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1、单项选择练习 (一) ()1、Mrs、Green put a coat _ the sleeping girl to keep her warm、 A。over B.with C.behind D。beside()2、Using WeChat (微信) to talk with others on the mobile phone is a _ way of communication than the others because it is more convenient and cheaper、A.worse B。better C.worse D。best()3、Sam invited

2、me to have a picnic, but I dont want to do it、_, Im a little tired after a long trip、A。Luckily B。Exactly C。Besides D。However()4、I will meet Jane at the station、Please _ what time she will arrive、 A。count B。choose C。check D。catch()5、Mum, its such a long way from the park to the zoo!You mean its _ to

3、take a taxi? A.popular B.necessary C.possible D。important()6、-Boonie Bears (熊出没) is _ interesting TV drama that children like watching、So it is、And its also _ funny drama、A.the; a B。an; a C.an; an D.an; the()7、_ of the two boys is good at history、Instead, they do well in physics、 A。Neither B.Either

4、C。None D.Both()8、The first World Internet Conference (世界互联网大会) was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang last November、Yes、It is the largest and the highest _ of Internet conference which was held in our country、A.power B。knowledge C。energy D。level ()9、_ tourists come to the place of interest to visit every year

5、、A。Million B。Millions C。Millions of D。Million of()10、Were you at home last Tuesday evening? Kitty was looking for you、Sure、I was reading _ she arrived、 A。until B。after C.since D.when ()11、How long have you _?-For two weeks、A.borrowed the book B.bought the bike C.been back D。received the letter()12、Y

6、ou _ drive your car so fast、Its very dangerous、 A.wouldnt B.shouldnt C。couldnt D。mightnt()13、Where is your sister, Dick? I need her help、 Dad, she _ in her room、Let me help you instead、 A.slept B。was sleeping C。was slept D。is sleeping()14、I dont know if Alice _ to my party tomorrow、If she _ tomorrow

7、, I will be happy、 A.comes; comes B。will come; comes C。comes; will come D。will come; will come()15、Milk _ to small students for free in many schools in China now, but some terrible problems often come to the public、A。is offered B.has offered C.was offered D。will offer()16、We should remember _ our mo

8、bile phones when we are in a meeting、 A。turning off B。to turn on C.to turn off D。turning on()17、-Mum, can I have something _?Oh, dear、You can only drink some water、There is _ in the kitchen、A、to drink; nothing else B。drinking; something else C.to eat; something else D.eating; nothing else()18、-Would

9、 you like some milk? _、 A。Yes, please B。The same to you C。Help yourself D.My pleasure()19、Could you please tell me _?Sorry, I dont know、A。how long was Sun Yang banned (禁止) for the use of stimulants (兴奋剂)B。how long has Beijing decided to ban smoking in all indoor public placesC。when will the Maritime

10、 Silk Road (海上丝绸之路) buildD。what time the Beijing subway said goodbye to the era (时代) of low price()20、Li Yundi, a famous Chinese pianist _ is named “The Piano Prince”, gave a fine performance in Zhengzhou, Henan last year、A。whom B.who C。which D.whose(二)()1、You often have _ opportunity to clean up yo

11、ur room、Why is it still _ mess now?A.a; / B./; a C。an; a D。the; /()2、Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food、It doesnt matter、You can have _、 A。we B.us C。our D.ours()3、The Chinese Character Spelling Contest (中国汉字听写大会) was held in 2013 to inherit (继承) the character of the Chinese nation _、 A.a

12、bility B.spirit C。education D.energy()4、After the Asian Games, _ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays、 A.thousand B。thousands of C。five thousands D.five thousand of ()5、I wont believe that the five。year。old boy can read magazines _ I test him myself、 A。if B。when C.after D.until()6、To

13、o many farmers have moved into big houses _ small gardens happily since the construction of Chinas new countryside (农村) started、A。with B.in C.for D.from()7、Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angeles 2011? Yes, but I think its _、I fell asleep when I saw it、A.exciting B.boring C。bored D。excited()

14、8、-Steve is good at writing short stories、-So he is、But he writes _ than us、So he cant get good grades in writing、A。most carefully B.more carefully C.less carefully D。least carefully()9、Alan, its late、Why not go to bed?Jenny hasnt come back yet、I _ for her、A。waited B。have waited C。am waiting D.was w

