1、prison break第三季 看Prison Break越狱学英语第三季 01集:Orientacin -You got do something, my brother is innocent.innocent: 无辜的你得想想办法,我弟弟是无辜的-Hes an American citizen.citizen: 公民他可是美国公民啊-Look, theres nothing I can do about that.对此我们也无能为力-Of course there is-back at the crime scene, thatll prove crime: 犯罪 scene: (事件发
2、生的)地点,现场 prove: 证明 你当然能,再去犯罪现场看看,定能证实清白-Look, Im a night clerk, okay? clerk: 办事员你看,我不过是个夜间办事员而已-If you want someone who can really do something, youre gonna have to wait for the consul. gonna: 将要(= going to) consul: 解决你若真想解决问题,最好等领事来-He gets in in the morning.他早上才来上来-Im sorry.我很抱歉-That aint gonna cu
3、t it. aint: (= are not, am not) 那我自己搞定-Your brother, where do they have him incarcerated? incarcerate: 监禁,禁闭你兄弟关在哪个监狱?-Sona.Sona监狱-What?怎么了?-The worst of the worst are there, men no other prison will take. worst: 最坏的那里关的都是最穷凶极恶的罪犯,别的监狱都不收-They rioted so badly a year ago, the guards pulled out, just
4、left them to themselves. riot: 骚乱 guard: 警卫一年前,他们野蛮暴动过,守卫都撤了出来,留他们自生自灭-A thousand thieves, rapists, murderers.thief: 小偷 rapist: 强奸者 murderer: 杀人犯成千上万的小偷,强奸犯,杀人犯-The government just stays back, keeps the perimeter. perimeter: 周界,周长,边缘政府干脆退避三舍,保持他们的原样-To them, Sonas a one-way street. one-way: 单向的都说那是单
5、行道 -What goes innever comes outunless its dead. unless: 除非只有进,没有出,除非死了- (overlapping chatter) overlapping: 相互重叠的 chatter: 喋喋不休地谈-Somebody didnt do their due diligence on this guy. due: 应得的;应有的 diligence: 【法律】一个人根据法律应该具备的对别人的关怀和照顾,注意的程度 guy: (男)人,家伙 此人未证实有罪-And we need him moved to a facility thats a
6、 little moremoderate. facility: (供特定用途的)场所 moderate: 适度的 我们要求将他转移至更适合的机构-All right? 行吗?-Thank you. 谢谢你-All right, the good news is as of yesterday youre a free man. free: 自由的,无束缚的是这样的,好消息是从昨天起,你重获自由了-You got nothing to worry about. 你无需再担心什么-Just my brother. 我担心我弟弟-Right. Well, thats a heck of a stor
7、y, you two.heck:口hell的委婉语见鬼好吧,你们俩的事迹传得很神-That made the news even down here. even: 甚至 消息甚至传到了这-And I understand you have a son as well? understand: 听说 我听说你还有个儿子-Yeah. Uh-huh. -LJ-Lincoln Jr.? Jr. =junior: 小 (父子同名时对儿子的称呼,置于姓名后,写作 Jr. 或 jr.)没错叫LJ小Lincoln?-He must be ecstatic about your exoneration. ecs
8、tatic: 狂喜的 exoneration: 免罪 他得知你恢复清白身一定很兴奋-Still trying to reach him. reach: 与.取得联系 还没联系上他 -Well, hey, tell us where he is. 你可以告诉我们他在哪里-Well send-Let me handle that. send: 派遣 handle: 处理 我们派人去我自己能搞定-Lets just focus on Michael. focus: 集中 让我们还是先关注Michael吧-Okay, well, good news is that much of what youre
9、 saying is checking out at the crime scene. check: 检查 crime: 犯罪 scene: 现场,场所 好的, 好消息是你所说的一切与犯罪现场吻合.-The victim did have a service revolver with U.S. government numbers on it. victim: 受害者 service: 公务部门 revolver: 左轮手枪 government: 政府 number: 号码 被害人的确有一把特工专用左轮手枪,上面刻有政府编号-And if a weapon was found, then
