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1、目 录CATALOG欢迎辞 - page 5Welcome Shown - page 5酒店简介 - page 6Hotel Introduction - page 6酒店服务 - page 7Hotel Service - page 7大堂副理 - page 7Assistant Manager - page 7行李服务 - page 7Luggage Service - page 7接待/问询 - page 7Reception/Information - page 7商务中心 - page 7Business Center - page 7总机服务 - page 7Operator Se

2、rvice - page 7订房服务 - page 7Reservation - page 7OTC 药品服务 - page 8OTCMedcine Service - page 8服务中心 - page 8Housekeeping - page 8饮用水 - page 8Drinking Water - page 8大堂及客房保险箱 - page 8Lobby Safety Box - page 8客房照明系统 - page 8Lighting Control of Guest Room - page 8洗衣服务 - page 8Laundry Cleaning - page 8擦鞋服务 -

3、 page 9Shoe Polishing Service - page 9吹风机 - page 9Hair Dryer - page 9宽带及接口 - page 9Broadband Access(ADSL Access) - page 9叫醒服务 - page 9Waking Up Service - page 9失物招领 - page 9Lost & Found - page 9请勿打扰 - page 10“Do Not Disturb”- page 10电烫斗/烫衣板 - page 10Iron & Iron Board - page 10房内送餐 - page 10Room Serv

4、ice - page 10迷你吧 - page 10Mini Bar - page 10KTV - page 10订餐服务 - page 10Banquet Reservation - page 10大堂吧 - page 11Lobby Bar - page 11账务服务 - page 11Account Service - page 11信用卡 - page 11Credit Card - page 11客房门锁 - page 11Room Key - page 11台风吹袭 - page 11Typhoon - page 11外币兑换 - page 12Foreign Currency E

5、xchange - page 12防盗链 - page 12Double Locked - page 12住客电视 - page 12Program in house - page 12邮政服务 - page 12Mail Service - page 12手提电话充电 - page 12Battery Recharge - page 12留言服务 - page 12Message - page 12电源服务 - page 13Power Source - page 13宠物 - page 13Pets - page 13客房号码 - page 13Room Number - page 13桑

6、拿浴 - page 13Sauna - page 13保安服务 - page 13Security Service - page 13 电话指南 - page 14-15Phone Directory - page 14-15宾客须知 - page 16Lodger Regulations - page 17紧急火警及提示 - page 18Fire Alarm - page 19客房用品价目表 - page 20Amends List FOR Guest Room - page 20欢 迎 辞尊敬的贵宾 承蒙阁下莅临潮州市宏伟临江酒店,“能为您服务,是我们的荣幸!”是我们的服务宗旨。在您住店

7、期间,我们将为您提供尽善尽美的服务,使您感受到温馨与真诚,愿我们的服务给您留下美好的印象。 恭祝您旅途愉快、商务成功、万事如意! 欢迎您再次光临!Welcome To Bld hoday hotelDear guest:It is with our pleasure that we welcome you to HUA XIN HOTEL,work hard and create new earnestly and enthusiastically. To try to be best are our objective.We would like to offer you the perfe

8、ct hotel service with our all hearts,in order to make you feel warm and genie.We are expecting our service will leave you a very good impression.We wish you every success whether your visit is for business or pleasure. Welcome back again Sincerely yours酒店简介Hotel Introduction巴里岛酒店隶属于金奥恒丰国际管理集团(J.O. M

9、anagement Group, Inc.),是一家源于法国文化、专门从事酒店管理及相关服务的专业化集团公司。巴里岛酒店集团为客户提供与酒店管理相关的一系列服务,主要包括:酒店管理及度假村管理、预开业管理、酒店顾问咨询、酒店风格及功能布局设计。 作为中国酒店加盟业高端品质的代表,巴里岛酒店始终以顾客满意为基础,以成为“高品质酒店的卓越领导者“为目标,为每位顾客带去宾至如归的享受。 巴里岛酒店,以直营和特许并存的模式经营连锁酒店,形成了连锁酒店网络体系。凭借品质、优雅、温馨、享受的酒店住宿产品,巴里岛酒店为八方来客提供安心、舒适住宿服务,传递着高品位的生活理念。 巴里岛酒店集团拥有三大品牌:“巴

