“湿”的词 wet/damp/moist 湿的程度越来越小 moist 稍湿 moist cake 松软的蛋糕 moist eyes

18、 水灵灵的眼睛 damp 湿的 humid 指气候比较潮湿 A rainy night 多雨的夜 late in the afternoon 傍晚 early in the morning 清晨 put up 搭建/强调搭 build 建/强调精心设计并且建造 build a car 造汽车 in the middle of 在.中间 in the center of 在.中心 in the middle of the river 河中心 midnight 午夜 the mid-autumn day 中秋节 as soon as 一.就./当. open fire 在野外生的火,篝火 over

19、 在.上面 on 在.上面 表示“在.之后”的句式 after +从句/doing 英语中经常用一个介词加一个宾语表达一个动词概念with a bag 带着书包 in sweater 穿着毛衣 after a wonderful meal 在美美的吃了一顿饭之后 after the arrival of the plane 飞机到达之后 after my arrival 我到达之后 by 在.旁边 near/beside/at/next to by the river near 在附近 at at the door/window 在门/窗户边 sit at the table 在桌边 next

20、 to = beside 与.相邻 He sits next to me. Who is the next? next to /beside the village some time later 一段时间以后 some time ago 一段时间以前 a few hours earlier 几小时之前 put out 人为地熄灭 be out 火自动地熄灭 I put out the fire. The fire is out. in the middle of the night=midnight at midnight 在午夜 wake up 醒来 主语自己醒 wake sb up 唤醒

21、 wake me up The stream had formed in the field. 如果强调某东西自动形成,则可以用主动态。如果强调某东西是人为的,用被动语态。 when Im getting close the door, the door opened. river formed The bus stopped. flow 流淌(flowed; flowed) fly /flew/flown grow /grew/grown blow /blew/blown composition knock/beat knock 大声的撞 beat 持续的撞击/打 hurt/pain 身体的

22、某一部位+hurts 某一部疼痛 pain 表示疼痛是名词 I have a pain in my hand 手疼 Special difficulties 动词加介词或 副词起 改变put的含义作用。 put up with 容忍 put up 搭建,安排住宿 put out 扑灭 put on 穿上 put away 把.收好 Your rooms is unbidy,put your things away. put off 推迟,推延 put down /write down 记下 Comprehension beside 在.旁边 besides 除.之外 close v.关闭 close to 表示离.很近 close to me 离我很近 be on 上演;(灯)亮着的 Whats on in the cinema today? The lights were on last night. switch n.开关 v.用开关 The light was switched on. on fire 起火 The house is on fire. alight 燃烧着的 以a开头的形容词为表语形容词


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