1、Panalpina World Transport (PRC) Ltd Qingdao BranchE2, 7/F Flagship TowerNew World Cyber Port40 Xianggang Zhong Road, QingdaoShandong 266071, PRCARRIVAL NOTICE/到货通知书Tel: +86 0532/83881010-226Fax:+86 0532/83870303to:from:CompanyPanalpina World Transport (PRC) Ltd Qingdao BranchNamesummer chu待添加的隐藏文字内容
2、2Fax No.83870303Phone No.83881010-226e-mailsummer.chuDate: 26 三月, 2023Pages sent (incl cover): .If you havent received all pages properly, please call above mentioned number. Thank youConsignee/收货单位:随附单证:MAWB Number/总运单号HAWB Number/分运单号STR 051250发票 (invoice)ETA/抵达航班日期MAR 3装箱单 (packing list)Normal go
3、ods/普货Urgent Documents/快件非木证明 (non-wooden packing material certific.)Dangerous goods/危险品Refrigerated cargo/ 冷藏品非针叶木证明 (non-coniferous wood declaration)Quantity/件数1熏蒸证书 (fumigation certificate)Weight/毛重127.00KGS原产地证明 (certificate of origin)Chargeable weight/计费毛重127.00KGS热处理证明 (heat treatment certific
4、ate)Cargo size/货物尺寸0.288M3银行背书 (certificate of bank)PP/CC / 预定结算/提货付款CIP其它 (other) 换单费:CNY200.00客户提货须知: 请凭加盖正本公司章的到货通知书或换单委托书前泛亚班拿国际运输代理(中国)有限公司青岛分公司(中国山东省青岛市香港中路40#新世界数码旗舰大厦7层E2室),一楼营业大厅联系换单及抽单业务,联系电话:0532-83881010-226You are advised to take arrival notice or entrustment letter with original compan
5、y chop stamped to exchange shipping documents at our TAO airport field office ( ). PIC Tel No: 上述货物于3月5日前为仓储免费期,逾期本司将收取相应的保管费用(危险品,冷冻,冷藏品无免费保管期).我司提供全天候服务,接受24小时提货.特殊需要请与当日16:30前与我司联系,电话:,仓库联系电话: There will be a period of free storage charge up to the , but excluding Dangerous/Refrigerated cargo. Pi
6、ckup of goods will be accepted during day and night 24 hours. Please contact us before 16:30 in case of any special requirement. Warehouse tel. nb: 本公司同时提供报关,转关,检验检疫,国内运输及国内空运业务,如果需要,请当日16:30前我司联系,电话:,仓库联系电话:0532-84711137/韩宝安Meanwhile, we also provide local services including Customs Clearance / Cus
7、toms Bonded Transportation / Quarantine Inspection / Delivery / Domestic Air Freight etc. Please feel free to contact us before 16:30 if any local service needed. Office Tel. No: Warehouse Tel. No: 按照中华人民共和国海关法规定:货物自抵目的港机场之日起14天内,须向当地海关申报,逾期每日按货价的万分之五收取滞报金,超出三个月不提货,本公司依法将该货物上交当地海关;According to China
8、 customs policy, customs will impose demurrage (0.5 of cargo value) as penalty if import shipment doesnt conduct declaration within 14 days upon arrival. Goods not cleared within 3 months will be confiscated by customs. 本公司已委托青岛空运公安局负责仓库安保工作,进入库区后请严格听从保安人员指挥,请配合Qingdao air Shipping Police Bureau is
9、responsible for Panalpinas warehouse security, instruction from security guard shall be strictly followed, please provide your fully cooperation.Terms and ConditionsAll and any business undertaken, including any advice, information or service provided whether gratuitously or not, is transacted subje
10、ct to latest CIFA Standard Trading Terms and Conditions (copy available upon request). No insurance will be effected except upon express instruction given in writing by the customer. All insurance effected by the company is subject to exceptions and conditions of the policies of the insurance company or underwriter taking the risk. Place of Jurisdiction: PRC.