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1、Unit 7 Abilities1. Look out, Eddie ! 当心,埃迪!(1)look out 意为“小心” ,相当于 be careful=take care. 单独使用时,后面不接宾语。eg. 小心!汽车来了。小心,别打碎了杯子。(2)look out 后接其他介词时,要带宾语。如:向外看 . 朝.外看eg. 我们朝沙滩看。不要朝门外看。2 cleaning up the park clean up 打扫干净副词 up 常跟在动词后意思为“彻底地完全地。 ”吃光; 彻底完成某事 把地拖干净2. Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 由 whether you b

2、elieve it or not 变化而来,通常置于句首,后面加逗号,再接主句。(1)believe 动词,意为“相信;认为” 。 我相信不是这样的。 I dontbelieve so.如:我认为她是对的。(2)believe in 意为“相信;信任;信奉” 。如:那些人信奉上帝。believe 是相信某人说的话, believe in 是相信、 信任某人, 不光是相信他说的话, 还相信这个人的品格等。(3)believe/think 后可接 that 引导的宾语从句,当主语为第一人称,后接否定意义的宾语从句时,需要否定前移。eg. 我认为他不会通过考试。3 People have diffe

3、rent abilities. 人们有不同的能力。ability 不可数名词 表示抽象意义的“能力”可数名词,表示不同种类的能力,复数:形容词形式是 able , 有能力的,否定形式:eg. 他是一个有能力的人。我认为 Tom 有当班长的能力。4 We can send some books to them. 我们可以给他们送些书。(1)send用作及物动词,意为“寄(信等) ;发(电报) ,派(人送) ”。短语:把某物寄给某人(两种)eg. 我去度假期间将寄给你一张明信片。(2) send 的其他词组发射 (派人去)请来散发(气味,光)等 送别5. Some children are not

4、 even able to pay for school. 一些孩子甚至不能付上学的钱。(1) even 副词,意为“甚至;更;还” 。 一般须置于系动词 be 或助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。如:第二天早上詹妮起得更早了。(2) even 其他用法 even if/ even though 即使; even now 即使到现在; even so 即使如此如:即使下雨,我们也要去长城。我认为你能做的比我更好。(3) able 形容词,意为“有能力的;能干的” 。如:你父亲是个能干的人。be able to 能;会如:我小时候能跑得很快。(4)区分 be able to 与 canbe a

5、ble to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,可以有各种时态。can 强调自身已具有的能力, 只有一般现在时和一般过去时 could。(5)pay for sth 付某物的钱 付钱给某人买某物 pay sb money for sthpay a visit to 参观pay attention to 注意,关心【解析】 pay,spend,buy 和 cost。pay,spend, buy 都可以指人花钱买,但搭配的介词不同: pay (money) for sth. ,spend (money) on sth.,buysomething for money ; cost 指某物值多少钱,主语是物。

6、如:eg. 我花了 20 元买这本书。 (pay)我花了 5 元钱吃早饭。 (spend)我花 4,000 元买了台电脑。 (buy)买这辆新车花了我 100,000 元。(cost)6 We can raise some money for them to buy these things.raise 募集 为 .筹钱 raise money for raise sth for sb =collect sth for sbraise 还可做“举起、提高、饲养”eg. 他们正在为慈善事业筹款。请举手回答问题。不要提高嗓门。在我的家乡,一些人养奶牛。【解析】 raise 和 rise这两个词都有

7、举起, 升起的意思, 但 raise 是及物动词, 后接宾语, rise 是不及物动词, 后不可接宾语。 如:eg. 太阳从东边升起。为了确保每个人都能听到,他提高了声音。7 . He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire. 他足够勇敢将他的邻居从火中救了出来。save动词,意为“救;救助” ,save.from 意为“从 .中救出”。 save还表示“节约”save from 拯救某人脱离 keep (away) from 使 某人远离 far (away) from 远离 stop from doing sth 阻止做某事如:

