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1、本科毕业论文 放松艺术 论失落情绪的消除学生姓名: 学生学号: 200320207068 院(系): 外 国 语 学 院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科3班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Art of RelaxationOn Getting Rid of DepressionLuo JunUnder the Supervision ofAssociate Professor Tang GuopingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007ContentsAbstract.IKeyWords.I摘要

2、.II关键词.IIIntroduction.1I. Causes of Depression.2A. Social Causes.2B. Individual Causes.31. Depression Resulting from the Work.32. Depression Resulting from the Goal.4II. The Misunderstanding of the Art of Relaxation.4III. The Methods of Relaxation.5A. Rejecting Reasonably.51. Calming down when We Fa

3、ce Rejection.62. Accepting Rejection as an Opportunity to Improve Ourselves.63. Regarding Rejection as a Learning Experience.7B. Forgiveness.7C. Considering what We Have Instead of what We Want.8D. Facing the Challenge.91. Being Confident102. Enjoying the Difficulties.10E. Lying down Comfortably and

4、 Quietly.11Conclusion.13Acknowledgements.14Notes.15Bibliography.16AbstractNowadays, at every corner of the world, depression becomes the topic of the people who are troubled a lot. As to depression, it would be a fairly common occurrence because of occurrence on everyone more or less. However, which

5、 is the biggest trouble in our daily lives, and it is commonly thought that the depression will arise as people have no ways to deal with these troubles, so more and more people are under the obsession of depression.Therefore, getting rid of the depression and pursuing the art of relaxation are beco

6、ming one of the roles in peoples daily life. In order to enjoy the life with relaxation completely and be far away from depression, it is necessary to appreciate the art of relaxation and enjoy the methods of getting rid of the depression. So, the art of relaxation is involved in this thesis, such a

7、s: Considering what we have instead of what we want. As is known to all, life is no longer as good as it goes, sometimes, it goes with depression because we never say “Enough”. Lying down comfortably and quietly, the method can help people to relax completely and naturally, especially, after a long

8、days work; after the long distance business trip. etc.Key WordsDepression; Art; Pursuing摘要如今,失落情绪深深地困扰着人们,它渗至世界的每一个角落,也成为人们谈论的话题。对于失落情绪,因或多或少地发生在每一个人身上而显得如此地平常,然而,他却是日常生活中最令人头疼的事,而通常当人们对这些头疼之事手足无措时,失落情绪便油然而升,如此,以至于越来越多的人深受失落情绪的困扰。因而,消除失落情绪的困扰和追求放松的艺术正成为人们日常生活的主题之一,为了尽情享受放松的生活,远离失落情绪困扰,很有必要与其分享放松的艺术和

9、交流消除失落情绪困扰的方法,鉴于此,该论文涉及到了如:想想我们所有的而非想要的。 众所周知,生活不总尽人意,有时,由于对生活的不满足,总会有失落情绪的困扰。静静、舒适地躺着,这一理论能够帮助人们完全地、自然地放松,特别是在一整天的工作之后或一次劳累的出差之后。等等一些放松的艺术。关键词失落情绪; 艺术; 追求IntroductionWith the fast pace of life, no doubt the problems of depression will become more and more intense and complex in the future, so more

10、and more people will try their best to seek the ways of relaxation.Since early 20th century, in the developed countries, the atmosphere of competition spread all over the countries. So that most of the people realize that they are hardly to get an ideal job, let alone having a better life. So do the

11、 developing countries, such as China, in the late 20th century. From the late 20th century on, not only the youth but also the mid-aged rush into the competitive group. Whats more, the college students are also a big group who want to step in the line for getting in touch with the complicated societ

12、y earlier. The students, who endure the depression in their daily lives too, cannot find suitable ways to avoid it. Generally speaking, no matter the developed countries or the developing countries, the teenagers and mid-aged are suffering from various stresses, especially the depression, which enfo