10、that lends real credence to self-defense as a motive. weapon: 武器,凶器 lend: 增添;添加 credence: 凭证 self-defense: 自卫 motive: 动机 凶器既然已经发现,那么对自卫一说提供了有利物证。-Great. 很好-They, uh, find anything else? else: 别的 他们没有发现别的?-Like what?-A bag. 比如说哪方面?包-What was in it? 里面有什么-A little money.有些钱吧-No, sorry. 没有发现不好意思-Of cou
11、rse they didnt.没关系-Yeah, well, whatever the case, regarding your brother, I have managed to make a little headway. whatever: 不管怎样的 regarding: 关于,至于 manage: 设法做到 headway: 前进,进展 不管发生什么情况,对于你兄弟而言,我都会设法做些改变-I arranged for a transfer for your brother to another facility, effective tomorrow. arrange: 安排 t
12、ransfer: 转移 facility: (供特定用途的)场所 effective: 生效的 我已做出了安排,把你兄弟转移到别的地方,明天就能生效-Its a lot safer, -its a lot cleaner. 那里要安全,干净的多-Great. 很好-And if this is stacking up like I think it is, stack: 堆起,堆放 如我所想那样,会有足够的证据-Id be pretty confident the charges will be dropped. pretty: 相当 confident: 自信的 charge: 指控 dro
13、p: 停止,结束 我有十足的把握,所有控告都会撤销-Hed be free? 他会无罪释放?-Well, hed still face charges in the U.S. face: 面临 charge: 指控 可能还要面对美国方面的指控-But out of there? 但那是出狱以后的事了-Yes. 没错-Is thereis there a mess hall here? mess: 伙食;共食者;集体用膳人员 hall: 公共食堂 这里有。有集体食堂吗?-Mess hall? 集体食堂?-And some water. 还要点水-Im dying of thirst. Pleas
14、e.thirst: 口渴 求求你我快渴死了-Please. 求求你了-Theres some water. 这里倒是有些水-Bite me. bite: 咬,口语使烦恼;使愤怒 去死吧-Whatd you say? whatd: =what did 你说什么?-I didnt say nothing. 我什么也没说-Drink it. 喝了它-You hear me? 听见没有 -Drink! 喝了它-Hey, get used to it, man.伙计这里就是这样的-I havent eaten for days. 我也好几天没吃东西了-Come on. 起来 -How are you d
15、oing? 你还好吧-What do you want, Alex? Alex,你想怎样-Youre so clever-like planting the drugs on the boat. clever: 聪明的 plant: 栽(赃)(+on) drug: 使人上瘾的毒品 你太聪明了,居然想出在船上放毒品栽赃-Thats a big irony. irony: 讽刺,具有讽刺意味的事 这太嘲讽了-Lawman in jail.lawman: 执法者,执法官 jail: 监狱 关在监狱里的Lawman -You are exactly where you belong. exactly:
16、 正是,的确是 belong: 属于 现在罪有应得了-No, thats where youre wrong. 不这就是你错误的地方-And thats where youre gonna help me. gonna: (= going to)将要 我需要你的帮助-I will have a court date one of these days, and you will be there on the stand. court: 法庭的 stand: (= witness stand)证人席 这几天我就要接受庭审了,你到时也会出庭-And you will tell the truth
17、 that you planed this and you set this up, and Im gonna go home. truth: 事实 set up: 建立 gonna: (= going to)将要 你会告诉大家事实你计划了这一切,你设计栽赃,我就可以回家了-Thats funny, I could have sworn you set this up. funny: 有趣的 swear: 发誓 这太嘲讽了,我对天发誓这是你设的局-I set this up? Im in here.我设的局?我被关在这儿-What does the Company want with me?