8、那个医生救了她的命。节约用水对于我们来说很重要。brave 形容词 “勇敢的”, 副词形式bravely8 Suddenly he heard someone shouting“Fire! Fire! ” 忽然他听到有人喊 :“着火了!着火了! ”hear sb doing sth 表示“听见某人正在做某事” ,强调动作发生的过程。类似的还有 see,find 等动词。如:当我睡觉时,听见莉莉正在房间唱歌。3. He went in and saw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. 他走进去,看见79 岁的邻居孙奶奶

9、在厨房里。79-year-old 是一个合成的形容词。 year 必须是单数,做定语,放在名词前面。意思是“ .岁的”。合成词在句中作前置定语,修饰后面的名词,结构两种:(1)数词 +名词100 米赛跑5 个小时的睡眠3 年的时间4 个小时的旅行(2)数词 +名词 +形容词一个 5 岁的男孩一座 800 米长的桥10 Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out.(1)hurt adj 受伤的 eg.: 如果你受伤了,就应该去医院。vt 使受伤,伤害 eg.: 我不会伤害你。vi (身体某部位)感到疼痛 eg. 我的背痛(2) ba

10、dly b? dli adv. 严重地 , 非常【解析】副词的构成通常我们可以在形容词后加 ly 构成副词,具体如下:一般的在形容词后 +ly 够成副词。如: careful(小心的 ) carefully( 小心地 )以元音字母加 e 结尾的形容词,去 e 加 ly 构成副词。如: true(真的 ) truly( 真地 )以辅音字母加 y 结尾的形容词,去 y 加 ily 构成副词。如: lucky (幸运的) luckily( 幸运地 )以 le 结尾的形容词去 e 加 y 构成副词。如: gentle(温和的 ) gently(温和地 )11 He put out the fire w

11、ith a wet blanket and helped Mrs Sun out. 他用湿毯子把火扑灭, 并把孙奶奶就了出去。put out 是“熄灭,扑灭”的意思。 help sb out 帮助某人克服困难、解决问题、脱离危险eg. 务必把煤气关掉。你能帮我克服困难吗?12 He was in hospital for two weeks. 他在医院住了两个星期。in hospital 意思是“生病住院” ,而 in the hospital 是“在医院里” 。类似结构还有: go to school go to the schoolat table at the tablein front

12、 of in the front ofby sea by the seago to bed go to the bed13 We should be careful with it.be careful to do 小心做某事 be careful with 小心某物eg. 在网上交友要小心。我们必须小心火。【解析】 care 的派生词careful adj. 小心的 carefully adv. 小心地 careless adj. 粗心的carelessly adv. 粗心地 carelessness n. 粗心14 atch a fire 着火,强调动作, be on fire 着火强调动

13、作 put out the fire (put it out) 扑灭火15 rush into 冲到 里面 rush out of 冲出 课堂检测:一单项选择:( ) 1. _is Tree planting Day in China.A. March 1st B. April 12th C.March 12th D. April 1st( ) 2. Can you give _ me some paper? I want_write a letter.A. to ; to B. for; to C. / ; / D. /; to( ) 3. Mr. White is _ man. He li

14、ves _.A. an 85-year-old; alone B. an 85-year old; lonely C. an 80-year old; alone D. a 80 years old; alone( ) 4. It took them half a day _ trees _Tree Planting Day this year.A. to plant; in B. planting; on C. to plant; on D. planting; in( ) 5. The children are playing _ the playground.A. over B. in

15、C. up D. to( ) 6. He s g o o_d_ _a_t _, _and_.A running, climbing, playing football B running, climb, playing footballC run, climb, playing football D run, climbing, playing football二. 填词4. How _ (care) you are! You made so many mistakes in your exam.5. I m looking forwards to _ (learn) how to drive

16、.6. It s very _ (danger) for children to play with fire.7. All of us are _ (surprise) to hear the bad news.8. He isn t my favourite singer , but _ (Simon) favourite.9. He is afraid of_( stay ) at home alone .10. People have different_(ability).11. He likes_(collect) things for Project Hope.三、翻译句子6.

