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1、Electronic Commerce,电子商务,Lead-in activities,Have you ever bought anything through the Internet?If you have,why do you decide to shop online?If you have not,what are the reasons for you not trying to do so?,Shopping online now seems to be very trendy because of its speediness and convenience.You can

2、shop at home without going outside.In spite of this,there are still some people who may get online quite frequently,even everyday,but never shop online.,Possible reasons for not doing so,Dont trust websites&be afraid of being cheated.Be afraid of the qualities of the products.Be afraid that the good

3、 after-service can not be provided.Be unfamiliar with or dont know how to shop online.There are no products online that I want.Payment and delivery procedures are complicated and insecure.The goods are not plentiful enough.,What Is E-Commerce?什么是电子商务?,Types of E-Commerce 电子商务的类型,Electronic Data Inte

4、rchange(EDI)电子数据交换,E-Learning 电子学习,Going Global with Internet Marketing利用因特网营销走向全球,Lecture Outline,What Is E-Commerce?,E-Commerce refers to doing business through electronic media or the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet,utilizing technologies such as the Web,Ele

5、ctronic Data Interchange(EDI),email,electronic fund transfers and smart cards,without face-to-face meeting between the two parties of the transaction.,E-Commerce is expected to boom beyond limits in the near future,and it will play a major role in the way that small,medium and large companies conduc

6、t business either with their consumers or other businesses.,The boundaries between“conventional”and“electronic”commerce will become increasingly blurred as more and more businesses move sections of their operations onto the Internet.,Advantages of E-Commerce over Store Retail,Overcome Geographical L

7、imitations:If you have a physical store,you are limited by the geographical area that you can serve.With an e-commerce website,the whole world is your playground.Additionally,the advent of M-commerce,e-commerce on mobile devices,has dissolved every remaining limitation of geography.,Gain New Custome

8、rs with Search Engine:Visibility Physical retail is driven by branding&relationships.In addition to these two drivers,online retail is also driven by traffic from search engines.It is not unusual for customers to follow a link in search engine results,and land up on an e-commerce website that they h

9、ave never heard of.,Lower Costs:One of the most tangible positives of e-commerce is the lowered cost.A part of these lowered costs could be passed on to customers in the form of discounted prices.The following are some of the ways that costs can be reduced with e-commerce:,Lower CostsAdvertising&Mar

10、keting:Organic search engine traffic,pay-per-click,and social media traffic are some of the advertising channels that can be cost-effective.,Lower CostsPersonnel:The automation of checkout,billing,payments,inventory management,and other operational processes,lowers the number of employees required t

11、o run an e-commerce setup.,Lower CostsReal Estate:This one is a no-brainer.An e-commerce merchant does not need a prominent physical location.,Locate the Product More Quickly:On an e-commerce website,customers can click through intuitive navigation or use a search box to immediately narrow down thei

12、r product search.Some websites remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat purchase.,Eliminate Travel Time and Cost:It is not unusual for customers to travel long distances to reach their preferred physical store.E-commerce allows them to visit the same store virtually,with

13、 a few mouse clicks.,Provide Comparison Shopping:E-commerce facilitates comparison shopping.Several online services allow customers to browse multiple e-commerce merchants&find the best prices.,Enable Bargains,Coupons,&Group Buying:Though there are physical equivalents to bargains,coupons,&group buy

14、ing,online shopping makes it much more convenient.If a customer has a deep discount coupon for turkey at one physical store&toilet paper at another,she may find it infeasible to avail of both discounts.But the customer could do that online with a few mouse-clicks.,Provide Abundant Information:E-comm

15、erce websites can make additional information easily available to customers.Most of this information is provided by vendors,and does not cost anything to create or maintain.,Remain Open All the Time:Store timings are now 24/7/365.E-commerce websites can run all the time.From the merchants point of v

16、iew,this increases the number of orders they receive.From the customers point of view,an“always open”store is more convenient.,Create Markets for Niche Products(小众产品、特制产品)Buyers&sellers of niche products find it difficult to locate each other in the physical world.Online,it is only a matter of the c

17、ustomer searching for the product in a search engine.One example could be purchase of obsolete parts.Instead of trashing older equipment for lack of spares,today we can locate parts online with great ease.,Disadvantages of E-Commerce,E-Commerce Lacks That Personal Touch:Physical retailers usually ha

18、ve a personal approach and they value human relationship.As a result,shopping at those retail outlets is reassuring and refreshing.Clicking on“Buy Now,”and piling up products in virtual shopping carts,is just not the same.,E-Commerce Delays Goods:E-commerce websites deliveries usually take a lot lon

19、ger to get the goods into your hands.Even with express shipping,the earliest you get goods is“tomorrow.”An exception to this rule is in the case of digital goods, e-book or a music file.,E-Commerce Does Not Allow You to Experience the Product Before Purchase:You cannot touch the fabric of the

20、garment you want to buy.You cannot check how the shoe feels on your feet.You cannot“test”the perfume that you want to buy.,Anyone Can Set Up an E-Commerce Website:Online storefront providers bring you the ability to set up an e-commerce store within minutes.The lowered barriers to entry might be a g

