Study on Chinese and Foreign Commercial Advertisements中外商业广告研究.doc

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1、Study on Chinese and Foreign Commercial Advertisements Abstract: With the flourishing development of Chinas economy and the entry into the WTO,enterprises home and abroad are facing the problems of commercial advertisements integrated with the world, namely the difference between Chinese and western

2、 commercial advertisements. This article has used a number of examples to analyze Chinese and western advertisements,mainly from the cultural background, thinking mode, linguistic difference and so on. It will explore the differences to upgrade Chinas advertisements innovation level(创意水平) into a new

3、 stage.Key words:Commercial advertisement; comparison between china and the west; cultural background linguistic difference 摘 要: 随着中国对外贸易的蓬勃发展及加入世界贸易组织,中外企业都面临着商务广告与国际接轨的问题,即中西方商务广告差异性问题。本文通过大量广告实例,从文化背景,思维方式,语言差异等角度对中外商务广告进行具体的分析,探讨了中外商务广告的差异性,将中国的广告创意水平提高到新的阶段。关键词:商业广告 ;中西对比; 文化背景; 语言差异1.Introduct

4、ion1.1. Conception of Commercial Advertisements Commercial advertisement is made for benefit and for publicizing a product so that people would like to buy it. Advertising is a promotional means which is generally valued and wildly applied by enterprises. It is a mass communication activity, the goa

5、l of which is sales promotion at a certain cost, which spreads commodities or services and other relevant economic information through specific media.Commercial Advertisement (Marketing Advertisement): Enterprises spend money advocating their products and enterprises, so as to increase their publici

6、ty and sales. This is also the purpose of advertisement. 1. 2. Effect of Commercial Advertisement Commercial advertisement is not only an economic phenomenon, with its utilitarian;but also a cultural phenomenon, with its thought.Therefore, commercial advertising ,on the one hand, can promote the sal

7、es , guide consumption with its commercial functions.On the other hand,it also should serve the society, conform to spread peoples interests , moral, cultural ideas which are suitable to social demands and fitable to the commans .So it necessarily has its social function.1.3 .Purpose of study on Com

8、mercial Advertisement Usually, it is an important means of communicating information among commodity producers, operators and consumers, or an important form of business occupying the market, selling products and providing labor services. This paper,by analysing similarities and differences of cultu

9、re, language, manifestation of commercial advertising between china and foreign countries, to Understand the differentbetween them and find out the point of foreign advertising deserves study for us,Such as, strengthening the communication and exchange with international advertising, making Chinese

10、advertising industry in learning and reference get better development, to enter the ranks of advanced countries in the world of advertising.Professor chenpeiai of Fudan university, pointed out that the difference between China and the international developed countries in advertising levels is more h

11、ighlighting cultural background,(1992;94) especially for a nation of five thousand years historical and cultural background, the ads overrsll style, advertising concept, language etc. has a clear difference between that foreign countries.2.The culture difference between Chinese and foreign business

12、advertisement2.1. The Difference of culture between Chinese and foreign business advertising Advertising reflect the national culture in some extent .This article discussed the cultural differences between the East and West reflected in the Sino-British advertising from these three aspects:group ori

13、entation and personal orientation, indirectness and directness, authority and fact, It emphasized the important role of cultural factors in the translation of advertising;advertisement translation should go with the cultural values orientation of the audience , to make the advertisement be attractiv

14、e to stimulate consumers purchase desire, to achieve the purpose of advertising. From the cultural perspective, the culture environent where commercial advertisement spreads is actually a kind of objective existence of culture. Commercialadvertisementsarepromoterofmerchandiseandbroadcasterofculture.