13、rces them to pursue the art of relaxation from time to time.However, in such kind of situation, pursuing the art of relaxation is becoming one of the roles in daily life. Yes, in order to relax naturally, it is necessary to know some methods of getting rid of the depression, as followings: consideri

14、ng what we have instead of what we want; lying down comfortably and quietly; facing the challenge; rejecting reasonably; forgiving;etc.These methods as stated above are the key points in this thesis. The basic aim of the thesis is to share the art of relaxation with those peopple are troubled by the

15、 depression from the society, daily life and the job. Also communicate with those people dont understand how to be far away from the depression and enjoy the methods of getting rid of the depression under all kinds of circumstances.I. Causes of DepressionWith the development of our modern society, m

16、ore and more people are seriously under the obsession of depression from competing with others, being laid off, conflicting with companions, and so on. It is commonly thought that the depression will arise as people have no way to deal with these troubles.Being depression is no longer something stra

17、nge in our lives, or in other words, it has been becoming a part of the daily life for years. But more and more people dont know how to get rid of the depression and then suffer a lot from depression, which is attributed to the social causes and the individual causes.A. Social CausesWith the deepeni

18、ng of reform and opening-up of our country, China gradually gets into the stage of the world joining the WTO, annulling the tariff with certain countries on some items, etc. Henceforth, Chinese, not only as global competitors appear in the world, but also bear more depression from our brothers and a

19、liens in business or elsewhere.On the other hand, more and more students from institutions of higher learning, vocational and technical schools, and other types of schools crowd into the saturated society. However, among these competitors, only a few of them succeed, even though they make great effo

20、rt to find their own places with the knowledge and ability. Generally speaking, no matter how slowly the depression comes, it is considered as a natural part of peoples daily life. People pay no attention to it because they are frequently distracted from their activities by social problems-inflation

21、, conflicts with colleagues, disagreements with employers, etc, which can make living conditions even more stressful. Moreover, life is easy to get so preoccupied with living, thinking, organizing, existing and working that a person disregards his or her needs for relaxation.B. Individual CausesAs w

22、e know, depression as a grand theme in competition plays the major role in the course of daily life. People are very busy with their business around the clock. No matter what the work is, as long as they can earn much money for their so-called ideal lives. Unfortunately, the terrible depression cree

23、ps upon on them before they realize it. Probably they will be impinged on the depression, hard work and non-spiritual life when they realize how important the relaxation really is. And the art of relaxation is the most useful means to meet their needs at that moment. Actually, not only the work-aged

24、, but also thousands of other guys around us are seriously under the depression.However, it is quite understandable for people to run about in the society around the clock because they place high standard on their lives. But, the depression follows their lives tightly in the course of the day simult

25、aneously, which mainly comes from the work and the goal.1. Depression Resulting from the WorkIn the modern society, almost three fourths are employees or workers, which mean that people earn their bread by working for others. Probably they will take a heavy toll on the mental well-being by continuou

26、s pressures or the unfairness around them constantly in the course of a day. Take Mr. Smith as an example, the higher-up wants to fire Mr. Smith with some absurd reasons which have nothing to do with him as excuses that he is not diligent or conscientious even if he is working from morning to night.

27、 The case is that one of the bosss relatives or acquaintances is going to come to this position. Now everyone can tell the outcome of Mr. Smith, who has no choices in his mind when he is in such a situation to complain instead of “acceptance” or “being laid off” with much depression. According to th

28、is item, we sense that man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery, regardless of the effort taken by the people. Yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless. That is why the people bore with it; that is why the people suffer from the miserable things; especial

29、ly, that is why people are seriously under the obsession of depression.2. Depression Resulting from the GoalAll of us are told that everyone has his own goals, for instance, winning the champion in the sports competition, passing the college entrance examination of Qinghua university, losing weight

30、of 10kg within one moth, etc, but how do they make their goals come true and why are they under the obsession of depression in the process of achieving the goals, lets take a look at this item. In the course of the achievement, people always complain about how hard it is to succeed, even prohibitive