15、aiting ()10、Be quiet! I have _ to tell you now、A.important something B。anything importantC.important anything D.something important()11、-Alice had nothing for breakfast this morning, _?No、She got up too late、 A.had she B.hadnt she C.did she D。didnt she()12、-David, there _ a dictionary and some books

16、 on your desk、Please put them away、-OK, Mum、Ill do it right away、 A。is B。are C.has D。have()13、The teacher asked us _、 A。when did I finish my work B。why didnt we tell him about it earlier C。what we were interested in D。where we are going to have our lunch()14、Our math teacher _ in our school for 20 y

17、ears and he _ here when he was 23 years old、 A.has taught; has come B.taught; comes C.taught; came D.has taught; came()15、This silk dress _ so smooth、Its made in China、A.feels B。smells C。sounds D.tastes()16、Try to sing more English songs, you will find it interesting _ a foreign language、 A。learning

18、 B.learns C。learn D。to learn()17、Smoking is bad for your health、Youd better _、 A.set it up B.give it up C。pick it up D。look it up ()18、-Are you sure if he _ all the problems in half an hour?Im afraid he cant、If he _ another five minutes, I think he will、A。will solve; will give B.solves; is givenC.wi

19、ll solve; is given D.solves; will give()19、The construction of maritime silk road in the 21st century(建设21世纪海上丝绸之路) _ was first mentioned by China has been in the planning and implementation at the moment、A。when B.which C.who D。whom()20、Would you mind if I sit here?_、Its for Miss Zhang、A、Better not

20、B.Never mind C.Not at all D.Of course not (三)()1、Helen has _ lovely pet dog、_ dog is clever enough to bring her newspapers every evening、 A。a; A B.the; The C。a; The D。the; A()2、The father wished the twins to be doctors, but _ of them liked to study medicine、A、both B。neither C.either D.none()3、_ come

21、s from cows、A.Wool B。Chicken C。Pork D.Milk()4、I will be an adult tonight、Ill have my _ birthday、A.fifteen B。fifteenth C.eighteen D。eighteenth()5、Ice Bucket Challenge(冰桶挑战) becomes more and more popular in the world、Its one of the most popular sports _ its very cold in winter、A。though B。because C。unt

22、il D.unless()6、We are doing much better _ English _ our teachers help、A。in; at B。at; in C.in; with D.with; with()7、It is reported that the newest Apples product “iPhone 6S will be _ among the young people、A.meaningful B。traditional C。popular D.special()8、Some word puzzles in this book are _ difficul

23、t that _ students can solve them、 A。such; few B.such; little C.so; few D。so; little()9、-Im afraid I need a pair of glasses、I _ hardly see the words on the blackboard、Thats terrible、You may have got poor eyesight、A.can B。must C。may D。need()10、There is going to be a new movie tonight, _?A.is there B。i

24、snt there C.are there D.arent there()11、Do you take exercises every day?Yes、I always _ thirty minutes after supper、A.take B.spend C.cost D.pay()12、He speaks French well, but of course not _ a person born in France、 A.as clear as B。clearer than C.as clearly as D。the more clearly()13、I dont know how t

25、o make use of _ time、Do you have any good advice?Yes、I think you should make _ a clear timetable first、A.mine; you B。me; your C。our; yours D.my; yourself ()14、Mei Xiong, a navy soldier, _ the passengers in danger when a runaway (失控的) tour bus hurt him on August 12, 2015、A。is saving B.saved C。will sa

26、ve D。was saving()15、I wont go to London again because I _ there before、A.has been B。have been C.has gone D。have gone ()16、The monitor hasnt told us _、A、where shall we have a picnic B、to where have a picnic C.how to go to the park D、when will we have a picnic()17、Jackson will send the photos to us as

27、 soon as he _、A、arrives B.will arrive C。arrives in D。will arrive in()18、Lets call for a taxi、-Sure、We can _ the telephone number in Yellow Pages、A。look for B。look up C。look over D.look after()19、Chinas Big Military Parade (中国大阅兵) was held on September 3, 2015、This is the first time _ China held it b

28、esides National Day、A.which B。whose C.what D。that ()20、_ delicious food my mother cooks every day!A、What a B、What C。How D。How a(四)()1、-Hi, Mike、Have you ever seen _ pencilbox?-Is it _ blue one under the desk?A.a; the B.the; the C.the; a D。a; a()2、The dishes are ready now、Lets help _ to some food, my