18、company: 公司幕后者到底对我有什么企图 -Why Panama? 为什么挑选巴拿马-What, you think I know what they wanted? 你觉得我这样子像知道这一切吗-They had me. 我受他们控制-I did what they asked me to do arrest you in Panama hand you over. arrest: 逮捕 我听命于他们,在巴拿马逮捕你并移送回来-Thats it. Thats , thats 这。这一切。) -Thats old news, huh? 这一切现在听来都是旧事了-This is the f
19、irst day of the rest of our lives. rest: 其余的 从今天开始我们重新回归正途-How about we work together, you know? together: 一起 不如我们联手,如何-Help each other out.互相帮助,一起逃出去-Except every time I look at you, all I can see is the man who killed my father. except: 除了;要不是,但是 kill: 杀 我每次看到你,就想起那个杀我父亲的凶手-Youre on your own.你自谋生路
20、吧-My husband! Bring him out! 把我老公带出来-I know he was killed last night. kill: 杀 我知道他昨天被杀了-Someone called! 有人给我打电话了-Bring my husband out now! 把我老公带出来-Be careful. 小心点-Sign here to say that once inside, sign: 签上(名字) once: 一旦 在这里登记,进去后-youre on your own by the law, on ones own: 独自地 law: 法律 根据我国法律就你自己负责了,-
21、that youre not protected by the military in case of an assault. protect: 保护 military: 军队 case: 情况 assault: 攻击,突袭 任何意外都不受军方或者法律保护-And any attempt to assist an inmate trying to escape will be met with a lethal response. inmate: 同室者(特指在医院,监狱) escape: 逃脱 lethal: (会)致死的 response:响应;反应 任何协助在押犯逃跑的企图都以死罪论处-
22、Wouldnt dream of it. wouldnt: (= would not) dream: 梦想 想都没有想过-So. 怎样-So. 不怎样-Feel like Im on the wrong side.感觉我站错边了-Youre on the right side. 你在你该在的地方-Youre not. 可你不在-Gonna break me out? gonna: 将要(= going to) 要帮我越狱?-Too tiring. All that running. tiring:令人厌倦的;累人的 tire: 感到疲倦;劳累 一路亡命天涯太辛苦了-Yeah, well, ma
23、ybe you should have lost the cowboy boots. cowboy: 牛仔 boot: 靴子 或许你已经把逃亡靴给丢了-You scared? scared: 害怕的 你害怕了?-Im getting you out of here, man我现在就要把你救出来-Listen, the Consulates arranged to transfer you to a safer facility until the trial which is about a month. consulate: 领事馆 arrange: 安排 transfer: 转移 faci
24、lity: (供特定用途的)场所 trial: 审讯 听着,上头准备把你转移到安全的地方,大约一个月后,你就有重获自由的机会-They say you got a good shot of walking out of here a free man. shot: 机会 他们说你有很大机会无罪释放-Whens the transfer? transfer: 转移 什么时候转移?-Tomorrow. 明天-Just.just hold on, man, one more day.再等等多等一天-You know, I keep waiting for you to mention a certa
25、in someone. mention: 提及 certain: 一定的,某一希望你能快点找到她的消息-I dont know where she is , man. 兄弟,我不知道她在哪-Well ,you got to find her. 你得找到她-I will. 我会的-Shes important to me, Linc.Linc,这对我很重要-If anything happens to Sara要是Sara发生什么事-Its going to be fine, man. 一切都会好的兄弟-I promise. promise: 允诺 我保证-Ill see you tomorro
26、w. 明天见-All right? 好吗?-American, right? 你是美国人,对吧?-I love America. 我热爱美国-NBA. Tracy McGrady shooting the ball in the hoop from downtown. shoot: 投(篮) hoop: 篮,篮圈 downtown: 较低地区 NBA Tracy McGrady的神奇表现-Whatever youre selling, Im not buying. whatever: 无论什么 buy: 采纳,接受 不管你想推销什么我都不感兴趣-Selling? 推销?-I just want
