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2、说一个自然段一定是一个要点。有时几个自然段说明一个要点。有时也有一个自然段包含数个要点。,3.细节信息不需要过于详细,细节性的信息如列举数字,举例,过渡句等信息不必一一列出。,4.核心词不必替换,核心词是文章的心脏,一般不宜换成其他词。,5.写作时句式多样化,概要写作书面化程度比较高,因此可以酌情选择使用从句、非谓语等结构,但句子结构不可过长,也不要使用太过复杂的句子结构。,6.使用多种句式转换,如:主动被动的互换,反向转换(主语和宾语互换),从句和非谓语动词的转换等。,原题呈现,(2018年11月浙江高考)Its a really good idea to visit colleges be

3、fore you apply because their websites can all start to look and sound the same.Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually be like to live on a college campus(校园)like visiting and seeing for yourself the dorms,classrooms and athletic equipment and,of course,the students.It seems a littl

4、e crazy once senior year hits to find the time to visit college campuses,and it can also be pricey if the schools you are applying to happen to be more than a car ride away.But keep in mind that you are making a decision about the next four years of your life,and do all the research you can to make

5、sure you are making the right one.,Theres no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area.In fact,a lot of college applications even ask if you have visited campus,and obviously,if you live across the country that wont be as much of a possibility,but if you live nearby,go check it out!If campu

6、s visits arent going to happen before you apply,at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools youd like to attend.It can save you a lot of heartache if you rule out now the things that you dont like about certain campuses,things

7、 that you wouldnt know unless you actually visit.,Now,if time and money are making it impossible,then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive.Its a chance to chat online with admissions officers,students,and college counselors(顾问),and it wont cost you a penny!You can register for its o

8、nline college fair at.While visiting an online college fair cant take the place of an actual campus visit,it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed decision about which colleges or universities youd like to attend.,写作指导第一步审题,1.审体裁:说明文2.审人称:第二

9、人称3.审时态:一般现在时和一般将来时为主,第二步查找段落主题句和关键词,了解段落大意,第一段:主题句为第一句:Its a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply.关键词:visit colleges before you apply,接下来的内容就是列举你要参观所申请的大学的各种理由。第二段:主题句为第一句:Theres no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area.关键词:visit the schools in your local area,接下来的内容就是解释

10、你为什么要近水楼台先得月。,第三段:主题句为第一句:If campus visits arent going to happen before you apply,at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools youd like to attend.关键词:find some time to visit the schools youd like to attend.接下来就是解释,如果不未雨绸缪,到真正报

11、考的时候就会麻烦不断。第四段:主题句为第一句:Now,if time and money are making it impossible,then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive.关键词:check out the online college fairs。本段主要讲述的是网上大学博览会也是一种了解大学从而帮你做出明智选择的有效工具。,第三步草拟要点并连接,紧紧围绕段落主题句和关键词进行要点提炼,然后把提炼后的要点进行汇总,最后再用适当的连接词加以连接,这样文章概要就完成了。,第四步检查誊写,【名师点津】概要写作四项

12、基本原则1.概要写作时,一定不要使用第一人称。2.概要写作时,一定不可加入自己的观点。3.概要写作时,一定不可对原文内容加以评论。4.概要写作时,一定不要引入与原文内容无关的信息。,【考场范文1】It can help you make a right decision to visit the college that you are going to attend before you apply.(要点1)If you live near to the college,you should find a chance to visit it to reduce much trouble

13、afterwards.(要点2)If you have no enough money or time to go,at least you should communicate online with those people who are familiar with the college.(要点3),本概要写作对原文的内容进行了高度概括,并运用了三个复合句将文章浓缩成三个要点表达出来,从而形成了要点突出、中心明确、忠实原文的好文章。语言上的最大特色就是高级词汇和句型的恰当使用,如高级语块communicate with,be familiar with等;高级句型如要点1(it为形式主

14、语,to visit.为真正主语;that引导定语从句;before引导时间状语从句)。美中不足之处是两个if条件句略显表达单一,如果第二个if条件句用非谓语Having no.来表达,语言会更优美。,【考场范文2】,As a senior year student,its necessary to visit would-be colleges where you are close to before attending them for seeing is believing.(要点1)You should find a chance for a personal visit even

