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1、网络英语对大学英语教学的影响 Network English and Its Impact on Collage English Teaching毕业论文中文摘要网络英语对大学英语教学的影响摘要: 英语多媒体网络教学手段近年来已经逐渐应用于大学英语教学,并且对大学英语教学产生了很大的影响。随着电脑的普及和网络的发展,越来越多的人们开始使用电脑并逐步了解和使用网络语言。网络英语就是网络语言的标志性代表。网络英语是随着现代社会互联网的发展而产生的,是网民用来表达情感和生活的语言。利用英语实现网上交流和在网络上提取和处理信息能力已被认为是信息时代人们掌握英语能力的重要标志。因此,要熟悉网络英语,走进

2、网络英语,并更好的利用网络英语,就要熟悉网络语言,熟悉网络英语的特点。本文从网络英语的发展以及在英语教学中产生的影响提出了相应的发展措施。从网络英语的发展,特点和英语的应用分析网络英语是如何发展,在大学英语教学中产生什么样的影响。关键词: 网络英语 特点 应用 影响毕业论文外文摘要Title Network English and Its Impact on College English Teaching AbstractNetwork English teaching has been gradually applied in English teaching in recent year

3、s, and has brought great impact on college English teaching. With the popularity of computers and networks, more and more people begin to use computers and gradually understand and use the network language. Network English is the iconic representative. Network English is emerged with the development

4、 of the modern Network, and is used to express feelings and life of users. The ability of online communication in English and the capacity to extract and process information on the Network has been considered one important indicator of English ability in the information era. Therefore,if we want to

5、be familiar with the Network English, walk into the Network English, and make better use of it, we should realize the network language, and get familiar with the characteristics of the network English.The paper puts forward the measures from the development of the Network English and the impact of N

6、etwork English on College English Teaching.This paper analyse the impact on college english teaching from the development, features and application.Key words:Network English feature application impact Contents1 Introduction12 Network English12.1 The Emergence and Development of Network English 32.2

7、The Features of Network English4 2.3 The Application in College English Teaching93 Impact of Network English on College English Teaching103.1 The Positive Effects on College English Teaching103.2 The Negative Effects on College English Teaching11 4 Future Development and Practical Use of Network Eng

8、lish114.1 Development Trend of Network English11 4.2 Future Practical Use in College English Teaching12Conclusions14Bibliography15Acknowledgements171 IntroductionWith the development of computer technology, Network is more and more widely spread. The convenience of communication and exchange from Ne

9、twork is well acknowledged among many people. In real time communication of network, English is doubtless the main aid for communication no matter by e-mails or chat room conversation. Thus network English comes into being. Standard Network English are commonly used words in e-mail, discussion group

10、s, chat rooms, WWW pages and everywhere on the net. Network language includes those of technical terms, hacker slang and acronyms related with Network. The use of English language in the cyber space is changing at a confounding pace. And also with the popularity of Network, English thereupon develop

11、s and changes as main language in Network. Network English has a new vocabulary which either describes the new things, or the newly formed abbreviation for easy inputting, or the common symbolic language of the world. The network will bring new ideas and things to people every day and the new vocabu

12、lary produced by it is increased progressively at the paces of 500 words every year. However, the dictionaries compiled by experts are far behind the emerging of the new network English. Therefore, it is greatly necessary for us to analyze the word-formation methods, characteristics and translation

13、of network English, hoping to be helpful to many Network users.According to network English and its impact on English teaching, many researchers have begun to feel the rapid development of Network English, the beneficial and adverse effects on college English teaching, and proposed some countermeasu

14、res.2 Network EnglishWith the rapid development of network technology and the rapid popularization of the Network in China, the number of people online had increased sharply. “The Network is an amazing medium for languages,” said David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at the University of

15、Bangor. “Language itself changes slowly but the Network has speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly.” English is a remarkably inclusive language, and if words continue to be used for at least five years they generally end up in the Oxford English Dictionary. But less

