新视野大学英语3unit five听说教程题.docx

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1、新视野大学英语3unit five听说教程题Warming Up 1. What is StoryCorps? It is an oral-history project that . 2. What does David Isay record? He records people talking about . 3. What stories does David Isay like best? He likes stories that have a message of . Audio Script: W: We are going to die. This is a sad fact

2、 one that we all must accept. Usually death incolves losing the stories weve collected in our memories. David Isay is here to tell us how we can save all of this information. Thank you for joining us. M: Thank you for having me. Ive started an oral-history project called StoryCorps to preserve stori

3、es that would be lost. I visit homes, and I record people as they talk about the important things theyve experienced in their lives. W: What are some of the best stories youve come across through this project? M: Ive heard all sorts of adventure stories, mountain climbing and this sort of thing, but

4、 what really gets me, what really touches me, are stories with a special message of love and hope. Answers: 1. preserves stories that would be lost 2. the important things in their lives 3. love and hope Short conversation: 1. A. Because she had beaten herself up about it already. B. Because she had

5、 stayed with her mother so much already. C. Because her mother had forgiven her about it already. D. Because her mother had never been ashamed of her. W: Ill never forgive myself for not being there at Moms side when she died. M: Dont beat yourself up about this. You were there with her during so mu

6、ch of her life, so you have nothing to be ashamed of. Q: Why shouldnt the woman feel bad about not being there when her mother died? B 2. A. He was generous with others. B. He shared with everyone. C. He was not a generous person. D. He was a man with few words. W: Before his death, Grandpa said we

7、should always be generous with each other. M: Thats Grandpa, always telling others what to do. But Im not so sure he followed his own advice. I, for one, never saw him share with anyone. Q: According to the man, what kind of person was grandpa? D 3. A. The rest of their loving family. B. Everything

8、their father did in the world. C. When their father passed away. D. Some advice their father once gave them. W: Now that Dad has passed away, we need to prepare some words to say about his life. M: We should tell others what he told us to make the world a better place by being loving people. Im sure

9、 the rest of the family would appreciate this. Q: What does the man think that they should talk about? A 4. A. He thinks the womans father has a right to die. B. He thinks the doctor wont agree with this decision. C. He thinks the woman doesnt respect her father. D. He thinks the womans father can s

10、till be cured. W: My father keeps asking me to take him to a suicide doctor. He says hes ready to die. M: Since his illness beyond cure, maybe you should respect his wishes. I know you dont agree, but its his life and his choice. Q: What does the man think? A 5. A. Getting his mothers money. B. Resp

11、ecting the memory of his mother. C. Doing what his mother said. D. Find out what his mother said. W: Though she didnt say so, I think Mom would want me to have some of her money; I only care about honoring her memory. M: You can have all of it! I dont care about the money; I only care about honoring

12、 her memory. Q: What does the man care about? B 6. A. Because she wanted to have a nurse beside her instead. B. Because she wanted to keep them from seeing something bad. C. Because she said the nurses would take care of her instead. D. Because she heard a nurse say that it was the best thing. W: I

13、dont know why Grandma didnt want us to be in the hospital with her when she passed away. M: Well, you know, she was a nurse. So she saw a lot of death. Its an ugly thing, and she didnt want us to see it. Q: Why did Grandma want the speakers to stay away from her when she passed away? B 7. A. The tim

14、e when the woman will die. B. What happens after a person dies. C. How a person can overcome the fear of death. D. Why a person should wonder about heaven. W: Do you ever wonder what will happen after death? I mean, is there a heaven, or M: Ah, dont be silly! When youre dead, youre dead! And thats a

15、ll there is to it! Nothing can convince me otherwise! Q: What are the speakers talking about? B 8. A. The doctor will not help the woman die. B. The womans pain had ended. C. The woman feels very confused. D. The womans husband wont help her. W: I hear you perform assisted suicides for old people. I

16、s that right? Maybe you can end my pain? M: Im afraid you have me confused with a different doctor. And if youre thinking of killing yourself, you should talk to a family member, your husband perhaps. Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? A 9. A. Mother and son. B. Father and daughter. C. D

17、octor and patient. D. Brother and sister. W: I feel terrible that I couldnt make it to the hospital when Mom was dying. M: You should. She kept asking where you were. Our mother was so good to you. You shouldve been there. Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers? D 10. A. 60. B. 70. C.