15、Ittakescultureasitscarrier.Atthesametime,thecultureuseadvertisementstospread.Therefore,bothadvertisementsandculturearemutuallyexistandcontributetooursociety.we can see that, knowing the commercial advertising culture, clarifying the different cultural background, is of great importance to our commer

16、cial advertisings creative. So I think the analysis of the differences between Chinese and western culture is the premise of knowing the commercial advertising differences. 2.1.1 Group Vs. Individualism Orientation Group orientation shows in two aspects, group orientation and other orientation. Unde

17、r the influence of the group orientation, Chinese advocate everything is concentrated with family, social and national interests, when necessary; we can ignore the personal interests. Others orientation which outspread and performance by group orientation: when Chinese people start a thing, they fir

18、st consider how the others see and say, everybody join things cannot apart of it. Instead of Chinese culture, westerners (especially Americans) worship individualism. Individualism that in a social environment, individual is an important independent body, no matter how large this individual; each in

19、dividuals independence is the most valuable. In western, generally put individualism as a positive showing in individual ego value. Individualism is regarded as endeavoring enterprising synonyms; in western culture has clearly positive meaning. Whether Oriental group orientation or western individua

20、lism orientation have in their respective culture in communication, such cultural differences between Chinese and western usually leads to the different advertising. Such as Chinese conformity psychology, they always believe that most people have to do things wont be wrong, when choose goods, usuall

21、y follows the habit of conformity. Chinese advertisers make full use of this kind of psychology, in advertising rendering group activities, such as advertising often appears the word 我们都喝 深受大众喜爱 老少皆宜, 大家好才是真的好 and so on to highlight the breadth of the advertisement audience. Western advertising, on

22、the contrary, because western culture promotes personalities, their advertising often appear such words: “independent/independence”, “equal” “uniqueness/unique” and “privacy/private”. For example, Japanese Mitsubishi motor company advocate the product slogan in US, created “Not all cars are created

23、equal”. Familiar with the history of the United States, people see the advertisement, immediately remember the American Declaration of Independence. Smart Japanese businessmen used the Americans to pursue the personality characteristics of pursuit difference. There was an interesting thing, it is sa

24、id that a famous American AD just do it, but in Hong Kong TV, translated into 想做就去做. This advertising theme of individual freedom in the United States is not a fussbudget. But Hong Kong as a part of Chinese society, a traditional self-discipline, so many consumers think psychology the advertisement

25、has induced juvenile crime suspicion, have complaints, later gave advertising should be changed into 应做就去做. In this thing we can see cultural difference to advertising effect cannot be ignored, so in Chinese English translation, we should consider the western culture, the colors of individualism in

26、English Chinese translation, dont ignore the Oriental culture group orientation.China has always has implicative traditional virtue. From the generations of poems, we can see that in Chinese lyrics, much more is with implicit beauty, less by direct communicates. People express his feelings by certai

27、n images or allusions. Impressed by such situation, people always express some feelings by some metaphors. Thus, in my opinion the Chinese people have formed affectionate and humane characters under such kind of culture. Meanwhile, these characters only can be accepted by others in a modest method.

28、So many commercial advertisements pay attention to the emotion and modest, thus many excellent works which took the love as the theme have been produced, this just adapts to the Chinese peoples cultural psychology needs.2.1.2 Indirect vs.Direct Communication A national culture is shown through the w

29、ay of thinking and acting. (Lin Jicheng, 1986) . A lot of comparative study shows that people use different languages adopt different way of thinking, it is caused by different cultural background. Generally speaking, English-speaking people were linear thinking, who are better on the analysis and l

30、ogical reasoning. For example, Westerners often straight to the point of articles in a topic sentence, directly to the main points highlighted in the article, after the start of the sentence on this theme. The Chinese-speaking people thinking cylindrical style, full of imagination and intuition them

31、, mostly spiral structure of the article, the theme is often not clear, instead of using a roundabout way to explain, so native English speakers are usually state point of view, and then do the inductive analysis. But the Chinese speaking people describe the resons before, or there seems not directl

32、y related with the subject and then the theme gradually emerge. The following two Sino-British advertising reflects it in two different ways of thinking. Eg:(1)“Lucky”Brand Chocolates are made ofchoice material s by up-to-date scientific met ho d.The p ro duct is allowed to leave t he facto ry o nly

33、 af2ter st rict examinatio n of it s qualit y.Owing to t heinfluence of t ropical climate o n raw material s used,white spot s may occasio nally appear o n t he surfaceof t he p ro duct,but t he qualit y remains unchangedin t hat event.Please send particular to o ur dist ribu2to rs co ncerned.参考译文“:

34、幸运牌”朱古力系用上等原料以最新科学方法配制而成。其质量经过严格检查,始行出厂。由于热带气候对原料的影响,朱古力表面会偶尔出现白色斑点,但品质未变。若有发现,请将详情告知有关经销商。(2) Jiashi Li, the taste of your childhood collection . . year, my sister and grandmother went to the country house, we run the fields, fishing in small rivers, the wheat harvest had picked up in the wheat, th

35、e air was full of charming fragrance! now hard to find the kind of feeling. Field into a plant, the river was gone . . Huh? What is this? Taste really special, reminds me of wheat in the country charming fragrance. Jiashi Li biscuits, the taste of your childhood collection! First ad straight to the

36、point to introduce the English trade names and production of raw materials, the emphasis on quality food, while not hiding the surface because of the climate may be some underlying reason why the fly in the ointment, it is easy for its bluntly honest characteristics have attracted the attention of W

37、esterners. Overall, the first structural organization is tightly English advertising language to express directly, no extra useless words, in line with the thinking of Western characteristics. The second is advertising on Chinese biscuits, but its the first sentence is not a cookie word, but talked

38、about childhood memories. It is this triggered memories of the past Asian nostalgic feelings, causing a kind of emotional resonance, its production intent is poetic language to describe a mood, it seems no relationship with the subject, in fact, want to love to moving, to find the theme of feeling b

39、efore. In fact, the memories of such cookies is precisely that unique evocative, that is consistent with the Chinese people are good at roundabout thinking, accurately reflect the characteristics of the product. But if Jiashi Li cookies to enter the international market for Western consumers, then t

40、he expression of ad-wire should be consistent with their habits of mind, start pointing to the product name and characteristics in order to arouse the attention of consumers, or in accordance with the Chinese advertising structure literally literal, like the fall foggy foreigners might lose interest

41、 in reading. Do not take into account cultural factors, we can not determine which style better, because their audiences who have different cultural backgrounds, two ads are suitable for their respective consumers. In the west, people has long been advocating heroism, emphasizing individuals indepen

42、dence and main role, pay attention to the force of personality. In the ancient Greek culture and Christian cultures, there are a lot of gods story and heroes lore, but the god made in the story did not pay attention to family. For instance, in ancient Greek mythology, a lot of hybrid marriage, and e

43、ven the legend about killing his father and marring his mother, some myths and legends often have killing Coexistence, heroism is everywhere, such as Achilles anger, hall of auspicious can DE ridiculous and tragic heroism, PiaoLiuJi Robinson, especially modern America, extremely promotes personaliti

44、es, the pursuit of freedom. In this culture, the creative idea of commercial advertisement also highlight personality, exaggerates heroism. Eg.(3) like Marlboro commercials, one of the western cowboys brand image : eyes, skin deep a rough, rugged, with plains, a brave heroes man, with sleeves rolled

45、 up, hairy, between his fingers are always filled with a rising smoke of Marlboro cigarettes at a very vast horse in the American western prairies. This commercial advertising has a striking personality, and won peoples extensive praise.2.1.3 Authorities vs. Facts The insurance must in every ad. Chi

46、nese traditional culture is emphasized unity, advocate the absolute authority, and show great respect. Western culture slightly different is that they emphasize the experience, especially the Americans. Chinese advertising usually quoted various authorities to product evaluation. So we often hear 获得

47、某某金奖, 中国消费者协会推荐产品 , 昔日宫廷秘方 国宴饮料, 引进国外先进技术, “用科学方法”, “省优部优” etc. These advertising products are clearly implied authority, is not in question. And Oriental can accept authority, if we put this translation method in English advertisements is can not be convince. Western advertising also used authority

48、, but people pay more attention to the facts authority. For instance people make many questionnaires to collect data, the results of the survey to quantify the data analysis to persuade consumers. Such as: “For her deepest dive? 1250 feet down to the floor of the pacific? Dr. Earle relied on a massi

49、ve cast alloy diving suit to protect her from such analien environment. In just such a way, the Rolext hat Dr. Earle wears relies on its massively strong case to protect the delicate movement within. Into deed, so rugged is the case that sculpting it from a solid block of metal requires pressures of up to sixty to ns. This is Rolex watches advertising, manufacturers use convincing accurate figures sh


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