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1、2011年英语四级考试参考答案作文:1、 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚2、 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题3、 我的建议范文:Online Shopping作者:北京新东方学校李艳华、陈科It would be an amazing wonder decades ago to even think about purchasing our favorite gifts by clicking the mouse and just a few days wating. While, today, just a few glances and you will find that your dr

2、eams have come trueonline shopping has been interageted into our daily lives。No doubt that unprecedented convinence has been brought by online shoppingnot to mention the time and labour saved via the Internet. However, more concerns have been given to the inherent shortcomings that born out of onlin

3、e shopping. The images you see on the Internet may seem completely different from the items which have been just delivered to your hands. Besides, the time saved on browsing in a department stroe may be replaced by the time the goods finally find its way to your house。Faced with such dilemma, what i

4、s our resolutions? First and foremost, relevant laws and regulations must be introduecd to supervise the quality and delivery of online commodity. Furthermore, bodies should be establishe to oversee and eradicate the websties which sell fake goods. Zero-tolerance should become the prevailing discipl

5、ine to preserve consumers rights and benefits。四级听力:11 A) Heis careless about his appearance。12 B) Janemay be caught in a traffic jam。13 A)Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championships。14 D) Hehas been having a hard time。15 D) Thewoman thinks highly of the speaker。16 C) Thewoman should seek help from t

6、he tutoring service。17 C) Jillwore the overcoat last week。18 B) Animaginary situation。19D) A sport he participates in20D) He cant decide whether to include the effortpart of skiing。21A) New ideas come up as you write。22D) Hostess of the weekly “BusinessWorld”。23B) He and his wife did everything by t

7、hemselves。24B) He advertises a lot on radio and in newspaper。25B) The restaurant atmosphere。26C) There are many false notions about it27 C) It can lead to the loss ofvision in children28 D) It can only be partlyaccomplished now29D)They have jobs and other commitments。30 A)They dont want to use up al

8、ltheir life savings。31 C)Be frank and seek help fromothers。32 A) Health and safety conditions inthe workplace33 A) Replace its out-datedequipment34 A) They requested to transfer to asafer department35 C) To protect against the poorworking conditions。复合式听写:Contrary to theold warning that time waits f

9、or no one, time slows down when youare on the move. It also slows down more as you move faster, whichmeans astronauts some day may (36)survive so long in spacethat they would return to an earth of the (37)distant future。If you could move at the speed of light, your time would standstill, if you coul

10、d move faster than light, your time would move(38)backward。Although no form of matter yet (39)discovered, moves asfast as or faster than light, (40)scientific experiments hasalready confirmed that accelerated (41)motion causes atravelers time to be stretched. Albert Einstein(42)predicted this in 190

11、5, when he (43)introducedthe concept of relative time as part of his special theory ofrelativity. A search is now under way to confirm the suspectedexistence of particles of matter (44)that move at a speedgreater than light. And therefore, might serve as our passports tothe past。An obsession with ti

12、me, saving, gaming, wasting, losing andmastering it-(45)seems to have been a part of humanity for aslong as human have existed. Humanity also has been obsessedwith trying to capture the meaning of time. Einstein (46)used adefinition of time for experimental purposes, as that which ismeasured by a cl

13、ock. Thus time and times relativity aremeasurable by any hour glass, alarm clock, or atomic clock that canmeasure a billionth of a second。(欧阳萍王双林)四级阅读:1.Its bad taste2.an inadequate supply of food3.Its people cared more for quantity4.all kinds of overseas visitors5.New ideas and presentations6.maint

14、ain Britis traditional tastes7.They are produced on excellent organic farms8.lacal markets9. in a Britsh way10. share their meals(陈科)选词填空tend negative efficiently associated alert function definitelyyounger continuing different仔细阅读57 Interracial lodging may have diverse outcomes58 Being surrounded b

15、y white peers motivates a black student towork harder to succeed59 Roommates of different races just dont get along60 The school randomly assings roommates without ragard torace61 It is unscientific to make generalizations about it withoutfurther study62 Rates fo death from illnesses have risen due

16、to globalwarming63 It was challenged by some climate and risk experts64 It is invalid in terms of methodology65 Its rough estimates are meant to draw the attention of worldleaders66 How rich countries can better help poor regions reduceclimate hazards四级完形67. B.through待添加的隐藏文字内容168. C.specific69. A.k

17、ey70. B.different71. B.prevent72. A.in73. C.focus74. A.over75. C.rather76. B.consumed77. A.vital78. C.amazed79. B.contain80. B.interact81. C.on82. D.up83. B.Fill84. C.avoid85.D.doubt86. C.impact(卢根+张一鑫)四级翻译87,The university authorities did not approve theregulation,_(也没有解释为什么)88,Jane is tired of dea

18、ling with customer complaints and wishesthat she_(能被分配做另一项工作)89,John rescued the drowning child_(冒着自己生命危险)90. George called his boss from the airport but it_(接电话的却是他的助手)91,Although he was interested in philosophy,_(他的父亲说服他)majoring in law。87.and didnt explain the reasons either88.could be assigned to do another job89.at the risk of his own life90.turned out to be his assistant91.his father talked him into


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