27、 to talk basketball. 我只是想跟你说说篮球-Whos your team? 你喜欢哪个球队-Lets go, blanco. blanco: 【白人】the word in Spanish for white - from Urban Dictionary 小子,跟我们走-Orientation. orientation: (对环境等的)适应;熟悉 带你熟悉下环境-Im not interested. 我没兴趣-Its not for you to decide. decide: 决定 没你选的份-Guards say I have to be out in 15 minu
28、tes. guard: 守卫者 守卫说我得在15分钟弄过后离开-Bring them in.把他们带进来-Well, I hope they havent been treating you too poorly. treat: 对待 poorly: 拙劣地;差劲地 我真希望他们没让你们吃什么苦头-I should hear of it if you have.如果有的话,我应该有所耳闻了-I think as you can tell, Sona is unlike any other place in the world. tell: 分辨,区别 unlike: 不同的 我想你们能看出这地
29、方与众不同-Hun ?Since the riots of last year, they left us here to rot. riot: 暴乱 rot: 腐败,腐坏,堕落 那帮守卫去年仓皇而逃-They figured we would just destroy ourselves, but instead, weve thrived. figure: 认为 destroy: 毁坏,破坏 instead: 作为替代,反而 thrive: 兴旺,繁荣 他们认为我们会内耗而亡,恰恰相反,我们队伍更壮大了-With the canal, Panama is now a breeding gr
30、ound for international crime.27 different nationalities we have here. canal: 运河,这里是指巴拿马运河 breed: 繁殖,滋生 international: 国际的 crime: 犯罪 nationality: 国家 借助于巴拿马运河,巴拿马现在成了全球犯罪的孵化基地,我们这的人来自27个不同国家。-But not one gang. gang: 帮 但不是一个帮派-Not one racially-motivated incident. racially-motivated: 出于种族主义动机的 racially:
31、 种族地 motivate: 使产生动机 incident: (尤指政治上的)事件;事故 没有一起种族歧视案例-Its justme. 这都归功于我-Egalitarianism. egalitarianism: 平均主义 平等主义-I believe is the word. believe: 信仰宗教 这是我的信仰-Huh? Did I get that right? 你不同意吗-Right as rain. 你说是就是了-Thats what practice does for you. practice: 练习操练一下果然长进了-Now, is there anything you w
32、ant to tell me ? 你们有什么要向我回报的吗-Any history that you bring to this place that I should know about? history: 过去发生的事 我想知道你们被关进来的原因-I dont think youre quite telling me the truth, Mr. Scofield. truth: 事实 我想你没说实话 Scofield先生-We get the news, man. 我们已经听到了风声,老兄-You were quit the superstar on CNN. superstar: 超
33、级明星 CNN: 美国有线新闻网络,以提供即时电视新闻报导而闻名 你在CNN上俨然是个超级明星了-Man breaks brother out and flees to Panama. break out: (逃出)监狱 flee: 逃跑 救出你哥后,然后逃亡到巴拿马-But youre not a superstar here! superstar: 超级明星 但在这你可行不通了-You realize that, dont you? realize: 认清 你没意识到这点吗-Im not going to make waves. wave: 波动,运动 我不想再起什么波澜-It would
34、nt be within your power. wouldnt: (= would not) within: 在.里面 power: 能力 凭你的能耐也办不到-I heard about the two of you.我听过你们俩-You two in the hall today. hall: 大厅 你们今天闯祸了-Now, if you would like to sort your problems out, its very simple here. sort: 整理 但你俩如果想解决问题的话,方法很简单-A man has a beef with another, he makes
35、 his problem known. beef: 争辩(点),争辩 known: 知道的,已知的俩人之间意见不同-And then we deal with it directly as menover there. directly: 直接地 就直接用男人的方式解决问题,就在这里-Wont be necessary. wont: (= will not) necessary: 必要的 没有那个必要-You always shake like that? shake: 发抖 你一直那样发抖吗-Or just when youre scared of someone? scared: 感到害怕
36、的 还是仅仅出于对某人的畏惧-What about you? 你呢?-Dont hurt me man. hurt: 伤害(身体) 老大不要伤害我-I dont want any trouble. trouble: 麻烦 我不想惹什么麻烦-asshole! Never asshole: 屁眼;笨蛋;可恶的家伙蠢货,绝不允许-Never use my floor as a bathroom! bathroom: 浴室 永远别在我的地盘随地大小便-I think he gets the message. get: 明白 message: 信息 我想他明白了-We could goyou and m
