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3、成的,没有一定的成本计算的规范基础和标准。指标和成本标准通常是由大型工程咨询公司控制的。本土咨询机构计算出单位面积的材料和成本,并将他们作为成本估计的标准。此外,在美国,联邦政府、州政府和地方政府会根据从工程咨询机构积累的工程造价资料和参考文献,由他们的行政管理部门为政府项目制定相关成本标准。在英国,所有参与在某些建筑工程的参与方,都应遵循的计算基本原则和成本估算法。建筑物测量工作的标准方法(SMM)是由英国皇家特许测量师组成的并被所有的党派广泛接受,在英国很盛行。此外, 土木工程的标准测量方法也一直影响到现在。3)及时从建筑市场得到确切的价格信息是为业主和承包商保持竞争优势,赢得利润的关键。






9、主而尽可能做更多。c.现金形式,汇率、和支付方式。要特别弄清楚,这关系到分期付款比例和限制问题。业主通常要根据工程的进度来决定分期付款的价格以及定下明确的条文用以惩罚工期延误。d.项目所在国的费用、税收、海关、劳动的许可。e.关于纠纷的法律和条文。4) 采用灵活的投标报价方法。编制投标报价书是一项系统、复杂的任务,它涉及多个专业领域和工作,如技术、经济、外语、财务、材料、质量及安全。所有专业部分必须共同合作并互相了解。如果条件允许,所有的专业人士可以在编制投标报价书之前预先对项目做一个研究。通过这种方法,我们可以知道工程的自然条件、施工环境、价格、和竞争者等综合条件。然后,我们就能编制出一个科

10、学、合理的投标报价书。所有实践告诉我们,我们可以在投标报价中采用这些方法。a.不平衡报价固定总价后,企业可以根据支付条件合理地调整工程量清单中的某些单价。为防止影响报价,这些工作要在维持总标价不变的前提下进行, 这样企业可以尽快的回收资金。通过这种方法,能降低投资的风险,并创造更好的经济效益。在乌干达电站工程的投标中,业主是这样规定的:业主在接受到全部资料和材料之后的45天内,会支付80%的资金。然后,再加上10%的预付款,业主会为投标人支付90%基金为预备金。其余部分的资金会根据工程进度分期进行支付。因此,在制定好总的价格后,我们可以调节价格,增加设备采购成本费用,降低工程的成本费用。通过这



13、种情况下,一旦进入这个市场,企业将会在这个市场中逐渐的获得越来越多的项目。因此,我们在柬埔寨某电站项目的投标准备中,多次降低价格,从超过100万的报价降低到60或70万,这个最低的报价意味着击败竞争对手并打入柬埔寨市场。紧接着,我们可能会打入整个东南亚市场。通过这种方法,我们就能够建立一个长期的合作关系,来弥补第一次报价中的损失。5) 提高招标工作人员的综合素质。在国外工程中投标,工作人员必须具备一些基本的技能,如技术、计算机、经济、和计算方法。除此之外,他们必须继续学习以提高综合素质并转变成新的复合型人才。a.掌握基本的外语英语是一门国际语言,在合同签订中大多数都使用英语。如果一个工作人员看



16、所贡献。附录C 外文文献International Engineering Bidding and Quoting Statics and Quotation Compilation SkillUnder the international background of economic multi-polarization and globalization, the competition in international contract market is fierce. Many world famous large corporations never stop to explore

17、 and take new fields except to stabilize their traditional markets. Lots of developing countries input more human resources and materials in order to obtain market shares. Therefore, it is difficult to get market shares in international construction market by bidding.In order to achieve the expected

18、 goal in the competition for foreign engineering, we must master foreign engineering cost management modes and theories. In the authors opinion:1) In foreign countries, according to the sources of investments, projects can be sorted into the government-invested projects and the private-invested proj

19、ects. The government adopts an indirect method to achieve the engineering cost management. The government-invested project and the private- invested project are under the management with different force and depth. The government mainly focuses on government-invested projects. England adopts a centra

20、lized management for government- invested projects. Corporations design plans and constructions based on relevant area standards and cost indexes in the regulated scope. America adopts two manners for the government-invested projects. Firstly, a special institution appointed by the government manage

21、s the engineering directly. Secondly, entrust contractors to manage projects by public bidding. For private-invested projects, foreign advanced engineering cost management does not interfere with specific construction process but offer policy guidance and information direction. Private-invested proj

22、ects are regulated by the law of market economy, reflecting the governments macro management and indirect control over costs.2) Reviewing foreign cost management, basis for cost management is necessary. In America, the standards for costs calculation are not constituted by the government. There are

23、not regulated basis and standards for costs calculation.Indexes and costs standards are usually regulated by large engineering consulting corporations. Local consulting agencies calculate the materials and costs for construction area unit and take them as standards for costs estimation.Besides, in A

24、merica the Federal government, the state government, and the local government make up relevant costs standards for government projects under their administration according to accumulated engineering cost materials and references from engineering consulting agencies. In England, all participators in

25、certain construction engineering should follow the fundamental principles of calculation and cost estimation. The Standard Method of Measurement BuildingWorks (SMM) is constituted by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and is widely accepted by all parties. It is popular in England. Besides

26、, the Standard Method of Measurement Civil Engineering is also in effect at present.3) To get exact price information in time from the construction market is the key for owners and contractors maintaining the competitive advantages and winning profits. Cost information is important basis for buildin