16、accepted are the peculiar dialects that have sprung up amongst some users. For example, LOLcat is a phonetic, grammatically-incorrect caption that accompanies a picture of a cat, like “Im in ur bed zleeping”.In an article called Cats Can Has Grammar the blogger Anil Dash referred to LOLcat as “kitty

17、 pidgin”. But does something like LOLcat have the staying power to become an accepted form of English? Network, with its concise language, humor and other characteristics, is accepted by people of all ages, and frequently used in students compositions. Network English is one of the important compone

18、nts. Network English teaching is based on modern network technology, and can provide students with the full dimensional English learning environment. Therefore, as a new teaching model, network English teaching demonstrates a new, worldwide learning, provides students with convenient facilities and

19、learning opportunities to study, and creates a broad free English learning environment. And also the application of Network English could stimulate the innovation and creativity of students, and improve their communication ability.When people discover new things, meet new problems,and summ up new ex

20、periences , new ideas arise,and new words and expressions will arise, too. On one hand, there are plenty of countries which use English as mother tongue or second language throughout the world on every continent, and around the local customs, habits and social environment of great distinction, there

21、 will also be different forms of expressions and words. On the other hand, many of such expressions will be gradually absorbed into the classic English dictionary, as part of the language. With the development of computer technology,and widely application of network in daily life, more and more peop

22、le begin to experience real-time communication online. In this process network has created its own new-style language, a language full of unique charm and finally making online communication bear more characteristics of the times.2.1 The Emergence and Development of Network English People in the net

23、work world,are free to read magazine, watch network TV, do business go shopping, and conduct transactions. Also they are free to make friends in the chat room, and even find the network lover, and send e-mails.Some words, such as “e-business, cyber-lover”, were brought by Network. In this informatio

24、n era, the network creates its own language, and forms unique new Network users, so our verbal communication owns more characteristics of the times.Great media integratie with eath other. The network makes people break the restriction of region, state, national language, traditions, beliefs boundari

25、es and barriers, allowing people to enter the fast-growing information age. On a global scale,There are some Network tools ,such as countless e-mail, e-mail discussion groups, news groups, chat rooms, news letters, bulletin board, e-magazines and electronic forums. Because of the immediacy, open and

26、 interactive features, network attracts network users to participate in national exchanges, and such exchanges are mostly conducted in English, in which case it will have a significant impact on the development of English.In the early 1920s, at the beginning of multimedia education of our country, e

27、ducator Tao firstly used slide in civilian education of thousands of words. Multimedia English education in China has begun at late 70s of last century . It had gone through three different stages: The start-up stage (late 1970s-imd 1990s) is the audio-visual english education,featured by chats,mode

28、ls and audio-visual media,combination of projection,slide audio and video records.The development stage(mid1990s-late1990s)is the multi-media English education,featured by multi-media computer and large screen.The in-depth development stage(beginning of 2000-now)is the multi-media English education,

29、fetured by computer network(local area network and internet).Especially the late 90s, Multimedia technology in English teaching almost completely replaced the status of other media with its hypertext, interaction, flexibility,and convenience. The rapid development of information technology promoted

30、the popularization and application of multimedia technology and network technology. In the end of 20 century, network accessed to English education, and soon was widely used in English education.2.2 The Features of Network EnglishWith the quickening social rhythm of life and development of media, pe

31、ople have more and more high expectations for the pace of information dissemination. Especially while chatting on the net, people hope that they can be close to spoken communication, get rid of the norm of the traditional written language, and demonstrate great random. Letters, figures, punctuation

32、marks, symbols, and types of facial make-up can all be used as communicating material. Therefore, Network English shows some unique characteristics. 2.2.1 Conciseness In the rapid development of the information age, fast life rhythm is also prompted to transmit information efficiently and exchange e

33、asily . A key feature of the network communication is high efficiency. Network users are seeking to take maximum amount of information in the shortest period of time, so they are bound to use the new brief words to replace the complicated long terms mainly through the use of abbreviation of word for

