1、,经导管主动脉瓣植入术(TAV)适应证和并发症防治策略Evaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,世界第1例成功TAV病例lain CribApril 16,2019Evaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose S
2、lides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,TAI手术量增长趋势60000500003000020000Evaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,内容TAV研究背景TAV适应证TAV并发症及防治策略Evaluation only.ch Asposesl
3、ides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,内容TAV研究背景TAV适应证TAV并发症及防治策略Evaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty
4、 L,TAV研究背景为什么需要TAVPrevalenceSurvivaliFAll valve diseaseMitral valve disease10%-+Aortic valve diseaseExpectede60observedP0.001094545-545564657475YeEvaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,TA
5、研究背景二主动脉瓣退行性变是老年主动脉瓣狭窄的主要原因Aortic stenosis in SingaporeNormal aortic valveAorticBicuspid aortic valve40Degenerative BicuspidRheumaticTay et al.SMJ2019Evaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty
6、L,TAM研究背景三治疗时机和治疗选择Aortic Stenosis is Life-Threateningand Progresses RapidlyTreatment Options and Timing MatterSurvivalPercentSurvival after onsetOnsetsevereof symptoms is 50%symptomsat two years andLatent periodAngina20 at five years.1(IncreasingsyncopeobstructionFailureSurgical interventionMyocard
7、ialffor severe As shouldOverload)urvivalbe performed promptlyYearsonce everminosymptoms occur.2Yearswe Surgery,Hcart 2000.m138(甲161-7sh CeLuwHIA UNIVERSITYEvaluadon only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose
8、Pty L,Mortality of the nonsurgically treatedPatients with severe as100N=453/740 patients with80 AS who did not undergoMortality:surgery5 years-68%03810 years-82%5 years10 yearsSAFE TO ASSUME THAT THE PROGNOSIS HAS CHANGED LITTLEFROM THAT OFFERED FROM ROSS AND BRAUNWALD 40 YEARS AGO(Ross,Braunwald E
9、Aortic stenosis.Circulation.1968;38 Suppl 5:61-7Evaluation only.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,TA研究背景四高龄患者不简单一合并太多的临床情况evetnty is old enoughafter that there istoo much riskMark Twain.Following the Equator.1897Valadon onry.ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient PEvaluation only.Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo71Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,