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1、雅思写作语法-定语从句(基础版),找出句子主干,1.When anyone opens a current account at a bank,he is lending the bank money repayment of which he may demand at any time,either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favor of another person.2.If youre unsure about things,each floor has an elected“floor senior”who is usually a st

2、udent in their third or fourth year of study whos been at Smith House for a while.(剑2,T2,L),3.If everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance,then they will soon get tired of studying altogether,which is the last thing parents would want.(剑3,G,TA,W),4,As you can see,the buildi

3、ng youre in now which contains this main lounge,the dining room,the recreation room,the kitchen and the offices was part of the original old house,built in the 1840s to be used by the family of George Smith.(剑2,T2,L),引导词,关系代词:that,which,who,whom,whose关系副词:when,where,why,关系代词,that:,(1)先行词:人/物(2)在从句中作

4、成分:主,宾,表,【练1/2】受到严重威胁的语言是那些只有老人在说的语言。(剑4,T2,R)The critically endangered languages are those that are only spoken by the elderly.4Qs:主干;先行词;引导词;在从句中成分,【练2/2】怀疑电脑将会带来的好处很重要。(剑1,G,W)Q1:主干It is important to doubt/suspect the benefits.Q2:先行词-benefitsQ3:引导词-thatQ4:在从句中成分:-宾语Its important to be suspicious

5、of the benefits that computer will bring.,which:,【用法一】:=that(1)先行词:物(2)在从句中成分:主,宾,表【用法二】:(1)先行词:整个句子(2)在从句中成分:主,宾,表(3)特点:which前出现逗号。,【练1/2】工业化国家的这项指标从8.3年上升到10.2年,这表明工业化国家的受教育年限明显加长了。(剑3,T3,W)In industrialized countries,this number rose from 8.3 to 10.2,which shows that the length of education in in

6、dustrialized countries is significantly longer.4Qs:主干;先行词;引导词;在从句中成分,【练2/2】1994到1995年期间出现了很大的增长,这种情况在未来的几年里很可能还会持续下去。(剑3,T2,W)Q1:主干There emerged a great increase.Q2:先行词-整句话Q3:引导词-whichQ4:在从句中作成分:主语There emerged a great increase from 1994 to 1995,which likely continued into the following years.,who:,

7、(1)先行词:人(2)在从句中成分:主,宾,表,【练1/2】我想跟你谈谈一位特殊的老师,他对我的教育产生了重大影响。(剑3,T1,S)I would like to tell you about a special teacher who had a big influence on my education.4Qs:主干;先行词;引导词;在从句中成分,【练2/2】这一定会有害于居住和工作在半径5英里范围内的所有人。(剑3,G,TB,W)Q1:主干This must be harmful to all the people.Q2:先行词-peopleQ3:引导词-whoQ4:在从句中成分:主语

8、This would definitely be detrimental to all the people who work or live within a five-mile radius.,whom:,(1)先行词:人(2)在从句中成分:宾,表,【辨析】He is the student _ we are talking about.He is the student _ is talking about us.,whose:,(1)先行词:人/物(2)在从句中成分:定语(3)特点:whose+n.-主宾表,【练1/2】过了一段时间,世界的生产转向其价值与大小和重量没有关系的货物。(剑

9、6,T1,R)Over time,world output has shifted into goods whose worth is unrelated to their size and weight.4Qs:主干;先行词;引导词;在从句中成分,【练2/2】对于那些工作安稳的人来说,加薪几乎是不可能的。(剑6,T3,R)Q1:主干:For some people,it is impossible to increase the salary.Q2:先行词-peopleQ3:引导词-whoseQ4:在从句中成分 whose+job,主For those people whose jobs a

10、re secure,it is impossible to increase the salary.,练习:填空,1.These are lots of business people _ come to China to work and do business.(剑3,T3,S)2.The field was launched,and the term“artificial intelligence”coined,at a conference in 1956 by a group of researchers that included Marvin Minsky,John McCart

11、hy,Herbert Simon and Alan Newell,all of _ went on to become leading figures in the field.(剑5,T3,R),3.The council,_ was founded in 1996,certifies fisheries that meet high environmental standards,enabling them to use a label that recognizes their environmental responsibility.(剑7,T4,R)4.Sea ports have

12、been transformed by the advent of powered vessels,_ size and draught have increased.(剑2,T2,R),作业:,关系副词,when-时间状语,(1)先行词:表示时间的名词(time;day;year;date;moment)(2)在从句中成分:时间状语(从句中基本结构完整),【练1/2】April Fools Day is that special day when you should play a joke on someone!Childrens favorites are to put salt in