15、at your waiting in case you feel disappointed afterwards.(要点2)If time and money are making it impossible,you are advised to chat online with those people who are familiar with the campus in detail for your right decision.(要点3),这篇概要写作的作者很好地理解了文章大意,将文章第一、二段整合并概括成一个要点、第三段概括成一个要点、第四段概括成一个要点,从而使得文章要点齐全、中

16、心突出。在遣词造句方面,该范文也可圈可点,如:where引导定语从句、for引导并列复合句、in case引导目的状语从句、if引导条件状语从句,以及一些高级语块seeing is believing,a personal visit,in detail等的运用,不仅增强了文章的可读性,而且突显了作者高超的语言表达能力。美中不足之处是If time and money are making it impossible为原文原句,有照抄原文之嫌,如果转换成Without time and money.,效果会更佳。,在概要写作中,哪些技能的运用可以为文章增色,从而成为文章亮点呢?下面收集整理了部

17、分提高概要写作档次的各种微技能,请细细体会,熟记于心,多加运用,定会让你的文章脱颖而出。,微技能一记叙文概要写作模板,1.点明写作目的类:The writer tells us.(主题)by showing us an example of.,who/which.(故事情节)2.作者经历类:In the passage,the writer mainly tells us his experience of doing sth,which.3.他人经历类:This passage is mainly about sbs experience of doing sth.,微技能二说明文概要写作模

18、板,1.现象解释类:This article points out the common phenomenon.(主题),which.(补充解释)2.利弊对比类:The article compares the disadvantages/benefits of A and B./The passage discusses the impact of sth.On the positive side.,but it may also.3.研究结论类:The study reveals that./The result shows that./It is concluded that.4.研究目

19、的类:This paper is aimed at/covers/mainly deals with./The article focuses on the topic of.5.推荐建议类:The author suggests/considers that./Suggestions are made for.,微技能三议论文概要写作模板,1.The article gives the view that.should/shouldnt.(主题).(补充论据)2.The passage highlights the importance of sth.3.The author argues

20、that.,微技能四常用的改变原句的小技巧1.同义替换法,I didnt catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.I didnt catch any fish because I was not patient.,2.正反法,You will fail.You will not succeed.,3.词性转换法,Patience is very important.Patience is of great importance.,4.句式变换法,(1)语态变换Parents should give children mor

21、e praise.Children should be given more praise.(2)简单句变复合句Children should be encouraged more.This will help them learn faster.Children should be encouraged more,which will help them learn faster.Children are given more praise.They will achieve more success.When given more praise,children will achieve

22、more success.,5.连词衔接法,注意使用一些短而精的连词,如but,and,so,while,however,then,thus,yet,for,therefore,including,instead of等。We should encourage students.We should not scold them.We should encourage students instead of scolding them.,6.词序改变法,The secret of success was patience.Patience was the secret of success.,7

23、.细节省略法,Dont always scold and give lots of praise instead.Dont scold and give praise instead.,8.句意理解法,Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular.More and more people prefer Internet shopping.,微技能五灵活使用连词,文章更连贯,1.顺接、递进:firstly/secondly/thirdly,besides,in addition,whats more,whats worse,w

24、hats more important,moreover,also,finally,last but not least 2.转折:but,however,nevertheless,yet,instead,on the other hand,on the contrary,although,while3.原因:because,because of,since,as,for,now that,thanks to,due to 4.结果:so,therefore,as a result,so that,then,so.that,such.that5.总结:to sum up,to conclude

25、,in conclusion,in summary,in a word,in general,in short,above all,after all,generally speaking,微技能六概要写作常用词语1.提出问题,(1)现象:more and more(an increasing number of)people,some argue(believe)that,there exist,phenomenon(issue,appearance),occur(happen),be set up(be established,be founded),consist of(2)影响:pla