17、他经常在公共汽车上给老人让座位。He often _ _to the _on the bus.7. 王老师每天都将办公室打扫的干干净净。Miss Wang _ _ _ every day.8. 我们每年都去访问老年公寓。We go to the Home_ _the elderly every year.9. 同学们想为“希望工程”做点事。The students want to _ _ for _ _.10. 人们通常会在春天种树。People usually _ _in spring.一、根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. Thank you very much for (join

18、) us.2. As one of the (member) in our class. I want to do something about it.3. Who first (think) of the idea? Daniel did.4. Listen! I can hear someone (call) for help.5. How beautiful the music (sound)!6. The soup was so hot that it (burn) my mouth.7. He (lose) the last game, but this time he ll wi

19、n.8. She said that she (feel) happy for helping others.9. Her parents (buy) a lot of presents for her that day.10. When he was in hospital, many people (bring) flowers and presents.二、选择填空( )1. He always thinks of others than himself.A. much B. much more C. more much D.too more( )2. I saw him the roo

20、m, but I didn t know when he .A. going into, left there B. go into, left there C. going into, left to there D. go into, left for there( )3. There was a big fire last night, but the firemen _.A. put down it B. put it down C. put out it D. put it out( )4. Although she didn t feel well, she didn t stop

21、 to the center to help others.A. to come B. coming C. came D. comes( )5. Car accidents kill Americans every year.A. thousands B. thousand of C. thousand D. thousands of( )6. Fire can be dangerous if we aren t .A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly( )7. I want to play football but I forgo

22、t my football boots.A. to take B. bring C. to bring D. bringing( )8. _is important _careful with fire AThat;be BIt;be CIt;to be D. That;being( )9. His grandpa lives _ in the country but she doesn t feel_.A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely二、完成句子12. 我的朋友告诉我不要总是不开心。My f

23、riends _ me _all the time.13. 我不知道马丽昨天怎么了。I don t know _Mary yesterday.14. 约翰叔叔生病住院了两个月。Uncle John was ill _two months.15. 你应该让你的长发远离转动的机器。You should _ your long hair _the running machine.16. 他开着电视睡着了。He _ the TV _ and went to sleep.七下 Unit7 Comic strip Reading2 测试题.单项填空( )1.Who helped the child the

24、 water ?A. out B. out of C. outside D. away( )2.Mr Brown has boy .A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-years-old C. an 8-year-old D. a 8 years old( )3.He with a smile .A. nodded B. noded C. noding D. nodding( )4.On my way home , I heard somebody for help .A. is calling B. to call C. calls D. calling( )5.Don t po

25、ur water his jacket .A. over B. through C. in D. above( )6.They are looking forward to you this winter holiday .A. see B. seeing C. meet D. met( )7.He is always and he the boy to the police station on his way home .A. helps ; brought B. helpful ; brought C. helpful ; took D. helping ; took( )8.From

26、the Internet you can get .A. an information B. some informations C. a good information D. information( )9. exciting news it is !A. What B. What an C. How D. How an( )10.The swimming pool doesn t open today . We go swimming there .A. don t B. couldn t C. can t D. needn t.词汇 A. 句型转换17. You needn t get

27、 there before 8:00 a(m.改为同义句)You get there before 8:00 am.18. I lost my tennis rackets yesterday . (对划线部分提问)you your tennis rackets ?19. They left their keys in the library . (对划线部分提问)they their keys ?20. He did his homework last Sunday . (改为否定句)He his homework last Sunday .21. Mr Wang goes to the c