10、里岛国际酒店”、“巴里岛假日酒店”、“巴厘岛商务酒店”。在奢华酒店、五星级、四星级、经典商旅酒店市场内均代表欧洲优秀水平,巴里岛酒店集团能够帮助成员酒店成功地实现利润最大化和物业的升值。 成立至今,巴里岛酒店以敏锐的市场洞察力、完善的人力资源体系、有力的管理执行力和强大的资金优势迅速建立起了优质的竞争力。巴里岛酒店正用实际行动带动着中国高端酒店加盟业走向成熟和完善。Hotel IntroductionBali Hotel attached to the Austrian Hengfeng international management group ( J.O . Management Gro

11、up, Inc. ), is a French origin culture, specializing in hotel management and related professional services company. Bali Hotel Group to provide customers with a series of hotel management related services, including: Hotel Management & Resort Management, the business management, hotel consultancy, h

12、otel style and layout design.As Chinas hotel industry to join the high-end quality representative, Bali Hotel has always been to customer satisfaction as the basis, to become high-quality hotel outstanding leadership as the goal, for each customer to enjoy the guests feel at home.Bali Hotel, to dire

13、ct and chartered coexist pattern operating hotel chain, formed a chain hotel network system. With quality, elegant, warm, enjoy the hotel product, Bali Hotel is eight side guests to provide ease, comfortable accommodation services, delivery of high quality of life concept.Bali Hotel Group has three

14、major brands: Bali International Hotel, Bali Holiday Inn, Traders Hotel in Bali Island. At the El Luxor Hotel, five star, four star, classic hotel market are representative of the European elite level, Bali Hotel Group to help members of the hotel to successfully realize the profit maximization and

15、the appreciation of the property.Since its establishment, Bali Hotel with a keen insight into the market, perfect system of human resources, strong management implementation force and strong capital advantage and quickly established quality competitiveness. Bali Hotel with practical action to drive

16、of Chinas high-end hotel industry joined to mature and perfect.酒店简介Hotel Introduction大堂副理服务Assistant Manager电话分机:8999Ext:8999如需帮助请与当值大堂副理联系。For any assistance,please contact us.行李服务Luggage Service电话分机:8222 Ext:8222为您提供16小时行李服务以及贵重物品存放服务,如需服务请联系礼宾部Our 16hours bellboys provide you luggage service and

17、valuables storage.For any assistance.please contact us.接待服务/问询服务Reception/Information电话分机:8282 Ext:8282提供24小时的接待/问询服务,位于大堂。Located in the lobby,our receptionists provides you 24hours service.商务中心Business Center电话分机:8555 Ext:8555位于大堂,16小时为你提供商务、传真、订票、邮件等服务。Locates in the lobby,our business Center pro

18、vides you business service,tickets booking Service etc.Service Hour:AM:7:00PM:23:00总机服务Operator Service电话分机:8888 Ext:8888为您提供电话信息查询、留言服务。Our operator will provide you information and message service.订房服务Reservation Service电话分机:8111 Ext:8111酒店提供24小时订房服务We provide you 24hours reservation serviceOTC药品服

19、务“OTC”Medcine Service电话分机:8999 Ext:8999如需服务,请与当值大堂副理联系。If you need any help,please contact AM.服务中心Housekeeping Center电话分机:8111 Ext:8111您若需要增加房内用品或服务,请于服务中心联系If you need any additional room supplies and services,Please contact our Houseking.、饮用水Drinking Water如需饮用开水请用房内开水器Please make use of the electr

20、ic thermos if you need some hot water.大堂及客房保险箱Lobby Safety Box大堂接待处和您的房间为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。酒店管理当局对留在客房内物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责任。Each room is fitted with a safe box;your valuable belongings are recommended to be keep in the safe,Please open your safe door before you checkout,Bye the way,the lobby provides free safes for bigger valuable belongings.The hotel management is not liable to any loss or damage valuables left in the gust rooms.客房照明系统Lighting Control of Guest Room房间配有灯光总控制器,将磁卡插入取电器内,灯光便会自动开亮,当您离开房间时,请取出磁卡,灯光便会自动开关。Each room is equ


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