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1、查理和巧克力工厂英文台词查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory This is a story of an ordinary little boy named Charlie Bucket. He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children. His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected. In fact, they b

2、arely had enough to eat. Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world. He just didn t know it yet. -Evening, Buckets. -Evening. Hi, Dad. Soups almost ready, darling. Dont suppose theres anything extra to put in, love. Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage. Charlie I foun

3、d something I think youll like. Charlies father worked at the local toothpaste factory. The hours were long, and the pay was terrible yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. It s exactly what I need. What is it, Charlie? Dad found it, just the piece I needed. -What piece was it? -A head f

4、or Willy Wonka. Well, how wonderful. Its quite a likeness. -You think so? -Think so? I know so. I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes. -I used to work for him, you know. -You did? -I did. -He did. He did. I love grapes. Of course, I was a much younger man in those days. Willy Wonka began with a sin

5、gle store on Cherry Street. But the whole world wanted his candy. -Mr. Wonka. -Yeah? We need more Wonka bars and we re out of chocolate birds. -Birds? Birds. 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Well, then well need to make some more. Here. Now open. The man was a genius. Did you kn

6、ow he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream. .so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer? You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it wont go runny. -But thats impossible. -But Willy Wonka did it. Before long he decided to build a proper chocolate factory. The large

7、st chocolate factory in history. Fifty times as big as any other. Grandpa, dont make it gross. Tell him about the lndian prince. Hed like to hear about that. You mean, Prince Pondicherry? Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka. .and asked him to come all the way out to lndia and build

8、him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate. It will have 1 00 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate. True to his word, the bricks were chocolate and the cement holding them together was chocolate. All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well. So were

9、the carpets and the pictures and the furniture. It is perfect in every way. Yeah, but it wont last long. You better start eating right now. Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace. I intend to live in it. But Mr. Wonka was right, of course. Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling su

10、n. The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace. .but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own. All the other chocolate makers, you see, had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka. They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes. Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never

11、melt. Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor. Then Slugworth began making candy balloons that you could blow up to incredible sizes. The thievery got so bad that one day, without warning. .Mr. Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home. He announced that he was cl

12、osing his chocolate factory forever. Im closing my chocolate factory forever. Im sorry. But it didnt close forever. 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Its open right now. Yes, well, sometimes when grownups say forever, they mean a very long time. Such as, l feel like Ive eaten not

13、hing but cabbage soup forever. -Now, Pops. -The factory did close, Charlie. And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever. Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys. -The factory was back in business. -Did you get your job back? No. No one did. But there must be people working there.

14、 Think about it, Charlie. Have you ever seen a single person. .going into that factory or coming out of it? No. The gates are always closed. Exactly. But then, whos running the machines? -Nobody knows, Charlie. -lt certainly is a mystery. Hasnt someone asked Mr. Wonka? Nobody sees him anymore. He ne

15、ver comes out. The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy already packed and addressed. Id give anything in the world just to go in one more time. .and see whats become of that amazing factory. Well, you wont, because you cant. No one can. Its a mystery, and it will always be a mystery

16、. That little factory of yours, Charlie, is as close as any of us is ever going to get. Come on, Charlie. I think its time we let your grandparents get some sleep. -Good night, Grandpa George. -Night, Charlie. -Night-night. -Chair. Thank you, dear. Night, Grandpa Joe. Good night, Grandma Georgina. N

17、othings impossible, Charlie. -Good night. -Night, Charlie. 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Sleep well. Indeed, that very night, the impossible had already been set in motion. Dear people of the world. .I, Willy Wonka have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this

18、year. In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine. Five golden tickets have been hidden underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars. The bars may be anywhere in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in

19、the world. Wouldnt it be something, Charlie, to open a bar of candy and find a golden ticket inside? I know, but I only get one bar a year, for my birthday. Well, its your birthday next week. You have as much chance as anybody does. Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the golden tickets are t

20、he ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day. Our Charlie gets only one a year. He doesnt have a chance. Everyone has a chance, Charlie. Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat. DUSSELDORF,GERMANY Augustus. This way. I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste somethi

21、ng that is not chocolate or coconut. .or walnut or peanut butter. .or nougat. .or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles. So I look and I find the golden ticket. Augustus, how did you celebrate? I eat more candy. We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it

22、 was not possible for him not to find one. Yes, it is good, Augustus. -golden ticket claimed and four more. Told you itd be a porker. What a repulsive boy. Only four golden tickets left. Now that theyve found one, things will really get crazy. -of every shape, size and hue. Veruca. Can you spell tha

23、t for us, please? V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt. As soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets. .I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. Im in the nut bus

24、iness, you see. So I say to my workers: Morning, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead. Three days went by, and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible. My Veruca got more and more upset each day. Wheres my golden ticket? I wa

25、nt my golden ticket. Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted. And finally, I found her a ticket. Daddy, I want another pony. Shes even worse than the fat boy. I dont think that was really fai

26、r. She didnt find the ticket herself. Dont worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter. And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that. Charlie, Mum and I thought maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight. Here you are. Maybe I should wait till morning. -Like hell. -Pop. A

27、ll together, were 381 years old. We dont wait. Now, Charlie, you mustnt feel too disappointed. .you know, if you dont get the. Whatever happens, youll still have the candy. Ah, well. Thats that. -Well share it. -Oh, no, Charlie. Not your birthday present. Its my candy bar, and Ill do what I want wit

28、h it. Thank you, darling. Thank you, Charlie. Bless you. All right, lets see who found it. The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde. ATLANTA,GEORGIA These are just some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won. Im a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things.