26、y an important role in,have a positive effect on,do much good to,do harm/damage to(harmful effects),at risk(in danger of),influence,have trouble(difficulty)doing(3)变化:start,set up,develop,change,grow(become),vary,different,substitute.for,improve(4)作用:be meant(used,intended)to,function(work)well,is a

27、pplied(application)(5)举例:for example,such as,and so on,some.,some.,2.分析问题,(1)原因:as,because of(due to),the problems are caused by,reasons why,account for,result from,be connected(associated)with(2)结果:as a result,lead to(result in,contribute to),is likely to cause,therefore,consequence,3.解决问题,(1)提倡:ma

28、ke some suggestions,should(are supposed to),it is vital/important/necessary to,control,focus on,call on the public to.,advocate doing,deal with(2)避免:do not,however,it is not a good idea(not advisable)to,pay much attention to,should be banned(3)目的:to be better recognized,to draw ones attention,to red

29、uce the problems caused by,to produce more goods(4)想法:believe that,point out that,involve,still insist that,be aware of the importance,微技能七概要写作增分的同义词语替换,概要写作不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换。1.认为,断言:think,believe,argue,hold,state,claim,suppose,assume,personally,as for me,as far a

30、s I am concerned,for my part2.许多:a large number of,a large amount of,a considerable number of,a host of,dozens of,scores of,a majority of(大部分的),a minority of(小部分的)3.如今,目前:nowadays,at present,recently,currently,in recent decades 4.越来越:increasing,growing,5.重要,必要,关键,根本,意义重大:important,necessary,essentia

31、l,vital,influential,principal,fundamental,elementary,significant,key,leading,major 6.关注、重视、强调、优先考虑、把放首要位置:highlight,pay attention to,attract,raise.concern,call for.concern,attach importance to,give priority to,lay emphasis/stress on7.不予重视、忽视、低估:overlook,ignore,neglect,underestimate,secondary in impo

32、rtance8.赞成、支持:applaud,favor,advocate,in favor of,be side with,in agreement with,go for,9.反对:oppose,protest,frown(皱眉),object to,go against,disagree with,opponent(反对者)10.常常:often,frequently,always11.热点问题、关注的问题:a heated topic,a burning problem,a matter of concern,a subject of fierce debate12.归因于,源自:att

33、ribute to,result from,be associated with,arise from,derive from,grow from,a source of13.因为,由于:due to,thanks to,owing to,because of,be responsible for14.导致,造成:contribute to,lead to,result in,bring about,create,give rise to,cause,generate,promote,15.往往,表趋势:tend to,be inclined to,have a tendency to16.可

34、能:may,perhaps,be likely to,possibly,it is very likely that.,it is predicted that.(预测)17.发生,出现,产生:take place,occur,arise,bring about,create,cause,emerge,turn out,work out18.证明,证实:confirm,prove,justify,verify19.偶尔:occasionally,sometimes,once in a while,on some occasions20.有影响:affect,have an effect/imp

35、act/influence on21.不管,尽管:no matter.,regardless of,despite,in spite of22.塑造,培养:cultivate,develop,foster,shape,build,23.增强:promote,strengthen,enhance,intensify,amplify24.接触到:expose.to,have/get access to25.明显,突出:striking,noticeable,remarkable,obvious,apparent,evident,significant26.优点,优势:strength,advant

36、age,benefit,positive27.缺点,弱势:fault,flaw,weakness,downside,drawback,disadvantage,negative28.如果,假设:if,imagine that,provided that,suppose that,on condition that29.破坏,损害,有害:destroy,damage,spoil,ruin,undermine,endanger,do harm to,30.阻碍,妨碍:block,keep.from,obstacle to,barrier to31.合理的,可行的,恰当的:reasonable,se

37、nsible,appropriate,proper,sound32.有益的,有帮助的:beneficial,helpful,favorable33.伴随:along with,together with,be accompanied by34.关于:about,in terms of,with regards to,as to35.呈现,展现,描述:show,display,illustrate,exhibit,describe,demonstrate,point to the fact that.36.很大地,非常地(表示程度):significantly,considerably,surprisingly,greatly,highly,hugely,largely,entirely,badly,


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