13、the sugar bowl for Dads morning coffee or put chalk on a desk chair at school so the teacher gets a white backside!But remember,if you play a joke after 12 noon,YOU are the April Fool!4Qs:主干;先行词;引导词;在从句中成分,【练2/2】这是能保证充足食物来源的时候。(剑5,T4,R)Q1:主干This is the time.Q2:先行词:-timeQ3:引导词:-whenQ4:在从句中成分:时间状语(从句完

14、整)This is a time when adequate food resources will be assured.,where-地点状语,(1)先行词:表示地点的名词(2)在从句中成分:地点状语(从句中基本结构完整),【练1/2】Pavarotti,Opera Star Finds Creative Passion in Painting,Tenor Luciano Pavarotti holds a handkerchief whenever he sings in concert.Yet in real life he is more likely to be found hol

15、ding a paintbrush.For his great love is painting vividly-colored pictures of Italian villages and seascapes.What he likes best about painting is its contrast to opera,where the challenge is to use ones talents to bring to life the works of others.“When I finish a canvas,I feel I have created a world

16、.4Qs:主干;先行词;引导词;在从句中成分,【练2/2】在北京,有一些著名的茶馆,在那里你可以坐下来喝茶.(剑3,T3,S)4Qs.In Beijing there are some famous teahouses where you can sit and drink tea.,why-原因状语,(1)先行词:表示原因的名词(reason)(2)在从句中成分:原因状语(从句中基本结构完整),【练】发生这种变化的一个主要原因就是电视的影响力增大了。(剑3,G,TB,W)4Qs.One of the major reasons why this change has happened is

17、the increased influence of TV.,练习一(引导词):,1.Since the early years of the twentieth century,_ the International Athletic Federation began keeping records,there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run,how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects,themselves include

18、d,through space.(剑4,T4,R)2.The action takes place in underground cities _ the environment is controlled by computers.(剑5,G,TB,R),练习二:改错,1.Id really like to find a friend that I can trust him completely.【扩展】判断先行词原理:,先行词,从句是否完整,THE END,复习(定语从句),1,概念(先行词,引导词)2,引导词(关系代词,关系副词),练习:,1.改错Despite much resear

19、ch,there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that is not fully understood.Key:-is:are知识点:定语从句中的主谓一致.定语从句中的谓语动词用单数还是复数,这不取决于关系词,而是由先行词决定的.,2.改错Confidence is probably one of the most noticeable traits in the Americans.They show confidence in the way how they talk,the way how the

20、y smile,the way how they dress and the way how they walk.Key:delete“how”知识点:定语从句中,关系副词没有how.如果要表达方式,我们用以下句型:the way+that/in which/+从句,3.判断以下两个that从句的区别.1)The rumor that he spread everywhere turned out to be untrue.2)The rumor that Tom was a gay turned out to be untrue.,合并句子1.4.5,1.I know many rich p

21、eople.None of them are happy.(剑3,G,TB,W)4.At the five-star hotel we ate dinner and drank lots of beer and champagne.In the evening,all the students went to a formal reception at a five-star hotel.(剑3,T3,S)5.The event started with the students gathering in a large hall.In the large hall we were given

22、 the robes and hats.We wore the robes and hats during the ceremony.(剑3,T3,S),翻译,1.总有许多外国留学生来中国学习.(剑3,T3,S)2.正如谚语所说,“给人一条鱼,可以养活他一天;教会人捕鱼,可以养活他一生.”(剑3,T4,W),高分作文句子,仍然有许多人持传统的观点,认为寄宿学校对孩子的学习发挥着及其重要的作用。(教育话题)Hold the traditional ideas/live under the traditional ideasboarding schoolsplayroles in sth.Nowa

23、days,there are still many people who live under the traditional ideas that boarding schools play an extremely important role in childrens study.,对于父母亲来说,如果比较传统的话,就应该使自己比较现代或学习从孩子的角度看问题;如果他们整日忙于工作的话,就必须每天抽出时间来在自由的气氛中和孩子交流,享受由此带来的温暖。(家庭话题),With regard to parents,those who are traditional must keep themselves up-to-date or learn to see things the way their children do,and those who always bury themselves in work must spend some time every day with their children enjoying the warmth created through exchanges of ideas in a free atmosphere.,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,


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