27、gsevaluation and settlement, which signalizes the price change of construction market. In America, the construction cost index is usually compiled by consulting agencies and news media, which is issued every Thursday.4) In England, owners usually entrust materials surveyors to evaluate a project. Th

28、e evaluation is based on comparison and coefficients. In long-term evaluation practices, surveyors have rich case materials for engineering costs. They even form a database for engineering costs. They have unique standards for each item in bids. The evaluation for the engineering is based on the mar

29、ket. It is a complete dynamic evaluation. In America, the evaluation is the task of the design department or the special evaluation agencies. In estimating the costs for engineering, cost evaluators should not only consider the special elements of a project, but make detailed risks analysis for the

30、project in order to prepare for the budget. By mastering different budget ratios, cost estimators can adjust the general level of cost estimation. In compiling the cost estimation, America does better and considers the impacts of dynamic factors on cost estimation. We can learn a lot from these meth

31、ods in foreign countries.5) The contract is signed by all parties, which is important in foreign engineering cost management. The contract can restrain all parties. It is meaningful for the actualization of all parties interests and duties. Therefore, foreign countries give prominence to the contrac

32、t. All activities must follow the items regulated by the contract. And some countries even apply the common form for the contract, such as the FIDIC. Its contents include agreements, contract articles, and appendix.We should pay attention to these problems as follow in bidding for international engi

33、neering.1) Before the bid, make decisions decidedly. After getting foreign engineering information from intermediary agencies, agency companies, and foreign corporation partners, the enterprise decision- making level must make decision quickly according to the key elements for engineering, such as t

34、he features, the conditions of host country, and the short-term and long-term aims. If necessary, the enterprise can make a feasibility analysis. For example, when an enterprise knows the power transportation project (150 miles and 33KV) in Uganda, Eastern Africa, somebody may think that it is only

35、a short line in a far and poor country. And it is meaningless and non-profitable. However, the enterprises decision-making level decides to join in the bidding from a strategic view considering the great Eastern Africa market.The enterprise does not aim at this line. Whats more important is to enter

36、 the Africa power market and get more and larger projects. Bidding decision concerns the evaluation on the enterprises self conditions, such as labors, technologies, languages, etc. Only by this way, an enterprise can win fames and profits at the same time.2) Research and analyze the owner carefully

37、. On one hand, the enterprise should organize talents to compile the bid. On the other hand, the enterprise must try every means to understand the owner, such as the sources of funds, its fame inside and outside, its other projects, and its equipments used by other projects. All these information is

38、 vital for the prices, schemes, and selection of equipments in the bid. For example, as we select equipments for a power station project funded by certain country, we originally want to use domestic equipments. But after investigating the countrys other power stations, we find that the country empha

39、sizes on brands and endurance. Their transformers are from German. The diesel engine is PERKINS and CATERPILLAR from America. So, we adjust the original bid and change items concerning the equipments. Furthermore, we find that the country lays more stresses on environment protection.They carefully p

40、rotect the ecological environment and the tourism sources. Therefore, we add a chapter about environment protection into the construction design. To analyze the mind of the owner is also important. Usually, the owner with tight funds mainly considers lower investment. The owner with rich funds empha

41、sizes on brands, fames, and advanced technologies. If an owner needs power in urgent, we can ask higher price. But we must guarantee the deadline. If possible, we can accomplish the project in advance.3) Study the bid inviting documents of the owner. Bid inviting documents are the main basis for com

42、piling the bid. In some conditions, these documents may be the only basis. Therefore, we must study the bid inviting documents of the owner and understand these points clearly. a.Define the work scope exactly:without exact work quantities, we can not guarantee the preciseness of the price.b.Deadline

43、: accomplish the project at the deadline without any condition. Compile the general network process diagram according to the deadline. Satisfy the owner as much as possible.c.Currency, exchange rate, and payment. Especially make it clear that concerns the installment ratio and restrictions. The owne

44、r usually determines the installment ratio based on the process of the project and set specific punishment articles for delay.d.The host countrys charges for customs, taxes, and labor permission.e.Laws and regulations for disputes.4) Adopt a flexible quoting method. To compile a bid is a systematic

45、and complicated task, which concerns many specialties and jobs, such as technologies, economy, foreign language, finance, materials, quality, and safety. All specialties must cooperate together and understand mutually. If conditions permit, professionals can research on the project in advance before

46、 the compilation of bid. By this way, we can know the natural conditions, construction environment, price, and competitors comprehensively. Then, we can compile a scientific and reasonable bid. All practices tell us that we can adopt these methods in quoting.a.Unbalanced quoting After fixing the tot

47、al price, the enterprise can rationally adjust the price of sub- project according to the payment conditions. With the precondition of maintaining the total price in case of impacting the bidding, the enterprise can obtain funds as soon as possible. By this way, it can reduce the investment risk and

48、 achieve better economic benefits. In bidding for Ugandas power station line, the owner regulates that: the owner will pay 80% funds in 45 days after receiving all voices and materials. Then, plus the 10% advance payment, the owner pays 90% funds for us. Other funds are paid according to the enginee

49、ring process based on installment. Therefore, after establishing the total price, we increase the costs for purchasing equipments and decrease the costs for construction fees.By this way, we reduce foreign investment and construction risks to certain degree. Besides, we can adopt the unbalanced quoting for other items. For example, if a sub-project needs more works than prediction, we can improve the price properly. If the eng


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