29、查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 .I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars. Shes just a driven young woman. I dont know where she gets it. Im the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer. This piece of gum Im chewing right now. .Ive been working on for three months solid. Thats a reco

30、rd. Of course, I did have my share of trophies, mostly baton. So it says that one kids gonna get this special prize, better than all the rest. I dont care who those other four are. That kid, its gonna be me. Tell them why, Violet. Because Im a winner. What a beastly girl. Despicable. You dont know w

31、hat were talking about. Dragonflies? DENVER,COLORADO But wait, this is just in. The fourth golden ticket has been found by a boy called Mike Teavee. All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei lndex. A retard could figure it out. Most of the

32、 time I dont know what hes talking about. You know, kids these days, what with all the technology. Die! Die! Die! Doesnt seem like they stay kids very long. In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar. -And how did it taste? -I dont know. I hate chocolate. Well, its a good thing youre going to a cho

33、colate factory, you ungrateful little- That question is, who will be the winner of the last gold-? -Dad? -Yes, Charlie? Why arent you at work? Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought theyd give me a bit of time off. Like summer vacation? Sure. Something like that. In fact, it wasn t like a vacation

34、 at all. 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities which led to a rise in toothpaste sales. With the extra money, the factory had decided to modernize eliminating Mr. Buckets job. We were barely making ends meet as it was. You ll f

35、ind another job. Until then, Ill just- Well, Ill just thin down the soup a little more. Dont worry, Mr. Bucket, our luck will change. I know it. Charlie. My secret hoard. You and I are going to have one more fling at finding that last ticket. You sure you want to spend your money on that? Of course

36、Im sure. Here. Run down to the nearest store and buy the first Wonka candy bar you see. Bring it straight back, and well open it together. Such a good boy, really. Such a good. Grandpa? -You fell asleep. -Have you got it? Which end should we open first? Just do it quick, like a Band-Aid. Did you see

37、 that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket? Yes, it was in the paper this morning. Good boy. Come on, George. Good boy. One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight, please. Okay. Here you go. The nerve of some people. I know. Forging a ticket. Come on. Its a golden ticket. You found

38、 Wonkas last golden ticket. In my shop too! Listen. Ill buy it from you. Ill give you $50 and a new bicycle. Are you crazy? Id give him $500 for that ticket. You wanna sell me your ticket for $500, young man? Thats enough of that. Leave the kid alone. Listen. Dont let anyone have it. Take it straigh

39、t home, you understand? 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Thank you. Mom! Dad! I found it! The last golden ticket! Its mine! Here. Read it aloud. Lets hear exactly what it says. Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by

40、the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day. l, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself showing you everything there is to see. Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks each one fille

41、d with all the chocolate you could ever eat. And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination. Now, here are your instructions. On the 1 st of February, you must come to the factory gates at 1 0 a.m. sharp. Youre allowed to bring one member of

42、your family to look after you. Until then, Willy Wonka. The 1 st of February. -But thats tomorrow. -Then theres not a moment to lose. Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose. -And get that mud off your pants. -Now we must all try and keep very calm. First t

43、hing that we have to decide is this: Who is going with Charlie to the factory? I will. Ill take him. You leave it to me. How about you, dear? Dont you think you ought to go? Well, Grandpa Joe seems to know more about it than we do, and. Provided, of course, he feels well enough. No. Were not going.

44、A woman offered me $500 for the ticket. I bet someone else would pay more. We need the money more than we need the chocolate. Young man, come here. Theres plenty of money out there. They print more every day. But this ticket theres only five of them in the whole world and thats all theres ever going

45、 to be. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. 查理和巧克力工厂 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 更多资源 请访问 Are you a dummy? No, sir. Then get that mud off your pants. Youve got a factory to go to. Daddy, I want to go in. Its 9:59, sweetheart. Make time go faster. Do you think Mr

46、. Wonka will recognize you? Hard to say. Its been years. Eyes on the prize, Violet. Eyes on the prize. Please enter. Come forward. Close the gates. Dear visitors it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. And who am I? Well. Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka The amazing chocolatier Willy Wo

47、nka, Willy Wonka Everybody give a cheer! Hooray! Hes modest, clever and so smart He barely can restrain it With so much generosity There is no way to contain it! To contain it To contain, to contain, to contain! Hooray! Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka Hes the one that youre about to meet Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka Hes the genius who just can t be beat The magician and the choco


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