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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 中外饮食文化差异 姓 名 : 0000000 班级、学号 : 000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-11-4 2009 年 11 月 4 日目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-6答辩委员会表决意见7答辩过程记录表8课 题 中外饮食文化差异 一、 课题(论文)提纲中外饮食文化差异0.引言1.中西饮食文化差异1.1饮食观念、味道和营养1.2烹饪用料的选择1.3用餐方式1.4用餐礼仪2.中西饮食文化差异的内在原因

2、2.1中西方饮食文化的渊源2.1.1中国传统文化2.1.2西方文化2.2东西方文化差异影响饮食差异2.2.1哲学思想不同 2.2.2文化精神和思维方式不同2.2.3认识事物角度不同3.结论 二、内容摘要摘要:在人类文明史的发展中,饮食在占据着重要位置的同时也在随着历史的发展而发展,由于世界各地地域分布以及地理位置气候等的不同,形成了世界是最多元化的文化饮食文化。其中中西饮食文化差异最大,了解和揭示中西饮食文化的差异有意于更好的了解中西文化。文章解释了中西饮食文化差异的内在原因,其意义在于既能有助于深刻理解中西文化中的不同之处,跨越文化交际障碍,又能培养人们在跨文化交际时的适应能力,有效地避免交

3、际双方由于文化差异而产生的误解。三、 参考文献1Charlie “Comparison of Chinese and Western food culture” Sichuan Technology Publishing House in 2007 2Mark “Western diet culture,” China Light Industry Publishing House in 20063胡文仲跨文化交际学概论北京:外语教学与研究出版社。19994林语堂生活的艺术北京:外语教学与研究出版社,19985於奇中西方的饮食文化比较北京:北京大学出版社,2006 6赵荣光中国饮食文化概论北京

4、:高等教育出版社,2003A Comparison of Food Culture between China and West0000000Abstract: In the development of human civilization, food occupies an important position and at the same time grows with the development of history. The worlds most diversified culture - food culture formed due to geographical dis

5、tribution and location around the world, and the different climate, in which the greatest is between. Understanding and revealing the differences between China and West food culture can help you to understand the culture better. The article explains the inner reasons of the food culture differences

6、between , its significance lies not only in a deep understanding of China and West cultures, and cross-cultural communication barriers, but also training peoples ability to adapt effectively to cross-cultural communication and avoid the communication misunderstanding due to cultural differences in t

7、wo sidesKey words: Cultural differences between Chinese and Western food; cultural differences; cross-cultural communication.Introduction:The substrate of Human culture is the common, and the differences between China and West is historical rather than a natural gifted with the。Food culture of a cou

8、ntry and a regional is often the cultural enrichment of it. Chinese and Anglo-American and other western countries has some significant differences in the view and attitudes about diet ,diet content and features. Revealing the reasons for these differences is not only helpful to cross the cultural g

9、ap but also helpful to global cultural integration.1 The food culture differences between China and westCulture is a floorboard of the life style that condensed by people in the long-time social life. When a nation formed a fixed diet, diet tips and diet, but once, they constitute a sub-culture. The

10、re are four significant differences between Chinese and Anglo-American and other western countries about the views and attitudes on diet, diet content and features。1.1 Idea, taste and features of food. West is the concept of a rational diet, regardless of food color, smell, taste, shape how, and str

11、ive to taste light and balanced diet, nutrition must be assured. Westerners in the intake of food is basically from a nutritional point of view to understand the diet, eating is only a mean to enjoy in the diet did not occupy an important position and therefore they will not be too much in pursuit o

12、f taste. However, the Chinese people are a kind of emotional eating. Chinese people attach great importance to “eat”, “Hunger breeds discontent”. People play an extremely function of eating, not only survive, but also use it to maintain healthy, that “drugs make up less sibu”; and at the same time,

13、people started to expand a pursuit of delicious.1.2 The choices of cooking materials. Westerners think the dishes are to fill their stomach, so they eat large pieces of meat, chicken and other block. Chinas cuisine is “Taste”, so when cooking, showing a great arbitrariness in the selected materials:

14、 many things that thrown away by westerners may seem as an excellent raw material to Chinese people. Western raw materials are mainly animal and marine fish, supplemented with plant; while Chinese are mainly plat-based and freshwater fish, supplemented with animal. 1.3 The method of dinner. This is

15、the most obvious difference in performance between China and West culinary culture, also the performance of Chinas culture differences of social psychology, values, and custom. The Chinese dinners usually take a “share” means to have one seat, sharing the dishes on the table, often a dish has just t

16、he table, at the owners hospitality greet, the crowd to work together to “eliminating” the disk thing, is also competing to pay the final balance sheet. All acts and thus highlighting is a “synergy” of the word. And influenced by the individualistic thinking, habits of Westerners dinners are per per

17、son a copy of each of the parties and the subject-object point of their own meals, do not take into account other peoples tastes and preferences, only eating their owns when they have dinner, and payment is also tend to take from the system, each of whom pays own account.1.4 The dinner manner. Its e

18、ven more different in this respect between China and West. In ancient China, in the dining process, it has a set of red tape, that is: when many people have dinner together, its impolite just to eat yourself. Do not put the extra rice back into the pot, do not specifically cohered food, and do not w

19、innow the hot meals. After dinner, guests should get up to pack to move the platter on the table, and give it to the owner, the owner got up and followed, tell the guests do not work, then the guests to sit down again. Some of these rituals are also necessary in modern manners. In the West banquet,

20、the host usually folder the guest once only, the remainder were by the guests own consumption, if the guests do not want, dont make people eat hard, and also do not urge somebody to drink to the guests according to the Chinese peoples habit of frequently, when eat something, do not send sound, but t

21、he guests should pay attention to appreciate the owner to prepare meals. If talking to people and only conversation with the neighbor, not with the distance.2 The inner reasons of the food cultural difference between China and West2.1 Source of the food culture difference between China and west. The

22、 differences of social developing, traditional culture and life customs between China and west caused the food cultural differences.2.1.1 The traditional Chinese culture. Early Chinese culture greatly constrained by the geographical environment. China is located in the southeast of the Asian contine

23、nt, north-west is the vast expanse of desert, grasslands and Gobi, while south-east is surrounded by sea. A hotbed of Chinese culture - the Yellow River Flow Domain, the land is very fertile, but the climatic conditions are relatively harsh. The Yellow River Basin is become more and more dry in thei

24、r development process .And gradually tend to be not conducive to agricultural production. Although the Qin in 100, mutual criticism is, go all out, but achieving the same goal is not competing to establish an ideal world. Besides, Chinese culture also has the other two characteristics: first, the pu

25、rsuit of applicable to stamp out all non-useful things. Historically, all of the practical technology is very advanced, such as agricultural science and technology and medicine, while some non-practical things can not be development; the second is to show Chinese culture, unique characteristics of l

26、ove. The core of Confucian thought is “benevolent love,” which has a great influence to traditional Chinese culture.2.1.2 The western culture. A broad sense refers to Western culture is the cultural system that arising from the hemisphere corresponding to the west and east culture. While the narrow

27、sense of Western culture that refers only to European culture. In discussing the causes and source of Western culture, this article take the narrow sense of Western culture. The childhood of Western culture - the Greek civilization is one of the worlds oldest civilizations. The source of her culture

28、 is Aegean Sea that located at Northeast Mediterranean. The unique climate and geographical caused the unique lifestyle of Greece and culture. From the origin of sense, because of this cradle of civilization is ancient Greece Mediterranean, what the life materials it can provide are not so substanti

29、al. People must strive to explore the mysteries of nature, as much as possible to obtain from the nature of wealth, and then explore the mystery of natural world, development and utilization of natural resources in the service of humanity has become the mainstream of the European spirit. This kind o

30、f exploration of nature and the desire to conquer stimulate the birth of nature technology. In the process of conquest nature, foster awareness westerners pay special attention to the development of rational thought, so reason has become a typical feature of Western culture. Reason is to explore the