34、mation, including the acronym, hybrid contraction, abbreviation with numbers and letters, and a special form of symbolic expression. Acronym is the way to take the first letter of each initial English word. For example, AFK means “away from keyboard”, EFTr for “electronic funds transfer”, IMO for “i

35、n my opinion ”, MYOB for “my own business ”,and BBS on behalf of the “bulletin board system ”. Hybrid contraction is the way to take part of two words and then combine them together to form a new network word. For example, Interpedia means “network encyclopedia”, tiquette for “net etiquette”, Edutai

36、nment means “nducation and entertainment software”.In addition to abbreviation by voice, numbers also added to the composition of new-fashioned Network words which become the most novel way in English word formation. This combination seems difficult to understand, and do not conform to the language

37、specification, but it conforms to the modern pursuit of being unique and fashinable personality,and also adaptes to psychological need of efficiency in fast-paced competitive life state. For example, I12go says, “I want to go”, Its up 2 u means“ its up to you”, Good 9 for “Good night”,and B4 for “be

38、fore”. Symbolic expression through certain marks also appears.The network communication is the exchange of text through the keyboard, communicators are far from each other.Both parties can not see each others image,nor can they hear each others voices, so they can not use non-language emotions gestu

39、res, facial expressions and tone non-language emotions to transmit information. Some punctuations with emotion, which are like a mask, make up for the lack of emotionin in communication. For example, :) means “wink”, : -D, means “laugh”,and : A means “Anger”.2.2.2 SeriesThe second feature of new net

40、work words is the seriation. First, Network English derives a great amount of words form some active affixes.Among these affixes,the most active affixes are : prefix “cyber”, which means network, for examples, cyberculture (computer literacy), cvberfair (online marketplace), cyberdepot (online store

41、) and so on; Prefix “tele” means “long-distance telecommunications”, for examples, teleconferencing (remote meetings), teleeommuter (remote workers), teleputer (TV phone computer) and so on; Suffix “ware” means “pieces, software ”, for example, courseware (course PPT), freeware (free software), care

42、ware (care software), charityware (Charity software),etc. Secondly, another very important English word formation method of network English is compounding. Seriation of compounding is one of the main features of network English word-formation. There are some common examples: (1) Compound words with

43、E-celectronic and others words. such as: E-magazine (electronic journals), E-text (electronic text), E-wallet (electronic wallet) and so on. (2) Compound with net(meaning “network”),such as, netspeak (network language),and netsurf (net surfing) 2.2.3 Metaphor Network English has apparent metaphor ch

44、aracteristics.The metaphor is mankinds important cognitive way and mode of thinking. The metaphor thinking function of the language is the basis of the abstract function of the language. The metaphor is not the simple substitution or conversion of words. It compares the unknown to the known, the unf

45、amiliar to the familiar, the simple to the complicated, the abstract to the concrete, and science to popularity. In the scientific and technological language, the metaphor language is indispensable. Network English includes a lot of specialized network technology vocabulary and computer vocabulary.

46、These vocabularies are scientific and technological languages to a certain extent, so network English just has a characteristic of metaphor nature, such as computer virus, gopher, archive, memory, run, and path. Therefore, under the function of the metaphor, the abstract concept is specified, compli

47、cated meaning is simplified, scientific term is popularized, just making technological vocabulary of network English and daily life vocabulary very close, succinct and vivid, and easy to memorize. This has promoted the development and popularization of network technology and computer knowledge to a

48、great extent.For example,bubble sort method means, in the process of sorting, two successive adjacent numbers will be compared,and number which does not meet the requirements will be replaced, and according to this method the maximum value number will be exchanged to the last record position, then a

49、 second round of sorting. In sorting data,small numbers will float like the bubbles in the water. The important computer programming and data processing operations terms are lack corresponding words in expression. Using metaphors to name the strange and abstract concepts can conform to the economic principles of language,and meet the human embodiment of cognit


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