37、e right here. 我们两个可以单挑,就在这里-Youre a brave man, huh? brave: 勇敢的 你有胆识-Brave man. 有种-Youre lucky Ive been meditating. meditating: 沉思的,冥想的 你很幸运,我现在温和多了-Before, I couldnt take my finger off the trigger, but now now I have mind control. finger: 手指 trigger: 扳机 mind: 精神,思想 control: 控制 换作以前,早一枪毙了你,但我现在懂得了控制情
38、绪-Complete control. complete: 完全的 完全的控制-Mind. body. and soul soul: 灵魂 思想,身体,还有灵魂-Get out! Get out! 滚出去吧!快滚!-Hes a waste of our time. waste: 浪费 浪费我们的时间-Who would have thoughta famous person in Sona. famous: 著名的 谁能想象索纳出了这样的风云人物-Weak people rally around fame. rally: 团结;聚集 fame: 名声,名望 弱者总是延续弱势-They wors
39、hip it. Theyre blinded by it. worship: 崇拜,敬仰 blind: 蒙蔽 他们祈祷上苍,他们对此深信不疑-And as you can tell, there are many people of weak character behind these walls. character: 人物 正如你所知,这里有很多弱者-Yes, they will follow a man like this, and they will put him on a pedestal.follow: 跟随,遵循 pedestal: 基座,底座 没错,他们会跟随像你这样的人,
40、他们会给他立碑纪念-He has that charisma, right, mami? charisma: 个人的魅力 mami: 【小甜甜,宝贝】 他很有魅力,是吗宝贝-Hes no you. 他可比不上你-Ah, you dont have to pander me, mami. pander: (卑劣地)迎合 宝贝,你不用来迎合我-Soy un hombre maduro. hombre: 美国俚语(尤指西班牙裔或墨西哥裔)强壮男子,汉子 maduro: 西班牙语 (浓烈的)马都罗雪茄我可不是三岁小孩-Hes good looking, right? 他很帅,不是吗-Si. He is
41、 good looking. 没错,他是很帅-Hes the best looking man in the prison, right? 他是这里最帅的,不是吗-Not compared to you. compare: 比较 和你不能比-Let me tell you , mami. 宝贝,让我来告诉你-Who knows. 谁知道呢-Maybe. 或许是吧-Pack up, whore.whore: 荡妇;淫妇臭婊子,给我滚蛋-You are gone. 别让我再看到你-Sara Sara-Sara Tancredi-shes an American.Sara Tancredi是个美国人
42、-Shes missing. missing: 失踪的 她失踪了-We dont have a report of anything like that. report: 报告 我们没有她的任何消息-But if you do, you call me. The numbers on the back. 但是如果有的话,给我电话,号码在背面-Okay, sir. 好的,先生-Anything, you call me , all right? 有任何消息就打给我,好吗-Will do. 会的-Thank you . 谢谢-Whered you get shoes? 你哪弄来的鞋子-Its ti
43、me to start earning your rent around here. earn: 挣(钱) rent: 租金 该干活还钱付租金了-Theres no rent here. 这里不用租金的-Its prison. Keep talking. prison: 监狱 这是监狱,继续说啊-Its going up. 要上去了-Here. 给-Work times started right now.干活时间到了-Where? 哪?-Uh-uh. Hell no. hell: 该死,混蛋哦,不-Absolutely not. absolutely: 绝对地 绝对没门(blow lands
44、) blow: 击打-One more word from you, and I will drown you in here, you understand? drown: 淹,淹死 再敢放屁,我让你吃屎,明白没-Now, work. 快点,干活-Burn it down in the sewers when youre done. sewer: 下水道 做完后,拿去下水道烧掉-Scofield, una visita visita: 来访,看望 Scofield,,有人来看你了-Scofield, visita Scofield,有人来看你了-Ah, Mr. Scofield. Scofi
45、eld先生-Elliot Pike. Elliot Pike-What do you want? 找我什么事-Well, to be frank , to represent you. frank: 坦白的,直率的 represent: 代表 说实话,我是来代表你的-Youre a lawyer? Of sorts. lawyer: 律师 sort: 种类;口语某一种人 你是律师?算是吧-The court already appointed me a lawyer court: 法院 appoint: 任命,指定法院已经指派了律师给我-Then perhaps I can be of assistance in a diff