28、inema every day . ( 用 two weeks ago 改写)Mr Wang to the cinema two weeks ago .22. You must finish your homework before you go to bed . (改为同义句)necessary for you your homework before you go to bed .23. The boy hurt his right leg just now . (对划线部分提问)his right leg just now ?24. His mother looks very young

29、 . (改为感叹句)his mother !25. The girl is too young . She can t go to sc(ho改ol为al同on义e句. )The girl is too young . She can t go to school .26. He ran into the room quickly and saved the little girl . (改为同义句)He the room and saved the little girl .27. How brave he is ! (改为同义句) boy he is !28. He is twenty y

30、ears old . (改为同义句) He is a young man .B.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空11. The dog can run , but it can t (fly) .12. (not play) in the street . It s too dangerous .13. What you (drink) ? Coke or tea ?14. Look , the boy (help) an old man cross the road .15. We (plant) many trees in our school last year .16. Every Sun

31、day morning , my father (visit) my grandparents .17. The policeman often (save) the people in danger .18. It s important (be) careful with fire .19. One of the boys (make) the bed himself every morning .20. It s ten o clock at night . The boy (take) off his clothes in his bedroom .21. She is a very

32、girl . She does everything . (care)22. Did he do anything to keep (he) safe ?23. Don t go near the fire . It s too (danger) .24. Listen ! I can hear calling for help .(anyone)25. Lin Tao in hospital for two months last year .(be)26. Did you do anything to protect ? (you)27. We should stop the from s

33、wimming in the river .(swim)Unit 7(一)情态动词 can 和 could 的用法。1定义:情态动词是一类用于表示说话人的语气和情态的助动词。常表示命令、请求、拒绝、义务、可能、需要等。 can 和 may 是其中两个。2情态动词的几个特征:(1)情态动词不同于实义动词,不可单独作谓语,只有跟实义动词连用才有意义;(2)情态动词没有人称和数的变化;(3)情态动词后的动词必须用原形。3can 和 could 的用法(1)表示有能力做某事,意为“能、会” ,与 be able to 意思相同。情态动词 can 表示现在的能力,could 表示过去的能力, 后跟动词原

34、形, can do sth.=is/ am/ are able to do sth. could do sth.= was/ were able todo sth.不能做某事 can/could not do sth.= be not able to do sth.= be unable to do sth.如:这女孩会用英语唱歌。现在我能开车了,但是过年我不会。情态动词 could 表示委婉语气,比用 can 更加有礼貌, may 比较正式。一般疑问句回答,通常情况问什么,答什么 Can I ? Yes, you can. No, you can t.请注意下列特殊情况: Could I ?

35、 Yes, you can. No, you can t.May I ? Yes, you may. No, you can 坚决拒绝t. ( No, you mustn t.)Must I ? Yes, you must. No, you needn t.can/could 表示能力时,用 can 提问就用 can 回答,用 could 提问就用 could 回答。can/could 在表示请求和允许时, can 提问用 can 回答, could 提问还用 can 回答。例: -Can you ride a bike?-Could you ride a bike at 10 years o

36、ld? 例: -Can I go now?-Could I come to see you tomorrow?(2)表示推测, 意为“也许, 可能”。 表示可能性 may be 也许是,(50%) must be 一定是 ,(100%)can t be不可能是( 0%)。如:他不可能是你弟弟,你们长得不像。没有空气,我们就不能生活。孙先生不可能出车,因为他的腿受伤了。(3)表示“许可” ,等于 may。如:我可以和你交谈吗?当然。你可以帮我一下吗?用 can, cant ,could , couldn 填t, 空may29. My brother_ play football well. He

37、 is a good player.30. The man _drive a car last year. But now he_ drive it.31. My uncle_ _ speak English . He doesn know anytthing about it.28. I chatted online with my friend in England. We _clearly hear each other.32. _you make a model ship when you were in Grade 2? No, I _二)感叹句的构成及用法感叹句:用来表达喜、怒、哀