31、ly considering the goals. Some of the serious problems people face are that none of them can persist in their goals, or they stop at halfway or even bore with the process. Accordingly the depression arises. On one hand, when people realize that he must take action to achieve his goals then he will p

32、ut all his heart on the goal, what he does are so careful at that moment, but it stops in a minute because of a little difficulty. And when read at the table next time, he becomes absent-minded and the time elapse by the going of heart out of the window, time and time again, the goal planner who dea

33、dly wants to succeed is failed. On the other hand, the hardworking people do not achieve their goals as well for some fortuitous causes, take the following examination as an example, a studious student got a lower marks at one time because the examination is well beyond the course content. Anyway, f

34、rom the two examples mentioned above, both of them are not achieve their goals. There is no denying that the serious problem depression arises. To them, in order to do it better next time, knowing about the art of relaxation is more than achieving the goal.II. The Misunderstanding of the Art of Rela

35、xationIn order to enjoy the life with relaxation completely and be far away from depression, more and more people are beginning to understand how important the art of relaxation is. Therefore pursuing the art of relaxation becomes one of the roles in peoples daily life.But unfortunately, far too few

36、 people know how to pursue it correctly today, and there are a lot of misunderstandings of the art of relaxation as follows:Firstly, while pursuing the art of relaxation, people still consider about the unfinished tasks, the limited time, the housework simultaneously. Secondly, people consider relax

37、ation as the whole hope to deal with the troubles, thinking a lot that the mental or the body will get great improving after pursuing the relaxation.Thirdly, people pursue the relaxation as a task, arranging the certain time to do it. They do not understand how to appreciate the process of pursuing

38、the art of relaxation.To these people, the bodies or mind do not result into relaxation in the end. In order to relax naturally, it is necessary for them to find those activities that give them pleasure, and when they pursue it, commit their energies to total mental and physical wellbeing. III. The

39、Methods of RelaxationFrom above, it is not difficult to know the depression comes from every corner of the world and people are seriously under the obsession of depression from the society, peoples daily life, the job, and so on.However, what should we do to get rid of the depression and enjoy the l

40、ife with the art of relaxation? In order to appreciate the art of relaxation together and enjoy the methods of the art of relaxation when under the depression, it is necessary for us to take a look at the following items about the art of relaxation, which may help a lot to get rid of the depression.

41、A. Dealing with Rejection ReasonablyIn peoples daily life, rejection is a bitter pill that nobody can swallow easily, nobody can accept happily, such as unemployment, blackballing or divorces, which leads people to be laid off, to separate from the stage, and to become bachelor. Among these people,

42、the rejection- fire is particularly hard, not only people are out of job, but also who are seen worth nothing in their value. 1. Calming down when We Face RejectionMr. Chen, a friend of mine, is an honest, hardworking, and responsible man who cares for his family and friends, especially his work. He

43、 works as a territory sales manager in a foreign company. One day, he was fired by the company for some unreasonable excuses, but he plays with us as usual, every of us cannot find any differences in his appearance and he accepts the fact calmly. Calming down when before the rejection, which is the

44、method helps Mr. Chen gets far away from the depression easily. As we know, it is important to stay calm in an emergency, so do we in a rejection. It is commonly believed that almost everyone has experienced the rejection, but what should we do in such kind of occasion? Calming down is the best meth

45、ods that can meet our needs. Otherwise if we concentrate our efforts on all that depression accompanied, more miserable we will suffer and more depression will arise. Since rejection cannot really be avoided, why not adjust ourselves carefully, as we shift from confronting rejection to avoid it, acc

46、ordingly the depression will disappear little by little.2. Accepting Rejection as an Opportunity to Improve Ourselves There is no doubt that if a person accepts rejection as an opportunity to get improved, he can bounce back quickly after the rejection. Thats true, so accepting rejection as an opportunity to improve ourselves is another method to solve this problem. When a person is fired by a company, of course, he will get a job in another better company before long, because he considers rejection


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