31、 natural process of sober reflection, analysis, and rigorous logic, seek to act in line with the objective laws of nature, and at the same time people continue to understand their own during the process of understanding nature. Another major feature of Western culture: that the individual for the co

32、mmunity-based, self-centered, focusing on personal dignity. Clear demarcation between the interests of everyone, everyone has his own living space, mutual non-interference. Western culture is a kind of “guilt culture”, which followed the original sign of Christianity, said that the profit and avoid

33、loss are human nature. Christian doctrine that man is born with guilty, which seems contradict with the view of people-centered World, in fact they are not mutually exclusive, complement each other. The former encourages human creativity, bold steps naturally available; the latter plays the role of

34、normative acts in order to Gods punishment to restrain peoples restraint.2.2 The cultural differences between China and West affecting the differences in the dietThe idea of dinning is created by people in the process of eating and producing the food, deeply influenced by natural sciences, humanitie

35、s, especially philosophy. Different philosophical thought and the resulting formation of cultural spirit and ways of thinking will produce a different eating idea. The concept idea of Chinas food is to get five flavors together, while west is prominent personality. This is mainly because the differe

36、nt philosophical thought and the cultural spirit and thinking arising from it.2.2.1 Different philosophical thoughts Seen from the philosophical thinking, an important core of china philosophy is to pay attention to “morale” and “whether the relative health”, Western philosophy is pay attention to p

37、hysical separation and confrontation with the void. 2.2.2 Different cultural spirit and mode of thinking The spirit and ways of thinking from the cultural point of view, based on philosophical differences in the spirit of Chinese and Western culture so the thinking patterns are very different: Chine

38、se pay attention to Heaven and Man, stressing the overall function; the West pay attention to Heaven separation, emphasizing formal structure. And they decided on a different concept of their diet. 2.2.3 Understanding things in different perspectives The way of thinking in understanding of things, d

39、ue to the different cosmic models, China stressed the overall function, while West emphasizes formal structure. Chinas overall function is to contain an unknown part of the overall function. It is the result of the overall nature of the gas depends on the overall among the various parts of reperfusi

40、on. Various parts of the entity structure are relatively minor, but the whole perfusion in the physical structure of the “morale” is the most important. In the Chinese view, only different things can combine to form the beauty, so the cooking is as to with and for your life. The emphasis on the form

41、al structure of the West is also directly derived from its model of the universe.In the eyes of Westerners the world is an entity one, a physical world, specific and accurate is the form. Advocating prominent personality, so as to specially designed for your life, cooking on the order for the United

42、 States alone.Western diet is not the same tools, the Chinese respect for the collective of all like to use chopsticks Roundtable; while the West prefer square table with knife and fork. In China, the group culture, that is, team spirit and that is the dominant values. In the United Kingdom, the Uni

43、ted States and other Western countries, particularly the United States, a greater emphasis on individualism, emphasis on the value and dignity of the individual, emphasizing the individual characteristics and differences, to promote innovative and encourage unique style. Two distinct values will be

44、reflected in the dietEast and West have two different cultures, reflecting the differences between peoples production and living space, in the way in which diet is a representation of one aspect of, food culture was developed along their own path.In China, the diet has risen to a vital thing almost

45、beyond all other forms of material and spiritual forms, and this is also reflected in all aspects of peoples daily lives. Among them the most common is the Chinese people asked about the phrase “Do you eat it?” Guests come to eat, commonly known as “welcome and wash off the dust”; guests out to eat,

46、 saying that the “farewell”; on the relocate you want to eat; when be promoted also want to eat - by eating to exchange information, express feelings of welcome or farewell, or even the emotional storm can also suppressed by means of food and wine. Behind the form of food there is a rich psychologic

47、al and cultural significance, as well as peoples awareness and understanding of things ,then to gain a more profound social significance; to eat not only stay in the original communication function, it has already become a kind of psychological adjustment evolved into the community. Yi Zhong tian ha

48、s conducted some of the most vivid description in the book “Gossip Chinese people” that is: “as the former call man as the mouth, the job called rice bowl and so on. As another example, think is called chew, experience is called taste, jealousy is called jealous, being called intoxicated, common called


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