18、85. D. 86. W: When winter hits, old people die at a surprising rate here. Maybe 60 or 70 people will go in the first month. M: Actually the first month of last winter took 85 in our town. And with Dad being 86 now, Im praying that he can survive the winter. Q: How old is their father? D A long conve

19、rsation: 1. A. A mothers happy life. B. A mothers final advice. C. A mothers time in the hospital. D. A mothers best virtues. 2. A. 5. B. 20. C. 15. D. 11. 3. A. To make peace with others. B. To give money to charity and to write. C. To have less enemies than before. D. To be loving and generous wit

20、h others. 4. A. The mother had told the daughter to waste less money. B. The mother had done everything that was important to her. C. The mother didnt really have more things to say. D. The mother would have said more if she hadnt died. 5. A. Because she felt she understood the essentials of what he

21、r mother meant to say. B. Because she felt her mothers advice is of little value but loved her anyway. C. Because she felt her mother was at peace with the world, especially her children. D. because she felt her mother had taught her how to stop being full of hatred and anger. Audio Script: M: Hows

22、your mother? W: She didnt pull through. M: What? W: Yeah, she passed away. It happened last night, at just after eleven oclock. But Id been expecting it for a long time. M: Oh, Im so sorry. W: Thanks. Ill be OK. Mom left me with some wisdom just before she passed away. M: What did she say? W: Minute

23、s before she went, she said that there were 20 good things in life. And if a person did at 15 of these things that person would be happy. M: Would you mind telling me what these things are? W: Sure. One was that a person should have children. Having children can teach you about sharing, love and so

24、much more. Mom said it was the best thing she had ever done. M: And the others? W: She said that a person should give money to charity, write a book, travel around the world, and make peace with ones enemies. M: Thats five things altogether. What about the others? W: She closed her eye then. And tha

25、t was it. M: Thats so bad! W: Not really. I think I could guess the rest. Essentially, Mom was telling me to have an exciting and loving life, without hatred or anger. 1. What are the speakers talking about? B 2. According to the womans mother, how many things should a person do at least in order to

26、 be happy? C 3. What can one learn from having children? D 4. What can we infer from the conversation? D 5. Why did the daughter feel all right even though her mother failed to list all of the good things? A A Passage 1. A. A poll investigating the fear of death. B. How people try to live longer liv

27、es. C. How difficult it is to care for the elderly. D. The questions people have about death. 2. A. Few people in this world to fear death. B. Most people to fear problems leading toward death. C. A large majority to fear death more than anything. D. Almost everyone to fear what will happen after de

28、ath. 3. A. 8%. B. 12%. C. 80%. D. 90%. 4. A. Watching their children die. B. Caring for others as they die. C. Having their children watch them die. D. Fearing what comes after death. 5. A. Most adults dont want to watch their parents approach death. B. Most adults cant care for their parents as the

29、ir parents approach death. C. Most adults want to be with their parents as they grow old. D. Most adults think it will be difficult to watch their parents approach death. Audio Script: Are you afraid to die? We asked over 57,000adults this question and others in a poll. Before we conducted the poll,

30、 we had an idea of what sort of answers we would receive. We expected around 90 percent of the people to admit a great fear of death, and most of them, up to 70 percent, to say they were afraid of what comes after death. But it wasnt the case, not at all. A surprising 80 percent of people responding

31、 to the poll said they didnt fear death at all. Twelve percent said they feared death only a little, and only eight percent reported great fear associated with death. However, people are not without worries. The people we polled answered the other questions, saying, though they didnt fear death, the

32、 feared the problems leading up to death. The biggest of these problems had to do with close family members. Adults with children overwhelmingly said they worried about children who would have to watch them die. The process of watching someone die is incredibly difficult, and parents didnt want thei

33、r children to see them go through it. Interestingly enough, however, most of the people who said this also said they wanted to care for their own parents as their parents became elderly. 1. What is the speaker talking about? A 2. What did researchers expect? C 3. What percentage of people fear death only a little? B 4. What is the biggest concern about death? C 5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? C


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