29、 dear friends、How delicious! We should thank _ mother first because of the nice food、A.ourselves; your B.yourselves; ourC。us; our D。ourselves; yours()3、What _ will global warming (全球变暖) bring us? Scientists have given us a clear list、 A.news B.dangers C.courses D。advantages()4、When he arrived at the

30、 airport, Lee Minho found that _ fans were waiting for him there、A、hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D。hundreds of()5、I was doing my homework last night _ there was a knock on the door、A.while B.when C.until D.as()6、On May 10th, a horse was found running happily _ the busy street in Beijing、A、 at B.of

31、 C。in D.from()7、-Do you know _ girl of the two, Jack?Sure、She is my cousin、A.tall B.taller C.the taller D。the tallest()8、I feel a little down because I _ have any time for my hobbies、A。often B。always C。usually D。hardly ()9、-_ will your mother be back from work?In half an hour、A.How far B.How long C。

32、How often D。How soon()10、_ do you like Huo Zuns Roll of Bead Curtain (卷珠帘)?Very much、You know I love songs that both have great lyrics and beautiful music、 A。Why B。How C.When D。What()11、Bread is _ wheat, and it contains lots of sugar、Diabetes (糖尿病) patients cant eat it、A。made by B.made from C.made i

33、n D。made of ()12、_ exercise you do, _ youll be、A。The fewer; the fatter B.The less; the fatterC。The less; the more fatter D.The more; the fatter ()13、Overseas experience may help make our life _、So why not try to study abroad? A。usual B。useful C.successful D.traditional()14、Are you going to Brazil to

34、 watch the 2016 Olympic Games next summer?Im not sure、It _ time、A。depends on B。cares about C。agrees to D.finds out()15、Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed、If you _ the rule, youll face a fine (罚款) of up to 500 yuan、A、broke B.break C.will break D。have broken()16、Coco Lee was born in

35、Hong Kong but _ in America、A、picked up B。gave up C。grew up D。dressed up()17、_ fantastic documentary it is!-Do you mean the hot film Diaoyu IslandThe Truth? A。How B.How a C.What D.What a()18、As the smog (雾霾) appeared, some experts warned all the people to be careful _ the disease about the respirator

36、y system (呼吸系统).A.to cause B。causing C.caused D.have caused()19、When some Chinese women were dancing to loud music in a park in New York, the people _ lived nearby called the police、A、who B。whom C。whose D.which()20、Excuse me, could you tell me _?-Go along this street until you see some buildings wit

37、h golden roofs、A、how I can go to Tianning TempleB、how often you go to Tianning TempleC、how soon you will go to Tianning TempleD、how many times you have been to Tianning Temple(五)()1、_young man beside me is _ university student、A、A; a B。A; / C.The; an D.The; a()2、_ is this English magazine?-Im not su

38、re、 Maybe it belongs to Mary、A。Whose B。Who C。Whom D。What()3、Could you please tell me your _ of success?Theres no easy way to learn English well、Just study hard、A.duty B。trouble C.secret D。rule()4、Teachers have spend _ Teachers Days so far、It is the _ Teachers Day on September 10, 2016、A。thirty。one;

39、thirty。two B。thirty.one; thirty。secondC.thirty。first; thirtytwo D。thirty.first; thirty。second()5、-When did you go to bed last night? -I didnt go to bed _ my father got home、A.until B.while C。after D。when()6、A large explosion took place in Tianjin Binhai New Area _ the night of August 12, 2015、Unluck

40、ily, over 160 people lost their lives、A.from B。at C。on D。in()7、Paul isnt as _ as Sandy、He often makes mistakes in his homework、A、careless B。more careful C。more careless D。careful()8、We couldnt play tennis because the wind was blowing _、A、hardly B。loudly C。strongly D。widely()9、I think that people sho

41、uld not _ in public、A。encourage to smoke B。be encouraged to smokeC。be encouraged smoking D。encourage smoking()10、Everybody except Bill and Jim _ there when the meeting began、A、was B。is C.are D.were()11、Jane could swim when she was only four years old、_ clever the girl was!A、How B.What a C。What D。How a()12、That must be John、-No, it _ be him! I saw him off at the airport half an hour ago、A、may not B。mustnt C.cant D.neednt ()13、This maths problem is_ and I can do it_、A.easy; easily B.easily; easily C.easy; easy D。easily; easy()14、Wheres Tom now?He_ the post office、


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