21、reat attraction to the aspiring e-commerce entrepreneur.But for the buyer,reliability can be an issue.,Security:When making an online purchase,you have to provide at least your credit card information&mailing address.In many cases,e-commerce websites are able to harvest other information about your

22、online behavior&preferences.This could lead to credit card fraud,or worse,identity theft.,Types of E-Commerce,There are a variety of types of E-Commerce and many different ways to characterize these types.For the most part,we distinguish different types of E-Commerce by the nature of the market rela

23、tionshipwho is selling to whom.The following are the main types of E-Commerce.,Intra-organizational E-Commerce 企业内部间电子商务,All internal organizational activities involved in exchange of goods,services or information usually are performed on Intranets.Activities can range from selling corporate product

24、s to employees online training.,Business-to-Business(B2B)E-Commerce企业间电子商务,Amongst all other types of E-Commerce,this way of doing business electronically through the Internet or Electronic Data Interchanges is the one that deserves the most attention.B2B E-Commerce applicants will enable companies

25、to get the following kinds of information:products,customer,supplier,inventory,supply chain alliance,competitor,sales,and marketing.,B2B E-Commerce means that companies do business with each other such as manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers.Pricing is based on

26、quantity of order and is often negotiable.,Business-to-Customer(B2C)E-Commerce 企业与消费者间电子商务,Business provide consumers with online shopping through the Internet,allowing consumers to shop and pay their bills online.This type of offering saves time for both retailers and consumers.,Consumers can post

27、their own products online through some agent websites for other consumers to bid.Individuals in classified ads can sell residential property,cars,advertise personal services on the Internet and sell knowledge as well as expertise.,B2C E-CommerceOnline Shopping,B2C E-Commerce refers to business betwe

28、en companies and consumersonline shopping,including customers gathering information;purchasing physical goods such as books and clothes;and receiving products over an electronic network.,Why Invest in E-Commerce?,Internet population is very large.Nowadays,more and more people have access to the Inte

29、rnet.There are no geographic boundaries.Through Internet,a manufacturer or dealer in London can sell to buyers in Mississippi,Beijing and Singapore without opening branch offices.,Entry and overhead costs are relatively low.Its cheaper to launch a functional E-Commerce site than to open a new sales

30、office or retail store.Effective cash flow management is the key to business success.With E-Commerce solutions,you can speed up payments from customers by taking credit card orders over the Internet.,Tips for Safe Online Shopping,Know your merchant and find the companys physical location.Find out re

31、fund and return policy.Protect your Internet passwords.Protect your privacy.Only provide your credit card or social security information on-line in a secure environment.Keep accurate records.Know your consumer rights.,Government-to-Citizen(G2C)E-Commerce 政府与公民间电子商务,Among various kinds of services pr

32、ovided by governments,many of them can be done through electronic media.Providing public services electronically not only provides citizens time-saving and high-quality services,but also improves efficiency and cost effectiveness.Besides,the move can also promote the development of E-Commerce.,This

33、mode of trading often describes the way in which government purchases goods and services through electronic media such as the Internet.,Government-to-Government(G2G)E-Commerce 政府部门间电子商务,G2G E-Commerce is the electronic sharing of data and/or information systems between government agencies,department

34、s or organizations.The goal of G2G is to support e-government initiatives by improving communication,data access&data sharing.,Mobile Commerce(M-Commerce),The term“Mobile Commerce”was originally coined in 1997 to mean“the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumers hand,

35、anywhere,via wireless technology.”Many choose to think of Mobile Commerce as meaning“a retail outlet in your customers pocket.”,Electronic Data Interchange(EDI),EDI is about doing business and carrying out transactions with trading partners electronically.EDI covers most things that are done using p

36、aper,for example,placing orders with suppliers and carrying out financial transactions.This is why the term paperless trading is often used to describe EDI.,The benefit of EDI is that it can streamline(使成流线型,使简单化)companies interactions with trading partners:decrease inventory,product returns,and shi

37、pping costs;speed flow of information;increase inventory turns and customer satisfaction;improve product and sales forecasting,time-to-market,and cash flow;integrate supply chain,and result in improved relationship with trading partners.,E-Learning,E-Learning is the training that takes place through

38、 a network,usually over the Internet or a company intranet.,E-Learning falls into two categories,Synchronous E-Learning imitates a classroom context,which means classes take place in real-time and connect instructors and students via streaming audio or through a chat room.Asynchronous E-Learning per

39、mits a student to access prepackaged training on his or her own time,working at his or her own pace and communicating with the instructor or other students through e-mails.,The advantages of E-Learning is time and money.The challenges of E-Learning is lack of team building and sociability because of

40、 its physical isolation of students.,Going Global with Internet Marketing,The Internet truly flattens the worlda fact that brings opportunities to marketers with international components to their businesses or desires to do business globally.,Possibilities enabled by the Internet,Expanding markets a

41、nd territories.Developing global marketing partnerships.Providing worldwide customer service.,Barriers to Internet-related marketing activities,In the case of marketing,individuals in each country may react differently to promotions in terms of marketing.,An Internet marketing program that works successfully in one country may not automatically succeed globally.Marketers should learn about the likes&dislikes of the business&consumer populations in each target country as well as understand local languages®ulations.,


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