38、、乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句,句末用感叹号。一般用感叹词 how 或what 引导, how 修饰形容词或副词, what 修饰名词。How 引导的感叹句,基本结构是 How + 形容词 / 副词 +主语 +谓语!(主谓可省略)What 引导的感叹句的基本结构是:What + a / an + 形容词 +可数名词(单数) +主语 +谓语!(主谓可省略)What+ 形容词 +可数名词复数(或不可数名词) +主语 +谓语!注意: What 感叹句中是不可数名词时,名词前面不能加不定冠词 a/an. 如:他是一个傻子!这是一辆多旧的自行车啊!他们是多好的笔啊!今天天气真好!他跑得真快!你真漂亮!这故

39、事真有趣。1 South Hill is a good place to have fun.Have fun 玩得开心, =enjoy oneself =have a good time做某事很开心 have fun doing sth2 I left mine at home.把某物忘在某个地方 leave sth at/in/on .forget 也是忘记某物,与 leave 区别:forget :leave:3 By the way, can you take your camera with you, Amy?顺便说说 by the way ,通常用作插入语,表示说话人要转入一个新话题

40、妨碍,挡路在途中4 What else can he do?else 是副词,另外,其他 通常放在疑问词 who , which , what, when, where, how 等词的后面,或放在不定代词的之后。else 与 other 区别elseother例如:我不喜欢其他的书。你还想喝些什么吗?我还能在什么时候与你见面?5 He can fly as fast as light.as。as 和 .一样, 表示同级比较。 第一个 as 是副词,第二个 as 是连词,中间要用形容词或副词的原级。否定形式: not as/so+形容词 /副词 +as 和 .不一样, 不如 .as . as

41、possible 尽可能 as soon as possible 尽可能快例:这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。这本书不如你想象的那样有趣。请尽快回答我的问题。6 She does not do her best this term.尽某人最大的努力做某事 do ones best to do sth =try one s best to do sth7 I started to play the violin at the age of six.开始做某事 start to do sth在 .岁时 at the age of =when 引导的时间状语从句, when . years old8 B

42、ooks about different subjects are put in different sections. 关于不同科目的书被放在不同的区域。are put 是一个被动语态,构成形式: be 动词+动词的过去分词例:刀是用来切东西的。9 Books are organized according to topics. 根据主题编排图书。are organized 是被动语态according to 根据, 后面接名词、动词、动名词等例:据约翰说,下个星期有个会议。根据大家所说,他是位诚实的商人。10 He is a member of out Project Hope group

43、 and often takes part in activities like collecting clothes and booksfor children in need. In need 在需要帮助的人, 在危险中:take part in 参加,通常用于参加群众性活动、劳动、游行等,侧重于参加者持有积极的态度,起一定的作用。take part in、join 与 join in 三者的区别take part injoinjoin in11 Last week, a five-year-old boy lost his way and was crying in the street

44、.lose one s way 迷路=get lost lose a game 输掉一场比赛lose oneself in 沉溺于例:在森林里迷路是很危险的。was crying 过去进行时,表示过去某个时间点正在发生的事情was/were + doing12 We look forward to hearing from you soon.hear from 收到 某人的来信 主语是人,宾语是人,是宾格写信给某人:13 I would like to recommend Daniel for this year s YoungStar Award.recommend 推荐 recommend

45、 sb. for 推荐 某人获 .奖recommend sb. as 推荐某人做 14 . I m afraid you can t, but you may stay there till 5 pm if you want to .恐怕你不能,但如果你想,你可以待在那儿直到下午五点。He didnt leave the office till 8 oclock. 他直到八点才离开办公室。He didnt return till ten oclock. 他到十点才回来。【解析】 till 和 unitl这两个词在很多地方用法相同,如果理解为“一直发生到” ,动词往往为延续性动词, till 或 until 前面用肯定句,如果理解为直到才发生(动词往往为瞬间性动词) ,till 或 until 前面用否定句。如:I wil


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